Church Livestream @ Victory Fort | 4 PM Taglish (May 23, 2020)

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the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want it makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters he restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake [Music] your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy shall follow and actually dwell in the house of the Lord good afternoon everyone like enjoy pop Italia starting time of worship thank you Pastor a chance for exhorting us as well and we just want to thank you for really partaking in our giving so many important alumni ananassa m ec q Natalya made your modified na but still bowel uma vez la Bahia say it's a classroom my papasa but in are you small you learn a classroom or ants in a meet motto I pour where dinner first NSS done agree and now that I'm Paulina boy but anyway decide what immortality Tomi monkeys I'll go to my pelvis talkin abou malignancy every nation building that there are better for now imaginable tomorrow hahaha and anabolic Natalia wrong because really I just I'm in love and I just want to really honor you for joining us every time we have livestream let me poem is he killed in a talk up abdullah ii a bump on a now we're ending the series perspective and talking about respect they may be in panic was acting physical the panna cotta one i don't know how about the map again you ecq panel feeling co-domain 18 Paco oh I'm serious / c'mon c'mon I'm not a 10.5 million minutes yeah of course you know me but I know you impossible oh my laughs even Chen mo are you company when I say teoria nila you okay me ba boom ba now Cassie from pain point 5 - 7 ellen between the makita bonaparte elements at chiang kok i said that 834 yatta waistline quarter datum but nevertheless when you talk about panda now I saw this memes now I need to social distance myself from the ref so I can flap it the curve or gay or Michael I guess the Torian Bala sorry but nevertheless you Malibu's have another perspective bebop oito butts inability perspective it's such a powerful driving force right in fact I stumbled upon this South China Morning Post many years ago and there's this elderly woman who throws coins who puts a propeller mangle aeroplanes no baggage assume açaí and it cost so much delay for many hours in the delay bullion flight because she was thinking but less we have little brownie and my points name is a propeller but a fan a wishing well enough but that's the point you a pimple perspective propels the trajectory of our destiny and that's my hope and prayer does that as we end this series the corona mon pote idea for the past three weeks you've been talking about this no Mulally minh upon an owl of who God is and we talk about so many things about this some 23 and I believe it upon some not on her to lucid and Paraiba Impala lonathan but getting zapping jaws you see this sum is not baby praying to God in the proto some operator he is asking he's not asking God about anything in fact on the contrary he's actually rejoicing is actually declaring what God has done and continues to do in his life and we all know mercy David Poe many believe that no syndulla theater is an action King man so he wrote this when he was already a king and from a humble beginning of being a shepherd he has no experience being a king so gallaecia in luck as a shepherd perro remember he is now in plenty being a king okay let me just ask you okay I know there's so many things that we can rejoice right about our lives in just one word it type new land generally some bad guy that you are actually rejoicing even in the midst of this pandemic this one will take more what is that family I don't know provision what is one thing that too you can rejoice about even in times of this pandemic come on so you see respond event that a not in as I've said we started with provision the Lord is my shepherd I shall never be in want or I shall never be in love we talk about the second week poor you peace that God will light us down in beside the still and quiet waters he'll bring us to a green pasture right so Pastor John talk about protection last week that even if we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we will be protected so Miyamoto goes up an Athenian presence and it's a boom last two versus not all versus five and six thus far this samples spoken purely metaphorically it's a B and C David Paul he was talking in a perspective of a ship to a shepherd so Michael not into some twenty three people from a perspective of a ship now many probably thinks of verse five it somehow mixes metaphor with little a reality can say but in England most of rs.5 Salvador you prepare a table before me so of course you don't prepare a table for a ship's only on there was a shift yahweh is now being described as a generous host okay from a shepherd verses one to four now import he turned into a host who bountifully entertains the son is to see they will at this table so from ship now see David is now turned into an esteemed guest and David was very familiar with this okay most of his time is spent young childhood life Nia growing up he spent it as a shepherd no no more flux non titania and towards the end of his life we know that he became King and the duty of a king he was experienced in hosting all right dignitaries and world leaders some idea how to lavish a guest with hospitality so let's jump to the verse in verse 5 it says here you prepare a table before me you know what in the Middle Eastern culture or in this case an ancient Near East culture sharing a meal during during this time during this culture is considered one of the most honoring experience you