Red Ball MUST SAVE HIS GIRLFRIEND! | Red Ball 4 Gameplay (World 5)

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we've saved the world we've saved the moon now it's time to save caves it's red ball four [Music] hello everybody i am kindly kid and welcome back to red ball four i have good news and i have bad news which one do you want first i'm kind of like uh give me the bad news first kind of guy the bad news is that we're almost completely done with red ball four the good news is that we still have an entire world to complete and we're going into the caves which sounds awesome we saved earth we saved the moon what's left i guess saving caves so oh oh red ball has a girlfriend [Music] i got it now we we saved the world we saved the moon but now we gotta save the girlfriend oh i like this all right into the caves we go and you guys know the drill we're beating levels but at the same time we're also kind of trying to get gold medals i like them gold medals what can i say oh what are you oh my gosh okay so he's like a combination of the exploding dude but with spikes all over his body that is intense and the spikes really messed me up honestly like i took a lot of damage there but there you go i think that's the end of this level we're going deeper into the caves okay oh that's uh that's unpleasant that's just a wall of spikes let's avoid running into that oh no it's explodey guy okay okay okay okay just just don't get hit by the spikes and they stick around how am i supposed to get past this dude you know what maybe if i just jump past him there you go you're protected oh gosh there's more oh watch out okay those dudes real scary do i just need to jump up there oh okay okay all right and then get this star and then wait for this guy we gotta take these guys out but we have to take these guys out without hitting the spikes on the roof that's a little scary it's a little bit scary i gotta say the first two levels they're definitely ramping up the difficulty but let's move on to the third level oh no we have to get two keys okay all right this is starting to feel like piggy collecting all these colored keys oh gosh there's so many of them no don't hurt me don't do it no we got chain reactions going on oh my gosh i took two hits and i thought that i was protected i was not i was extremely far from protected there okay we got the blue key now we can escape from piggy oh no i gotta do like a gentle jump can you like you can't really do a gentle jump so how am i supposed to how how do i get these guys maybe if i jump like a little bit before or oh my gosh who would have thought that this would be like the hardest star that i've ever faced achievement though walking on spikes maybe if i okay i understand so if i jump at just the right time i can hit that like angled section which doesn't have spikes which is like super awesome the not spikes part this is this is so much harder than any other star i've ever had to collect maybe i'm just doing it wrong i don't know this is too much oh that okay i am a fool should have done that from the beginning didn't and feel kind of dumb about it oh no no no all right um yeah these levels are not messing about i'm scared dude get up there okay yeah that's the way to do it just hide last star gold thank you get me out of here we out okay we've got mine carts now i'm not sure exactly what to do here but maybe no no that's not gonna work okay a little freaked out about that bat he's watching me he's creeping me out don't attack me all right bat we're friends okay so now i'm in the car oh i can like drive it okay that's awesome so can i drive it over the spikes yes yes i can this is super awesome so far okay this dude he's gonna blow up but we're good they're just adding more keys this is this is literally a piggy level now you got all these doors that you gotta open and all these colored keys just get out of there man just why did i jump again i was home free and then i did a dumb thing a very dumb thing okay just don't do that again okay there see easy okay what's going on here we got another mine cart i need to get inside of the mine cart so that i can get over the spikes right okay let's get a little bit more momentum going here get over the spikes jump to get the stars i want the stars give me the stars you can't take the stars away from me they're everything i got the stars okay you drop down oh my gosh the mine cart almost crushed me into the spikes i thought we were friends mine cart this dude's getting squished there's nothing that anybody can do to stop me i squish that dude like ruthlessly okay now get out of here and just jump all right i gotta say these levels right off the bat are way harder than any of the other levels that we've dealt with up to this point please don't hit me with spikes i even asked nicely it didn't work for the record i'm just gonna get his attention and then run away like a baby oh my gosh that spike still almost came for me okay so the green door is what's blocking our way oh my goodness these exploding spike boys they're insane and i don't like them they're very mean there we go we do like a little preemptive strike there get his attention