I Don't Really Wanna Talk About It! BUT.....

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morning hound and a beautiful one it [Music] is morning morning after three weeks not days 3 weeks of not planting we're finally going to get back out there again today but our driest fields are the fields we're put in soybeans in so we're going to switch the whole planter over try to run a long day and Hammer a lot of Acres of soybeans in after we switch the planter over and go 5 6 mil south of here and then tomorrow we will switch back to corn and try to knock out a bunch of Acres before it rains again supposedly the following day so this reasons like this are exactly why we push in the spring and sometimes go when it's a little early and the field might be a little wet and the soil might be a little bit cold but at least we can get some crop in because now we're 3 weeks from last time and we've killed a bunch of yield just by being this late now I mean we're 2 weeks now past our average date on on when we want to get stuff in the ground so we've already killed a lot of corn yield just because of not being able to get in the field for 3 weeks it's another Prime real example of why we like having a larger planter high-speed planter new newer equipment that can get over the fields faster we want to put the same seed back in the to right yeah I got okay I have to look at the screen to know which side is [Applause] what okay here's here's a home field see can we get it bigger so that's where you dug last night that is where I dug you parked it by the I'm upside down uh no the Digger's here in the yard you have to drive it down there um you know where the Grove is here and I got all this dug I'm thinking we'll dig start here and dig all the way to the building site this 50 over here is too wet Onyx is headed down with the field cultivator to keep moving so he can be ahead of that ahead of the planter with that so it works well to show that John Deere op Center app cuz you can see where Dad was actually out last night running tillage you can see right to the line on where he got stuff done to switch the planter over here we open up each row unit take out these bowls they're not plates anymore on these highspeed deals they're bowls these are the soybean ones here so I'm going to be putting these ones in and the seed dumps out just out of this little Hopper here that's all we lose as far as seed we replace these strips here go from these rough and bumpy ones to these yellow smooth ones here here for soybeans pop those in Swap this out and we're good to go other than changing everything on the computer inside there we also need to dump those big Hoppers with what's left in there to get the corn out which is easy enough to do but when it's 60° out and sunny and it's this time of year come on feel like we need to be in a hurry so every little thing we do makes me feel anxious I lied a little bit we don't actually change this wheel out anymore we leave that in just change the strip pull the double Eliminator back and pull the plates bowls bowls I can't see the tracks um come my well no you're looking good we can push it by hand yeah in uh little to your right there come straight [Music] in can't quite get to the other side to get it dumped so y kiss ahe a little [Music] bit now we have never never done this before we had to lower the planter down a little bit I don't really want to talk about it but this is what we're going to try you got to come my way a foot put me in toward the middle uh steer a little left if you can okay I had it in you can't see or hear you a hand it in yep will that work one another half one in there not ah well that worked so we're going to do it again over here Scoot a little this way little e there you go aead 8 in a little more had it in [Music] yeah I kind of doubt that almost went down on my ass too trying to make the corner on the beans that would have been wor okay switch my crop over to where's it at soybeans put in my variety single dad's going to go grab a couple rocks before I get down there and we got DHS out here putting axles underneath the grain dryer so that's the old dryer there split in two cuz it's a stacker they'll put axles underneath it and then the new owner will come and pull it out of here don't work too hard while we're gone dig it'll be nice to have that gone and even more exciting to see the new one roll in have a good day square body there's the first stuff planted right there it's been 3 weeks now from today I believe and there are some just starting to break through yeah that's extremely slow but 3 weeks of just rain every other day 5 to 6 Ines of rain and a lot of cold and we'll see what we've got at least it's there I'm not finding any rotten ones I'm not we're not finding bad ones it's just slow feel like I haven't done this in a long time I think I got things switched over so here we go people ask why I still have markers on the on a new plant when it's run by GPS did you guys hear about the solar storm that happened recently shut down an awful lot of GPS's people were really struggling I just trust markers more when I'm going around the Andros that's all plus if there's a giant solar storm I still have markers let's go make sure we're getting them where they need to be I adjusted the depth just a little bit I was planting my corn plenty deep 3 weeks ago I don't want these beans quite as deep as that was make sure the closing wheels are doing their job definitely plenty of moisture down there everything looks pretty good to me oh it's going to be a long day I plan on being out here quite a while well not here cuz I'm going to finish this eventually but over there and it's going to be dark for a long time while I'm still going tonight and I started my day at 5:00 a.m. I got up at 5:00 drove into town put in a good hourong workout sweat it like crazy cuz it's humid out got to stay sharp got to stay focused so I'm going to recharge my electrolytes bump the throttle just one packet of element to today's