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hey guys how's it going welcome back to another stream where today I had nothing planned but I've wanted to do this for a while I wanted to jump back into the escapists too so that I could go ahead and try out the new custom prisons in the game because we've completed all of the prisons they're included in the game also prisons that aren't included that are downloaded through DLC we've done those as well so we're pretty well-versed in this game but now you can download prisons you can also create prisons upload prisons online as well so I wanted to jump into some of the hardest ones today and see if we could actually escape any I have no idea if we will be able to but I'm gonna give it a good go hey guys I can see you're bouncing in how's it going let's flick over to the escapists - lets open it up this get the music coming in and let's do this so um if you go over to here it says custom prisons you go onto the Steam Workshop if you do that it will just allow you to browse everything are there's tons and tons of Prisons on here which are pretty cool there's only a few that are really really good I guess but today we are starting off with subscribe I've got to I've got Alcatraz and I've also got the shangkun state pen now this one I think was a competition prison I'm not too sure but Alcatraz I think this is the one we should try straight away I'm have fun in this prison took five hours it's called Alcatraz because I've got the idea from the island Alcatraz in San Francisco now what is cool is I've actually been to Alcatraz not because I was locked up or anything crazy like that but because it's a it's like a tourist attraction now and I went to San Francisco not so long ago so let's do this let's hit empty got a load of cool little prisoners and guards over here let's start the game and let's see what happens I have no idea what's gonna happen but I really wanted to try out some of these prisons today I don't know how many we're gonna be able to try out today maybe just the one I don't even know if we're gonna be able to escape but they're apparently really really difficult I wonder if we can escape in a boat or whether we can escape in something else be pretty cool but take my picture buddy and let's get in here okay let's take a look at the map it's not gonna be a massive prison just because it's Alcatraz it's it's not gonna be a big one there's two floors there's a roof there's a vent awesome question is are there any payphones let's actually see what we've got in our desk first we want flour paint broom handle and rope which is contraband apparently and let's head straight into here now if there's no payphone which I don't think there will be there might be some problems up in here but first let's grab ourselves some of this some of these what's it called the favors and let's start earning us some money a beautiful painting he wants Wow a candle of course a razor blades yes of course look at this we've got like deck chairs that we can just chill out on I like this I like this a lot we've got a sign that is getting in our way is this oh look the gods stay with us this is a guard door that's pretty cool what else have we got I'm just gonna do a little bit of exploring looks like he's he's doing something what are you doing Jegs you're okay buddy actually I might need to move my a facecam real quick so let me just do that I usually put it down the bottom so let me just move that real quick move this all the way down er otherwise talking about to see the map which would suck for you guys there we go much better much much better that should allow you to see the map because it's pretty cool that you can see that as well right I like this number plate number plate that I'd be interesting we need a number plate we need a brazier blade I also need to learn this prison there's loads of like cop doors which is quite cool we should probably get studying as well just to get our um just to get our intelligence up apart from that this is gonna be a standard Prison Break I think that bounds in that's hilarious that's so funny haha oh man this is actually a really tiny prison apart from going up and down the stairs there's a random barbeque here as well I like I like yeah this is gonna be a standard prison break I think so we should probably get ourselves just as much as we can in intelligence and materials because we're gonna need to either dig screwdriver or pickaxe our way out of here I think the wall is gonna be the best way to get out of here but of course we're gonna have to do it without getting caught which is even harder of course and we're an Alcatraz smaller prison doesn't mean it's easier to find things but also means that is gonna be easier for them to find out the way we're chopping down the walls and stuff how are you guys doing I've wanted to do an escapist stream for so so long just because it's got to be the perfect game to stream right just because you've got um oh no he's tired at least we're close to the showers and then I need to raid wait where are showers I thought the showers are up here are they upstairs let's have a look see where the showers that we could probably just look on here they are going to be um yeah they're upstairs okay this isn't gonna be too bad I don't think a guards outfit would be sweet oh look there's the CCTV cameras everywhere as well another guards door there how on earth do I get in these showers guys this is crazy but yeah um this is the perfect perfect game to livestream just it takes so long sometimes some of the times that I records the escapists I can record for like an hour or two especially on the later prisons trying to get an escape in one video it's pretty intense yeah that's why I'm in prison because of the dab the other day huh is that why right I'm actually gonna quickly do this so these are back now this was broken earlier so I didn't have it on but I've put it back oh my goodness oh geez II just started beating him up for no reason come back here he's got a comb I could take the comb I'm gonna take the comb you didn't see anything with Dermot you saw nothing at all am I gonna get in trouble if I go in here because of the security cameras I don't think I am I think I'm gonna be okay I'll do he's got chocolate he's got nails he's got a box beautiful didn't need the box but that's fine I've also seen a lot of you guys getting the escapists for Christmas because it is on it's on PC it's also on PlayStation in that as well so if you guys skate this for Christmas hopefully I about to give you some tips and stuff at the same time it is job time I have no job which is fantastic I need to find where is my where's my cell my cell is up here I just need to hide some of this stuff all right let's get rid our screwdriver file chocolate can go in there whose lighter is this it's somebody's dudes sock in my outfits painting candle spy the candle isn't it yeah all right let's go into job period first just because we need to otherwise we'll get in trouble what time is it in England it's 10 minutes to 4:00 p.m. so probably very different so most of you guys unless of course you live in the UK who knows right job time done I never understand why we have to do that I guess so that we're in one place at one time let's raid some more things we've got some some errands to do we got bongos we've got a string I don't think I need any of that stuff either who wanted the bongos I keep pausing it by accident uh you where's dabs what a name we're just talking about that the dab that got me into prison again every single time he just crossed me dabs I've got this for you buddy enjoy yourself we need the candor let's go here oh I got the piece of string perfect I just need the wax now awesome this is a cool little prison I like it I like how its compact but it's also pretty um another file at CARFAX I need to craft the candle jeez okay let's do this this and this Kratz boom baboom where's the person who needs what yeah as I was saying this is a cool little prison Alcatraz it looks like we don't have any contraband detectors as well which is fantastic if we had contraband stunts elapids IAM grad contrabands - no no no I wanted your chocolate buddy but wanted your chocolate we had contraband sectors we would be in trouble it makes it so much harder it's a lunchtime let's go munch you munch I need to do as many of these as possible just to buy as much stuff as possible I just want to check that there's no payphones in here I can't remember what they look like but because this is a this is a fan-made prison I don't think there's going to be solid trees up here the job rooms over here they've got kennels as well interesting nope none at all right these guys are fighting a good tip as well if there's fighting is to just oh my goodness is a three-way fight is to ransack their body it's just because you could grab something pretty interesting that's just paper though so that's not gonna be that that's not gonna be that useful is it no steps steps no I want your know I wanted you whoever's on the floor nah I was trying to get whoever was on the floor and they weren't having it you're on the floor as well jeez washboard and a hankerchief I don't think so right we need to find Jude sock which is a little bit random also by doing the collection the collection missions another job time geez they are running us ragged already yeah by doing