can ever have right it's a very intimate moment when you ask someone to share a meal with you there are rules of hospitality in fact there's this quote from George Laz my lamps are rather ciborium Shepherd of all in the ear Sabina a man's famous spread by means of his stable and lavish hospitality kumi-sama secret Donna tickle Ellen isn't power by means of how he hosted someone rather than by his possession strangers and neighbors alike discussed tables where they have been guests in acquaintances amok amok and Omaha llamosa by grabbing a new guest only gonna let him get on Agana such tales spread from one town to another saboteurs a book and are handed down from one generation to another this is considered this is considerable gossip as to how gas and strangers are entertained so humbug a big deal po noumic host club because do the Mackay kilala right my kind of an example may jacory bought you a lot more you he's in a subpoena subpoena it all you can write don't be shy feel at home para comer and thought bubbles it means in a subpoena okay kindly or well after young here feeling your body you talk in translation evilly Egypt's animal a possibly being hindi po gana mana Middle Eastern culture they are so welcoming when they entertain guests sauce in a burrito you prepare a table before me so three things Papa goes up and nothing I own when it comes to being in the presence of God number one there's a feeling of acceptance and number two we're going to talk about abundance and thirdly forget talk about assurance so at the pond first point you prepare a table before me it means you are accepted all right have you ever felt rejected allow me a new egg nod away Kalinin parents more and and part anymore and then i of is a base a dinner I am Usama by a dealer you know I see God in D ganyan logically pagará in the gun in fact as we continue with the first I'm in the presence of my enemies it's the hosts responsibility to protect his guests even above the their own family grab you know remember the story of Lord Mary some visitors and then the power people wants to you know abuse his guests he's willing to sacrifice his own just to protect his guests gonna go up in there but boom arzawa sabaha inna is an host you are protected from any danger and some people need David you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies okay and and today bleep on Dominion like in Caliban from the Philistines the Moabites Kings soul lapis in a part and all but then this verse is saying the Lord will vindicate me that's what David is saying the Lord will vindicate me in even in the presence of my enemies kombucha untouchable car in the presence of my enemies in the aroma goggle LD toe and then next things in a bina you anoint my head with oil and he's talking about olive oil and Nepal I've been to Israel and Paran constant Manasseh table Dona olive oil they use that for food for medicinal purposes they even use that as lotion and also for anointing King pedable word deep on a Hebrew word the dynamin anoint my head with oil this is not pertaining to that activity of annoying thinking in fact this is a different Hebrew word that means refresh you refresh my head with oil it mission Norrish my face with oil it's customary practice propaganda Kostka a moon among you offers a decimal is this oil alright so in fact in Luke chapter 70 but Jesus was rebuking the the people that the Pharisees a bit I came to your house and yet you didn't offer me even an oil to anoint my head so first thing we need to understand in his presence there is acceptance there's protection from your enemies there's refreshing and then the David continues Sabina my cup overflows what does it mean to be in the presence of God let me tell you something there's an abundance but see now we pulled up in my cup overflows I see the suppori Tony David I was talking about this wine in the puto cup of coffee or tea this is talking about this cup that overflows and when you talk about wine during those times wine is a picture of joy in the scripture it's a picture of happiness it's a picture of celebration and what David is saying is this gracious host make sure that this cup is always filled it's well filled so parent David is saying I'm drinking in this joy in the presence of this host and he's constantly filling me up he's talking about this abundance and then the provision was constant and abundant and even in the midst of his enemies he's saying i am overflowing with joy you see sometimes we think that being joyful is the absence of problem or the absence of hardship not so okay you can be in the needs of your enemies but being in the presence of God will bring you so much joy kappa we just want to encourage you if you feel like having joy is completely removing the the problem completely removing the circuit comes and says that surrounds you you know what sometimes God will not remove you from that circumstance so that you will know that you can have joy even in the needs of those who comes and says in that so it was a Bible His grace is sufficient for us but in our witnesses will feel his strength so let me ask you this question it's your cup of joy overflowing is it overflowing suppose so now there's a Buhari now then and and let me ask you this question what are the things in your life that are constantly stealing your joy and even a bag ina but is it more pagina go on more Noah well are you enjoying more and who are the people in your life that are constantly stealing and removing the joy which part of the day you feel so down and out Church how many times have we missed out really acknowledging those those simple joys those small pockets of God's goodness Cocina sometimes