so that we don't have to worry about him later very smart not really but it worked and that's truly what counts and we got the gold medal and now we're moving on oh right off the bat he gets squished by a spiked golf cart and by golf cart i obviously mean minecart who would call a minecart a golf cart that would just be ridiculous i did it okay this section no just no get away from me just stay away stay away forever please okay grab that and then grab the gold key we gotta grab the gold key before the cart comes back okay there that wasn't so hard it was just terrifying what ladders who would have known that a red ball could climb a ladder that is a skill that i was not expecting from a ball okay don't hurt me thank you he actually listened that time very nice what what no no stop unlocking please please don't hurt me that was a scary moment for me my heart is kind of racing just get the gold key what huh how are you supposed to get past this you just gotta go like really slow maybe okay that is upsetting no and how are you supposed to go really slow when that dude's chasing you there is no escape i have a plan though i have a plan we get his attention and we just we just i was gonna say we let him fall and then we go over him and stay on that platform where he was that's the master plan can i actually execute it yeah that's uh that's that's debatable oh good he just landed right on top of me how am i gonna do this just there and then oh my gosh i just want to get away i'm going to try the the the strategy oh you know what i might be able to just get to where the gold key is and then i'll be safe there i just need to take it a little bit slower just cool it can just cool it watch that did not work that that definitely did not work just go for it yes there you go that was easy first try first try definitely first try get me out of here [Music] oh this seems like a nightmare i have to actually jump over the key yeah yeah the key is a bad thing here which i like that i like that they changed the rules what i like less is still exploding spiky square dudes like this guy for instance you don't scare me you should how am i supposed to handle this just run away there's the secret just run away oh wait i wasn't supposed to do that was i maybe i was yeah okay we're fine we're fine get this guy's attention and then get out and the spikes that they shoot kind of stick around for a while which is real scary oh i see what we need to do here okay so just just do that just do that there you go we got the gold medal now we just need the gold key there it is get me out we're about halfway done with this world and it is definitely the hardest world that we've faced up to this point okay where do i go um i have choices i have choices to make and i don't like it i don't like making choices please just make the choice for me game no oh i think they both blew up which is great they definitely did now how am i supposed to get that okay you know what we're gonna go left now that's that's what we're gonna do all right you know what honestly i probably should have started with going left because um this spiky mine cart would have uh squished those dudes that blow up but i think i just need to get it out oh my gosh that was so close come on man we can do this believe in yourself red ball but not like that okay well we get a second opportunity to squish these guys with the spiky mine cart you got this you got it you don't got it he don't got it how am i supposed to get out of here now i'm thinking about it i need this mine cart i need to ride that minecart how am i supposed to get it up the hill and also be on top of it at the same time that seems physically impossible let's just focus on getting the mine cart out of there and then maybe we can just get ourselves okay okay okay i i made a much bigger deal out of that it didn't need to be that big of a deal look at me i'm doing stuff and it's great there you go checkpoint oh boy all right um so we need to like jump back and forth okay and then run away like a coward did you see that bouncing spike hunt me down it was chasing me terrifying technology that these square dudes have figured out leave me alone leave me alone okay all right now just gently find yourself at the top of this very scary situation we just need to fall down the center there you go oh gosh throwing me right into the lion's den goodness gracious please no don't hurt me let me out somehow i survived that situation and uh that was very scary okay we've got lasers what do they do to me they kill me dead i just needed to know that's all for science and all that no okay so i did take a hit the nice thing is is that that laser isn't an instant kill it's just a heart and fortunately science has proven that red ball has three hearts brag about it red ball i only have one not basic this is scary get me out get me out that was way too close for comfort okay okay okay all right all right just get back to the exit and run away and never look back red ball never look back i think i actually completely forgot that red ball is trying to save his girlfriend and i was just so caught up in this terrifying cave situation i forgot