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we have to have the most successful restaurant on the street in one week this is our restaurant how are they gonna rebuild the restaurant are you ready to restaurant harder than anyone's ever restauranted before that's not a verb yes [Music] what are you doing oh we need five more minutes [Music] hey stop that he sabotage in the restaurant food fight yeah hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back reacts where today we're reacting to another Shiloh and Bros video If restaurant Tycoon games were in real life now uh the last one they made on doors was full of slabs now I had definitely wanted to be two in a row and I'm gonna save my life because I can't trust that they're actually Gonna Keep slaps in the video and then if they don't they're getting an email at the end if they do I'm gonna give it a like so let's check out restaurant Tycoon games in real life where did they film this we have to have the the most successful restaurant on the street okay in one week great I've always wanted to run oh wait I'm thinking more tables over there and an ice cream parlor over there and like what that's in our restaurant what are you talking about what what do you mean this is our restaurant oh how are they gonna rebuild the restaurant behind the ugly garbage Shack Tara called me it's about her dad my father used to be co-owner of the best restaurants in town right but someone stole it from him wait Harris dad has become extremely sick and can't work so I'm gonna pause this a few times and if that gets annoying go check out the original I will put the link in the description and in the pinned comment uh and actually even if you do watch my entire reaction go to their video and make sure to like it and let them know how much you love their videos because I love their videos and I want them to continue making them you can say I sent you uh anyway how did someone steal a restaurant it's not like you can put in your pocket or your car trunk or or the flatbed of your pickup truck try to figure out how someone stole the restaurant but the letters gave him one week to have the most successful restaurant on the street what happens if we don't wait this is a forever okay oh terrible though yeah having a restaurant meant everything to my dad I have to take care of him okay get the uniform on oh you're gonna make them do it are you ready to restaurant harder than anyone's ever restauranted before that's not a verb okay I have a lot but I spent it all in this place so now we only have 30. a thousand dollars thirty dollars I was hoping you were gonna say 30 million wait a second in the kitchen they got no whatever that means whatever that means all right who can go I know how to make cereal great okay orange juice wait no that doesn't sound right no not Judah Josiah I actually know how to make cereal you're hired that makes you second best Micah you're back up in case we explode I don't know how to cook at all not even cereal it's like your backup oh yeah dude this is just like a tycoon like a chair table Yeah we blindfold them so that when they walk in they think we look amazing no yeah no yeah your job is to get us more customers okay okay I'm gonna need a lot of money for Butlers to launch fireworks we have no money that makes it harder all right menu Scott Shiloh okay you check in on the other departments wait a second we can't have customers without like I told you it's the best restaurant in town customers okay [Applause] Audrey what right this way would you like to have a look at our menus sure what do you recommend ous what is on our menu cereal why are there only three things on our menu drink water turkey sandwich I recommend a period bread with crushed peanuts smooth buttery finish whoa you're just describing a peanut butter and jelly yeah but it's a peanut butter and jelly yeah I'll take the turkey sandwich okay chicken nuggets coming right up wow they didn't you too stop talking okay okay that's not how you make chicken nuggets what are you doing are you just wasting the food done nuggets are gone oh a little bit wow that's some good CGI unless he almost caught on fire for real no here you go wait oh you mean bon appetit that's what I said what did he actually say did you say bun on the feet bun Oh you mean bon appetit that's what I said no I think he said bun on the feet oh oh my God we got our first customer [Applause] you oh geez the food was somewhat edible 1.5 Stars I guess it's better than one star how we can turn this into the best restaurant in one week we started getting this place full of customers okay we're gonna need more tables and chairs yeah but how can you afford them okay yeah we only have enough money for a table and two chairs we now serve five customers okay this is just looking in the competition his name is Ricky Flair he's the best on the street we have any chance to succeed we have to be better than him so that's like an actual Tycoon right like when you first start and you're just like you get in the very beginning going and then you look over that way and the guy that's coming with like a machine gun to shoot you oh wait I wonder if the owner guy is Gonna Come and shoot them and keep coming through the laser door anyway yeah he comes to shoot you and he's got this like three story monstrosity yeah this is this is the is real life you have any chance to succeed we have to be better than him what's his rating 4.8 Stars three stars you know how hard that is to get a drastically five stars yeah how good can he actually be enjoy your golden New York Flair good one Mr Flair oh we're doomed a well I decided we need a flashy new name okay Tara's restaurant and we will be serving bowls terrible restaurant terrible terrible terrible restaurants terrible restaurant terrible restaurant one more time terrible oh I heard it get it back hi welcome oh they got both do you got serve food here yeah I do eat what food yeah or a restaurant yeah but do you serve food what we have a lot to do recipes garlic bread we're heavy okay it's already in the oven burn everything five more minutes have a nice day don't tell me what to do whoa what is wrong with these people yeah seriously is it gonna be like the sugar milkshake sugar free sugar the sugar milkshake sugar free slap I forgot about