A Costly Price for a Free Gift (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] um [Music] all right thank you pastor chan now miss according to world health organizations they're hoping to deliver 2 billion coveted 19 vaccine doses by the end of 2021 graveyard imagining by the end of 2021 hopefully ma mccormick vaccine so for those of you in iowa okay and this virus has infected all humanity no indicating social distance prevention is a virus everyone it touches eventually dies right continually creating havoc disaster distraction devastation family after families well i'm sidney sino i'm sure that's the virus called sin and uh yeah virus pusha okay i'm sure you're gonna ask sinu in ground zeroes of wuhan because of this coveted virus zero all right somebody in ground zero in this one but in the garden of eden because okay so anyway so and through one man okay the disobedience of this one man caused all of these problems we're having right now and we're in a series entitled the gospel explained and for us to really appreciate the gospel we have to know the bad news first because the gospel is the good news bad news so let's talk about the ground zero where it all started in romans five uh chapter 12 sinhabi don and we're therefore just a scene came into the world through one man virus when god created adam sabina you're free to eat from any tree in the garden all right see god pointy shaquille joy hindi he's free to eat from any fruit bearing trees in the garden except that one so it's a modern [Music] you're free to eat from any food except that um and because of that disobedience right sabi don't say verse 12 and death through sin so we now encounter this word death right because they disobeyed god okay they didn't trust god union china lincoln serpent and then because of the disobedience death came into the picture because the wages of sin is death and not only that death is spread to all men because all sinned so young grounds a virus that let's call it sin and everyone that was born after adam sinned and i'm sure what you're going to say that's not fair well i'm going to answer that a couple of um answer for that it's very dangerous to accuse the almighty sovereign god of the universe of unfairness a sovereign god of unfairness all right romans 9 how can you accuse if you're a pot or a lump of clay you cannot accuse the father so if god determined to treat adam as the federal head or the the the representation of all human race it's certainly god's prerogative to do so all right okay that's not fair guys we live in a world okay you do not and we live in a world where young sort of representation is common for example um a political leader of a certain country declared war right and the rest of the constituent of the rest of the population of that country will have to go by the decision leader nila because the decision of a leader was the decision of all because the leader represent the whole country so when we say that's not fair here's a question for you someone says let me ask you this question do we really think that we would have done better than adam satan do you think you've done better do you think that you would have resisted the temptation better than adam uh i don't think so all right and and finally listen up if you're saying that's not fair well if it's not fair that adam represented all of us when he sinned and then god and then neither is it it is fair that christ represented us when he died on the cross capo when adam and eve sinned all of us we have this inherent sin not just on the cellular level but on the dna we are sinful in vasabini david psalm 51 5 surely i was sinful at birth sinful from the time my mother conceived me hindi capulet ayo musa when you were two years old no no no we sin because we're already sinful it's not the other way around now you became a sinner because you seen it's belittled the reason why we sin as early as one year old three months old it's because we're already sinful the moment we're conceived in our mother's womb and death is just around the corner the moment the pinaganaka you're starting to a human being but in romans 8 and the whole creation was subjected to futility in fact in it's it's in bondage to decay if you look at the verse verse 22 it's not in my slide we know that the whole creation has been groaning so you not only infected human beings but the whole creation in fact anything that's been created anything that's brand new at the decay and that's the effect of sin it's important to understand for us to appreciate the good news the gospel we have to understand we're all headed to hell because the wages of sin is death okay but wait there's more okay so yes we're all headed to hell for the wages of sin is death in fact in verse 13 as we continue for sin indeed was in the world even before the law was given and people are saying well happen i'm hundreds of years prior to to uh to adam but then again the proof that the scene has already taken effect because people started dying so that you know that you're sinful no the law only highlighted our sinfulness right so we know that after adam and eve in fact but then again yet death reigned from adam to moses even over those sinning was not like the transgression of adam so people were infected by this curse of sin which is death even before bini kaipa young law and moses so when adam was cursed by god because of his disobedience they're gonna die but then again there's this verse that made you see in fact he's trying to deny the reality of this uh death through sin in fact one of the i believe one of the most prideful verses in the vibe in the bible i'm gonna change my wife's name from eve from woman to eve and let me jabil and eve the mother of all the living so but what adam was saying but then again we know the story the first death recorded in the bible was their own sons right and then if you look two chapters down the road in chapter five sabaedito thus all the days that adam lived 930 years 900 kung cake every birthday gift but then again look at the verse and he died the chapter five was a roster of dead people obituary section channel eden news daily okay so the curse of death is for real sin okay causes death all right because of the disobedience of this one man and then verse 14 who was a type of the one who was to come now here's the good news if this turned into a movie nusi nabium versus oh my gosh see adam that was a type of the one who's about to come but there's gonna be some sort of type of this man the same but different someone will come like an uh like like this adam but he's gonna be a different person he's gonna respond differently don't so there's this first adam okay and then there's going to be the last adam the first adam is disobedient this last adam is obedient he came to fulfill the will of the father the first adam talagang destroyed everything the second adam will fix everything all right so today as we continue with this uh chapter we're gonna see that in the midst of this chaotic situation in the midst of this seemingly hopeless world there's this word that says but every time you see a but an exciting talk i there's an intervention that happened okay but there's this gift from guilt there's gonna be a gift but the free gift