A Billionaire Mafia Boy is Obsessed with Me

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I was about to shoot my target when suddenly someone appeared from the shadows and snatched the Apple away it was the most popular guy in school Travis and lately he'd been flirting with me every chance he got let's play a game if you missed the target I'll have to kiss you but if you hit it then you'll have to kiss me what do you say sure why not everyone knew how good I was in archery and as expected it was a bullseye deals a deal cream puff as he closed his eyes for the kiss I called for the school cat Loki and whispered something to it you can open your eyes now Loki scratched his face like a wild animal as I walk away in total satisfaction hi my name is Bianca and I'm incapable of falling in love well that's what I thought but before I continue please like And subscribe my mom owned a huge chain of hotels and I was the sole heiress to the business Empire our family name was well known already but I'd really made us famous teen heiress seen kissing alleged gangster spoiled princess seen at archaeological site closed off for public princess announces to pay any amount to straighten the Leaning Tower of Pisa oh each headline is worse than the one before alleged gangster mom we broke up and you know my Keen interest in history I had to see that site and come on am I the only one annoyed by that Leaning Tower when will you ever get serious Bianca I have a private jet to catch but we're not done with this conversation yes go to your meeting Mom you didn't even remember to wish me a happy birthday but I was still celebrating in style I was having a huge birthday party at the newest Club in town but my night was ruined when I saw an Uninvited Guest Travis and he was approaching me and my BFF Carmen as if he was God gift to women despite that scary face hey sugar lips Wanna Dance aren't she supposed to hate me for making you look like Frankenstein What's Love Without a little pain and I adore your feistiness he was all over me the whole night eventually I had to make Carmen distract him and try to escape but he noticed and followed me like a madman I'm not done with you my love I turned around a corner and opened a VIP door at the end of the hallway there were some men in suits playing poker they all turned to me like I was an alien whoopsie wrong room thought it was the toilet but may I say sir your jacket is really cool very vintage 90s Michael Jackson kind of vibe okay okay I won't bother you guys may the best man win bye Travis was nowhere to be seen so I took the chance to finally leave the club but of course I couldn't avoid him at school and he was being such a nuisance that eventually I got a restraining order against him my life was finally peaceful till a few days later when Carmen told me that her cousin from the village would be joining our school since when do you have a cousin ever since he was born you never told me about him I love to collect snake skins and samurai swords in my basement I didn't tell you about those either what friends should share everything I think some secrets are good oh my God my cousin's here I turned to this guy who was walking towards us like he was the king of the underworld judging by his walk he knew he was a fine specimen of the male species but suddenly he tripped over nothing and fell into the fountain nearby and then he immediately got up like nothing happened I felt like I was watching a comic cartoon strip are you sure he's not some hot model you paid to act as your clumsy cousin nice way to say that he's hot and adorable he then spun her around like she was the cotton ball Carmen my favorite girl I missed you so much the guy turned to me and I was stunned he was even more handsome up close and also really familiar you must be Bianca Carmen's best friend I'm Slater nice to finally meet you did you just curtsy and have we met before no is this how City people greet each other excuse us a moment Carmen pulled me me out of Slater's earshot what you doing uh talking to my best friend's cousin why does that require you to bring your face so close to his I just thought he looked really familiar what's your problem I just think you're finding an excuse to flirt with him now listen up Bianca you're never serious about any boy and you just play with their feelings and dump them and you're not allowed to do that to my cousin he's not even my type relax just don't get involved with him that way or it's friendship over understood loud and clear ma'am since then the three of us started hanging out together and I was having a hard time believing someone like Slater existed Sheer Perfection on the outside but with the forest balance a human could possibly have he tripped slipped and stumbled everywhere he even got a black eye while tying his shoelaces but one night while I was admiring one of the paintings at home it hit me like a bolt of lightning I remembered where I'd seen Slater before you gotta trust me Carmen your cousin's up to something Shady mom and I attended this art exhibition downtown last month and later was there he was one of the artists we even bought a painting from him only his hair and eye color was different but it was him and he wasn't clumsy he must have been a look-alike Slater has lived in the village his entire life and just got here last week and he can't even draw a circle trust me I even showed Slater's picture to Mom and she said it's him too now she's contacted the artist to buy more of his work and he's coming soon and I'll finally know the truth you just need to give yourself something to be excited about do what you want but you're wrong a couple of days later the artist called Mom to say that he had to go out of town and he'd come to meet her next month how convenient I decided not to say anything to Slater and try to get to the bottom of his secret identity he was always hovering around me and Carmen like an annoying fly he was sure to slip up at some point I'd be watching him but one day I was spying on him at the gym and after seeing him miss the 100th basket I got really bored I decided to skip the rest of school that day to get a manicure as I was walking to my car a van suddenly stopped next to me me good day child would you please buy some apples from me I run an orphanage and I'd like to get some toys for the children sure thing just give me a basket and I'll give you a hundred thousand bucks I was about to take the basket from her when Slater suddenly popped out of nowhere and crashed into me hey you who do you work for show me your ID the poor lady looked terrified and just drove away what the heck was that didn't your parents ever tell you not to take candy from strangers