I don't know maybe it's just me sometimes we we feel we're gonna be joyful one by big time could totally moral atom cancer and I thought totally Oh Ian mr. Koh totally macaron only some millions of Banquo and maybe that's true but how many times we ended up losing the small pattern opportunity to be joyful because of those small things through these three days ago we have this member and he messaged me about God's goodness and a poly Atlanta bad guy and and certainly a big dinner and let me share to you the story of William Ramos any many times we use this this guy's story civilian poor we all know he's a longtime member of our church and he's a PWD no guarantee person with the ability so we just be disabilities so he's a good friend is a kids church volunteer and it was just sharing to me the story I mean I was not look at the water I just want to share this story that's a small group shot through zoom of course and then he's a member named Cosmo Gupta Komaki indolent adorable and then Parana ammonia you avoid through the screen Sanjana craved OSHA to the point of parlance pajama island adorable and living alone in a condominium and being a PWD limited longing pendulum Abbas purple talents a 7-eleven Papa bossa condo Neela so Sabina but Papa Rowena seconded the following day boom elation and show my sash or power me so but then lo and behold a Bellini on a caitanya we sang a former small group member nila Paula miss and so it's an employee of feeling best Nakata went to Allen or teacher went to hands been a while initially Nakata went oh ha and then before Shaboom Alex Cohen Dona Pasadena elevator submissive engine on secretary civilian-military vigilant mom and then Tupperware Shanna all applicable lot so in the immunogenic and Alanna Ubach admonish every sabaha is a value need and then guess what Ilana but the Bing Yahoo Hana Bosnian element it will demand yes you're right you know such an adorable position adobo you may mama down a low real that was impetus Manila you look sad oh boy so shy guy and then bucket big Billy say you thought all right suppose in opinion episode when you live in covet times Sabina alone PWD well then Graham it's a by to cook and to preserve food I mean at this little favor thing it's a in a whole lot more of meaning sabina sabina apostolic oh you're making me cry Cerebus testimonial I mean yeah I have since learned that God dwells in the details suburb and more so in the sale of my heart's inner wall Sabina see God balances the tilting of the Earth's axis ability no quality see God pass Oh big time sobre big Delta logon he make sure that the Earth's gravity axis is okay and Samina he is mindful of my little cravings and then he concluded something about the mighty god I serve hallelujah Church simple joys it's your cup of joy overflowing are you in the presence of God in the banana poppin cinnamon our challenges and trials and hardships abou high that the joy of being in the presence of God overshadows the the pain the bitterness that this life offers you know what we can experience overflowing joy in the means of disco vid pandemic you know how by being aware of his presence that in every situation we can focus on what we have and that's the presence of God at the end of the day just like Moses said do not send us up from here if your presence will not be with us Alan I mean you promised land Google a car because a promised land is a promised land because you are there heaven is heaven because your presence is there you know what in 1st Thessalonians 5:16 4:18 singable rejoice always pray continually give thanks in all circumstances look at those three powerful words always continually all and then cinema right Shawn for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus so church his presence assures us that there's acceptance okay you prepare a table before me I'm welcome in your presence I'm welcome to dine with you number two his cup overflows there's so much abundance and it's constant and abundant and the third lease in a burrito surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life the word surely as I said all right it's it's it's it's it's a picture of assurance not just acceptance and abundance but there's this assurance this is not just a one-time big time invitation this is not just a short live experience now we go cuenta mode you know what gosh knock at Dinah home with the King nakka nakka Dinoco one time see president so-and-so CC Royal Highness na na Kadena call once in my lifetime no no no no no this invitation to dine is not just a one-time deal this it's not just gonna be a guess of this king for one night in fact it's gonna be throughout eternity we're gonna be his guests throughout our whole life in fact I'm gonna dwell in his house forever right scene of Iran imagine la matanza where surely goodness I hate the word goodness in the Greek word it means stove okay sorry Hebrew word it means stove that's the verse that the word that was used in the creation line in Genesis 1 and 2 therefore God says everything was good was good what's good it means a good thing it means benefit it means welfare so alumni they start chapter 3 in Genesis that goodness was shattered because of sin sin entered the world but we all know God restored it he sent his son to restore the goodness so here's the thing about this stove if you feel like there's nothing good happening in your life capital impaired right bear opinion parroting me in goodness leader if I jelly type mood encirclement sexual parroting make goodness the Lord it does and machining on aluminum powerful reminder Nia surely the goodness of God is at hand surely goodness and it says their mercy or another translation love