is not like the trespass so here god intercedes here god intervenes the word free give one word lamporian's a greek word it means charisma it's it's grace it's uh grace endowments of being grace and the word trespass it means a falling away after being closed beside so should not be done the gift is not like a trespass see adam they used to have a fellowship with god god was just walking in the cold night of the day with adam and eve um uh turtle there was this unhindered relationship but now it's broken he backslid the trespassing that fall away but let's let me tell you something look up here god is determined to bring you back into fellowship with him hit the comment section remember the time when adam and eve sinned right they hid from god the tagus sabbath verse uh eight okay now chapter three and genesis then the man and his wife heard the sound of the lord all right as as he was walking in the garden the cool of the day remember they used to have an unhindered fellowship you know what they did after they sinned this is our initial reaction every time we sin they hid from the lord among the trees of the garden hello look at god's intervention church look up here sabina but the lord god called to the man where are you this is god intervening this is god interceding you know what god could have left them on their own okay god could have left them and they could have forever hide in their shame and guilt amma god asked them look up here where are you and then i'm i'm naked okay and then god again god is asking questions who told you you're naked it's as if god is asking you netflix you know who told you you're naked you see god was giving them an opportunity to repent they could have made i mean god could have if many died through one man's trespass one month's disobedience this first adam sinned we all seen sabrito much more have the grace of god and the free gift by the grace of that one man jesus christ abounded for many what he's saying is yeah the first adam scene big time but you know what the last adam he brought something more potent it don't grace is more potent against the lethal effect of sin this is more powerful than the power of sin right it's an abounding grace type mujan type was a comment section hit it abounding grace all right and then when god intervenes here's what happened here's the effects of this of the of the intervention in god when god didn't allow adam and eve to just you know sin and die uh with their sin you know what happened let's look at the next verse we're going to look at the result of god's intervention right and sabbath verse 16 and the free gift is unlike the result of that one man sin so uh sinner be the only he brought guilt this second adam brought gift all right and then the this free gift this grace in this anybody here you feel condemned in fact they hid from god they felt condemned we sin against god that's why they hid from the lord and no anger result then grace look at the screen but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification you know we've talked about justification last week okay balika you know youtube now then last week justification is being pronounced righteous there's this imputed righteousness we're not so first point not then god's intervention brought his justification instead of condemnation god in history intervening when he came to the picture we should be condemned to hell throughout eternity but god intervened and his intervention brought justification instead of condemnation how about that drugs you're not worthy of any justification or any love from god you have no idea of god's abounding grace machado in his abounding grace surpasses and exceeded the condemnation brought about by the curse of sin that's the god we're serving the abounding grace of god is greater than your rebellion wow if you think you have offended god big time and there's no way to come back to him you're dead wrong malika because he is abounding grace far outweighs the curse of sin well much and when you when you approach god he doesn't keep records of wrong that's the beauty of this god hindi he doesn't keep records of wrong guys his intervention brought justification instead of condemnation look up here the work of christ is greater than adam's sin because it overcame many sins to freely bestow justification jumping in christ all right overcame what adam did so you know point number one at the end his intervention brought this justification instead of condemnation number two uh verse 21 so that just a scene reigned in dead so dynamic pony paul this word reign is talking about authority he's talking about a kingdom there's these two men adam and jesus they're they're both head of of humanity the federal headship see adam brought sin and jesus brought salvation so now there's this two reigning kingdom this reigning is the first one is reigning death and then the next verse i be okay the other half of the verse so also grace haberito might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through jesus christ so point number two god's intervention brought us from death to life guys look up here if you are in adam death is reigning in you okay if you're still living in sin if you are still under the reign of death you are gonna experience double dead death physically and eternal death all right experience you birth more physically at rebirth okay christ you're going to experience one death young physical death long angelica no if you are in christ you will reign in life because christ's gift is greater than adam's sin so look up here god's intervention brought us from death to life and then verse 22 male 1 and the lord god said look up here there are two trees in the garden of eden all right okay the tree of good and evil now there's another tree in the garden the tree of life pakina in my own you're going to live in eternity and then enemy genesis 3 22 and the lord god said the man has now become like one of us knowing good and evil again look up here this is a picture of god's grace this is a picture of god's compassion he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever because their current state they are seen full and when they eat of the tree of life they're going to be with throat eternity in sin and when god cast them outside of the garden of eden that's the most gracious thing that this loving god can do for them because of their disobedience and because they are they're in their sinful state they're gonna be in sin throughout eternity god is loving look up here sometimes god is plucking out us out of our comfort zone plucking us out of our environment sometimes that is the most loving way kai para feeling mubarak was a relationship you know what you don't know god is sovereign he knows the beginning and the end so sometimes god allows us to go through these tough times so that you know that he is gracious and moving you away from what will cause you greater damage and greater problem okay some of you need to hear this you are in this situation right now nothing god because this is for your own good god is protecting you from having greater regrets in the past and just like adam and eve they were thrown out of the garden of eden tree of life and event and throughout eternity they're gonna be in their