i ignored airplane safety and this happened

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Its_Just_Ellis 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right so we're checking out the only game where you get to learn how to teach people to kiss their ass goodbye when the plane crashes it's airplane flight attendant career job sim more afa cjs dammit stewardess simulator and yes that's what i'm calling this from now on because the real name is too damn long is a game where you are supposed to be a stewardess who helps people understand airplane safety and deals with various traumatic events such as cabin depressurization air sickness and turbulence that's not going to happen i want to make everyone's airplane experience so traumatizing that they either die while they're on the plane or they die shortly after they leave the plane i guess living their lives but wishing they were dead also counts whenever i see flipped assets and a unity engine i can feel like there's some bugs waiting to be exploited and so we will go forth as young bianca from the icy tundra of north florida welcome to flight t2p what i'm supposed to help this passenger get to her seat but first i have to mention to everyone that i'm you know like 75 inches taller than this lady and growing big in north florida holy jesus it could just be the fact that i'm wearing boots with five inch heels i like how this lady is over here while i'm doing this commentary and she's like are you gonna give me to my seat or not jesus christ this is taking forever look the game just showed me oh i was gonna say the game just showed me i have like a mobile camera i almost got everyone here the gratuitous up the stewardess skirt shot but it turns out that her legs are just coming out of a giant pencil eraser all right madam yeah right this way let's take a look at some of these other wonderful passengers we have going on over here this lady's catatonic this is a woman who knows that they're in a grace still plays airplane episode she's like i don't want to die i don't want to die i don't want to die don't draw any attention to myself joke's on you by staying perfectly still you're screwed this is like two twins right over here like when the cell splits except only one part of the cell got the animations hello man what are you reading what the hell is that jack sparrow poor jack he's like listen they typed in magazine and took whatever pictures came up first to use for their game okay real quick i hope this guy is the air marshal because there is someone on this flight that is suspicious as hell this dude over here you see him he's chilling out he's just kind of reading magazine no big deal right nothing unusual there until you see that it's a mary kate magazine i feel like this guy could legitimately try and justify this like he'd be like listen there's an article about sex appeal in the club i'm very interested in it listen mary kate magazines are like the skymall magazines they just sit there and grow old no one actually reads them put that down anyway let me complete this level finally because i supposedly the levels get stupider and stupider have a safe flight man hopefully you're still in one piece at the end congratulations you got three stars how seriously how the hell did i get three stars all i did was belittle people and take forever to get that lady to her seat it is time to give your passengers a safety demo oh i waited for this forever instruct about seat belts oxygen masks emergency exits and safety manual all right everyone this is a seat belt go ahead and take the buckle end and put it in your mouth and shove it until you can't see it any longer in case of an emergency oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling filled with fresh brewed cocaine here we have a beautiful safety manual it is printed out in 144p these are the emergency exits but you won't be needing them because they're really only useful to people that are still alive during the flight and that's your safety demo have a safe flight a passenger is calling you go ask if she needs something bianca slaughterlord basketball star turned stewardess at your service what can i do for you ma'am she's probably like can i have the inverse of muscle relaxants can i have a glass of water please would you like the flavored water or the unflavored water i feel like she'd be like well what kind of flavors are there pvc and rust-oleum also do i have like a health bar above my head if i bring her the wrong water is she gonna try and fist fight me to the death ma'am i'd like to be very clear about something i lift and i'll be lifting your water right to you man i gotta tell you i am so happy that i bought the most comfortable shoes you could possibly have for this job what the hell what the hell is this like a whole damn medical kit i'm not sure i'm supposed to be a doctor as well serve passenger here's your bleach flavored water enjoy go to the passenger it looks like he pissed all over himself i'm not sure i want to what can i do for you sir anti-depressants are on sale buy two get one free bring some fruits for passenger talk dirty to me some more google translate i like how unspecific this guy is this guy doesn't even know like i'm the type of person that would be like any fruit and if he was smart he would be like wait what do you mean don't you worry i'll be right back with your fruit he'll know something's wrong when he bites in and it's made out of wax so i'm guessing this is like an orange and apple a pear and i think those are supposed to be bananas but they kind of look like 762 cartridges oh here we go if you do like a top down view they look a lot less limp here's your fruits have fun passing that in the little two foot by two foot toilet we got on the plane that guy looks like pee-wee herman with a trucker hat on all i can say is there better be a oh i was gonna say there better be a point when the plane is crashing but i guess first i have to help a man with a first aid kit i don't actually know if i have any skill in using it or if i just hand it to him and hope he knows what to do if there's one thing i learned about medical kits it's that if you can give someone a shot from the medical kit give them all the shots this medical kit is a lot like one of those mcdonald's hamburgers it looked a lot bigger on the menu and now it's just kind of unsatisfying my wallet's bigger than this first aid kit what the hell is in there like one band-aid and some 30-year-old neosporin here's your first aid kit you'll probably get tetanus using it but you caught are you coronating all over my plane someone killed this man all right give him the first aid kit you want water too what the hell did you do with the first aid kit it's gone it's not a suppository put it under his ass i don't know maybe that's how you got it that's how you take it a passenger is calling you go ask what the hell is that next to this lady go to the passenger and take the bottle what does she want me to do with it i'm not a child care professional hold on before i go to this lady we have to we we really need to take a moment to look at this being that's sitting next to her where is he where is that hideous creature there it is you think i'm kidding look in those