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go what i love to do is start with the warm colors first and press the hair on i start the ends first because it prevents the hair from moving at the top [Music] hello how are you doing check out my friend lauren i'm back she's back the hair bestie is back okay so it's been a minute she had rainbow hair for a while but take a look i want you to see her hair we're outside in the sun right now her hair is back to blonde that's the cool thing about direct dye pastel is that it just goes directly back to blonde as it fades are you ready to have some fun today i am so excited to have more rainbows well she's getting ready to launch a new single am i correct yes it's called great before this day dropping in october yes girl you better promote are you ready perfect all right let's go all right so i want you guys to check out the back of lauren's head here so as i open her up you can see her natural level is pretty light it appears to be like a between a level eight and a nine and as we get closer to her hairline it goes into a nine now it looks darker because this hair has been lightened so anything that's been lightened looks brighter and lighter even though her natural hair is actually already light being that is a level eight and nine and it has pigment in it so always look darker and because it's only been an inch out of her routage area this is the perfect time for it to come back for a retouch meaning i only have to use 10 volume and probably sometimes less i can even use six volume but because it's very air conditioned and cold in this room i'm going to go 10 volume i should be fine so we're going to get started on lightening her hair but look how white this looks her hair looks so icy blonde considering where she came from you guys know that she's had like the rainbows the blues the charcoal this is the cool thing about using direct dye is that it's non-committal you don't have to stress about oh how are you going to retouch that the whole part about doing it is about having fun the thing is if you're this blonde i really don't recommend going like a really dark super power blue mystique or a dark crimson red because what happens is it's harder to get out of the hair so if your client wants to return to being blonde again it's best to use something pastel or sheer it out by using the sheer power and a super power color make it softer so that way it's more of a semi-permanent result so she can go back to being blonde but yet she could have fun in between yeah absolutely all right so we're gonna go and do her routage okay all right guys let's talk about big nine we know big nine lifts up to nine levels and in many cases i could get dark hair like mine up to level ten in one session it's pretty awesome big nine is white cream so it's not blue you see what you're working with it's oil cream base so it doesn't dry out so another thing i like to do also is to make sure to just kind of go against the side of a counter here just to kind of make sure you get everything out it's almost like squeezing out a toothpaste for me i like to roll it down so you get everything out of the tube now i'm just going to squeeze it down it just slide right out so i'm going to mix one to two ratio one to two ratio you will get standard lift one to one half ratio you get maximum lift now in lauren's case you could see she's already a blonde so she doesn't need maximum lift she just need the standard lift so one to two ratio with dedicate 10 volume i'm going to be very anal here please use the dedicated developer because if you use liquid developer any other type of developers there could be too many buffers in there that can prevent the product from lifting properly or having the proper consistency or having the same experience that you want because you want the proper performance of the product okay squeeze it right on out here so now i'm going to use the guy tank collagen powder so this is very important so we all know what collagen does when we ingest it right we know collagen is known for anti-aging and keeping us looking youthful and strong well now i created the collagen powder for hair so you can put it into your lightener and color so that way you keep your hair strong and looking youthful and resilient with plenty of elasticity okay so i'm going to sprinkle some of that in and you can put it in at any given point in time and just mix it we're going to whisk her on up here and we're gonna apply it to her head all right so i want you guys to take a look look at that routage this is the perfect amount of time five to six weeks max and i'm glad you came back just in time so now we're gonna put it right on that routage now i still avoid the scalpage so if you take a look here take notice that it's like a centimeter off of that scalp right just like so i tap it on and the reason being is because the product will naturally move its way up due to the heat from the body you just want the product to move up on its own just like so and every time you watch me do a retouch it's always slightly different because every client is different and that's why i encourage you guys to watch it every single time and you want to make sure that you mix the product up thoroughly so it's not grainy so that's why when you whisk it it's very important that you whip it until it's nice and moist and creamy all right so as you can see here it's only been 30 minutes and big nine did his job look how light she got she's lifted to a level 10. obviously she started on a higher level to begin with but just saying that with only 10 volume and the guy 10 collagen powder her hair is still very very healthy it's also you got to make sure you have clean application and as she turns here i want you guys to always cross check always open up the hair make sure you tap into everything because oftentimes we think we apply evenly making sure that there's nothing left untouched and if i need to have a more cleaner application i have a chance to kind of go through everything before i rinse it out and you can see here clearly everything's been lifted evenly and the thing is do not pre-tone i am not going to pre-tone her hair because i'm planning to put charcoal on her routage with the guide tank pastel i can see that she's ready to be rinsed so i'm