The Disturbing Return of "Elsagate" Content...

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hello guys and gals me moodahar today we're going down a darker Rabbit Hole once again now five years ago I made a video where I talked about Elsa gate a scenario that quite honestly uh should kind of scare you all right it's content that was designed necessarily to uh basically just destroy the minds of children if you will to is absolutely stupid content they use family-friendly characters and uh put them in some of the most insane looking scenarios some of the most unfamily friendly situations too is content designed to keep kids engaged and the cost of their brain cells to give you a quick example of what kind of content we're talking about one of the best examples is looking at content from five years ago now this is simple funds this is Mickey Mouse handle problem versus Doctor full episodes all right now this is a video that's got 24 million views and it was uploaded five years ago now ladies and gentlemen of course you can see by the thumbnail there's some there's some pregnancy issues with Minnie Mouse going on now of course to understand I'm surprised Disney all right hasn't issued their lawyers to go after this but hey you know the world's uh the world's a wild oyster now this content isn't anything too terribly special for instance Mickey sometimes throws in some M M's gets whatever the kid Mouse is called or I'm not a huge Disney lore expert and of course you think wow Eminem's are real fun but what happens there's some poo poo and then there's some there's some poo made out here God darn and of course what happens is you've got Mickey Mouse and his kid playing and playing in a playing with some poo all right that's a lot of poo by the way for for somebody that for somebody of that size Jesus Christ now you might look at this and be like wow that's pretty innocent and you're actually all right compared to the other uh stuff it was very very innocent look we're talking about eras where Spider-Man Elsa a lot of these characters are brought in and they were doing some wild stuff with them I a plane with needles all right you know injecting them with God does what and you know throwing piss and poo around like it was no tomorrow all right we're talking water sports like no one has ever seen so of course you know YouTube decided to crack down on this at some point and actually decided to say listen this is not okay now YouTube updated its policy changes and said listen it doesn't want to outright ban the use of family-friendly characters by creators who aren't the original copyright holders across YouTube because YouTube knows that a lot of family-friendly stuff works real well in the algorithm a lot of family-friendly channels will use characters like Huggy wuggy Peppa Pig all right whatever you want to call it now YouTube will crack down if you're using Peppa Pig and making a run like a like a drug Empire if you will to okay that's not family friendly now YouTube's policies are super weird especially in regards to monetizations now if you as you all heard recently from your favorite creators uh you know you can't say the bad words anymore bad words or badge okay you can't you can't use that noduang which you can't talk about naughty things otherwise YouTube might not think it's really nice now of course I I usually there I always thought there was an app called YouTube kids for it but apparently it really doesn't seem like that's the situation so I wanted to go down and look is this Elsa gay Trend back again and unfortunately it seems like it is this is a channel that I I'm really interested in because it's a perfect example of the kind of content that a lot of these kids end up sucking uh completely on so for instance they use real family-friendly well-known characters for kids like the cop from hello neighbor but of course intertwined with situations like throwing Paw Patrol into the rectum of the earth and having Paw Patrol poops and falling into them and then you've got situations where the scary teacher does a little bit of that Spanky wanky and of course the content isn't anything special dude you've got like three minutes of dog water content of scary teacher walking in playing with the Colgate brushing it in getting mad because the Colgate is hot sauce and now she's gonna go chase after these kids and give them the Spanx Bank you don't want to mess around with scary teacher dude she's scary man bad enough in 2D now she's scary in three dimensions of course later on one of the content pieces that I found really interesting was kissy show okay now for those of you don't know Poppy's play time all right really popular with the kids uh it's a horror game designed literally for children all right 100 um I don't even want to dispute that and of course the two mascot characters Huggy wuggy and kissy Missy are the two characters that kids probably associate with the most all right now this person's got about a million subscribers and they've been active since like a day ago four days ago in 4k by the way too no less so of course kissy show is from the United States all right hello dear friends this is our official Channel we are big fan of Huggy wuggy and Kissy missy we make many different funnies oh you can't be using the word useful man