the the searching missions you get to search everyone's desk while completing some stuff for money which is quite goods I need to I feel like I need to go around the perimeter as well I'm a little bit worried that they're gonna release the dogs on me look at this thing oh no no no no I'm not I'm not doing anything I just need a sock and a mug and a magazine that's all I needed can you excuse me please I need to get to dad's desk suppose my summons get out of here perfect you didn't see me she actually didn't see me that's crazy Oh duct tape I knew that was a reason I checked this I'm gonna put the comb back I'm gonna grab this there's a trowel as well sorry the brush is gonna have to go this is some crazy good stuff actually for digging holes as well not so shabby Oh what's this you can go upstairs onto the roof but it's blocked how do you escape from the roof is there a way to do it let me know in the chat guys if there is a way to escape from the roof like if you can craft something to kind of abseil down that would be pretty cool because I've never done a roof escape before I know you can but I don't know if we're gonna be able to because there's fences and stuff you know what I mean we've got too much strong because we have got a rope can i craft what is the file and duct tape that's lightweight cutters isn't it I think I need more intelligence is there a way we can get out of here there's yeah actually how do we get out of here because there's just water I'm not sure how we have to escape this if there's water everywhere we can't craft boats and stuff but there must be a way out of here can we just go out the front that'd be pretty insane these guys are just beating up on each other let's see if they've got anything in their pockets literally no one is cept no one's paying attention to these guys at all don't they're going upstairs there they go look at them haha you have this and this I will take those because I can make what a putty with those right let's make sure we don't get in on big trouble need to go to exercise time chicken dinner that's not gonna help us get out is it a chicken dinner that'd be great though I'm pretty sure there's a way let me see if there's anything in the in the old crafting recipes let's go out to our cell for a second sort this out I have still got contraband on me I wanted to make a poster just so I can cut my way out what's above me it's not a vent above me I feel like I need a red key that would be awesome I don't know guys I don't know I need more intelligence as well shower time geez I feel like the clue is gonna be on the roof if you're going to escape Alcatraz and get on the roof there's an underground roads grappling hook that's the one let me see if I can craft one of those I don't know what it does though helicopter rides okay we need to go on the roof don't we we need a red key well let's do it let's do it have you got any money to buy anything got 80 coins I need battery it would be amazing because I can get batteries I need a paper clip as well though don't I Robin is selling a load of rubbish fantastic what do you sell him a load of rubbish fantastic all right we could get our strength up and stuff but you know that's not good either that's not good either let me take ya I need you up oh geez these guys are out of control I need to just increase my intelligence dinner time as well this is some intense schedule guys especially since you've got like two job periods as well it's gonna get pretty intense real quick just caught the officer having a shower that's a little bit awkward you're gonna play multiplayer on this app maybe maybe there's not much I can do all of the I guess I can do other multiplayer escapes at some point because those were some fun ones battery that's why I was just talking about seeds don't need seeds have you got a battery on you sir no you got a comb I mean a comb could be good actually thank you all right battery is good we also need a paper clear but duct tape and something to get rid of all this stuff I don't think we're gonna need a screwdriver you know just because there's no vents there's no ways to get in the vents here no we don't need a Ben we don't need this I'm gonna flush this away actually can I give it to someone who should I give it to let's give it to you because you sell things fun's oh I'm gifting you a screwdriver enjoy thank you buddy right it's free time let's see how we can get out of here apart from the roof I can't see anyway I'm gonna increase my intelligence and then we can go and explore need to see if there's a way to get out of fix there might just be no doors you might have to go through a wall but we've got some time it's okay we need to learn about this got ourselves a 17-2 into cuttings it in select I need some more intellectual be able to speak properly I'm trying to read your I'm trying to read the chat at the same time as doing this but it's difficult super duper good 52 come on is he getting tired he's down to 25 it's gonna be a bit more tired we could sit on the Sun Loungers that'll be great come on come on there we go one more we need 14 more look him laying down it's so cute bet you're not going to escape what I'm gonna do my best buddy I'm gonna do my best my very best the best there ever was so I'm gonna do oh look there's a generator we need to explore a little bit of a look yes a generator down here but what would that turn off I guess sir all we need to turn off okay we need to get in there definitely so we need a Sian key and we also need a red key he's got keys on don't we so the reason we need to turn the generator off is because upstairs on the second floor there's CCTV cameras and you're about to see how long it can sometimes take to get ourselves what we need for the keys but it's pretty intense sometimes let's do this these get ourself at the 70 just so we can cross some things and then we can try and get to the roof it's gonna be difficult but I think I'm gonna be able to do it just because we don't know who has the keys and they just have random keys at random points and then if we get caught we lose all our stuff it's a little bit upsetting but if you guys have any suggestions let me know in the chat that'd be amazing or if you've completed this prison before who knows come on come on get to 70 get to 70 get to 70 s not gonna do is e 69 69 that's awful come on did I can I dye my hair a galaxy color maybe maybe I'm not too sure it's kind of galaxy last time wasn't it right study up buddy you got one more intelligence point to get there we go right what do we need to do let's have a little bit of an explore of the perimeter I don't think there's an easy way to get outside you know or if there's any way to get outside we're proper stuck I think the only way out is going to be the roof oh there's a red key door here actually look at that sneaky sneaky let's do a quick perimeter check is roll call again fantastic we should be fine we haven't got any contraband on us all right let's do this the lighter yes I'm gonna grab a lighter cuz that can give me chocolate baseball bat sure where's the lighter one oh is that gonna be up in the guards room I hate it when you have the guards ones because you need a blue key to get it a blue key no you don't need a blue pin you need a red key it's fine we're good I actually need this lighter so I'm just gonna grab it boil sugar and cookies right so now we can quit this mission that's not gonna be great for our reputation but it gets us the item we want to make chocolate I need paper apparently I'm gonna grab it don't when you need anything else see that these are the cameras that we need to shut off and there's two sets of doors that's what we've got to do to get out of here guys who needed the piece of paper oh it's the painting oh jeez okay let's go back we should be able to craft the chocolate now and pick a guard to smack down but we do need talcum powder as well actually so maybe not so you can combine these paper I'm gonna keep right that's sleep productive first date I've got to say I've got to say that wasn't so bad let's just get ourselves a role cool after I check for what's in Bobby's desk where you are dudes what's inside exactly the same as before I need talcum powder desperado there's anyone selling any that'd be fantastic saying duct tape and a lighter I'm gonna buy the lighter just because I can get another hot chocolate going there's a lot of people selling things what a party boom I didn't even know you could get that man's just selling us putty that's she phenomenal I did not know that you could do that just by party another lighter chocolates Jude which a mission no I'm not gonna be any one up okay that's actually pretty good we got putty already that means that if we find someone with key that we need we can do that right away we've also got a second lighter so we can melt down this plastic we are running out of we are running out of things here to put in our contraband you know I'm gonna do I don't think I need duct tape for anything right now I'm gonna crack myself some cutters just to get rid of three contraband and then we can melt this here we go melty melty crafts that's molten plastic for you got our putty as well and then we can also craft this that is not what I wanted to do this this Ness craft hot chocolates with the hot chocolate is a band item I guess really weird that's amazing you can buy a putty though it