Skibidi toilet 69 (full episode) - TV MAN SWORE AGAIN?!

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whoa since when can he do that who since when can they again why does this guy have such a potty mouth what is wrong with you dudes give me any toilets should have potty mouth not you he says hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to think reacts where today I'm reacting to skibby toilet 69 a full episode now it's because I missed part two because I was away for Christmas and New Year but I'm back and this full episode dropped well late last night and I actually haven't reacted to a full episode before uh and usually there are little differences between like the part one part two and the full episode so we get to watch all of the footage uh although I won't be able to compare it to what was in part two because I haven't watched it yet so uh I guess we'll have to watch part one first and I I don't don't know if I'll remember any changes that might be in it but I'll try and we'll just get context real quick as usual oh wait I forgot to like it hold on hold on hold on sorry buddy there you go that was almost a [Music] disaster yep stab Wolverine claws kick them yep and then you shove it in his face and then he dies yep okay now this all looks about the same to me yep all right I remember all this oh yeah I I remember that let's not talk about that anymore okay where where be Michael Jackson I wonder if there's like a celebrity in part two okay he's using his little key card there what's up up dude okay yep this all looks ex this nothing has changed I thought there were like always like slight details or little scenes that are added but I don't detect anything and maybe I just don't remember that well but this is like yeah and yep and then we plunges yep come on plunge it there it is yeah this is exactly the same I thought he was the Terminator okay here he [Music] goes oh yeah yeah he come you come yeah come on where is he break through the wall dude okay yeah that g Manish guy yeah there he is come on I didn't hear him oh oh okay he doesn't do it until after he kills these guys there he is is yep yep okay the blast doors don't do it don't do it save the last two cameramen no wait just wait ah too late bam save the world dude GG punch him punch him Bam Bam mhm so maybe it's like the the the difference is in between the scenes so this is where the last one ended right walking down this hallway got the back rooms at the end of the hall mhm that look so sad man all right and we open a new door what about that way no oh okay this is new okay okay that's Gman so that's what's there oh it's opening G whoa whoa oh okay we're going to have to analyze backwards talking there okay we're back to the Titans outside so we were actually watching all of that through the plunger man out here and this there's like so many povs wa since when can he do that wa since when can they what is he giving him his power to heal more backward yo all right let's go me uhuh not you where are they going they're leaving him behind poor speaker man oh no he's going with or no he went a different he actually wait where did Cinema man though wa that what is that weapon oh thanks I'll take that the jetpack like I got some oh there's Cinema man I've never seen the back of him like that with the with like the Doc O speakers or TVs whoa that's it at end oh they're going in and I didn't you know what we should hold on we should I didn't read the description usually there's something about uh in INF INF infiltration Squad is moving toward Sky scientist while outside Alliance reinforcements arrive no more retreating okay we got to go back to about here right yeah yeah right here uh when we go into this like tablet here right so he he says hey what about here why don't we go there he brings us out he's like dude we are not going here because this I think I thought I saw his eyebrows go up it looks like Gman with sunglasses on right is it yeah yeah you can see his eyebrows go up there that's a Gman expression if I've ever seen one and he's talking to these like Factory workers that we saw with uh with Walt and Jesse a few episodes ago well I 68 oh yeah we didn't see any celebrities in this one I'm kind of let down but he's telling them to I don't know attack us he's rallying the troops and he is inside this base now the description says that they're moving toward the scientist skib Gman is not scientist uh but maybe they're both in the base because we know he's in the base because as this continues and he's just singing the skibby song so he's not really giving anything away but look you can hear it get louder the the the the song that you heard in that speaker on the tablet uh starts to get louder uh and keeping the same like tune right which means he's coming now the thing is too hold on how do we have this feed is this like a hidden cameraman or did like who stashed this how did we get access to this where did he get this tablet okay anyway so then he starts to come but then we zoom out and what I thought was going to happen here we're going to see secret agent again we zoom out to this like old upside down TV man um and he says I I don't know something we'll figure it out we'll go we'll go look at that in a minute uh he's smashing things and yeah his speakers come back to speaker man his like jetpack comes back to cameraman now when he gives him this power does part of his arm grow back or so what did that actually do for him like did he give him some power I mean it didn't seem to like cause any like regeneration or healing uh which I guess he's incapable of I guess we kind of knew that like when we when we lost the arm the first time and then added the uh the buzz saw and then lost it again you have to add something to it so I guess he gave him some of his power then they go all right dude cool let's do this then speaker man asks can I come I think and they say no you can't come but we don't know what they actually say we'll figure this out we'll go we'll go look at the uh the backwards speaking stuff uh so he goes off one way and Titan Cinema man uh stays here and I don't know why they would leave why where are the where did the two of them go it looks like I mean we know it even says they're looking to well the infiltration team that's already in there is near getting nearer to the scientist and the rest of them are like we're ready dude R POV just just put on the shield and also the headphones so it can't be corrupted walking slowly toward the base and I don't even know why that opens what was in there it's so quick dude like who opened that how did it get opened oh we can't see it's too dark oh something happens here there's there's a there's a couple of cameramen right at the door but something lights up like right there looks like it gets shorted out there's no one there so maybe we've done this as the infiltration team we've done it from the inside uh and and shorted out the doorway and then they just start firing how do they know I mean maybe we're in communication with the infiltration team they know that anything in here that moves is a skib but that's kind of dangerous you can't I mean the doors barely open and they're already shooting lasers okay I don't know which scenes that were added that if there were any at all but I do know that there were like at least three or four different B backwards speaking things all right here we go and we uh okay okay right there he's like H can I go and then they say not now not now maybe in the future don't know no retreat you know a lot of times when they are reversed uh it's almost like two loud and you can't quite hear what he's saying but it seems like dfb has uh perfected the reverse it is really intelligible that is so obvious it says no retreat no retreat okay and then uh did he not he says one more thing I think and then that upside down TV guy oo I don't know about that one stand what is he stand still yeah so he says stand still and that's when he gives the power to Titan cameraman see this is what I'm saying it's so much easier to understand that you know he heals him or whatever and then oh yeah and that the uh the upside down TV guys right here right again WR away no he did are you why does this guy have such a potty mouth you he says something finally what is wrong with you dude skimy toilets should have potty mouths not you bro every time this guy speaks he swears is there anything else I don't I don't I don't think there's any more Titan stuff so we won't have any reverse speaking Yeah we didn't have any reverse speaking in in uh part one but that guy is wow anyway let's recap Titan speaker man uh and Titan cameraman have gone off somewhere don't know where Titan Cinema man along with the rest of the army that is outside of the base outside of the lab are now entering the lab along with the really small at this point uh infiltration team with plunger man uh dark speaker man and just a few others and according to the description they're heading toward the evil scientist and I would say with Gman on their tail and there's no retreat there's no getting out of this there is going to be a battle where no one can escape until well one side or the other wins and maybe maybe we will actually see the end of evil scientist or Gman because apparently they are both still alive but I guess we'll have to find out in skimy 70 because this one is over you guys enjoyed my reaction make sure to like the video and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 254,397
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Id: 0hJxTCORhSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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