what if she was trying to poison you dude those are apples not candy and who am I Snow White and that cute granny is trying to poison me because I'm the fairest girl in all the land this isn't funny you don't know how dangerous some situations can be oh please I swam with sharks last year and jumped off a hot air balloon when it malfunctioned I laugh in the face of danger and that lady just wasn't dangerous I know you're from a village and probably think everyone in the city is evil but please stop being a weirdo but Slater just got weirder like another time the three of us were at a restaurant and as soon as the waiter served our order he started sniffing thing mine if you wanted me to completely lose my appetite you succeeded what's wrong with you he also started sniffing his food and Carmen's that's how we do it in the village the first whiff of food tells you everything you need to know about what exactly about how organically the food was grown if the farmer sang to his crops and cows I ordered a giant brownie sundae with whipped cream and sprinkles are you insane just give me that just then there was a loud crashing found next to us and Slater jumped towards me and brought me down to the floor covering me like a human shield he was looking down at me and I was a little breathless and then I saw everyone else staring at us like we were mental apparently a waiter had just dropped a tray full of glasses oh uh my bad I thought it was a gunshot and maybe some robbers had come in I just acted on Instinct uh wait let me get this straight so you thought it was a dangerous situation and your first instinct was to save Bianca hello what about me your own flesh and blood Slater muttered some apologies while Carmen kept scolding him even if he was crazy it was really how he tried to protect me one weekend Carmen told me that the cheer captain was throwing a party just for the cheerleaders and all the boys I thought curious to see how Slater would act at parties with other girls so I dashed over to the venue and spied from the bushes but I couldn't spot him anywhere I knew how girls looked at him who's probably surrounded by the cheerleaders well what did I care I took this opportunity to practice my amazing singing I can buy myself flowers write my name in the sand to myself say things you don't understand suddenly I heard a sound right behind me Slater what are you doing here same question for you I came here to sing flowers because you know there are flowers here duh what about you it's too loud inside and everyone was acting wild it was scaring me just then a huge bug came flying at our faces and Slater tried to smack it away but he ended up slapping me instead oh my God I'm so sorry my hand is so stupid bad hand gosh Slater why are you so freaking clumsy I don't know just born that way but I get even clumsier around you because attractive girls make me nervous and you're the most beautiful I've ever seen what do you mean you know what I mean Bianca it suddenly hit me he was attracted to me and that could make things complicated I had to avoid him from now on before Carmen could misinterpret things and unfriend me but the very next day I caught him in the Janitor's Closet with his butt stuck in a ma bucket Jesus what have you done this time can you just help me please I think I got a cramp as I pulled him up her lips accidentally touched and my tummy fluttered just then someone gasped from the door Carmen girl it's not what you think I followed her to an empty classroom and tried to explain I swear there's nothing romantic going on between us these two dumb and clumsy for me and I'm certain he's a liar excuse me that's my cousin you're insulting and you say these things but I feel like you're attracted to him just don't get attached to him okay he's not right for you of course duh I already knew that but I was a bit bothered by what Carmen said what did she think he wasn't right for me a few days later I was practicing archery alone when suddenly an arrow came flying from somewhere and almost hit me I turned around and saw someone behind a tree I dashed over and found Slater what are you doing here trying to kill me now no what what just happened you happened Slater you nearly sent an arrow straight into me you're a hazard to society oh oh God I'm so sorry I didn't realize my arrow came your way I mean I didn't even know anyone was here I would never hurt you I swear but let me make it up to you with an ice cream shake come on let's go I wasn't finding his act convincing why was he always around me he was beginning to seem as obsessed with me as Travis and what if he tried to hurt me on purpose with the Arrow by the way are you free tonight I want to talk to you about something just you and me alone okay sure but we're alone right now you can't tell me over ice cream shakes what ice cream shakes oh yeah that no tonight's better I'll send you the pin location driver I'll get off here thanks see you later Bianca and then he just jumped out of the car and walked away this dude was so weird but I was really curious about what he had to say later that night I was surprised to learn where he was taking me the rooftop of an old building there was no elevator so we had to climb eight flights of stairs and he was holding on to my shirt like a kid wait what if he tried to push me down can you move away I need some personal space but what if I trip and fall down the stairs you know how clumsy I get why would you invite me to a rooftop an idiot you'll see when we finally reached the top I was surprised to see a candle at dinner what's all this obviously a date who are you expecting a crime scene didn't your cousin warn you about me she did but I just don't see why she's so against the idea of you being my girlfriend you're beautiful and amazing she she was trying to protect you because I have a history of not being good with relationships may I know why and before I knew it I just found myself opening up growing up I saw how my dad broke my mom's heart and left her for another woman since then mom's not even the same person she just burries herself in work and Dad kind of broke my heart too leaving like that I'm just afraid to let anyone come close I know that you don't trust me but I hope that someday you will and I'll get to know you better I feel like you're someone worth knowing he looked at me earnestly and then started leaning in I found myself closing my eyes and when his lips touched mine I felt something electric wait that was a mistake Slater I care a lot about my friendship with Carmen I can't okay I understand but later that night all I could think about was Slater and that kiss maybe I could talk to Carmen and she'd come around but I still couldn't