Two 59 Year Old Tractors Planting A BIG Sweet Corn Patch

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today I'm planting an enormous sweet Chrome patch with my two old John Deere 4020 tractors good morning everybody as you'll see behind me we're starting the day with engine trouble if you clicked on this video and saw the title and thumbnail you will see what we're doing today we are doing old 4020 tractor things now that we've got gagee fulltime I think we might need to make use of my pickup the four-door a little more often so that I've got room and he's got room because this uh this cab situation isn't exactly ideal for three people definitely [Music] there we go are moving good thing it's only gravel on the way home [Music] the key is going to be unloading this without letting the units drag on the ground cuz that would plug them up if you remember several months ago in the dead of winter I went out on an auction site and purchased some old equipment purchased this 4020 and fixed it up we also purchased a box scraper a mower but most importantly and what we're going to be using today a disc this tractor looked a lot different when we first brought it home it had a loader on it it was really dirty and needed a lot of Maintenance we have put the time in and the thing looks really nice the one thing that I wasn't completely satisfied with this 4020 was the fact that it was gas and not diesel so we have something to pull out of the weeds together today we're going to be grabbing a jump pack and a battery today is the day we get to bring home to our farm in 1965 diesel 4020 they said it had a battery but given my experience and history with batteries I'm sure it's dead so I brought one just in case we got to get this thing started and loaded up this thing looks pretty shoddy seats pretty comfy though we'll have to come up with a better battery holder spot for now that'll work doesn't this thing sound amazing it's got duels and it has a loader on it and it has just got a powerful diesel engine and the best thing about this is it has a turbo on it and a beautiful shiny Chrome stack looks a little rough around the edges now but I assure you once we get it home and put this thing to work you will see what I see that she is an absolute Beast this is what we're going to be using to pull our disc should be all good to go before we actually get out to the field field I just want to tell you the story of how we came to acquire this piece of equipment behind me cuz it's kind of a sad story there was a dairy farm in Minnesota that the bank foreclosed upon they couldn't pay their bills they went under which is just really tragic so the bank repossessed this tractor which had worked its whole life on that farm and put it up for auction now if you know anything about old tractors they're a pretty sought-after item so there was a lot of people bidding on this but I just knew that this tractor had to find its final home here on my farm so we bid it up and got this tractor and took it home so it can retire in peace and live out its days working little pieces of ground old tractors like this deserve all of the love and respect and I have to say it makes a pretty good pairing for the gas 4020 it's a match made in heaven really the one thing that we had to do to this disc the hydraulic cylinder was in pretty good good shape but the hoses were absolutely shot so we put new hoses on got new fittings and look at that used it raised and lowered several times no leaks so that is all good to go the other thing was we had some flat tires but we just kind of deleted them and that fixed it so this disc is ready to work this will be the first thing through the field and we'll follow closely behind it with the planter looked everything over it's good to go so it's time to take this Beast out and do some work [Music] what you see behind me is the result of a full day of dising using the 4020 we took this little bit of land from the grass that you see on the right to this beautiful planting bed that you see on the left we disced all day got it to look like this got a rain on it so we've got a good moisture profile down there we're going to go over it with the disc one last time before we finally get to plant our sweet corn look at that rich soil that we get to plant into [Music] you know Grant I think our ground is ready to plant into what do you think I think it looks great let's go get the planter we also measured out and put some Flags so that when we're driving the planter we just have to keep it lined up with those white flags that way we can plant straight rows later on in the season that will help us when we come back to cultivate Grant seems to think that I can't get this thing started and I don't know if he's questioning my skill or if he's just seriously concerned that this thing won't start so what do you guys think can I get this ins started let's see he's giving me such an honory look from behind the camera you guys can't see it it's not her I'm giving the tractor and hry LU all right well let's [Music] trck no problem I wasn't doubting you I was doubting the tractor all right let's go got the tractor and planter out here it's lined up with the flags the threep point isn't super strong meaning we just shut the tractor off and it's already settling so that's definitely something we're going to have to watch out for but there's not a lot of Technology on this it's all chain driven so we just put it down on the ground and things start turning and the seeds start planting we got these boxes it's not going to take too much seed you'd be shocked at how little seed needs to be in the Box to actually plant let's just open one of these up and take a look that's all it takes there's our sweet corn seed ready to go on the ground want a rock paper scissors for who gets to actually plant you got it you got it just put the little silver thing on the white flag we good to go all right check as you go let's plant set it down and drive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this went so well our sweet corn is in the ground and now we just water it and we wait this is where the element of patience really comes in if you want to check out what our big tractor's planting looks like we'll have a video out there that you can click on but for now you're just going to have to subscribe and wait to see what happens with our sweet corn patch thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 483,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farm, Agriculture, Equipment, Vlog, John deere, tractor, machinery, construction, truck, informational, learning, work
Id: n-wpD5-xWls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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