shall follow me you know what the words the English word that was translated mercy and love it doesn't quite capture the whole essence of this Hebrew word okay the word that was used there the Hebrew word is I said that's that okay you know the word has said means it means deep abiding faithful covenantal of well you think oh when you say love it's not just love not emotionally-driven no no no no it's deep it's abiding its faithful its covenantal even they say if we become unfaithful he will remain faithful so if seemingly things are not going right right now because of this pandemic be reminded of this his I said his love is driven not just purely by emotion but by a decision that God's perfect loyalty to his own covenant he's gonna make sure it's gonna happen listen up look up here look up your church if you feel unloved by God if you feel like God is not listening to you if you feel like sometimes God is against you know for certain that God is working behind the scene to bring about the fulfillment of his covenant promise to you and to me he will never leave you nor forsake you that's what he promises guys in one sentence he will not let us down and then as we continue sin Abaddon shall follow me so this goodness and covenantal love shall follow me you know the word that was used there made you again even the word fellow is not strong enough for the sense of the Hebrew word the work is in economic done was read up it means to pursue it means actually to chase in agony booth or when pertaining to an enemy pursuing someone so pack up into pursuit on an enemy as well you feel this rad up so but then again David a play of words denominator in the positive sense that only goodness and mercy shall chase me you poisonous Avena this is more of the preferred reading at all only goodness and covenant the love shall pursue or chase me you pull you perfect the translation utter in English Hindi you - Omaha bull's-eye or in the human asana Billabong sorry master nah man poor opal partner Yandel 20/20 portable forgiving of more Castile and Depot now you're in autonomous alignment land stars oh man a suffice Ursula pan and jaws that goodness and covenantal love will follow us and thence in a beer on all the days of my life not some days not food is not doing acacia catechu Sandlin you feel the goodness and mercy of God no no no no no all the days of our lives kaboom Allah gave your goodness and covenantal of look up here if you're feeling down and out it is a matter of time Kabuto : His goodness and covenantal love is just around the corner so that's the surance can manipulate the Anaconda yon making an amicus a pandemic not panic Edessa pandemic heals God's Asura's look appear one one sentence long everything will be okay why don't you tag some person right now it had more time winter only on attack mullah Sabine will and everything will be okay the leg Billy grayham once quoted this I've read the last page of the Bible it's all going to turn out all right lovino what an assurance at the end of the day whatever is happening now since God is the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end Alan Lanham ending at the end we are or use you don't if you don't feel like it right now don't worry I'm ending rapid pinedo tayo champion piyo and I was just reminded of this woman you husband Yanam a type of covet early part porn on lockdown out there and they're a longtime member of our church a Saturday service and and I talked to her daughter and the chemistry mom or the Laguna and all Sabina mahogany Mansi mom and I managed to find her time asakusa because I waited nummy Joe Molly Bing mu9 Alma cremate and then when I was talking to her lo and behold like after a week so because Mustafa und behind at the backward because kasam Anissa behind I'm a pair husband more something another all past or because I know God is in control the map i my new husband common Aquatica but i know death is not his final destination o Allah may be encouraged Sonia I was named aquila with appearances are near because Sabina it's just a matter of time bastard who LaMarcus a militia but everything will be okay Shannon or Hannah but I believe God is a greater purpose and then suffered on all the days of my life you can actually personally claim this okay all the days of my life you know what the other day I was browsing some old picture I stumbled upon this picture competing on your top island I'm so at peace in this picture this was like four or five years ago this was is in a farmhouse nice and small good Nami so I was aligned there's a harmony on ok and then I was a dough yarn and well on the signal well and counseling well is that we call it o una in the Ungaro in prepared in Abu Yahya Tagaytay I'm gonna spend my time there in a next picture see matcha and cerebellum bounnam dogma Mendoza serve ourselves a glass at all there was so much space but we go up a dynamic retire if the signatures have been it David all the days of my life but wait there's more listen out and I'll owe you know your life here on earth Lemieux assurance listen up the provision of God in this life are just a small for taste but England on a lollipop aluminum grocery my mama pay specimens taken somebody animal husbandry toady Baraka is some flat over the face test Perrin non-special implore you proficiently garden I experienced not indeed the the accept pants the abundance the assurance this is just a foretaste of what awaits us the believers man Ania the table of which David has spoken and set upon and I in a desert may be in a tent the Mason gracious host but you know what a glorious day is coming when all of God's people will gathered around God's table and in this everlasting