just gonna rinse her out we're gonna blow dry herbie back and you can see her hair is gonna be super icy white [Music] all right guys we are back lauren look at your hair it's so blonde beautiful look at she's all even and bright and healthy and let's spin around so you could take a look at how even this lift is in the back and i did not tone her because if i'm planning to put charcoal on her routage if i tone her it can add into the final color i want a clear pure lightened canvas i want to be completely raw so when the color shows up it's going to be bright and not muted and dull so this is the perfect canvas to apply the pastel on as you can see look at that shine look at that bounce it's amazing all right guys i'm super super excited to mix all these colors we're gonna do like a rainbow prism here the last time i did rainbow prism hair on lauren we did something that's a little bit more traditional i want to step out and do something more exciting and also hone in on the color a little bit more so this is the color canvas system here it has the guy tang more to me on it which i'm super excited about so i always like to have like a nice big board that i get to put all the colors on because we have a lot of colors here as you can see so most likely probably use about six and this is all interconnected look at this this is the guy tank my daddy rose gold bowl you get on my dandycolor.com so i'm gonna put right there we're gonna start off with yellow which is the lightning bolt color i'm gonna mix sheer power with a lightning bolt now i start off putting the sheer power in first because it's white and i don't want to make it too powerful i want to make it more soft and translucent so i'm just gonna go ahead and squeeze out a whole tube of sheer power and the lightning bolt yellow is so potent so if you guys have ever used a lightning bolt yellow in the superpower gaitang direct dies it's so prone that you don't need that much because your hair's already a level 10 it will show up so literally in the bowl here you'll see me put like a little drop and that goes a long ways so i'm just going to disconnect this bowl because i want you guys to see me mix this okay so you see how much your power is in the bowl with the lightning bolt that will do a lot you don't need that much because we wanted it to be pastel i'm actually going to add olaplex into this too which is very important i'm going to squeeze and because olopex has a ph of 3.5 it ensures the color it's super super acidic so we're treating her hair that's been lightened all right so i'm going to go down the color wheel here when we look at the pastel here take a look at the coral the coral should go next and then we're gonna go with the pink diamond which is also pastel and then we're gonna go into lavender lust and obviously we're gonna go into the blue then we're gonna go into the mint charcoal i'm gonna do last so with that being said we're gonna squeeze out cosmic coral cosmic coral is my favorite it looks so soft and iridescent and i'm just gonna go ahead and squeeze out a full tube and then the next shade is gonna be pink diamond so we're gonna grab pink diamond here and the thing is i find that pink always get out shine when it's pastel because the color itself is just so soft so i may add a little bit more of a concentration to it so i might squeeze just a titty bit of the pink possession into it so it's a little bit more potent so it's going to squeeze just a little bit just a little bit a little bit doesn't hurt nobody and we're going to move on to our next shade here we're going to go in with lavender lush now keep in mind anything that's lavender always cancels yellow so the hair canvas is too yellow you might want to make it a little bit darker by adding a darker concentration of purple in so it's more pigmented so round or less on her hair will show up very well because her hair is so white blonde so platinum-y here we go how beautiful that is now the next color we're going to do is the arctic blue now i'm going to squeeze out sheer power first and sheer power is clear the blue is no joke all right so now we're going to do mint of steel mint of steel is probably my favorite shade in the pastel one of my favorite next to coral those two are my favorite so i'm gonna squeeze that out and it's gonna look like a dusty mint that's why it is so beautiful and i'm gonna make sure that i add olaplex to every single one of them as well as the collagen powder and now we're going to whip it up all righty and now we're going to start applying the color and probably the most important part after you put oloplex in is to make sure you put the guy 10 collagen powder in every single formula all right now we're ready to get started color placement is everything we can't just put rainbow all over the head and call it the day because you're going to make certain things stand out that shouldn't stand out for example when you turn lauren's head to the side look at these little shorter baby hairs around the front had i have put like yellow lightning bolt there it's gonna look like hello i have breakage pay attention to me look at me and all you see is these two antennas popping out so we want to make sure the darkest color goes where those baby hairs are when i put her head down here i'm wanting to create like a diamond pattern that i'm going to section out but i still want to create a money piece so we could avoid the baby hair so that way the charcoal goes there the darker color the silvery color the base color goes there so what i like to do is i section the sides out where her hair is the finest so you see how fine these little hairs are that's going to be the base color that's what we're going to put the charcoal and the base of the color so that way the rainbow prism doesn't go here so what i'm gonna do from this point is i definitely want a money piece popping around her face so i am gonna dissect a diamond shape out so just remember when you do it don't ever go past these baby hairs okay so this is going to be where we're going to do the rainbow prism color you want to make sure you get all of this inside the foil but you also want to create a veil at the top look at how the hair lays so if i go from this point and go up it's not too thick just keep going and watch as the hair drop all