I Didn't Wash My Hair For a Month And THIS Happened..

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Before it starts today's video. I just want to very quickly say I know we are living in quite stressful and anxiety felt times Right now, so I'm just sending my love to everyone stay safe. Stay inside wash your hands for 20 seconds sing Happy birthday twice get a good lather. Look after yourself look after your family Look after your friends and the best way to do that is by staying inside I Could not have timed this worse I ended up filming this video during what was essentially my last month of freedom before lockdown Which meant that I spent my last month of freedom avoiding all social contact and interactions because I looked like that girl out of 'The Ring' if She showered less my timing has never been that bad before and I once accidentally interrupted at wedding So a couple of months ago, I stumbled across something that was quite big in like 2018 you know the golden years when we were all still able to go outside and essentially it was a trend a Movement, maybe. called the no poo movement and despite what it sounds like this was not a group of people that got together and decided naynay to our bowel movements No, it was just a bunch of people that decided they were gonna stop using shampoo or conditioner or any kind of hair gel or form or product Nothing of the unnatural variety. And the reason for this they said was because not only do shampoo clean your hair But it goes too far. It completely strips it of natural oils and goodness That's up in your locks your hair naturally produces oil called sebum and it comes from your sebaceous Glands and the shampoo triggers the sebaceous glands to release more sebum So the more shampoo you use the more oil your hair produces, which means that if you washed your hair every other day But then you started washing it every single day You would no longer be able to go back to washing it every other day without your hair looking greasy And this is because shampoo kind of creates this this trap Whereby the more shampoo you use the more reliant you are on shampoo and they claimed that if you gave up shampoo You know, you said a Jew to conditioner your hair would begin to return to its natural state Which would be stronger healthier shinier and often curlier hair and I'm not gonna lie to you That sounds like a banging deal. And so I thought I'd give it a go So from the articles, I read online from blog posts and from YouTube's videos that I saw documenting similar hair journeys Most people said that it takes around 3 to 4 weeks for you to start to see a positive change in your hair So I set myself some rules to make this as scientifically sound as possible because you know me top scientist I'll bet there would be no shampoo No conditioning and absolutely no products used on my hair at all for the duration of this challenge zero nil none Naught if you got any other words for zero, feel free to comment them down below I would touch my hair as little as possible apart from when putting it up to get it out of my face I would be allowed after the first week to rinse my hair now This was something that a lot of people talked about in those in those videos. They rinsed their hair with water So whilst they're in the shower, they'd essentially wash their hair without anything just their h2o But I was not gonna do this for the first week I was just gonna allow my hair in the first week to just do its thing after that week point I would be allowed to rinse my hair every other day or every couple of days as I normally would wash my hair and I Would film every 5 days and I would do this for a month Just I just chose the wrong month anyway let's get the experiment going Okay, I'm imagine watch my hair for the last time for a month I'm just gonna try and really milk this you know, I'm gonna sit there. I'm gonna sniff my shampoo I'm kind of hoping that what's gonna happen is my hair's gonna be like gross for a couple of weeks and then get really nice And like my natural curl will come back. That's what I hope will happen But what will probably happen is I'll just end up like a like a greasy matted monster gonna try and angle the camera now So that you can see me shower and wash my hair, but you can't see the taste Yep, you can see titties That was it we're done and so the journey begins so there was no visible change within the first few days Obviously because that goes along with my normal wash cycle But around a three and four my hair caught on it started to realize That something was amiss here and it started producing sebum. So I just woke up It's almost been a week since I haven't washed my hair It's disgusting So I've been braiding it for the last couple of days just cuz I thought that might help with the grease it might make it more manageable It didn't and once it started it did not stop it was like a fountain of sebum never ending It's like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory except instead of chocolate its sebum It's Charlie and the sebum Factory that first week. It was a It was a struggle So because it's been almost a week is now time for me to rinse my hair for the first time It looks so much worse in this line Oh God Okay, so just have the shower I've tried to towel dry my hair a bit I can definitely still feel the heaviness of the oil on my hair But I'm just gonna stop touching it now and just leave it to do its thing I'm hoping that it dries kind of like how it does when I Usually wash it and it looks a lot more presentable than it has done I don't know whether oh she just let it dry down or if I should just put my hair up and just leave it up In the hopes that the oil then will stop Going everywhere. You can definitely feel the oil on your fingers If you touch my hair thing is I have to film a bunch of videos today So I was kind of hoping that I wouldn't look like I haven't showered in a year Just imagining how horrible the comments are gonna be about why my hair looks so dirty and none of you know why it looks so Dirty, so you'll just think I'm a minger See you lot maybe later when it's dry or maybe tomorrow, good morning everyone I just woke up It's the morning after the day of rinsed my hair I decided to put it up in a ponytail pretty much as soon as I stopped filming I think it actually looks kind of presentable this bit here doesn't look so greasy anymore at the top of my head It's weird because the curls on my head and not as curly as they usually are I mean You've got some little bits here and I don't know whether that's because of the wheel and the impact that wheels having on them so it just feels kind of wet for some reason and it's been a good like 20 hours since I washed my hair so I'm not sure what that's about much more presentable today I think we could actually maybe take my hair out in and wear it down I think that rinse really did do the trick of getting most of that grease off so all in all rinse Successful by week 2 I was severely struggling I won't lie to you. I almost gave up at this point at the moment I'm spending most of my time with my hair up just because it helps it get less dirty It also encourages me not to touch it as much it's not my face and I can obviously make it greasy Yeah, so