means you don't need to find yourself there's another putty I'm gonna take it this is great so we need two keys that's gonna be the that's going to be the goal of today we need two keys we need the cyan one and the red one to hopefully get onto the roof we also need a guards outfit which we can steal two words of putty that's great who should we eat shoe should we knock out first we got free time and we've got the opportunity to knock some punk out oh my goodness there's two in there officer bounine told you no no no I thought I was gonna do that then and then they walked across maybe I could go upstairs oh no I can't do it upstairs either because they're security cameras I need to be careful with this real careful so I don't to lose why I'm not gonna lose my party am i okay he's going in there fine I need to kind of corner someone anyone through this way that would be handy all right where are they where are they gonna be where they're by themselves they were all kind of behind their doors in the stuff some in the gym upstairs I don't would be the best but there's the security cameras up there only in big trouble right I might do this now do it do it do it do it he's got the red key quick Kraft perfect put this back lighter I'm gonna steal I'm also gonna steal this as well let's get back let's get back come on come on we got this we got this put it I just did it I just did it tonight I've got the guards outfit though oh come on buddy don't hit me don't hit me I just want to put the guards outfit away come on come on oh I did it I actually did it yes you know what hit me I don't even care haha we did it we got the red key beautiful we've got punched for our time but it's fine so we've got one red key which is all we need to get to the roof but I think if we do that we need to shut down the generator or do we direct can we do what I'm thinking is we don't need to because if we get a guard if we've got a guards outfit if we have one of those then we should be they wouldn't even think that it's us right that's what I'm thinking anyway right let's get rid of windows jobs I am they snitched on you I know I know what's wrong with them I think we're doing pretty good though to be fair we've got a red key already that was potluck sometimes you can go round around in circles finding the UM the red key I don't know I don't know if we need to cause there's two doors would you have spare putty to be honest let's craft this right now let's craft listen this boom red key fantastic what's got another lighter which is great so we can make some more plastic I don't need this rope I'm just gonna get rid of this rope go away but yeah I don't know whether it's just go for it because I don't know use too much of my door I will take this thank you get loads of good stuff actually let's do a little let's do a little lucky up here shall we I'll see what we need to do right so these are the double doors if I'm wearing a guards outfit I don't know if I get um if I get pinged by them do you know if you guys know then then let me know in the in the chat because that wouldn't make sense if you're a guard and you go upstairs you shouldn't get pinged by the CCTV right but then I don't know what's upstairs cuz you're gonna lose 10% each of geez why these out hello snow guys what are you doing are they gonna sniff out contraband on me no that's unfair okay we need to be careful pose Wow but upstairs you let you have the roof and that's it this is open I want to try it I'm just gonna try it but I need to do at the right time I need to do after roll call before things get real sketchy at night time we can go out the front as well maybe nope you just go into the control room it's good that we have the key on top of the guard now as well alright let's just make this a normal day let's but that's um let's behave ourselves as much as we can steal as many things as we can or what should go to lunch time I guess we could do some what's that what are they called we could do some of the jobs not jobs favors let's do some of the favors just to get ourselves a little bit more um more money just in case we do fail cuz this could go very well or it could go very very badly you don't get pings nice okay perfect we know exactly what we're gonna do then don't we can you excuse me sir okay so you don't get caught perfect so you need we can just do this if we escape literary within like 25 minutes that would be absolutely insane can you excuse me please I need to grab something so polite even in prison even in prison let's grab that yeah I grab a cup as well that's great and we listen me the fine art brush first need to go to my job so enough to generator just to be sure the Rope can craft the hook okay oh yeah I did just do that didn't I why did I do that why did I do that okay that was an idiot thing to do we must get some more rope later just unlock the customization item guys watch outs yeah what do you need to be careful of these dogs those I am worried about but I want to test that actually oh there's rope in here yeah let's test it so if we do have let me just graph this quick I've got a painting right if I have contraband on me did the dog sniff me out yep they do okay I'm a hundred already perfect so we need to literally run upstairs and then we turn it after me stop tell it on me you punk give you your painting enjoy buddy enjoy yeah they're literally just yeah okay the dogs are gonna be a problem the dogs are gonna be a big problem yes they're hunting me down right now ow how many officers there are what's mutters oh my Guinness looks beyond saving Wow not sure I'm beyond saving but just leave them up cuts my bruises I've got an escape plan I didn't actually see what time these love sleeping was comedian mates outfit let's go this way yeah I'm excited we might actually be able to depending what's on the roof we actually have no way of seeing it depending on what's on the roof we could be goods I do have the rope now which is goods actually did I did I save the Rope I don't even think I did I need the comb those are dead right now desk wasn't there disgusting but it's exercise time that's upstairs isn't it it's upstairs no it's downstairs showers are upstairs there we go where's our friends that we need to give this inmate outfit to where you're at you are this guy nice hat buddy I have razor blade as well man those dogs they're the only thing I'm worried about apart from that use a contraband pouch I see your buddy I see you of the great ideas we've got this that's the wrong desk but I'm gonna take this anyway haha how the wire wouldbegoods just in case I need to zapper for later there we go yeah I'm the a contraband pouch I think I should be able to buy one so let's do that isn't it funny that a mug of hot chocolate is contraband but a razor blade isn't not sure that that's how it should work really but hey let's see if who's got a contraband pouch for sale 35 absolute bargain absolute bargain we will need to test this out though just to check that this doesn't happen we don't need to give this to you there we go I need a piece of contraband that I don't mind losing wires not even contraband nails ass grab nails shall we this is just a test just to see if the dogs don't sniff me out yeah let's see I'm going I'm going as well I don't know if the dogs use up your contraband pouch because the only way I know of using your contraband pouch is through the contraband detectors but there's none of those in this prison oh I'm going the wrong way keep forgetting there's no door there alright let's have a look dogs I got nails in my pocket and I want to see if you're gonna find him have a look here where are they where the puppies hey puppies how's it going I can't even go in there blue Fergie I know it worked I think it works blue is not smelling me not smelling me at all great okay we have the perfect plan we need to wait till nighttime and we're out of here guys I don't need these nails you can drop these on the floor hey enjoy Oh No he watched you watch me do it he watch me put them down no uh we can have a well-deserved meal now let's grab a meal let's sit our butts down and let's sit back and enjoy ourselves great I'm excited to see what's on the roof considering there's two red doors between us and the roof it's pretty scary stuff right let's I'm just doing a double check up in here so yeah it definitely shows us the red doors cuz it's weird patch here and I'm just worried the there were doors on it but there's not it's absolutely fine when can we do this I'm getting a little bit impatient I don't need the flour free time I could do it now I guess it is risky but I could do it now I just want to get rid of a couple things I mean the broom I'm not gonna need the tin of paint either all right I'm flushing you flush flush flush goodbye thank you oh geez whoops did not mean to do that let's put that in there that in there contraband pouch we have should I just go no I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait just because I'm pretty sure after free time it's gonna be roll call do I need a lights or anything I do everything is really cheap in this one as well really cheap you're gonna take a few more favors destroy the tube of glue oh geez he's got a whiting someone read the post on the floor don't even like me why is that yeah I'm gonna do it now don't worry I'm gonna do it need a bed dummy oh yeah I need a bed dummy you know what's