right so that tells me this is a good amount now i want to create a veil so let's put all her hair back right over here so i'm going to create another diamond and we have to go off of her part line so let's check this veil that falls over will that diffuse everything yes that's the perfect amount of veil and remember that we want to create a triangular diamond shape because it helps us have a pattern right so now we're going to go back this way okay now i'm going to put a clip here so this helps me isolate the section so we could go in and see if this is where all the rainbow color will be you want enough hair to separate to the fuse of this block of prism they want to go back over this way and then from this point right when you go dissect it all the way down and this is how we're going to floor we're going to follow this this this and this is going to be the veil so i'm going to drop this again so you get to see how this valve will lay so when i twirl and clip this out the way you can see how we have this diamond shape and it's slightly asymmetric because her part line is different she parts more heavily over from her left to her right so this side has more hair so now we're going to start placing the color on i personally love to paint on the mesh sheet first because what i find is that this makes life easier because it draws out the pattern for you and you don't have to penetrate through the hair and cause the hair to move so i'm going to start right at the top i'm going to start with lavender less because it's a cooler tone and it always looks good on blondes to start with that lavender less right the routage so now after lambda left i'm going to go in with the pink diamond and i feel like the pink could be slightly thicker what i find is sometimes paint doesn't stand out as much as the lightning bolt or the coral does because warmer colors always pop out more than anything what i love about the coral is that it doesn't look orange it has like a very soft almost like rosy beige to it when it's on the hair so now we're going to go in with that lightning bolt so we're going to go over now to the mint of steel now the mint of steel you guys already know this is my favorite and you want to follow the rainbow pattern you know we know that the lavender goes into pink into orange you know corally to yellow to green so that way it doesn't look blocky you want the colors to blend like a rainbow and this is what makes it look prismatic and take a look at how much i shear out the blue i did this intentionally knowing the results are going to be very dramatic because the blue is always dramatic and then we repeat over and over and we go all the way down all right guys so take a look at my color canvas system that's right here i have everything all lined up and ready to go with all the rainbow colors and this is the original color canvas board thank you alicia fox for making this for me this is the guy tang more to me album cover so this helps me be creative if you take a look at more to me it's rainbow so it shows the different facets to who we are and those of you guys have downloaded my album thank you so much i i've gotten so much lovely responses from all you guys have shown me so much love for my music and i am working on my second album right now and lil did you know right down here is my client lauren hiding so what's up she's right here there she is so what i do is i place her head right here okay so this is where i'm gonna take the slice and lay it right over the board it's gonna make life so much more easy easier when we apply the color because it gives us tension and her head could just slide right in so what i'm gonna do now is get the mesh sheet that i've already placed the colors on and this is where i'm going to place it right on to her hair and this goes back to why it's important to place the color onto the mesh sheet first because it allows the hair to have adherence okay obviously the sheet is longer than the hair but i'd rather be safe than sorry so now everything is all there for me all right so here we go what i love to do is start with the warm colors first and press the hair on i start the ends first because it prevents the hair from moving at the top you don't want to contaminate them so if you start working on the green and all that stuff and it gets onto the yellow parts it will contaminate the lighting bulb so it's very important that you do the warmer colors first and always start on the ends because i find that when you start on the ends look at that now everything is stabilized and because i have a board underneath i don't have to juggle it makes my life so much easier i love having this board because it reminds me of my album every single time i work because people have no idea how as a music artist we work really hard we write you know sing layer harmonize everything that goes into music it's a lot of work and i'm really really proud of it so being able to see everything that i'm proud of right in front of me while i'm working makes you know our job so much more exciting and you you see the importance of using the warmer tones first it really makes a huge difference a lot of times we just randomly place colors on and the the mesh sheet starts moving around it makes our life so much more complicated more harder it shouldn't be hard it should be fun it should be easy but it's about knowing what color to place down first that makes a difference and then now i'm going to go in with that arctic blue now keep in mind i put a lot of sheer power to this so it's very soften but you'd just be surprised how potent the blue is is no joke then the last flavor will be the mint of steel and that's on the very ends right here all right so now that i established the structure now i'm going to take a thin slice that no one can see right now because she's hidden back here so then now i'm gonna over lay this nice and flat over that board you want it to be nice and flat just like that okay so now that that's nice and flat go back and repeat and overlay the colors on the same manner all right so now just keep repeating it over and over and i'm taking another thin slice and then folding the hair right on over and make sure it's always thin because you want the hair to be able to penetrate all the way through and be very gentle with