I EVOLVED A Tribe of AVOCADO PEOPLE And This Happened in SPORE

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to the beautiful galaxy of spore today's another day for bad ideas and well i put out a community polls your bad ideas are my bad ideas i said civilizations rise and fall but spore creations are forever we're gonna make a new race today and 25 000 of you voted in this poll to make the avocado people yeah just people that look like avocados now personally i was leaning towards the spork people because who wouldn't like a creature that look like this to conquer all civilizations i mean that's about as best as i could do for a spork it kind of looks i mean it looks a little bit like a spork i mean i could give it like weird different kind of hair and make it a true abomination of all things good in life but no you guys said you wanted me to play with avocado people so i guess that's what we're gonna do although if you want to see something similar to this let me know down below in the comments but what you guys wanted to see was the avocado people so we're gonna make herbivores because that makes sense and i feel like avocado pods is a better name than avocadians because that that just doesn't roll off the tongue very well ah yes the beautiful sun shooting off space goop into the primordial soup of amazingness and tada we crashed into a beautiful little planet that probably already has life on it but that's fine we're gonna mutate more so we have been born and i look absolutely nothing like an avocado what kind of a monstrosity is this quick let's eat a bunch of green stuff so i can find a mate and show her how cool my avocado skills are oh hey girl look at my egg that's what that's how avocado pods they spawn oh nice first things we have to do is turn them green and give us some sort of nasty lumpy skin nah not that one that looks pretty good not gonna lie and we'll get rid of these dumb little eyes slap one on because avocados don't have real eyes it will adjust the shape so it looks perfectly like an avocado with a tail ob hatched young avocado that actually looks pretty good not gonna lie i'm excited about that avocado pods for life thankfully we can find some gigantic amount of food particles here and grow even stronger larger bigger and fatter give me that sweet delicious algae for days oh yes grow avocado man little do you know that i have spiky boys on my butt ha ha try to eat that again daria speaking of spiky boys i needed more in my life mainly so i can eat things in peace without things trying to attack my rear side oh that guy's mouth looks tasty i need it come on i need to spike him i need to spike him i want that in my life spike him just spike him no no no spike him can i spike that one why can't i spike anything what is this why is it vibrating furiously oh now i got spit poison so us avocado pods do what we do best we find big bully people and we stab them with our butt and we stab him again oh he's actually kind of a mean one he's got that siphon face that i really really want oh no he's siphoning up my life juice don't do that again that's illegal he also kind of looks like an avocado i want to duplicate his style quick everyone attack the big green mean thing i feel like i have to evolve once again to get all sorts of fun stuff electrocution i want the jet we'll remove these things because they're pointless now and put on a gigantic nose spikes that'll be perfect now all i need to do is find my siphon friend there he is hey bud get dad please i really just want your parts come here that's what avocado people do get away from me make a mouth oh no there's another one oh you think you can get away i may be an herbivore but i do like stabbing other things so i can steal their other parts and now i use that to eat this last little bit and i can evolve once again now i'll just remove that and probably my pokey thing and add on a proboscis because that's the way that i feel avocados eat by drinking the life force of other creatures and more ice because why not thankfully good things are happening to our avocado real good things oh yes drink that life juice how does it taste it makes your brain go so big and squishy inside congratulations you're on the path to sentience does that mean i can grow legs because i really want to grow legs oh yes it is time for legs oh that's amazing look i'm gonna have a leg do i want legs i don't want legs can i just choose not to have legs avocados don't have legs ooh i'm swimming up so eventually our little avocado person swam to the top of the ocean and he saw wonderful things he saw land to clamber onto and he sings the song of his people look at him go it's adorable now we have a whole new world to conquer look at how weird they are oh they definitely look like i don't even know oh that's creepy i just mean to eat my fruit with the mouth thing i haven't touched my face where's the fruit at oh there it is okay it's like we're we're just sucking it up with a straw i'll take it though that's amazing we need to get rid of all of our defensive spikes though and probably that weird thing at our end because we don't swim anymore hello other weird thing will you be my friend i will give you the song of my people let us sing and be friends my dude let us sing look he's excited i forgot what i do oh oh there we go we're friends and stuff i like his eyes popping up we must do that hey look the croaks are my friends now i think that's the crocus i have friends now i have to locate my mate oh yes sing me that beautiful noise where is it where's my mate at i bet it's down here in my village i see hearts oh girl how you is look at that moves we're gonna evolve now get on that nest and we dropped our nut because that's that's how avocados like there's a nut inside of them if you didn't know that yeah and then you grow from that all right time for a little evolution so after that successful mating season i have created a creature beyond all avocado people could imagine look at the nut hanging out of the middle it's hideous i love it i must show the beautiful minor girl my sweet skills oh yes do you like that i will sing to you my singing skills are unparalleled he is my friend now we will be friends hello i would like to charm you oh you want to sing to me that's fine i have my singing skills avocados being a superfood made my brain grow yet again so quick question if avocados are plants and i eat another plant does that make me a cannibal i don't know how this works but i'm pretty