I tested the FASTEST GADGETS on the Planet.

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we're about to race the fastest rc car in the world three two one go this is the craziest video i've ever made welcome to the 11 fastest gadgets ever from boots that can make you the fastest runner on the planet to a toothbrush that can clean your entire mouth in just 10 seconds to a cooker that can make pizza faster than i can make a slice of toast so we've got a speedometer on the side here let's go from rapid to racing to straight up supersonic kicking things off with the boots these skyrunner shoes can apparently allow a normal human being to run at 30 kilometers per hour i can't see what i'm opening here why does it have someone falling to their death on the front i'd have never seen shoes this big oh protection included dear god holy cow it's safe to say i am slightly scared now look at these weapons man to think this is only the first gadget so these are effectively a pair of stilts you place your feet inside and every time you make contact with the ground it compresses the springs inside which then uncompress when you lift your feet up thus releasing that energy which is apparently going to push me forward with so much power that i'll be able to jump higher than a basketball player and run faster than a world-class sprinter so we should have no problems with josh over here it's a 100 meter straight finish line is over there okay three two one go oh my god josh come back i don't feel very superhuman right now he's finished god wait i'll have you i've practiced for four hours last night for this yes okay wait did that count i won i won the battle of life right someone get me down so josh finished in 17 seconds it took me a minute so i lost even though i still felt like i was gonna die that said clearly i'm the problem like i have seen clips of people online using these to run at two times the speed of a normal human what's even faster than that though well the nike adapt 2.0 bb these are less about letting you run at insane speeds more about the fact that they are self-lacing it has pressure sensors all along the inside which means that when i place my foot inside it can conform to the exact shape of it like this these shoes are just generally straight out of the future they have customizable rgb lights they're controlled by an app so you can get the perfect fit and they even come straight out of the box with a wireless charging pad but let's answer the big question how much faster are self-lacing shoes versus just tying the laces yourself okay go go go go go always been bad at laces okay tightening tightening over twice done this feels like going from an automatic to a manual car [Music] okay one two done ten seconds that's two and a half times the pace of normal shoes but we can get even speedier thanks to nvidia who's also the sponsor of this video because this laptop right here contains the nvidia geforce rtx 3080 ti the fastest mobile gaming gpu in the world now just to give you some perspective on this about 10 years ago i built this computer i used every bit of my savings i bought the absolute best graphics card i could get the gtx 680 and i used this machine to play high-end pc games across a triple monitor setup this machine scored an average of 15 frames per second in the metro redux benchmark okay so i ran that same benchmarking app on this tiny little rtx 3080ti laptop and i couldn't believe it thanks in part to nvidia's max q tech which uses ai to optimize graphics performance for the thin and light form factor it didn't score like 1.3 times or 1.5 times this thing's average frame rate was 132 using the same settings which makes it 8.8 times faster and thanks to all the new technologies behind the scenes like dlss which can further increase performance without sacrificing image quality when you're actually playing modern games with it the jump is even more than that it's powerful enough to play almost any game you throw at it at ultra settings quad hd resolution and still get over 120 frames per second there's a whole suite of geforce laptops with this immense power so if you are interested i will leave a link in the description to learn more but this brush the rotor scrub is actually going to surpass that 800 bigger and it's a little unconventional so you know with a normal cleaning brush you just kind of see the dirt and then you start vigorously attacking it with your wrists [Music] i generally think i've made it worse well this rather intelligently allows you to instead use the power of your drill to do the cleaning it should be mountable in just about any drill you can find and once it's in you just oh my god this is gonna be so much fun look at these amazon reviews omg omg way too fast someone help oh sweet jesus run so we have some extremely dirty patio tiles over here yeah thanks so we're gonna see how long it takes us to clean four of them with a a normal brush and then b the rotor scrub [Music] i'm just spreading it milo's done a really big one and we are done almost too good at cleaning look at the other tiles oh god i'm calling that done that took me 20 minutes or 1200 seconds i'm gonna call that two minutes which makes this ten times faster i can't quite reach the last few tiles i kind of wish the hose was longer but if you think that's fast then oh boy this remote control car is going to absolutely fry your mind why is this so heavy oh my god this is ridiculous that's a tire oh jesus have you ever seen a remote control car this huge it's like the size of four milos this is genuinely top 10 coolest things i have ever unboxed this is not a toy it says in big bold letters not for beginners have you ever used a remote control car before this will be interesting okay i finally managed to find a location actually good enough to test this thing and look at the size of it versus a normal remote control car not to mention the fact that this thing weighs 10 kilograms or 30 times that one right josh you can have the mini one even your remote's like a budget version of mine i don't feel as confident about this one the track has been decided we're going down the hill turning right and then looping all the way back around until we finally sprint through to the end oh my god look how responsive this is and then josh is just twitching over there three two one go oh my god oh sh that was my friend holy moly look at this thing grow what wow what oh my god it banged into something josh is still there he's not even gotten around the bend oh god you finished it's fine take your time i'll wait one eternity later nice leisurely pace too it's not bad given how small it is oh my god so josh's car took 300 seconds to get all the way around mine took 26 making it about 11.5 times faster and if you are enjoying this video