we just go let's do it let's do it we got this we got this it doesn't even matter cuz we've got contraband detectors I'm going boys and girls ladies and gentlemen let's see what's on the roof let's do this quick switcheroo there we go we're on the roof we are on the roof hello there's a helicopter there's a helicopter we did it ha ha ha we escaped Alcatraz oh my goodness I'm so pleased so pleased we got a as well that was lucky so so lucky I am actually amazed that we managed to do that's so quick literally took us how long 13 minutes Wow Wow you know that is actually the reason we managed to do that is because we found the red key so quickly hey that wasn't so bad that wasn't so bad at all now this one this one looks like it could be a handful this is I actually didn't think I'd escaped prison today that was no editing no nothing we did in 13 minutes thanks for your help guys as well because you guys helped me because you said about the guards outfit not being detected by the cameras so thank you right should we move on to another prison I think we should this one I don't think I'll be able to escape today but I'm gonna do it anyway welcome to shanked and State Penn your new home for the foreseeable future since I've been warden we've had a few daring escapes among us and due to the prison had undergone renovation to make ships little one make it secure from escaping okay let's do this look how many guards there are look how many prisoners there are let's go we're going into another one we do the red one has been chosen you missed the escape don't worry you can scroll backwards in this stream if you miss some bits you can scroll backwards don't worry right don't go anywhere guys we're trying to escape another prison now that's I'm actually shocked that we ready to do that all right take my picture buddy look at this look at this bad boy this is massive there's contraband detectors in this one there's sniper towers in this one as well last one was a warm-up this one's massive two floors there's a roof the roof probably does not have itself a beautiful a convenient helicopter up there but it's fine all dudes look at these security cameras oh no oh no look there's double contrabands as well dude I'm gonna deliver the bottle of milk - chomps that's easy modes give it to Robin okay this is easy Robin where are you pretend flower Shore sure it's gonna grab all of these delivery driver this is amazing delivery driver ones are the best because you're like already here a roll call you need a mug okay who's gonna give me delivery drivers all the time deliver the fruit to Healey Road I've got so much money already I got myself 75 coins yes delivery driver again who is who needs this who needs this is someone over here deliver the bar table to Niko there we go we just made ourselves 100 $100 not bad hi this is prisons massive this is gonna be one of the toughest ones we've done I think there we go but hey at least we've got one escape under our belts I'm gonna go snooping off are we gonna get caught by these doesn't it like it a battery duct tape and a trowel fantastic only problem is how do I get that back to my cell without going through the contraband detectors I'm not sure if I can I need to go I can okay perfect is this similar to the is this a remake of the other one actually I feel like I've been on this bit before right we need to be so careful perfect perfect perfect good start where is he gonna send us next it's gonna send us to job time which is up here this place is huge absolutely massive there's red key doors through here job times through here what jobs do we have in this literary - that's not good as ever that's not good at all well I need some intelligence as well let's do the boring stuff first and then we can get to the juicy stuff looks like we can get outside so let's have a quick look outside first and then we can go for it but Wow one escape under our belts and not only a prison escape we escaped the one and only Alcatraz one of the the most the real-life equivalent of this one right here the unescapable prison I think when I went there it only said that one person escapes and they still don't know where they are which is quite crazy they've probably been playing the escape is for so long that they can escape prison themselves ok 43 job sorry the showers nearby I don't know if it's ours in nearby and there must be upstairs I like the downstairs perfect I think I can sit here though skids way slow mode on because there are so many people here it just has to be I'm sorry just getting some getting some lightning bolts back and then actually while we're getting some lightning bolts back let's quickly take a look outside just remember look up here what can we do out here we've got barbecue area this is a pretty nice prison if I do say so myself looks like our perimeter escape could be just cutting our way out of here oh no is there moves all the way around is that it looks like there might be other rules up here I can't even see ya there's walls up there maybe digging under them let's see if there's any see if there's any doors around something down here we just go and check that out definitely it's free time so we're gonna check that out anyway have you ever have ever seen a prison with a fountain and a lake I didn't think so that's pretty impressive to escape just flush yourself out that would be an amazing amazing way of escaping right don't think you can that would be great if you have any ideas for escaping for this one guys cuz you did tell me to go to the roof in the last one if you have any ideas for escape and then let me know in the chat that'd be great but I don't know how well we're gonna get how far we're gonna get through on this I just need to get myself up to 70 I remember in the old escapist in The Escapist one your intellect would slowly deplete over time that made the game so much harder than it needed to be like so hard alright let's go and see what we got some free time what is going on down that bottom left-hand side of the prison what's this you can just go up the balcony okay that's not so bad all right down the bottom left wasn't it there are purple keys though and these guys are fighting what you're doing oh they're shooting him did you see that yeah boss woman you could have caught that bullet looks like we have literally a way to get out just here front door escape anyone should we go for that what we need to do though we needs there's a purple key exists it's not a thing I don't know if it is we do need a purple key and we also need cutters that's pretty much it and a guards outfit and do it out lights out which is between I think it's even 1 or 2 p.m. not 100% sure should we do that those we do a front front door escape we have got vents as well actually it's a good point where the vents leave the vents only leads to vents are only leading to each other's cells that's it we only have vents to each other cells that's not really helpful at all unfortunately that's a good idea though I rarely use the vents just because they're quite risky yeah let's try a front door escape if we escape to in one that'd be that'd be unreal to prisons in one stream we just need a little bit of luck that's all you need a little bit luck with finding the key for starters the purple key I think is one of the hardest to find we can't do it in daylight we could camp out and we could put a bed dummy and actually we might not need the purple key at all if we get a bed dummy and then just camp out here outside the whole time that might work there's only one way to find out will that work though let me know so I don't wanna get shot for my troubles what are you doing delivery driver I can deliver a cake sure give me this I can take the cake for myself whose cake is this is this yours Tony this is your cake buddy nom the delivery driver one for the best look at this you can make so much money from this is it jumbo given the delivery driver ones so many favors ok we do have a fashion victim located guards outfit for Nikko that would be amazing you know where the payphones are I don't think there's any payphones on this one just because it's a user made prison don't think there's any payphones it's a job office they're like the little is symbol no payphones guys we're doing this alone I need to do some more favors get some more money about 150 which isn't so bad I haven't been checking who's getting um contraband it either probably because my desk is most of the time pretty goods so I don't worry too much all right what should we do I guess we need to buy some things we need to steal some things as well so let's just keep I've looked in this desk governor let's just keep looking for stuff this is the baton why are they both searching that desk that's weird we can take a whole we could do that'd be great Oh another battery that's perfect a cup awesome sorry sorry hundreds y'all what's what have we got hundred for that that's insane no no no you know what just beat me up you're gonna beat me up anyway leave me alone leave me alone I will punch back I'll punch you buddy leave me alone I'm just gonna run it I'm in solitary confinement fantastic this is the worst place to be tell me take me I'm gonna need a guards outfit where is the guards outfits over to the right somewhere I'm gonna miss exercise time if you don't come and get me guys and then we're in big trouble and blame on you play more just