sure he eats with his eyeball so that's kind of strange this thing looks terrifying so i'll just steal its dead skeleton remains by its house and then i'm going to sing songs to it because that's what i can do like hello would you like to sing and then he's like yes i love singing and then we're friends that's how to make friends in real life just walk up to somebody on a sidewalk and sing a song to them and like hey we have a restraining order remember go a little avocado look at that booty jiggle though he's running oh that's a cool looking mouth i don't really want that though because i don't think it fits on an avocado give me this although it has sing three so that's kind of cool a friendly avocado pod has traveled a long distance from home and found this wonderful creature of frog people called mustachioes i feel like that's from a different game so i'm going to sing songs to him and we will be best friends forever hello look at my friendship oh i believe they have dancing skills i will use my charm upon them see how that looks ah i don't have legs so i can't actually dance but i can sing with the best of them they're not going to be my friends because they have dancing skills maybe i'll just steal their legs and then it'll be easier to dance so i've traveled a long way from home and found this terrifying squidward-like creature we will be friends though because i can sing songs to him beautiful songs have been sung and i got a lard bark out of them he just danced high in the sky these are weird man i feel like i created these accidentally in some fever dream i meant krusty krab not squidward i don't want that one i want the little one they're easier to impress hello small creature of krusty krabland look at those eyes though oh no no no no no no no no i wanted to dance to him look at those eyes though look at how weird it is i think he's dancing to me i will dance to him actually i'll show him my charming skills oh yes we're the best friends i'm now allies with the krusty krab so the avocado people had a successful adventure making allies but we realized we didn't have good enough singing songs so we're gonna get a duck bill because that sounds really dumb and i like that idea also i need sweet dancing skills so i need to have the right feet i also think having two legs should be illegal so he needs one but it has to be back further so this doesn't make any sense we'll just make him a tall boy so i can move that leg together and back a little bit and together that's terrifying i love it what is going on with evolution today i do not understand this game somehow i found a way to get a whole bunch of different points no idea what's going on right now but i'm cheating somehow promise you this is not what it looks like trying to make its legs work look at him go [Laughter] evolution has not been good to the avocado pods what are you doing hey look at him go this is amazing we did it we made it to a new home look at all my avocado pods bow down and worship me avocado man and then we're just gonna stop on the ground to make it like the perfect nest our nest is best you've claimed this next future generations blah blah blah give me those dead people's bodies yay i found something cool just kidding it's a snap gator i don't really care but it did give me level four sing so i'm gonna mate and get that who is the chosen one who gets to mate with me oh you are quick let's share our genetic structure and make the avocados grow stronger hey it's the withers that i created except their heads didn't come through because i uninstalled the mod because it was crashing my game but they're almost more hideous now evidently a big hungry boy has decided he likes the avocado people he's grabbed one of my friends and he's squishing them i don't really like that please don't eat him please don't eat him buddy i don't know what else to do oh no my friend oh he just threw them quick let's run away let let the big mean guy eat the other avocados or the non-avocados we're just gonna run and go collect this part ah beautiful new whatever that is just what i always wanted the aliens even heard how much they like avocados and came to hijack us is that what aliens do no no no no no no no they just wanted a little tasty piece of avocado toast that's what they wanted much like this guy he wants some avocado toast i will sing him a song of my people unfortunately dancing skills are not my highest and now he's running away because that airplane's back oh balls please do not please do not kidnap me abduct that's what they do i'm gonna steal this quick oh they just stole one of my new friends goodbye airplane so after making peace with literally every single other animal creature racing whatever they are on this planet we decided to bite up somebody because they wanted to eat us i mean who wouldn't with a face like that now our brain grew even bigger and now my friends the avocado pods have picked up a stick we look at the stick with our gigantic nut eye beat it against the ground and declare that we are now like sentient or something or just keep beating the ground because that's what how your brain grows and stuff knowledge is power night time galaxies big fancy words that i don't even know how to say anymore and look how strong we are stick is in the air and it's gonna land and create fire or something i'm not sure i don't remember it's gonna knock them out yep yeah knock them out gotta love good old classic maxis games but now we shall make fire and become the tribe of avocado people avocado pods avocado wins whatever they're called what are they called oh wow we just got a magic stick well my friends look at our weird avocado people dancing with rain and we have a rainbow over our place yay we have the best village ever anyway guys that'll wrap it up for today's video of spore hope you enjoyed the adventure of the avocado pods if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarlane deacon paul longstone and route and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 53,609
Rating: 4.9674902 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, bilts, blits, blitz plays, blitz plays spore, blitz spore, spore gameplay, spore ep 1, spore blitz, spore fruit, spore alien, spore creations, alien game, alien simulator, spore evolution, spore evolution game, creature creator, evolution, spore, spore funny gameplay, spore funny, biltz
Id: JbbiRtNLG0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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