that there's someone waiting for us we gotta save her how am i supposed to handle this i want the stars but i don't really like that situation okay that wasn't so bad i did miss this star though ouch okay we get to do it again yay i like how i got the star that i missed the first time but i missed the star that i got the first time so i still have to go back and get this okay and there's the gold medal now just give me the gold key so what level is this i wasn't really keeping track to be honest but i think we're getting pretty close to the end it's bittersweet honestly i've been loving red balls 73 yeah there's only two more levels and then the final final boss okay it looks like we've got three keys to collect to get out of here i kind of like this it looks like this level is a little bit more like open-ended so you can collect the keys in whatever order you want why would you jump right into the laser thingy that was a little dumb next up is green although we may end up getting gold we didn't we got green oh this is oh my gosh okay please yeah not particularly easy getting out of that section all right i've recollected the blue key let's get the green key and hopefully we can figure out a slightly better pattern to getting out of here i i don't see it so i'm just gonna roll for it and it didn't work out i should go for the green one first since that seems to be the hardest one it's not hard to get it's hard to get out okay i i see it i see the line i see the escape and he's done it let's get gold next okay oh no leave me alone spikes i took damage but only one so it's not too bad it could have been way worse okay the last one is the blue one and we've gotten this one many times we can do this boom now i just need to get back and as we've learned sometimes that's the harder part but there you go and gold medal the final level before the boss this is so cool okay so i managed to get all the stars on the ladders now i just need to get out which is easier said than done please please get me out okay so that opened up the blue key all right oh no this seems like a nightmare a true nightmare oh gosh they're on both sides what am i supposed to do he's gonna come for me he's gonna blow up he's gonna shoot spikes at me and there's nowhere for me to go why why are you gonna do it like that man oh i hate this situation maybe if i just jump in the middle does that no that doesn't get their attention i don't like this no oh my gosh help how did i manage that with only taking one heart of damage it doesn't matter we're done get me out that level was super short but super intense and there it is the boss of the caves bring it on hello you look somewhat familiar you kind of look like the swamp guy from the factory oh please leave me alone please okay i don't like this what what is this [Music] oh i know what i need to do check this out check this out look at that move boom you bop him or you don't oh that hurt him okay okay it doesn't just stun him it actually does hurt him okay all right and then go to the other side okay okay and just play it cool no that was not good that was not good i got a checkpoint though okay phase two he shoots laser things of course he does of course he shoots laser things why wouldn't he shoot laser things i need to get to the other side this is the problem okay when he jumps you you d you go to the other side you get the thing you bop him on the head and then you do it again this guy seems actually really easy compared to previous bosses to be honest is this really it there's no like second phase are you gonna give me a second face yeah okay okay i was gonna say this seems way too easy this is not the end this is definitely not the end okay we need to get the gold key to save our girlfriend we have to get more than one gold key i understand i understand i i hate it but i understand we've done it we've done it holy moly we did it and there you go they're back together and the cave is gone i guess yo are you serious we got golds on every single level that's a lot of golds now i will say are there achievements that we can still unlock there are still some achievements so those could be fun to get oh and then there's like a time attack mode oh my goodness there are loads of achievements there's like level specific achievements oh my goodness so maybe red ball four isn't as over as i thought it was but as far as the actual levels go we're done and it feels pretty good this game was a ton of fun and i hope that you guys enjoyed it as much as i did and if you want to see more red ball 4 maybe going after some of these achievements let me know in the comment section down below but that is gonna do it for this episode if you enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 5,257,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red ball, red ball 4, red ball 4 gameplay, red ball 4 game, red ball 4 mobile, red ball4 android, red ball game, kindly keyin, no swearing, no cursing, lets play, red ball 4 new update, red ball 4 walkthrough, mobile game, ios game, android game
Id: 3eBf2o2fUZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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