dance that'll be funny by the line stream it's so tiring though like when I don't do much exercise anyway doing a stream of Just Dance would be insane why where is this exercise periods through here nice so we're almost quit we're doing pretty good actually we need stun-gun actually don't need any of these things these things are not complaining but these things seem so cheap cheap even Oh 25 or deep dude dude why you so angry I wanted to buy something from you I swear someone just had a pile for 20 for less than 25 did they that's 25 yours is no get off what do you have a sock I'm trying to get these people are just a sock fantastic shower time just down here perfect I can check all the prices of everything 25 seems to be the cheapest for a file which ain't so bad I can buy two of them right now it should be amazing 25 again a lighter as well so we are picking up a lot of cash we got 135 coins 25 you I think 25 is gonna be the cheapest this is buy two of those and get those back oh no we're not about to get them back 25 25 35 for a contraband pouch yeah you know what what a putt see as well he won't it's it won't it won't tell me I've got no imagery space contraband pouch is actually perfect in this situation there we go I'm glad that we can buy them just because otherwise we're gonna be in big trouble man how am I gonna do I have enough intellect to crappies now I'm worried that I don't I do okay perfect contraband pouch battery battery foil I'm not even gonna need that foil battery cut what are you looking at buddy not doing anything I have nothing to do here hahaha we need the guards outfit yes we do and we can get a guards outfit from this job which is great so we're gonna do that in a minute now contraband pouch was nice sneaky move I like it where do we get this guards outfit from where I play get the sock I don't need the sock yes I'm making a live video it's a lot of fun make a live video orange how compounder in blue that's actually good and a file as well need to get this through all the detectors and stuff it's hard doing it this way at least there is a way to get there without the contraband detectors going off it's longer but it's way better you late to the stream do not worry guys if you're late to the stream you can scroll backwards and then just catch up as it as it goes it's not so bad right boom boom that means we can now make was it toothpaste actually which is the one way you make I always get them confused putty is toothpaste okay so I don't actually need to glue at all so I always get confused I always think that you needs the glue but then I accidentally make paper mache it's really bad haha right what am i doing while goes in there we need to get this to somebody who needs this you better not be in oh where is he where is he sorry about it you're in there Nikko yeah come to me buddy I need to actually I need this don't I sorry I'm gonna steal it Geron - that's a treat mug from Neko I don't know if I want to do that I don't wanna beat anyone up because that's a fads make a poster that means they're gonna be able to grab us some duct tape that's perfect as well so I'm not gonna do these missions I'm just gonna use them to get what I want they just need flimsy cutters in duct tape tasty I'm not gonna need that right now though there's so many desks that we can grab stuff from so it's not actually that hard another file as well that's great I'm gonna cancel this mission I'm sorry buddy I'm real sorry I'm kind of not but there's so many desks to explore let's just do our no and they're gonna if they catch me they're gonna just pounce me though I don't know why it gets up so quickly I don't lose this stuff I don't lose this stuff I don't wanna lose his staff well let's go let's go let's put this back I don't know for how much intelligence I have I need some intelligence to make these sturdy cutters and then I can do it you're more bulky than this prison I like it I am NOT as bulky as this prison we've got so much of this stuff this is perfect ah yes this is going too well I'm a little bit worried this is going too well I need a lighter what do I need this for I need the crayon for a certain mission I pretend flour I mean I could do that I need some money anyway just to grab some other stuff well I think we're good hello sir you seem to be on the floor you got nothing anyway it's fine oh please go away McDermott I don't want to see you here ever again man I don't know if this is gonna be a good idea more toothpaste more toothpaste I'm worried so my plan is to just literally just cut through the front door my problem is unless I get the purple key I'm not gonna be able to get out and my worry is that if I don't I'm gonna grab that if I don't do it the purple key way I'm just gonna get shot by snipers which is worrying me a little bit right let's put all this together there we go pretend flower who wants mother who wants the flower I think we can do this I reckon we can do this where's my friend that needs a flower where are you you doing up here oh you're outside I was like why you waitin solid tree did you you did something bad didn't you we wants a cup of more chocolate yo that's amazing you don't know how good that is I need to change this real quick they're actually gonna serve me up a cup of molten chocolate without me needing to craft one that's crazy good weather soon we got some more delivery driver missions done just because that'd be amazing all this stuff is cheap enough contraband pouch as we can use for days we don't need any other materials apart from look at that talcum powder as well it's amazing medical mesh dude could you pass on the goods I can lump of sugar to you I'm just trying to find the delivery driver missions yeah I can do this one that goes to you delivering cookies all day and this one as well lump of sugar too right Donnell what kind of name is that buddy who's right Donal there you are amazing we're getting money like mad kind of soda I don't need that yes I need to deliver this to chomps you know what I'm not gonna do that right now I'm gonna sleep we've had a good day so far really good day all right we've got cutters we need some more what are the missions that we need it Oh blasting my couple over the place double base molten chocolate talcum powder we need to do these two missions but let's sweep it up first yes this is going well - well I'm gonna rub my hands together like I'm an evil villain let's do this the delivery driver missions are paying off dividends we can buy things from people as well looking for a waterpot see my friend I can find your water putty in and steal it Cameron I got too many favors let's get rid of Oh deliver the tube of glue I can do that right now can't I Robin needs to go over here how much money I 155 that ain't so bad oh no quick quick quick quick put this in it take I'll need the pee face locate a makeshift double-bass I will grab that hopefully they don't see me these security cameras aren't so bad actually it's got lots of sugar for some reason who needs this come on steps where are you I can't see on all these people where is he hello where are you oh he is in there he's in there somewhere where is he is this him it's that guy up buddy I've got double bass for you it's what you've always wanted happy late Christmas enjoy buddy all right what are we doing what are we doing a cup of molten chocolate I certainly can do that right now we've got a healthy amount of money what's white you moaning at me stop that whose desk to get in surgeon I keep forgetting to check that but I need to grab this molten copper chocolate and let's do this then we're good let's go and put this back into our desk that means we can knock out a guard if we do need the purple key we can take it a few jabs at it and knock out a couple of guards because we are gonna find a water putty in a second as well which is great let me just see if I put it back in my desk safely I need to be super careful here because there's so much just so much stuff around I might throw away the foil in the trout I don't think I'm gonna be digging anytime soon so I now can get rid of that mission I now can do the water potty mission oh it's gonna get me to craft it that's lame let's go this way so if I'm going quite trying to concentrate on trying not to walk through all the the contraband sectors by accident luckily this stuff is not contraband which is great we haven't had to go upstairs yet either I don't think we ever need to go upstairs so what else do we need we just need I think we've actually got everything so far apart from the bed dummy which is easy to craft anyway you know I'm gonna grab that stuff now give me your stuff give me this thank you I wasn't doing anything is it two pillows and a bedsheet so let's grab that and then let's do a quick recap of what we're doing yeah you're not going to search my desk why is there two what do I need this yeah craft the water putty boom now I'm gonna cancel that mission there we go right I need your pillow please sir thank you I'm gonna put this down and then craft myself a bed dummy there we go I've got a lot of contraband now though actually the water putty isn't contraband that's fine let's go what are you doing Smith us get out him up get out of my self bed dummy wait did we not have the officers outfit I thought we did I swear we had it oh that's annoying we're gonna have to buy one okay a bottle of milk I guess