then a sub to the channel would be racy all right time for the fastest toothbrush in the world it's actually called the y brush because why not okay nice presentation so far oh manufactured in france is it just me or do we not see that very often and this is the hub where the magic happens let's have a look in here oh yeah it's very intimidating so with a normal toothbrush the recommended time for brushing is two minutes or 120 seconds and if i munch on a quick plaque disclosing tablet you'll be able to see how my teeth look before and then how thoroughly it can clean them within this time this is a little different the y brush contains 35 000 nylon bristles spread out across every single one of your teeth you place your toothpaste inside of this tray and then when you put it inside and turn it on it will vibrate 20 000 times per minute to scrub your entire mouth oh my god [Music] was that it let's go once more using one of these plaque disclosing tablets just to see how thorough it is i really love the efficiency of it i can't believe just how fast it is 10 seconds that's 12 times the speed um not the best clean ever i can kind of see why not now but what if i told you that this little bottle could beat that this is downy and what it's saying is that you know how when you've crumpled up your clothes and they really need to be ironed but this can do it instead now if that's true then this could be a complete game changer because if you really think about how much of an operation it is to iron clothes you need space you need a board you've got to plug the iron in you've got to fill it with water you've got to let that water boil or before you actually start ironing all in all the entire ironing process just for this one shirt took me six minutes or 360 seconds compared to that then this almost seems like something's wrong this is apparently only going to take 20 seconds you apparently just stand eight inches from your fabric and spray it in a sweeping motion like this after which you'll apparently be able to just tug away the wrinkles holy moly that just worked in front of my eyes now i'll happily admit that i'm not the best ironer in the world and so given that the fact that we've managed to get to the same level of decreasedness on this shirt versus this shirt but 18 times faster is kind of mind-blowing have you ever really wanted a pizza but then decided against it because you know take too long yeah i don't think that's going to be a problem anymore so this is a normal oven pizza it says on the back after preheating it's still going to take another 20 minutes to cook so probably get it in as soon as possible really that'll do but in the meantime using an uni fire at 12 i should apparently be able to cook an entire pizza from scratch in just one minute yeah i made my pizza as bezel-less as i could thought for a second that wasn't going to fit so this thing is filled with wooden pellets at the back which are set on fire on the inside and they get the bottom of the oven to a temperature of 500 degrees celsius that's kind of why it's able to cook so fast how is it done already get two done that looks nice though all right let's give it a shot it's got such a nice like stone baked flavor to it especially the bit where i burnt it that is a nine out of ten on flavor though oh normal oven pizza is uh well i mean it's normal oven pizza really hmm the fresh not bad pizza cannot be bad six out of ten now for something on the complete other end of the spectrum but no less speedy the fastest way to spread butter i know i couldn't believe this existed either but it is claiming to solve a very legitimate problem that trying to spread butter on your toast with a knife kind of sucks if you're pulling your butter straight out of a fridge then it's not just that it's going to have this horrible clumpy texture but it's also going to take a full minute to do i timed it so let's see how fast this thing can spread that same butter you can just keep a big chunk of it inside and then any time you need to use it you just turn it on and the internal heating element will start to melt it and then i think you just oh my god that's amazing what was that like two seconds that would make this 30 times more effective than the traditional solution a little messier though good thing i've got world's fastest cleaning brush but now it's time for the most peculiar gadget in this entire video this pile of stuff can take steps for you you assemble it into this still very strange looking contraption and in it you place your small phone you getting it yet there are thousands of games and apps on smartphones that use step counts as a way to make progress just like pokemon go for example which allows you to hatch eggs and get new pokemon every few kilometers that you walk so what this does is uses some carefully positioned magnets and batteries to simulate a walking you just pull your phone back once let it go and that is it it will perpetually move just fast enough that it can make some serious progress in these abs but never so fast that your phone realizes that it's being tricked it can squeeze out 8 700 steps per hour which is the equivalent of you walking at full pace but 24 hours a day so if you compare that to an average hour in my life for example that's about a 4 000 improvement there's a ton of people also saying that this is great for pretending like you've done exercise because it's also capable of tricking the google fit and the apple health app but i'm struggling to understand why you want to do that it's great for games though do you ever feel like time just kind of runs away from you in the morning well now you can have it actually run away from you with clocky this is the fastest alarm clock i've set an alarm that's going to go off any minute now and what it should do is leap off that table and start racing around my room the idea being that if you want to silence your alarm it's not just that you have to kind of turn over in bed and touch a button on your phone you actually have to chase after a misbehaving piece of technology oh my god that's annoying fight okay all right he rotates as well and i guess i can just i mean technically given that a normal alarm clock moves exactly zero this is an infinite amount faster oh forget it to watch me test some of the cheapest gadgets in the world that video is here or to see the most futuristic gadgets that video's here my name is aaron this is mr who's the boss we'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 7,480,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gadgets, tech, technology, cool gadgets, 2022, tech 2022, 2022 gifts, tech gifts, best tech, inventions, mkbhd
Id: RJwDpYmiQ8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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