this will be the first time I properly put it down in a little while. Oh so excited to see what we're looking like day 10 it was It was horrible, oh Yeah, this is exactly what I thought this would look like it's just like what is this It's just so massive it's also starting to itch a lot at the moment It's time to feel very dirty and itchy One thing that I'd been warned of is that when you don't wash your hair at all and you get a buildup of dust dirt And oil that can cause dead skin to start to build up as well in your hair Which means you end up with a lot of dandruff and I've never had dandruff in my life. Really? and Suddenly your girl had dandruff. My whole head was itchy. It's like I had ants crawling all over it Just have another party on my head except. The only thing that they were serving at this party was sebum It was a sebum party and all the ants were invited So the dirt the dust there everything is starting to build up It made my scalp incredibly itchy, which made it incredibly irritated because I kept trying to scratch it at this point I started to get headaches as well because my hair was up constantly. It was just constantly pulling It was horrible. And so I started to also get my bruising at the back of my head Which I still have by the way, I have suffered for this video I would appreciate compensation in the form of a subscribe or alike that would mean a lot. Thank you It will make them migraines worth it now week 2 also saw the introduction of rinsing which I thought was gonna be fantastic I thought hey, you know this will alleviate my suffering but Nene Nene It did not right There are several problems caused by rinsing number one is that you would think that the oil would provide some kind of? Lubrication for your hair, but you'd be thinking wrong your hair once it gets wet It stays in kind of these these matted Strands of oily mess. There's no conditioner to smooth it out So you're essentially just yanking at your hair and not only that but because most of the time your hair's been up all day Your hair is not naturally falling out as it would do consistently throughout the day So your shower time is essentially you just just pulling dead Fallen out hair and trying to untangle it from the Alive hair, which means every time you get out of the shower There's enough hair to make a rug with It's disgusting and not only that but every time you get out with the shower, and you're trying, you know Dry your hair. It doesn't dry ever It is day 15. It has now been half a month since I washed my hair Lovely for the last few rinses, I've let it dry down instead of putting in a ponytail in the hopes that It would actually dry because what's happening at the moment is I wash my hair and then I put it in a ponytail and it Doesn't it just doesn't dry? I think it's because it's so much oil in it But it's it's just it's disgusting so for the last couple of rinses, I've been letting it dry down which is resulted in some exceptionally curly hair, but the grease There been zero improvement on that front and actually despite me not thinking it possible. It is gotten worse We're hoping the next 15 days delivers me some kind of hair miracle, you know some some amazing revelation of the hair variety tune for days With hopefully less disgusting hair by week 3 it felt like my hair kind of plateaued on the oil production It felt like it kind of reached its peak and it wasn't getting oilier anymore which was a nice pleasant change and that kind of got my hopes up the During week 3 and week 4 I would start to see this this glorious hair transformation. That would make it all worth it I was gonna start to see those luscious locks. They had been foretold to me. Ok, so it is day 25 So here is the hair It's a bit of matting going on back here Oh, it just kind of feels like I've put way too much hair gel in my hair the last couple of days as well It's been super itchy And if I scratch my head just lightly you get like a load of skin in your fingernails Which is nice my scalp just fails dirty. It's got quite a big buildup of sebum Which is not to be mistaken With something else. Generally. It's just not gotten better. I kind of thought by This point in the in the process My hair would be looking pretty fresh but saying that I will say it definitely looks more normal than it then it was if we just discount the Dandruff and dead skin and all that lovely stuff if you run your fingers through it. It feels so dirty. It doesn't feel like Glowing natural hair. I thought doing this for a month would be enough time for it You know rejuvenate and get itself on track and slowly comes to the realization that I may have just spent a month with dirty dirty hair for no reason you Know we still have 5 days. This could all still go well, but I'm not sure but unless week 4 came around and It didn't happen nothing happened So in conclusion if you don't wash your hair for four weeks You look like you haven't washed your hair for weeks No, I'm not saying that because it didn't work for me that this doesn't work I think the biggest issue was that the time frame they had been promised to me Was not long enough and I timed it for a month because I had a brand thing that I needed to do So I had a month and that was it I think that maybe if I had left it for two months or three months, I would start to you know Look more like the poster girls of the no peer movement, but unfortunately, it just didn't happen within a month However, now I'm in quarantine, you know, if you want me to try to three months straight, honey I got nothing better to do. So let me know in the comments down below This experiment was essentially a fail So I'm gonna take the L format, but it's not all bad news in in sebum City I can now go three days without washing my hair which in my eyes is a big fat W huge massive Massive big W. Is this something that you would give a go now you have that information? Can you commit to a two three month experiment? Let me know in the comments down below Feel free to subscribe if you fancy click the notification bell I'm also dropping another video today on my second channel. So I will put a link to that in the description below We kind of do lower effort content over there. We play some games do get ready with me Just chat. If you liked this video give it a cheeky little thumbs up if you didn't like it give it a thumbs down It's a free world you do you boo. Stay safe. Stay inside look after yourself wash your hands and I'll see you later Bye give your mom a kiss from me Okay, there is a policeman chasing someone... I'm not really sure what's going on Lockdown is wild
Channel: Ellbat
Views: 6,771,316
Rating: 4.939775 out of 5
Keywords: I didn't wash my hair for one week, I didn't wash my hair for a month, natural hair, grow hair fast, how to get shiny hair, healthy hair, grow your hair, greasy hair styles, hair hacks, natural hair care, greasy hair hacks, hair, greasy hair after washing, train hair to be less greasy, ellbat, Elena bateman, greasy hair quick fix, I stopped washing my hair, why I stopped using shampoo, stop washing hair, stop washing hair everyday, how to get healthy hair
Id: YgSR13rWeFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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