we're gonna need to knock out guard anyway so let's try that we need the key if possible if we can get the purple key that would be insane then we then we can escape this then we can escape this dying garden dying who do I need to give this to are they outside yes they are why would you need me to deliver you some milk I've stolen someone's milk guys bad she's stolen it from them alright let's these guys are just being a little suspicious and sneaky ad she they're fighting okay can I give this to you please can I give this to you please I can't give it to them and that's because they're fighting I want to give you your milk I stole it I can't interact with any of these guys they're just like properly glitched out there is no purple key are you sure I'm pretty sure there is a purple key and wave these guys just like actually fight into my pension I just want to give you this that's all I wanted to do that's all I wanted to do stop stop this right now I'm gonna search if there is a purple key in two seconds leave me alone leave me alone I'm trying to give you milk bro I feel like if I go close to him he's gonna punch me or he's just gonna follow me this is awkward it's like a just a line of people oh my gosh yes it works you know what get out of here jeez that was annoying yeah this is set this oh yeah I'm just gonna quickly search if there's a purple key purple key escapists to just to see if there is one yeah there are our purple keys public you can be used to leads oh you can lose you can be found on guards yeah you can't find them some kids I just need this guy to be picked up so I can give him his milk I do need some more intelligence actually just do that ID he's got up to 17 just so I can craft the better snippers and then we can do a couple of shots at getting the key what's good is most guards have a lighter on them so we can use that to make a second cup of chocolate yeah we just need a purple key and then we're out of here luckily there's a lot of space but we have to do it inside so though he's gonna get shot which would be well less than ideal right you know what I can't get in there that's a blue door what they're doing I am going to try it now why are you in why are you in here what are you doing you don't want to be searching my desk get out get out wait a second where is all this stuff going I definitely had a cup of chocolate where did it go does it get deleted if you don't do the mission if I do this it doesn't delete my milk that's so weird I had I'm mad I'm so mad I had the chocolate ready to go it's gone actually gone that's so annoying so annoying well fine right the putty stayed though I'm losing my mind I'm actually losing my mind did I just not pick it up I definitely picked it up all right let's try some mission showing medical mess she still needs card game he wants a hankerchief try out some more of these destroy this magazine take this tub of talcum powder and deliver it okay I will do that deliver this bar of chocolate to ride Donal might steal it actually did the guard take it I don't think my god I like I didn't have it I didn't um I don't know I'm confused so confused maybe if you don't put it inside I don't know guys have no idea now just deleted two missions as well some reason yeah let's do that it's lunchtime it's lunchtime right I've got some foods I'm so confused how that didn't work I have got bed dummy now though so we're kids lighter thank you sir thank you very much right let's knock out guard the coffee drank the coffee drank the chocolate what's what does they even mean I'm gonna try knock out guard now let's see if they have any kind of keys on them you are sorry like CCTV cameras though not on that I want this cup of chocolate boom boom boom it's my favorite thing in the game we do need our water putty don't need that for now it's gonna change to something job time what is it what is it what is it exercise time okay okay I'm gonna put this away I'm gonna flush this and then go to exercise time gonna flush this up here I don't know what you use foil for actually alright let's exercise this stretch those limbs let's get them nice and loose hardness like a we've been slept yet I think we have it feels like a really long day right let's see what we can smack down we need to do it in a very discreet location and also a location that doesn't have contraband detectors which is gonna be almost impossible can't go in the showers the showers would be a good idea we can go in the showers we can't go in the showers is blocked we if we take someone down we're just are you know what let's just do it officer Sarge is gonna get smacked sorry I'm sorry you've got the red key you know what I'm gonna do it anyway just in case boom boom boom and boom I'm gonna oh my goodness red key mode okay I'm gonna get detected but I just want to get it into my into my desk quick quick quick desk boom I've got one key at least I've got the red key just in case I have got another wad of putty so it's fine really really wanted myself that purple key though really wanted it it's okay it's fine I just got to smack down to the max at least I've got the red key now the red key is usually the one I desperately want as well watch it the red key door down there we could try a different escape route but surely there's walls there red key there red key there okay we could chip through the walls but can you if you dig do you need what I need timber to get under red keys not bad you know red keys not bad at all I kind of prefer the cut out the front method though I think that's gonna be better that's one we're gonna be able to try it today anyway at least we have two options to do whatever we like he's got some bongos I don't think I don't think many people in prison say that they need to find some bongos let's grab those we need a cup that'll be great thank you very much and let's get these two Healy Oh actually let's do job time first cuz Healey is gonna be in this job anyway red key this way that's weird red key to have let's start searching some desks I need what do I need a lighter I guess I need a lighter to make another molten chocolate there it is boom smashed it and I'm gonna get smacked down again fantastic isn't this just the best I need a timber brace what even just for oh my goodness tell me look how many prisoners are prison guards are after me do I need a timber brace just dig down one across two and out one do I need it for that much a bit stop it stop it I need to deliver this he's outside no buddy I needed to deliver the bongos to you there were so many officers chasing me down that's insane right I still think we should attempt to cut through the front fence today I think we can hide without getting a shot as long as we're in a guards outfit I'm pretty sure then we need to wait till lights out and then just cut through that fence boy then we're out of here I feel like there's gonna be some kind of thing in our way like a bullet to the face I don't know all right where is this chump is the outside it's gonna be outside his knee I just need to deliver these bongos to you buddy that's all I want to do free time perfect his equalist again he might be glitched again they're all up here kind of glitch oh geez you just got smacked down buddy where are you why are you hanging out up here you planning an escape no it's just chilling by the lounge's great what's up yeah red key up there detectors out there there's another place you can cut out up here I like I like but you do need a looks like you need a cyan key that's a bit terrifying let's go and recce the place one more time just cuz I'm a little bit worried why is there a one half a star security as well still weird oh look you need two keys to get up there that's insane my so grab a job from this guy is that a tiny book yes I'll destroy the magazine don't worry all right this is where we're gonna go well it you're just gonna cut out here and leave that's gonna be my plan I don't think this can go wrong we can hide in here and as soon as because there'll be a bed dummy they won't discover us I think this is gonna work this has to work it has to every good if I could get the better cutters though I need some duct tape I think nope need some duct tape need some duct tape I forgot about getting the cuz forgot about it come on let's grab some more actually this is check what we need I need I definitely need duct tape I don't know if I need another file though let's have a look-see what do we need no we just need one duct tape to make the best cutters and then we can get our butts out of here I need to buy some things from somebody that's at least this to do this mission quickly first so we're doing pretty well so far this is gonna be it we're gonna do it I just need to grab this and then flush it don't I get out of here put meself some more money to go to spend on things unfortunately there's literally no one selling anything no those guys are fighting what's upstairs literally just this there's hardly anything oh there is something what is that way no idea there's a vent we could use the vent I think this is gonna be the good a good way to do it and do one more one attempt where's all the shops are people down there I just trying to find duct tape desperately and grab this as well actually the pen sheets just laying on the floor that's hilarious ha ha there we go this needs to go to someone what am i doing where are you where are you Oh