Bush Hogging, Snakes and a Broken Kioti. What a Day!

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[Applause] uh how's it going everybody just uh knocking the dust off i'm gonna get ready to load the tractor up tomorrow i'm gonna do some bush hogging i'm gonna get going early in the morning and while i'm there i'm gonna see a man about a pond [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well what a day this was so i went back and i bush hogged again for the second time on my property and um i was up really early this morning it was dark when i left took off and got there early because i had to meet the pond guy i was meeting a guy about digging a pond at my property he wanted to be at eight o'clock so and i'll live an hour and a half away so i left two hours early just to be sure that i got there on time and so i get there on time i'm unloading just checking over some things on the on the tractor to make sure i'm good for the day i decided to go ahead and blow out the front screen just to make sure there was no trash in there it was pretty clean but i thought i'd go ahead and check it anyway so i undid the grill guard brush guard pulled it down blew out the screen with an air blower and got it all clean put it back together and right as i was putting the grill guard back up the pond guy shows up so i stopped what i was doing i walked away shake his hand and we started talking about pond stuff we walked down to the property and talked about the pond or the potential pond and um we finished that so then i start mowing bush hogging and i had to get off the tractor for a second and then when i got got off i looked i'm like my grill guard is still down and not only is it down it's been all the pieces because i guess it got uh jammed up when when i'm raising you know lower my loader bucket i it must have got hung up in that and now it's just been all the pieces so another day uh so the first my bush hogging the first time i bush hogged um i lost the stabilizer bar don't know where that got to spend 100 bucks to get coyote to send me another one and now day two out there and now i got the brush guard issue so there's no telling how much that's gonna cost but i'll let you know i bet you it's gonna be three or four hundred dollars i bet but um oh that it was a pretty good day i didn't film a whole lot out there bush hogging because it's so hot and it takes so long to to bush hog out there because the terrain is so rough you can't really keep and maintain a good speed so you got to go real slow you change the speed all the time um you know and then so i would just try to knock it out in the wind you know small sections you win win small battles at a time so i'd do a small section and i'd go to the next section and do that knock it out maybe a half acre acre at a time depending on you know where i was on the property so i ended up getting most of it done so i mean that worked out really well i figured out some good things on my you know loading my tractor i got some tips from some of you guys actually um i realized the first time i loaded it i had way too much tongue weight on the front end and i knew that um well i didn't know that but i felt like i probably did have too much tongue weight on there so this time i backed it off a little bit put just a little bit more over to axle and i was probably had the loader bucket level and i was still probably a foot and a half or so from the front of the tractor so i took a piece of duct tape and i marked that just to see if it would you know if that was going to work then i wanted to be able to reference that again so the the bush hog hung off the back of the trailer a little bit at least the wheel did and i could have unbuttoned that taking it or unbuttoned it unbolted it taken it off or bent it up or you know shifted it up or something but i didn't mess with it i mean it hung over maybe a foot or so i didn't really consider it a big deal so i think it was fine didn't have any issues with that so it pulled really well um as a matter of fact there was a lot less bounce in the truck so that that's probably the way to go so i'm gonna you know try that one more time with the bush hog on there i'm sure when i got the backhoe on there the weight will probably be different and i may have to pull forward just a little bit more just to distribute the weight a little better but with the bush hog at least now i know where to park it you know one of you guys uh i believe his name is steven he uh commented on my last video about how i had the uh the backing in the rear end tied down and he suggested that i raise the bush hog tie it down underneath the bush hog and let the bush all just rest on the on the chains you know once it's tied down that way you don't damage the top of your bush hog with the with the chains so i did that and that really that worked out really well i'm gonna uh can i think i'm gonna continue to do that i don't really see any issues with letting the backhoe rest on there um it was still it was all very secure so uh but at least now the chains aren't on top of the backhoe you know causing damage scratching it up and all that stuff so that worked out pretty well too so i appreciate the tips thanks it turned out to be a pretty good day um i'm happy with it it's completely filthy but i'm getting ready to take off for a vacation um really early tomorrow morning so i had to come home real quick just cover it up i took the air took the air blower and blew it off just to get the dust out of it but um you know i think it's clean enough for now as soon as i get back get back i'll i'll wash it off but so now my next task is to call coyote uh i guess monday because this is saturday call them and see what a brush guard is going to cost because i don't really have the skills to bend that back into shape so it's just going to get replaced the good thing is the bolts where it's bolted on none of that's damaged so it should pop on and off really easy so it's really bent all the pieces look at that i mean the loader must have got a hold of it and just pulled it apart but it didn't do any damage to the loader or the cross member or anything so i guess i'm lucky there um so the bolts are you know those are intact they're not bent or anything so that should unbolt pretty easily so at least that's a that's a plus it won't be hard to replace hold on a minute let me think let me think i gotta think hold on
Channel: Make it Happen
Views: 57,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kioti, Kioti CK2610, Tractor, Compact Tractor, Bush Hog, Brush Hog, Titan, Brush Guard, Push Guard, Rotary Cutter, 5’ Rotary Cutter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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