the garlic bread I forgot about the butter spill wow guys it looks really good hey Elijah something looks weird about our new recipe Caesar salad really what I'm gonna pick this why do you burn everything okay don't be a chicken eat here what but you're a chicken it's called marketing Shiloh look it up [Applause] we need more help in the kitchen any more health yep wait now okay fine guys we've served enough customers and I already took out our expenses next level we made this money bro that wait is that Monopoly we can hire employees and get new uniforms [Music] wait oh so this is the competition I heard about slap him actually scratch the competition part slap him water hahaha what nobody takes it more seriously than us yeah yeah no one anyway uh would you guys like to try this golden souffle I mean it's freaking beautiful you know you're awfully young to have such a successful restaurant how'd you do it my good looks out wait 2.5 Stars this souffle might be worth more than you guys five stars you guys are up whoa whoa whoa look at it my waiter asked stupid that one was me nah and sugar-free oops that was also my guy what my food tasted like it had been set on fire true that also could have been like him even in the kitchen we have to beat Ricky Flair that means we have to upgrade [Music] [Applause] [Music] Zoe Daniel you're in the kitchen all right let's get to work that looks like her doors dressed doesn't it who are you go let's get to work I'm waiting no no like a waiter come on stop him get him just wait hold on a second I just need to hold on okay we're one third of the way through the video and I haven't seen a single slap okay we should have enough money to expand yes uh what does that means fireworks no but that's super cool Zoey what'd you put in this just like the recipe said oh no no it said eight teaspoons pinches pinches I wondered why maybe you want to throw up dude still cotton candy it should have said yes please oh that was good wait I gotta see that again that is good they've upgraded the slabs to tackles I mean they hit him hard like Terry Crews and your number I'll take your order today amazing all right I'll take it nice job of dishes whoa okay [Music] wow it's getting full you may know me famous chef Ricky Flair rated 4.8 Stars by the famous critic Lois for now wow I know I love me too water okay spit take second one what are you doing here to unveil my newest special golden blueberries golden they shouldn't even be called blueberries anymore I will see all of you at my restaurant wait wait uh beside the fate of restaurants on the street she gives you good stores you make it big bad SARS your restaurant goes under she could be the key to our victory or are destroyed gave away the secret to success oh yeah also yeah [Music] bullies they've got it all under control I don't think so this is like when I play cooking simulator oh yeah we are gonna be the best kitchen oh geez yep that's cooking simulator I burned the whole thing down all right gather up everyone this isn't working we've been trying to work too separately and not as a team and the customers are suffering for it yes chef no seriously someone complained about their milkshake station like chicken nuggets and I don't even know how that's possible yeah yeah you know what we're missing and all those cooking shows they always have a head chef telling all the different Cooks what they do yeah yeah that's right yeah they do don't they I know you want to do everything but but what if you switch to being head chef and leading this team yeah are you guys ready to be a proper Kitchen yes chef yes hey a customer just supposed to always say chef I wanna we know does everyone know their stations yes we cook with our hearts hmm do we still use our hands yes use your hands your heart uses your hands to cook the food which is then like Let It Go yes [Applause] yes Hey where's the bathroom one hot dog hold the relish two big boys one stuffed volcano one sideways sandwich hold the greens got it that was not what Elijah but the customer said they wanted extra large since we've doubled their productivity we can also double our food's eyes that is disgusting sexual Arts french fries already [Music] knocking this restaurant 4.8 I'll tell you all right ready [Music] dude how do they look at how many customers why Michelle we have alone buy more all the tables are full I more it's a tycoon floor two let's go we have a popular restaurant uh-huh we have a popular rest okay what's wrong we have bad news what oh she's coming okay to prepare our rating is at a 3.9 but a bad review from this critic will sink our restaurant what happened oh that's the guy that just got the new guy do you work here you can go home oh no no no I am way too invested now we have one day Michael and the waiters the kids afford another customer complaint Elijah and the cooks prepare critic level food and me I'll sell cat and candy that is not a priority no I'm pretty sure it is there's two men she's like the good manager oh oh look that's the place that that's the restaurant they actually use Elliston play soda shop okay [Music] okay fish eggs and truffles what duck filling plum sauce what black garlic and broccoli oh okay I'll take that they just mix together the worst things they could find wait garlic they did garlic and broccoli sounds good tacos so much that we're out of taco shells tell them we're out I can't do that we'll get customer completes you can do I got it I'll just convince him to not order the taco okay hi what can I get started for you I love the tacos please sirloin steak with a side of asparagus good job what about for you do you have any Mexican food yeah yes we have a delicious load of nachos to the side of carne asada I highly recommend oh that's interesting yeah I'll take the tacos oh yeah good job you know what to do add more pepper someone know how you work here that's delicious gold did you have fans of butter spill there's taco shells right there did you mix it too much no she just likes to add exactly three millimeter slices and for exactly five and three quarters of a second fighting three quarters of a second what two three but okay it looks the same why does it look burned what it says we left it in too long no I will pay you twenty dollars to not order the tacos but I really want the