shake off the idea that Slater was lying about himself as luck would have it mom told me the next day that the artist was back in town and he was displaying his work at a gallery that night well Slater wasn't gonna be the only one in Disguise I went dressed up as someone completely different and I was thrilled to see him he might have a different style but I was certain it was Slater and as I was walking past him I accidentally tripped and fell forward scraping his arm with my pen I'm so sorry I'm not very good with The Walking uh Clumsy like you people say oh it bleeds it's fine Miss I'm okay excuse me I need to use the bathroom and the next day at school Slater was wearing a full sleeved shirt just like I'd expected so I spilled my juice all over him oh my God you're wet you'll have to change your shirt it's fine it'll dry up no you'll get sick I won't I'm as strong as a cow I tried a few more tricks but he was able to avoid all of them I guess I just had to do it by force after our classes I followed him outside school and just as I was ready to jump on him from behind he turned around and pinned me to the wall Bianca why were you trying to attack me how did you know Spider-Man and all I wanted to do was this I pulled up his sleeve and sure enough he had a long cut on his arm ha so you're really that artist I've exposed you you big fat suddenly there was a growl behind me I turned to see two guys holding two rabid dogs and pointing at us Bianca just run Slater grabbed my hand and we ran like crazy from the dogs after sprinting down several blocks he pulled me into an old building and we ran up the stairs we climbed all the way to the rooftop and we could hear those guys behind us okay there's no other choice we gotta jump excuse me I must have heard you wrong and what is going on questions later and what's the matter I thought you laughed in the face of danger haha now is not the time to be sarcastic just hold on to me and you'll be fine do you trust me of course I don't trust you you're the clumsiest idiot I've ever met listen Bianca I'm not who you really think I am I just need you to trust me right now okay I won't let anything happen to you I promise my instincts told me to trust him and I did and what happened next what's the most thrilling thing ever we went flying through the air and landed straight in the garbage dump ew fish heads come on this isn't over yet I needed answers about why I was currently running a marathon with my BFFs mystery cousin around the city Slater why are these people after us listen something happened he didn't get to finish because the gangsters finally cornered us Slater pushed me inside one of the diners as he started fighting them expertly what were these Kung Fu ninja moves he was so hot just then one of the guys came up behind him with a metal chair I looked around for anything I could throw at that scumbag before he could hurt Slater Bullseye that's my girl just then a bunch of policemen arrived and surrounded the men and Slater pulled out a badge you're under arrest what he was a detective as those jerks were being taken away Slater finally told me everything starting with how I unknowingly got involved with an international Mafia gang he walked in on them one night at the dance club and saw something you weren't supposed to see you've been in danger since then oh those guys but I swear I didn't even see anything they couldn't be sure of that so you've been their target since I was already in town looking for this gang and posing as an undercover artist but when we found out that they were looking for you I joined your school to be closer we also thought we could catch them using you you mean using me as bait I didn't mean use you like that we just knew they'd come after you so that date on the rooftop was that also a ploy to get the gang members there um well yeah we had police hidden all over that building but I think the gang realized it was a trap everything made sense now he was just pretending to be interested all along so he could be around me for my protection in and to catch the bad guys I was just a mission for him you saved my life thank you I just did my job I'm glad you're safe now I got a report to headquarters soon so yeah great job goodbye then as I walked away I suddenly felt sad and empty and the next day at school Slater was gone I demanded more answers from Carmen Slater really is my cousin he became a detective at a young age and he doesn't tell us much about his job but after that restaurant incident where he was clearly protecting you I asked him what was going on and he said it was something related to you but it was confidential so that's why you didn't want us to get closer yes because he was just here for his job and he doesn't form attachments I didn't want you to get hurt I'm sorry what for I can see it in your eyes Bianca you're in love with him but I don't think he can make you happy oh please I've told you I'll never fall in love with anyone if you say so over the next few days I tried my best to get back to normal but I couldn't get Slater out of my mind even mom noticed something was up with me haven't seen any crazy headlines lately no new adventures yeah it's been kinda quiet but I did make one stupid mistake falling in love Mom sat down beside me and then pulled me into an awkward hug sweetie I know you've been affected by what your dad did but Don't Close Your Heart off falling in love isn't stupid and you'll find the right guy one day and it'll be amazing trust me mom decided to take some time off work and we planned a vacation together but just as I was leaving for the airport I heard a loud crash from the main hall and sauce later had pinned Travis to the ground Slater Travis what are you both doing here Bianca my cream puff I couldn't go on any longer without seeing you I can't live like this you really need to tighten security around here found him crawling through the dog door as Slater handed over a screaming Travis to the guards he turned to me why are you here Slater same reason as Travis actually I really missed you wait where are you going sorry can't disclose the location it's top secret so whatever you want make it fast I got another mission okay so what is it I need you to fall in love with me and be my girl oh well that sounds like it's gonna be a very hard Mission I'm not afraid of challenging assignments he pulled me in for a kiss and then hit his forehead against mine so you're naturally clumsy only when I'm in love ah foreign
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 19,494,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _tXe2EZcvaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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