flavor is going to be the mango chili I'm normally a fruit guy but this is what I grabbed when I pulled it out of my lunch box mix it in a bottle of water refill on all the important stuff this stuff has got zero sugar there's no kinds of artificial whatever in here it's not full of crazy stuff it's got the Magnesium the sodium the potassium just the stuff that you want in there the stuff you need to keep the brain fog away and keep yourself hydrated in a healthy way and so it works with all kinds of diets it works for people that are doing paleo or ketogenic diet or fasting those kinds of things it's actually great for people that are fasting I've been drinking it for quite a while now um long before you guys heard about it on my channel and I've noticed a huge decrease in my cramps at night particularly Lake cramps I get terrible awful Lake cramps especially after days with a lot of activity whether it's a hard workout or a race or snowmobiling those kinds of things I get just wh Lake cramps and this stuff helps big time if you guys want to try it for yourself right now you can actually use my link it's drink element.com farmer and you can get eight free samples with any order whether you're a new or a returning customer that way you can figure out what your favorite flavor is my favorites are the Citrus and the grapefruit personally they've also got some chocolate ones that you can you can uh mix them in with something hot hot water I whatever you want I don't know I go for the Citrus and the grapefruit most of the time but you can get eight free flavors right now just using my link drink element.com farmer that's lement spelled a little different just use the link below that'll help you out and they have a no questions asked return policy so if for some weird reason you don't like it just let them know and they'll refund you try it out for yourself let me know if you do by 5 to four if you see a drone fly overhead over there it's just the rock picking guys they're out here again grabbing what we're doing today so they'll have that mapped out for later we got teror clear out here again taking some photos so they'll map the rocks and come out and pick those with the skid steer that they've got I think they have multiples actually I don't know when they come out I'll definitely have some video for you guys it's pretty cool like a medieval looking machine that deep cleans the field well that does it for this 120 but I got to stretch and hit the little boy's room I couldn't even wait the extra 30 seconds to fold it up anybody in there it's nice out [Laughter] here get the dust off Stringer card there's the Terra clear drone right up there mapping out this next field that I'm pulling into yep 54 I was just going to see if you could hear me yet uh I'm going to be coming up on the the north side of the field west of where stepan used to live okay I'm just uh pulling out of the driveway um on is still uncomfortable taking the roller down the road so it work if we fill you and give you a ride back here and you can take the roller and I take the rangor down there then you got something to drive yep that works a little concerned too if I up on pocket lake with all got a tractor and you guys are down there with each the tractor nobody can get anywhere to help any with anything we'll have the ranger now then I didn't turn this do I need you oh that's up to you we always have I guess you don't want to be throwing any rocks up in there battery's dead I think I can just start it I'm halfway to R uh and then what do I have to hold on there to shut start it shows instructions inside the door but I think you got to hold shift and then tarp close Okay okay we'll be down there you might be waiting for us for a little bit we're on our way at least well allegedly I have seed guys on the way which would be handy because I'm out not only do these tracks you know save compaction but they make really nice benches to eat lunch on and you can see sit and think about life and have a can of coffee yep that'll work for this one the Digger should go don't you think yeah it better then I'll just follow you Dad okay Aaron's out to wash the race cars so Onyx is just moving the car over for him if you want to check that out you should go over to between the rows our second Channel which is linked down below and you can check out the racing stuff but onx didn't want to pull this down the road cuz it turns not that nicely he just wasn't comfortable in it cuz he's never done it and these guys got crane things happening so they've got axles on the dryer right there they've got that job done but now they're working on the cage to put up this double run up there that's going to go from this bin over to here this tractor needs a bath real bad but in a completely unsurprising Twist of go figure we're trying to beat some rain again we got the hoses all hooked up but the valves are off yet so we leave those locked in just so it doesn't settle over the winter and end up on the ground I think that's all of them I'll find out got to remember how to do this haven't run this in a long time well apparently we got to have the cylinder stops out too or else those tires don't really want to come up who to think it I bet I got to take those ones out too moo puts this SP here has a spot to store these so they're out of the way and you don't lose them oh I'm going to need to take the pressure off those we are rolling now I know you drive a race car and everything but do you think you can handle this no I have faith in you I'm going to make you handle it anyway so I don't ever really have to take it out of float do I no don't I wouldn't ever take it out until you're done with the field and you're folding up little bit of dust flying it's funny how fast we can go from to wet to this well Doodles what this gives me a very Austin poers running over a guy with a steamroller type of vibe I'll bet he didn't think I was ever going to leave now I'll take my trusty Steed back to the planter and rolling rolling