tacos so these are the people that came in the very beginning the first two customers isn't it that ordered like the turkey sandwich and the chicken nuggets they're back for more and we hope to see you again soon actually I would love to buy some of that cotton candy I've been hearing all about cotton candy what ah you guys are adorable it's super successful hahahaha our pizza is literally so good just order the pizza out of the taco ah he's terrible yeah I can't take it anymore I've been trying to be a good waiter but we're all on a taco shells and that's a big problem items or pizza and Tacos go ahead and complain to me right in my face why not combine them what what now yeah I've never had pizza tacos before and your restaurant could really do it well you guys would order that totally absolutely a pizza Taco what else does this restaurant need what's a pizza Taco oh my goodness does he know what he's doing he's got the tweezers the must all like fancy restaurants have those little twists are you doing surgery bro what is it okay okay everyone stop it's truly beautiful where did the accent come from [Music] your spaghetti burger and your Fruity Pebble Oreos up to 4.2 Stars fruit I don't know chocolate maybe today's a big day everyone the critic is coming full restaurant and we will serve her our best meal what is all that what is this is that supposed to be broccoli why is it that color that is not the color of real like broccoli and what is this blue stuff on top of like the little Waffle shell there you need a drink that look like a very healthy restaurant oh I really didn't want to get my hands dirty but but uh what's he doing mashed potatoes wash off hey stop that he's sabotaged at the restaurant I just hired Butlers with fireworks I've made sacrifices oh yeah oh yeah two what what is Dad yep yep he was holding me back he's the reason your restaurant was made possible yep I don't start food fights oh what is that Play-Doh I'll finish them yellow mashed potatoes wait what ew yeah wait yeah food fight food fight food fight yeah all right this is the win do you know how much fun this bus has been to film [Music] do you know how much how much of a pain this must have been to clean this up like fun to do but really really bad to clean up afterwards oh he got dead with the noodles that is a mess look at all the noodles they're wasting oh Diet Coke Mentos [Music] [Applause] um um how y'all gonna clean this yep you're the critic oh we are in trouble yeah you left what'd she have my water just comes in one hour I don't have enough time to get the kitchens ready or be ready for customers I'll clean it what how you could all focus on your roles and I can't mess we can still be on time for the critic dude you understand I'll be able to check in on us or oversee what we're doing I trust my teeth yeah good manager right there we are not we're not breaking kneecaps what days can we serve the critic I'm digging the caviar it's our most prestigious recipe no way I know it's a server Pizza Taco are you sure me and the customers know what we're doing you know they want to do the fancy dish and then he did he did the Ratatouille oh fancy what is that open I'll finish this room oh wow you should clean that up in a hurry will you be ordering sir um a third spit tank I'll be watching the live entertainment and wishing you the best of luck because I just got another 4.8 Stars 29 what do you think oh here she comes okay start for you today Miss for now thank you my expectations are high I look forward to seeing what you've prepared for me oh so she doesn't even order why did he give her a menu bring that beef to his Sizzle yeah no Miss Nelson I've heard you plan on handing this restaurant over to Tara Garcia and her father I was a big fan of his restaurant before he quit the cooking scene if your establishment is so successful may I ask why hand it over oh well miss for now as I see it restaurants are about a team s don't leave people behind we'll see about that he's got sunglasses let's see this dish dude I think it's just my beer Masterpiece let's see this is a good idea oh yeah oh yeah it's Pizza tacos for sure what it let's see let's see I know it is Pizza Sago I called it are those oh yeah Pizza tacos yes ma'am I mean it's not even gold all right then I mean to be honest like I don't know about you guys but like when we eat pizza in New York the slides are so big then we take like two bites and then it's like the piece is so big that you folded an app anyway and make a pizza Taco it's gonna be amazing like I've been eating pizza tacos for years huh 4.9 4.9 she has her verdict come on beat him beat him beat him my rating is complete okay the pizza Taco is not like something I have ever been served okay it was one of the most delightful dishes I have ever tasted for your atmosphere presentation service cooking ability and food Choice yes I would give you a rating of a 4.6 Stars 4.6 but but why the cotton candy was delicious and the Cat theme was just brilliant marketing I got candy no way for that I would give you a rating of 4.8 Stars same but but seeing you all run this restaurant with love which so many people have forgotten I give you five stars I didn't even expect that oh they won well Mr Garcia the restaurant is all yours there you go most successful one on the street thank you guys so much Mr Garcia Mr Garcia can we please come work for you again Ricky keeps coating everything in gold and we're running money I think we can make it [Music] oh look at them all eating what's he doing after credits scene I don't know he doesn't have any appointments he'll be fine Mom's restaurant ah there it is so I guess this is what happened if a tycoon game was in real life and there's a lot of elements from tycoons that we see in Roblox in this video and and like I said uh tackles there were no slaps but tackles in my opinion that tackle was an upgraded slap no email is warranted today you guys enjoyed my reaction make sure to like my video go check out the original as well and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course noodle line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 2,037,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TSxeTOpnDuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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