is this person selling duct tape please no the problem is roll call has all these things around it so if we buy one we're gonna be in trouble I just really desperately need one there we go grabbed it let's just put this away come on come on come on come on come on no no no no no this is bad this is bad this is really bad can I put it clip it down here and just do that I think I can do that are they gonna grab it they're gonna grab it no I think the cutters might still be able to work though even though they're lightweight ones I think we're okay man it's gonna be too difficult to do otherwise I'm gonna try though I'm gonna try we could do this we can do this actually no I can't do this can I need to do it a rolecall because otherwise all the doors gonna be locked I don't think there's a way out now let's have a quick look nope they're locked okay I messed that up let's do one more day then now give us a chance to get more lightweight cutters that's fine all right let's take a snooze snooze you lose you love the thumbnail the stream thank you haha I do too anyone want to sell me any kind of duct tape I just need some duct tape Frankie my man hasn't got any duct tape Jude hasn't who's this Cameron he hasn't either Jenkins Jenkins got some that's good if we can get some of Jenkins I need to deliver this someone whose is this ship there you go perfect right um yeah I need to just get the duct tape and I think that's pretty much it then we can just try it I just need to get through to the next day you need to follow Jenkins I think they're gonna go they're gonna go bottom right aren't they I should have bought the contraband pouch are your rights you are so right should have done that right I need to follow this guy yo he just changed what he's selling that's out of order bro I need someone to help me out here someone needs to help me out with some duct tape please pretty please and then I can try and get out of here I'll escape you two I get all of you out of here Harlow Nikko none of these guys have duct tape oh my goodness you know I'm just glad the search desks no one has duct tape but they might have in their desks oh no I'm in trouble big trouble Leiter fantastic I will take that out what are you smacking me I haven't done much to you stop it leave me alone leave me alone dude you're so mean oh my goodness everyone's coming in the amount of times I've been beating up is unreal so far this is actually hard get the public key as well yeah I could get the purple key but it's risky I do need to try and knock some people out failed to do that I don't if I'll be able to but yeah the purple key is super rare we've already got the red key which is really really good but to get the purple key is super rare so I'm not gonna hold my breath I can't plug the toilet don't you worry I got you just need someone to sell me some duct tape that isn't inside this tiny place I've got the money for it I got 170 dollars coins whatever you want to call them camera and you let me down is there anyone who's gonna have it there's a lot of desks to search though it was really really good because no I'm not doing it I'm not doing it I'm not doing it I'm not doing it because that means you have just way more chance to find things because sometimes in the in the prisons that don't have many prisoners it just takes so long to find certain things it's not that fun when you're just trying to rinse as many desks as possible in a day so this is much better here we go here we go here we go let's try and find this duct tape there's so many guards so many any secret chest lying around I don't think so look how many are just here what's going on killer guards yeah I could kill a guards let's see if we got the materials I think we do I'm gonna do it guys you told me to so I'm gonna do it I need okay I haven't got any chocolate fantastic I'm gonna have to grab some chocolate I swear stuff keeps going missing from my desk I'm almost positive I don't want the trowel either you know yeah I'm gonna get rid of this need to just remember it's in there yes just need some chocolate boys there's a glitch duct tape wrong Rover got duct tape literally just in front of us that was amazing I didn't even notice I was reading the chat right let's craft these there we go so that reduces our contraband as well there we go so we got sturdy cutters we need oh we we wouldn't been able to do it because we need a guards outfit so we do need to knock out a guards which means we do need some chocolate desperately don't be looking in there I think you keep stealing my things I need chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate so I could try and buy some actually need chocolate and a guards outfit they've got loads of contraband jeez right are you selling chocolate you are boom you're a legends absolute legends right who should we knock out we need to choose someone who haven't knocked out already I think we're only knocked out one person we also need to steal their outfit and get it back to the base in time this could be the cop this could be the person quick craft yes and then let's grab this I've got two spaces as well this is great great news oh my goodness things are going down their focus is on someone else no I can't go through there there's someone in the showers I could jump them but I have to go through the contrabands detector I just need to pick someone and hope that they have the purple key I think I think it's gonna be you or if I might beat you down already he's not happy with me already so I might have done but no it would show it would show the key wouldn't it someone's got the key already right where's the key where's the key where's the key oh jeez there's definitely someone with a key above their head there it is okay perfect hello you seem to be inside my um you seem to be inside my honors to Sian key you know what let's do it oh geez not any deeds I need this I need this perfect you know what I'm just gonna give it to them back so I don't want to get done for that perfect nothing happens here nothing happens we've got the guards outfit haha that's fantastic right one more piece we need is the purple key but I don't think we can don't if we can get the purple key we're gonna try because that's the only thing we've got left to do really until oh no no no no PC okay I thought it's gonna search my desk because like I was worried then the boat isn't good enough to float I have no idea what you're talking about and why twice it's by sitting here are you okay I just unlocked a new thing as our but yeah we don't have much to do apart from knock out guards and hope that they have the right key on them let's do this roll call another roll call super glue whose trooper glue is this I need to return it to you it's yours there you go right do we need anything else what was we just thinking we need something to knock guards out with so I guess more chocolate or see if anyone's wanting any weapons okay let's grab that you have got putty I don't really need putty or duct tape tubing don't need tubing vent cover definitely no dead rats makes it double base don't need that right you need so many random things okay you know what we're just gonna have to wait until we just have to wait until role cool like the evening roll call we have everything else just last time I didn't realize that I didn't have a I didn't realize it didn't have a what's it called a guards outfit but we're gonna do this we're gonna do this we shall escape we should escape nicely and in one piece hopefully the only other thing we can do is literally I need duct tape I've got duct tape now let's do a final check just to make sure pretty sure I have duct tape though yeah we got the sturdy cutters those are the best ones you can get we've got the bed dummy which are going to put in here and then the guards outfit which we're gonna camp with so we have everything we need officer Mac I wish I could knock you out right now but I need a cup and some chocolate so I can't do it your pig is an escapist what is your pig doing in prison dudes oh there was a cop in there let me grab the cup boom gonna get put in back in prison inside prison for stealing cups alright exercise time I think what I need now is chocolate but I don't have anyone selling any then we can try at least punch down one more guard let me see actually I'm just thinking in my head if I if I'm going quiet that means I'm thinking it takes me a lot of a lot of effort to think Sam I need you Sam coming up Sam some are we start punched someone jeez everyone's in a fight you guys are crazy but you're not selling chocolate Cameron buddy you send in chocolate Cameron Cameron Cameron he's not selling chocolate Frankie is selling chocolate thank you buddy what I was gonna say is we could just walk out couldn't we yeah we could actually do it all right we can't you smack down one more guard now well there's a guard den here a guard is dead a guard is dead how's the purple key oh no I'm in trouble I am in trouble I'm in big big trouble okay let's quickly craft this and then put it on the grounds y'all that's lucky that's so lucky why was he on the ground why was he on the ground like that yo did you see that did you see that we literally just found him on the floor and they're going into lockdown okay that's fine you know what absolutely fine it wasn't me a key went missing it wasn't me it wasn't me I left it on the floor it's absolutely