eyes and see all of the levels of hell [Music] this kid looks crazy he's like ah young stewardess your flesh looks delicious kid listen look at these legs i could kick a field goal with you your head is roughly football shaped you look pretty aerodynamic to me all right let's find out what this lady wants i guess can you please warm this bottle for my baby you want me to sit on it like a mother hen i'm gonna put this in the microwave for like 30 minutes wait what what does her shirt say yeah baby look at how worried she looks she's like oh my god i hope no one's judging me right now everyone is judging you oh legit microwave the baby's bottle just you wait baby this milk is going to be so delicious it'll dissolve your entire digestive tract all right throw it right inside the microwave over here wait while the bottle is warmed serve passenger all right ma'am the bottle's ready listen though for safety purposes so that we keep all of our germs to ourselves the next time i'm gonna have to ask that your baby holds on to the bottle and i just microwave him holding the bottle since i touched it though you now have herpes simplex 10 enjoy stop passenger from smoking you want me to do drop kick him in the face i like how this lady still hasn't figured out how to move she's over here she's like gray still blazes like a t-rex if i don't move he can't see me i see you all right come over here hey [ __ ] it's a plane stop smoking sir smoking is not allowed during the flight oh a bunch of people were doing it would y'all get peer pressured into this can you please get me some soup y'all are giving me a lot of leeway with these requests this is kind of unsettling i found the boob cam in my country of north floridia our favorite soup is drano flavored thus that is what you will get why does everyone get a wine glass with their service actually you know what if you drink it in the wine glass that's like 10 points to gryffindor one of the passengers wanted a cup of hot plasma don't ask me why the plane has hit some turbulence finally now's my time to shine calm down the passenger you got it ma'am you're looking slightly unnerved she's over here she's probably like i felt some sort of bump what happened and i would be like well ma'am that was our main engines going out say goodbye to your child and husband because you'll never see them again i like how the calming them down button is just like this zen button over here i don't have any interpersonal skills ma'am so here's a huge bag of weed please calm down this is this is the technique this plane better crash at some point i want to really help with that this lady's like oh my god what do we do listen ma'am just be glad you're not wearing the yeah baby shirt like the woman next to you see calmed her right down this lady's still like why does everyone hate my shirt ah the final guy this dude's over here he's like it's because i was reading that goddamn mary kate pamphlet isn't it sir please calm down the first step to being an uncultured swine no longer is admitting that you have no taste i would like to have a chicken burger please a chicken burger get the hell off my plane i just realized this lady is the same person on either side and neither one of her moves it's like the sphinx guarding the rest of the plane here's your chicken burger you heathen here you are ma'am here's your industrial sized feminine product she's like thank you all right sir unfortunately we don't actually have pillows on the flight but i do have this satchel of methamphetamine you can rest your head on the air pressure is low some passengers are having issues breathing so wait if i let you all die then i get to go home early right i'm not gonna lie i feel like i could totally get out of this i would just be like sir do you need an oxygen mask and he'd be like yes how about now yes how about now what's that i didn't hear a yes i guess everything's fine anyway let me go ahead and stand here with my groin uncomfortably close to your face while i give you an oxygen mask there you go wow it fits like a glove started wearing the band it's just hanging down i legitimately have the worst safety practices in the entire planet as i help this other passenger out i can take this opportunity finally to show you what is up the skirt of a unity girl are you ready for this see see here ready ready it's the abyss there's nothing it's your lucky day madam we are currently giving out free stock images here you go she's like wow it feels like a total lack of realism when you look at it like this the crazy lady doesn't really look like she has an oxygen mask she looks like hannibal lecter it's like she was foaming at the mouth when she got into the airport so we had to put this on or to calm her down all right julia don't eat any of the other passengers now hey how about you humphrey bogart you want a mask he's like i don't want a mask i want the other half of my calf don't skip leg dane the [ __ ] won't happen you ready to get your mind blown what would you say if both the front and the back of the magazine was exactly the same this lady over here is reading the how to she's like how to be incredibly ugly in one easy step let me show you you just gotta put an oversized sponge in your mouth i realize why i'm always so busy my other assistant never leaves this one lady every time he spawns in a board he's only here staring off into the distance as he talks to her his bloodshot eyes looking longingly he's probably like listen i told my wife it's not an addiction i'm not addicted to cocaine cocaine is addicted to me young man you're under arrest he's probably like but why for wearing bright ass blue shoes it's like this kid stomped wine out of a barrel of smurfs i decided to unlock this other flight attendant by watching a 30-second ad i don't regret my decision but does it look to me like she has herpes i feel like i'm stuck in some weird dimension can i pan out and like see what's outside of the pla apparently not all i can see is the inside of this girl's chest cavity i just noticed too they didn't even put like a stock image outside of the plane of some grass and some sky or anything i think we're just in purgatory i knew there was something wrong with this plane when i saw how much leg room there was here's your wendy's chili just fyi i checked and there doesn't seem to be a bathroom on this plane so if you have to go you can use the oxygen mask between dealing with spawns of satan babies and people wanting to drink bleach we finally helped every passenger there is help them as in killed them also i have to mention real quick is it just me or is this dude high as hell anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of stewardess simulator until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,469,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, business simulator, built a city, management game, emergency landing, vertical takeoff, emergency landing on water, plane emergency, emergency water landing, prepare for impact game, prepare for impact gameplay, what to do during an airplane emergency, stewardess simulator, flight attendant simulator
Id: rJuxprGQVQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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