house and there will be no enemies monopoly again so the greatest expression of the goodness and mercy of God awaits us in heaven throughout eternity where we can experience his presence all day long moment by moment as in balancing Adam and Eve walking in the cool light of the day paid him with a pack went oh my god Peter no God you number Telugu own animal not a salmon in Oh God Cena but Elega you you no matter seven more dinosaur god I want to wait that I don't God may pull suit but I guess ya done me much when normal anger and the people of God will be then with the Lord who cared for us every step of the way and they will never be departed from him because I belong philosophers and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever hey Lord love me forever do amanhã Percodan young camp Zoe you know my son before every cell of life hey guys see God's a good puppy eternity more okay God surance cup up forever that's the ultimate assurance in Habana has given us the holy spirit as a guaranteed deposit so guys as we end this series I hope and pray that our perspective of who God is that he is the shepherd our Shepherd we'll never be in one we will always be at peace we will be protected even the shadow of the valley of death but then again will assure the his presence throughout eternity I hope and pray that whatever you're going through right now I'll be ending a imperator whatever you're going through right now I do pray that you're gonna have a sense of hope the Bible says be still and know that I am God I'd be praying for two sets of people and lambda naught is a supper it some prayer in Alan I'll be praying for those people who are impatient the pattern in the coming up agin pipe out of Philemon and he'll be malignant negocio untangle my c'not own cancer contig Alto asado boom ahead and toggle new taco boom a leg and Ohio's if you're so impatient because you feel like God is not doing anything or his is asleep or whatever you're thinking let me pray for you because God is assuring us I'm in full control my goodness and covenantal love will chase you and number two I'll be praying for people who are hopeless you're no longer impatient you are hopeless you've given up I'm gonna call me loss you become passive I am along boom Alex at normal because the new normal I move by box and ago she went all let me pray for you Lord I live up to you this people our God who are now impatient and hopeless I lift them up to You Lord God because sometimes we don't see that your hand is working Lord if we don't feel that your hand is working we trust your heart Lord God that you love us your covenantal love is is always chasing us so father I pray that you remove the doubts and the fear in these people's heart and mind Lord I'm telling you put in packets of Anila I'm telling you pull you wanna do the Lord God knowing that you are in control you will never leave us nor forsake us you prepare a table before us even in the midst of this pandemic who are our cup will overflow Lord thank you because surely goodness and your loving kindness your covenantal love will will pursue and chase us all the days of our life and we will dwell in your house forever so let me ask you kamilla hot young presencia a maja cusamano main and in your presence the reassurance they'll be abundance and there'll be assurance lori god there's acceptance Lord we thank you for these people or God refresh them anew in Jesus name Amen amen amen and lastly I'll be having this invitation to those people in a paraphilia more parallel America dine in with this king I've good news for you the invitation is still open in Proverbs 3:20 it says there Here I am the host is talking to you right Here I am I stand at the door and knock is nothing at your heart's door if anyone hears my voice and opens our come in and eat with that person and they will eat with me guys look up here 2000 years ago Jesus paved the way he died for you and me he opened the way for sin to be a helpless why Lapham Kalaa well done well done power to be powerless well and unloved a new scene and God is offering your that invitation right now so if that's you let's just end here in this series if that's you you're open to that invitation to dine with the skin if that's your raise your hand right right right now raise your hand you want to receive the invitation of the skin to dine with him experience his joy this overflowing joy and protection and refreshment and being with him toward eternity if that's your racial hand and let me lead you in prayer pray with me Lord Jesus thank you for this offer to eat and dine with you to be in your presence thank you for accepting me despite my sinfulness I renounce all my sin I repent from them and I now receive the Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior this I pray in Jesus name Amen amen amen amen thank you for praying that prayer with me if you wanna hear more about the decision you you decided today you can reach me through my website pastor Jeff that th if you have any question prayer requests please do go to my website and we have a team of prayer warriors to pray with you okay important announcement before we end next week will be our communion place to prepare bread and in wine or juice so we're gonna have a great time enjoying that communion so that concludes our series perspective god bless you alright god bless you and may you be a blessing to others as well thank you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 15,812
Rating: 4.9237289 out of 5
Id: nmChZO3aaP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 41sec (2081 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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