that's that's offensive kissy show in all of its videos are not directed to children and are created with PG-13 plus Elements which is a lie ladies and gentlemen and you don't know why this is a blatant lie because we're gonna watch 30 seconds of this content and we're gonna get our entire scenario out of it okay so of course one of the thumbnails here you can see that you've got kissy Missy dress a little bit scandily clad sometimes she's showing a lot of cake all right she's wearing a thong in some cases straight up yoga pants super tight yoga pants again obviously it's designed for the adult material but not not totally for kids who are like God damn maybe I should click on this Dairy Queen Factory sometimes you've got scenarios where uh Huggy wuggy is squatting over a piece of French toast and there's there's some uh there's some pieces of poo flying out okay there's a lot of [ __ ] play involved with these situations is disgusting as it sounds let's let's uh let's let's let's watch it give it an open mind maybe we might laugh all right it says try not to laugh challenge all right let's go into it and of course trust me it's all advertised okay in fact not only is it advertised but they got this crappy website that apparently they're pimping out the kids don't don't click on these don't bother going there stop here it is he's calling numbers on his phone cool cool all right Huggy wuggy so far it's it's pretty okay all right you've got some music going over here that I have to block off she's playing around she's she's doing push-ups okay this is family friendly she's washing the clothing awesome [Laughter] I just realized [Music] he's talking oh this is wild dude God damn all right so here we've got her chasing him down oh wait what is this wait a minute well let me get a close idea maybe we can do some [ __ ] pattern analysis and figure out what's going on here oh oh this is an Arabia boys this is not in the US of a I can see where this where this comedy is originating from okay so she's drinking the coke her stomach is aching all right she's she's walking towards the Subscribe button squatting over okay very very um suggestively man I am what would she do to that old subscribe button okay what do you think's gonna happen how are they gonna get you to subscribe well ladies and gentlemen they're gonna piss on it I'll do the amount of the amount of water sports that go into it is literally disgusting and of course you know if you're a child all right and you come across this kind of content all right again if you're a parent and you let your kid just sit around with an iPad um maybe maybe try to parent your kid uh because otherwise they're going to be watching content where their favorite like family friendly characters are literally like pipelining them into piss play at this point it's disgusting like not only is it disgusting I don't want to be like a morally outraged by this because forget that for a second this is just mind-numbingly stupid concept that's it now if you thought the kissy show for instance was something that maybe flew under the radar this was founded for June 2022 and it currently has 1.2 billion something views again I don't know if it's totally legitimate but um God I I have not had that many views on my channel I've been doing this for years okay uh so yeah this is absolutely blown up all right kids eat this up like it's candy all right crying out loud now I wanted to give a shout out to someone of the dumbest pieces of content that I've ever actually seen period This is a 50 second piece of content I'm not even going to like talk about the channel name if you ever talk if you ever remember The Incredibles meme you know I remember the one where the guy's like super depressed like if only you knew how bad things really were I mean yeah ladies and gentlemen the best part about that scenario was like that Meme was Channel basically the content that you're about to see over here is to take images of like characters on the right like here's Dwayne The Rock Johnson I'm gonna put a blur on him now because this sometimes gets replaced with some of the most disgusting shock image reimaginable and on the left you've got just random images of like facial like contortions and that's it that's all the content that it is that's all it is it's just random music and that's all it comes down to that's literally the entire thing you know people are like man do I have to put any actual effort into YouTube no you don't because this is the kind of stuff that does well this succeeds everyone let's appreciate how he always visit so much effort to produce some of the words now where things really change ladies and gentlemen it's some of the most disgusting content I've ever actually seen from channels like this so this is one from a channel known as Vector play okay and a vector plays channel has uploaded some of the most disgusting looking content I've ever seen period so of course in a period of just a month ago now this channel doesn't get a lot of views so of course people are just kind of like making fools of themselves uh by uploading this content in the first place now this is realistic Minecraft realistic Minecraft for those of you who don't know I found this because I was looking for Minecraft mods to make my game look really pretty so