fine lockdown could be a problem for later though we found that though that's so good haha I'm impressed really impressed look at these dogs these dogs are trying to find the key the cops are beating up everyone oh my goodness absolutely a Nathan Lee oh we're go down to zero I hope that goes down to zero yes yes that's amazing that's actually amazing we now have the purple key as well we don't need this chocolate no more greatness has happened make plastic I can make plastic I need oh no I don't even know if I need it though I need a comb but I don't even know if I need the Keeks if I do it the way I've been planning to the whole time I should just be able to camp out and change what I need to but hey we can see if anyone's got a key no we've got the key see if anyone's got a comb that we can melt that was amazing see what I mean about luck sometimes it's just the luck that you need has anyone got a comb no just need to snoop just need to snoop a little bit of a comb then we're good calm River if anyone has any in their desk I would have picked it up I usually do pick up the plastic maybe not but hey escape attempt is coming in I am so hyped for this I wouldn't do anything sir nothing at all just move along move along come on I need a comb or a toothbrush that's a mug I don't need a mug okay I still can't believe that luck we were just about to try and knock someone out but the pub would he the purple the purple key does exist as you've just seen it's a real good it's actually getting towards nighttime and then we're gonna go for our escape you know how I either have two socks though why is everyone in my wise one everyone in my business don't want you in my business we just need to remember to put the bed dummy in take the cutters with us and the guards outfit we have a contraband pouch as well that'd be amazing okay we're good we see to get through this day oh you've got a comb on you but if I get caught stealing I'm gonna be in trouble you know what forget it there we go I got the comb Oh luck has been crazy use a spoon I couldn't use a spoon but this way was more fun I just got absolutely destroyed so I was just checking something come on just need to wait out this day and then we goods is the escape is free unfortunately not but there's lots of sales on steam at the moment so you could get it in just cheaper which could be quite goods in the Steam sale or it's on Xbox some ps4 I think that's actually I might want to switch soon as well well let's go made this plastic still got those bed sheets on the floor and still no replacement sheets so awkward so unfortunate right okay they should mind their own business right I don't want to craft illegal things in front of them purple key mold beautiful look at that the purple key does exists you guys doubted me but they exist they do exist what am I gonna do now sorry IQ quit quitting the game by accident I just need to wait free time and then during roll call I need to attend a roll call put the bed dummy in the bed and then I'm done get out of here yeah that's pretty much it I'm gonna take the pouch with me as well just in case apart from that I don't really know how else to do I'm just waiting until the right time I'm just gonna triple triple check my route so when he gets a roll call roll call this up you're going collect my things and then go down left out of these doors and then down again and then when you head straight to this place down here are there's a searchlight okay we need to be careful of the searchlights and just chill as a guard until 2 a.m. until the lights go out and then that's it easy mode then we're out of here but yeah these lights are troublesome very troublesome I don't know when lights go out whether those go out as well because what these do is they will give you a hundreds one hundred heat straight away do I need a weapon I don't need a weapon I just need to cut these things and get out that's all I need to do and I'm pretty sure they're only take 4 cuts and we're goods I'm stuck stuck by a random bush that's our route though I think it's coming up to roll cool next we need to prepare ourselves let's do this it's our prison escape attempt and we're gonna try I'm sorry sorry I didn't mean to hit you in the face I'm so sorry oh here we go roll call activated let's get out of this pot this puppy boom-boom-boom bed dummy how you doing I'm gonna put you in there snuggle up nice and tight contraband pouch almost forgot that out of embarrassing wouldn't it what else we need to do I just need to not get my desk searched as well because that would be annoying but let's get out of here contraband pouch is being used you need to look out for the lights as well but as long as we're a guards and we're hiding we're fine This Is It this is it this is it are you ready I hope you're ready because this is gonna be the prison escape of a lifetime hopefully it works I'm gonna changes my guards outfit now and my heat doesn't go up I was worried that the guard towers makes it so that your your guards go up they're gonna search my desk they're going to search my desk this could be it this could be it we could be done for out of all the times for them to search my desk I don't need the purple key guys of all the times I searched my desk they choose now hopefully the bed dummy fools them otherwise I'm in big trouble this could be it we could be done we could be done don't notice the dummy of all the times they searched my desk now over the whole stream an hour and a half we haven't been desk searched and they do it now come on yes this is working this is working okay we need to look out for these spotlights hopefully the spotlights turn off and then we can just cut through return to sell again what what's going on why is it telling me to do it again oh is this I think I need to wait until 1:00 a.m. because if I cut then the towers will shoot me try to get a gun I don't think you can't get a fake gun in the escapists - but you can't get a real gun that would be like insane looks like the the bed dummy has fooled them though I'm just waiting for the snipers to go to beds and then we can get out of here if we could do two of the hardest prisons on the workshop in one stream that'd be phenomenal I'm worried that this was way too easy well not not really too easy but I guess we're just running out the front door right what happens is that it is that it lights are out does that mean lights are out I'm gonna wait till 2 a.m. just because I don't I don't know if it's gonna is gonna kick me out let's just see oh wait the spotlights are gone yes oh no they haven't I thought the spotlights went I was like yeah we're gonna wait till 2 a.m. we're gonna wait till 2 a.m. and then cut this cut this bad boy get ready guys get my shears out ready to go and we're gonna cut our way to freedom we've got 30 seconds to wait these spotlights need to go away though cuz that makes me nervous oh man oh man come on come on we can do this I always get so nervous no matter how many times I play The Escapist and escape something I am I always get nervous escaping come on come on come on when it hits 2:00 a.m. I'm going for it if it doesn't allow me to cut these wires then I am done for right 2 a.m. perfect let's why are these being so pesky these searchlights there we go yes we haven't been shot okay the searchlights are coming in this is good we're actually gonna be able to do this I just need the searchlights to go away and then we've got this come on come on come on one go go go go go yes yes this searchlight is gonna be an absolute Ponk but let's get out of here yes yes yes we did it we did it that took way longer but we did it guys oh I guess leave a thumbs up if you are watching right now because we just escaped the two hardest prisons on the workshop that is crazy two custom prisons in one and a half hours that is Mads that is so mad we did this one shanked in state pen and Alcatraz broke we did it we actually did it I didn't think that would work I'm so happy guys that was phenomenal I am so happy that you guys were able to join me for that let's get to a big camera there we go put the sub counts back on because they're alive but yeah thank you so much for joining me for this if you enjoyed me escaping both prisons whether you're watching live or whether you watched after the fact in the video leave a thumbs up that we greatly appreciated and if Sam's to be the first video you see mommy please do consider subscribing to join team TDM today again thank you for helping me out de scaping those prisons I wouldn't have been able to do without you that was a lot of fun I enjoyed it The Escapist is awesome if I find another prison that looks super difficult as well I think I will stream it but let me know if you have any suggestions leave them in the comment section down below but apart from that guys that's gonna be it from me have an amazing day see ya good bye
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,149,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, minecraft, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, the escapists, the escapists 2, dantdm escapists, escapists dantdm, dantdm escapists 2, escapists 2 dantdm, escapists 2 ending, custom prison, prison
Id: bAxTBTjqKkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 8sec (5528 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2017
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