rolling keep rolling rolling rolling Planters everywhere back to the main job here tile guy even just called and said he got a big tile opened up on this field we had that was plugged a big 10in tile in the back that just uh closed up a ditch for us but it plugged up and pushed its way up through and was making a mess back there so he was able to find the blockage and dig down and clear that open and we're back in business again see there's always all kinds of fun stuff like that going on behind the scenes but I don't get to show you guys all the time cuz I'm just one guy I'm just stuck doing whatever I'm doing so I make the 100 phone calls but I don't get to go break open a tile I mean sometimes times I do but not today hello hi there hi say the roller should stay down there tonight he probably won't get done anyway but we might want to use that indas if it's down there and ready right so he's got to be I don't know he's got to be getting down there on Hagin okay yeah n have everything you're doing now do to roll right so but it goes pretty fast yeah it does so it's going okay for you yep no issues I guess so that's good hopefully it stays that way right so okay yeah well I'll let you keep going I'm just going to go here for a while so far's going good okay so okay I will talk to you later all right sounds good yep yep bye bye onx Onyx well it says I'm talking to him are you there I couldn't hear you at all okay do you need me to zip over there and fold it up probably okay I'll be up at the ranger in a few minutes here I'll run down there all right F Onyx is caught up in the first field so I'm going to run down and fold that roller up for him cuz that is a tricky it's just tricky to fold up and he hasn't done it before so to be safe I'm going to run down there I had to relearn myself exactly how that's supposed to go but we got it just a lot of little moving things you got to do at the right time perfect time of the day to be looking through dirty Windows this is not our field but I can see the baby corn I can just start to row it that's the first one I've noticed finally oh this one is ours I can see corn same afternoon woo that was close I thought maybe the neighbors beat us by a day or two well that's kind of a fun view now I just got to go one mile that way to my tractor right up there so we're going 8.6 mph right now and this thing is actually singula our soybeans 99 .8% singulation at 130,000 seeds per acre so we're still watching our singulation that's just part of what this planter can do and I I can speed that up I mean I just don't drive this fast that often but there's our 10 mph and we're still looking at 997 see we're going to have to boost our gauge wheels up a little bit bit if I'm going to drive this fast okay so it falls off to 996 or so 995 come on tractor catch up there we go so at 130,000 seats per acre I mean it fell off that you know 2 or three1 of a single percent on soybeans which soybeans are not fussy corn is fussy corn wants to be placed perfectly soybeans just want to touch the dirt and they'll grow I'm also not running the exact shot on this because we don't need a starter fertilizer on soybeans but you could or you could run different products in it one of the really good ones I think would be soy green a lot of people in our area we struggle with iron chlorosis iron deficiency in the soil with soybeans you could run like a soy Green in that and I believe I mean I know you can turn it on and off in areas where you need it and don't need it but I guess we don't run it I'd have to check into if you could actually cut the rate on it or not so don't quote me on that but check be cool if you could it would be that would be a huge savings because soy green is crazy expensive or for people planting other crops with other things depending on what you want to do where you're at in your operation different fits for the same product with that exact shot firan look at it go I can actually see it moving well time to check some beans beans look good Sun's gone for the day see those back there stop looking at me swans they're still there they're still looking at me and the gadgety planter lights may as well turn on there we go got about 243 244 Acres done for the day I'm going to head back home now it's going to be be a 20-minute Drive pull into the shop about 10:00 and I'm going to switch this thing back over to Corn so we can start right away tomorrow because it sounds like we may have enough time between tomorrow and the next day to possibly maybe potentially finish corn so I'm going to go do everything I did this morning all over again but opposite move this guy out of the way well looks like Aaron got the buggies all shined up okay here we go this [Applause] again wasn't a whole lot of seed left in there planter switched over just need to dump one tank one side was pretty much empty so the other one will dump in the morning I'm going to get this stuff off my hands and go pick that up cuz he doesn't have a vehicle right now I got the planter switched over the only thing that's left is we got to dump the left side tank tomorrow okay so the right side tank was low enough I dumped it in a bucket we'll just have to get the skid loader and move a tote over and dump the left side okay yeah yeah that sounds good so I'll head I'll head up there and get you now that way you don't have to bring the tractor home yeah that'll work good yeah just leave it here so well how do I unlock his truck you had to get a lot done here yeah about three short rounds left that's it in in the b 40 acres and then the 2 acre deal oh okay you look nice dig well I'm going to go to bed now that it's about midnight [Music] be sure to check out all of our apparel link down below where you can get cool stuff like this okay thanks for watching
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 402,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kNYRm3F_78c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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