effectively this content is effectively just having your hands in a green screen and just moving it around and role-playing scenarios now generally it can be somewhat harmless but this is the side of YouTube Elsa gate Resurgens where the content that you're seeing is uh actually quite disturbing right it's definitely not what I would say is kid friendly now of course in a lot of cases you have a bloody knife all right and then you've got a character from The Incredibles that's that's preggers what's about the happen here ladies and gentlemen well hopefully something Halal is what I'll say now even if you look into Vector play okay this is the best channel for children in Minecraft videos my video is special for for children with disabilities all right so that's what they're made no no so of course one of the role plays that we're going to be seeing over here ladies and gentlemen is realistic Minecraft Huggy wuggy okay now obviously it's a video director for children which is why I'm wondering why after cooking an egg towards the end of this the dude has a Glock ready to just hunt down on the forest okay maybe looking for Oggy wuggy I don't know but of course to understand he's currently role-playing a doctor he's got the blue latex gloves on now of course it appears that this video takes place in uh in Florida with the naked man walking around outside but effectively what he's going to be doing is checking for pregnancy guy come in come in so this lady is about to get a pregnancy test done okay all right now how is a pregnancy test gonna get handled hey lady well she's gonna need to be using some problems I think I'm a pregnant okay pregnant yeah yeah okay we must make a test okay okay oh no let water in this box oh no no problem is it water you can find out if you're pregnant okay here is the toilet it's not it's not water wait peace good okay yes hey you will finish yes okay nice give me the bucket and I make a test well here we got the here we got a bucket of boobs that is the most yellow looking piss I've ever seen that is the most viscous looking piss I've ever seen too God damn I mean you might need to go to a doctor if your piss is looking like a lemons okay so of course how does he test feel how how's it how okay he's gonna put his fingers in Jesus Christ yeah it's good oh yeah it feels good oh okay now I make the test here is some drops that's not how you do it nice that's nice it's a cardboard piece comment off the truth this isn't even educational this is just disgusting what is this and the results are you're yeah you're a pregnant yes no of course you know to tie it all off you might ask yourself the question but muda what's he gonna do with the bucket of piss now of course would he like a real proper Medical Professional just throw it away or will you drink the piss well of course ladies and gentlemen if you answer the first part of that question you are you're an idiot so let's let's let's watch let's watch some water sports again again there's a strange fixation on piss place he's gonna keep the piss bye bye get out of here in six months get out of here let the doctor drink the piss bye-bye he drank the piss Ed he drank the piss don't get me wrong they're straight up baby deliveries that are going on too I'm zooming hardcore into the Minecraft character's face there's a baby delivery that's happening so uh yeah they go all the way throughout the entire situation I haven't seen Huggy wuggy yet but I'm just seeing the zombie come into your house that's that's all I'm seeing out of here okay the content doesn't have to make any sense it's designed for children children cannot parse any story it seems all right especially ones that are embryonic in age so clearly all right this content is designed just to get kids to watch some of the dumbest [ __ ] imaginable now of course when it comes to Elsa gate content again I don't want to say that this is content that's pipelining kids into some really dark decrepit area obviously there's a lot of water sport piss action crazy creepy scenarios and really adult material that's ad play but I think a lot of it is done by people that just want to keep kids hooked on the content and watching it as long as possible ultimately I do think it's up to YouTube to ultimately stamp out a lot of this content and make sure that at least it's age restricted look if anything deserves to be age restricted it's a Minecraft birth okay if I'm looking at Minecraft placenta and I'm looking at an ad right onto it that's not good okay that's not right um but again that's where we're going to end this kind of situation off on Elsa gate never really ended ladies and gentlemen it's late dormant it's not as popular as it used to be but unfortunately it exists around on the entire place the only way it can get worse is if somebody finds a Hey Arnold full episodes and filters YouTube search by playlist only don't do that ladies and gentlemen it is a bad idea and I'm just saying it to I'm just telling you that right now ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it I have a lot of censoring to do
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 722,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zt1m_h8Q-Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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