sin so god's intervention brought us from death to life okay and then lastly as as we end you know what they're about to go out of the garden of eden you're gonna cover your shame and guilt every so often because that lives is never meant for that you know what god did look at verse 21 young lives and adam and eve made a covering through a fig tree leaves but then look up at the verse verse 21 verse 21 the lord god made hindi the lord god made garments of skin for adam and his wife and look at the word and clothe them god had to kill an animal shed an animal's blood para maracho on a garment of skin which is a foreshadowing of what's about to do in the future that one day the perfect lamb of god he's gonna shed his own blood on the cross to once and for all cover our shame and guilt and to some of you here today you've been trying to cover your shame and guilt by a lot of fig tree leaves lips external whatever you must say you know you're hiding your shame and guilt from doing good works you're trying to cover your shame and guilt by being a good person you're trying to cover your shame and guilt by giving to the poor you're trying to cover your shame and guilt by having all this facade you know what it's it it won't last your shame and your guilt can be covered by the precious blood of christ the bible says we're close in righteousness no longer clothed in shame and guilt but when jesus died he clothes us with his righteousness and the bible says in colossians we are hidden in christ yes adam sinned big time because of him everyone that's born meron inherent sin but thanks be to god he intervened in the course of history in fact he promises to give your offspring right from your offspring he will crush the head of the serpent i mean to say one day he's gonna once and for all finish this satan and and sting of death will no longer right he will no longer have effect on you and that happened 2 000 years ago yes the world health organization is hoping to deliver a vaccine but you know what there was a vaccine that was formulated two thousand years ago all right and and and this vaccine has killed this virus called sin the question is have you been injected by this via by this uh antivirus by this vaccine or you remain infected so let me challenge some of you before we end in prayer let me ask you this question are you willing to receive okay the uh the first adult are you are you willing to receive the free gift of god all right and another question which part of your life do you need the abounding grace of god i'll be praying for this first group of people okay some of you here today you feel like there's an area of your life no well i'm gonna grasp the lord sovereign big time i think god can't do anything i mean this yeah he's gracious but i don't think god can do something about this situation some of you have given up believing god for miracles because you think that his grace will not abound in this area of your life so let me just challenge you if that's you listening today or watching this uh preaching if you feel like asa if you feel like the grace of god cannot really do anything in this area of my life why don't you try it out i i know you've tried before well i know somebody if you're just going to keep on trying right well if you're just going to keep on believing so if that's you today whether in the area of finances the area of relationship the area of emotional issues i don't know about you but then the grace of god abounds eternal life he also is concerned about our uh physical life here on earth and i believe god wants to heal you today of that curse of sin and some of you here menana by young christians broken family broken family broken family and he congratulated you're about to break up with your family god can intervene he can put life whatever dead in your life today amen let me just pray for you before we end and after that i'm going to pray for another group of people if that's you can you just raise your hand father in the name of jesus we live up to your lord god these people who are really lord some of them have given up waiting given up believing and lord some of them have just accepted the fact but lord i know that in the calendar eternal life but also in our life here on earth we're going to experience your goodness in the life of the living right now lord we pray for these people raising their hands you're going to reveal to them lord god that your grace abounds in every area of their lives whatever it is lord god in the bottom feeling nila lord paramahira may your grace abound lord god in this area whom they feel like i don't ask the lord but father you are a god of impossibilities everything is possible to those who believe so right now lord renew their faith in jesus name amen and let me pray for some of you who's just i don't know invite long maybe to some of you no that watch party lang your friend is a watch party i don't think this is an accident let me ask you this question jesus christ did this part two thousand years ago okay he gave an opportunity to all of us the question now are you willing to receive this free gift this is free by the way you cannot work for it you you can i mean you cannot earn god's free gift so are you willing to receive this free gift of god and in fact the bible says in romans 8 1 therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in christ so if you're not in christ you'll be condemned that's given you're condemned throughout eternity if you die without christ oh my gosh that's the worst for any human being in my experience so i don't want you to end up dying without this opportunity to receive this free gift so if that's you today you're watching first time or maybe you've been watching for the past four months this is the time wherein you need to receive him as your lord and savior yeah you can do that in your in in the very comfort of your home so if that's you you want to receive this free gift of salvation raise your hand come on raise your hands if there's anybody raising your hand can you pray with me lord jesus thank you for dying for me thank you for you came to cancel my sin the curse of death in my life starting today lord jesus i accept you as my lord and savior salaam and today lord jesus be my lord and my savior forever and ever this i prayed amen amen amen amen guys if you pray that prayer genuinely and seriously we want to hear from you all right just just message me uh pastor jeff.ph or you can email us you can pm us this is a victory for facebook site and we're more than welcome to really uh have a short chat with you to the decision you made today so guys again for those of us who are born again and we have received christ be reminded of that always there's no more condemnation for those who are in christ amen gravity lord all right it's five o'clock sakta we're done and may the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you and the lord may the lord turn his face towards you and give you peace in jesus name amen amen amen come on now god bless you and see you next week
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 20,865
Rating: 4.9201598 out of 5
Id: k11KeXIpY8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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