the hair so you can see i'm going to lay and over direct that right on over so as you can see here now i'm going to take a thin slice and i just repeat myself over and over until i get every section in don't want to miss any sections okay so thin slice just goes right on over and you lay it flat to the board again if you take notice i always do the warm color first and i always start the bottom to anchor everything in the most important thing is in every section near the scalp you have to alternate colors so you can see that i have blue lavender pink coral yellow here right the scalp here i have to change my color and right now the next color calls for mint of steel so i gotta make sure i get the mint of steel right on that scalp edge area and this is the hard part because you don't want to just bleed everywhere and make a mess all right so this calls for the next slice so you can see right here i'll take a thin slice go all the way over to her money piece gotta be very careful here because you want to contaminate make sure your hands are clean because sometimes our hands are not clean and it has other colors on it so from this point you over direct everything and lay it right back on that board and what i love is that having this color canvas system board just makes my life easier because i can just stand here with using one hand only and just chilling versus like thinking about how i'm going to juggle using all the hands i have and my arms getting tired you know especially when you're doing these over direction techniques it's very very difficult and it can put a lot of strain onto your back and it can be very very stressful right so that's why like this really really excites me on top of having the guy tang more to me um cover on it it motivates me every day because it's something i'm really proud of because music has saved my life in so many ways because i get to write about my past my stories everything that pains me and tell my story through music and having it right in front of me at all times i get to fuse two things i'm passionate about which is hair and music together and always remind me of why i do what i do so this really excites me and like i said again i am going to provide the link below so you want to get a color canvas system board you can for yourself if you want to if you don't that's fine you want to use the board that's fine i just find that this works for me and i'm super excited about getting new toys because what i find is that every time i get something new and i play with a new toy it makes me excited about doing hair again because i find that you know when we do the same thing over and over again it becomes like work it's not fun anymore and we start to lose our passion and we forget why we do what we do so anytime something new comes out i just love like trying it out like a new blow dryer or a new curling iron i'm there so i encourage you guys whatever it is that's new and you're curious about it do it because you need to stay passionate you need to be excited otherwise what is the point if you're not excited about what you're doing then there's really no point to anything so as you can see here when you look down this is the last section and i kept out the baby hairs along the face frame here because this is where i'm going to put charcoal and the silver color because i want to keep those areas mute i don't want to draw any attention to these baby hairs i kept the cooler tones around her face frame so that way you don't see too much lightning bolt yellow popping out from her money piece area and then now i'm going to place a mesh sheet right over the top to cover that and we're going to overlay all the previous rainbow just like this and now right on over what we're going to do is you're going to roll you're you're seeing me roll the mesh sheet just like so i'm gonna roll it right over to get that out of the way just like that and then we're gonna clip it to her hair so that way it can hold it right on up and it'll be out of the way so you can start the next section just like so so as you can see here i'm just going to spin lauren around you can see her little baby hairs are out i did four rolls around her head in that diamond section and then now i'm mixing up charcoal that i'm going to put on her routage up on the diamond section and underneath here as you can see this is where i'm going to put charcoal herbitage and then i mix charcoal with lavender lust and sheer power for her mid formula and then i'm gonna add more sheer power down the ends that way it doesn't look too dark i want a deeper shadow root with charcoal but i want it to go too dark and what i love about charcoal on untoned hair is that it looks like a pure charcoal silver color without any blue any violet tone so if you have not tried a charcoal on pure blue chair to level 10 is beautiful so i am going to place the charcoal right on that routage see what i mean it looks kind of scary right when you first put it on but you could tell when you apply it that it's not black you can wipe it and you can see that it's actually silver it's almost like a mask and you think it's blacker than what it is so just go ahead and apply that as a shadow route and the mesh sheets really help get everything out of the way and keep everything organized so i leave the underneath section with a base because i want something that looks more together and almost like a sandwich we're sandwiching the rainbow in the inside where the outside is where we're applying the base the top in the bottom and the face frame so that way it's nice and clean every time i do rainbow hair i always still keep the concept of making it look natural if you will or more pleasing to the eye and that's my aesthetic of how i like to do things but you do it how you want you're the artist you're the creator so you do it however you like so watching me do this you can interpret it and do it your way and make it yours so now we are going to apply charcoal right on that outline right there so there is a subtle bleeding but that's okay because charcoal is actually deeper so it will mask right over any color that ends up touching so don't worry about that charcoal has a lot of pigment and it's going to become a great shadow root open the hair up spread the hair open make sure you get that charcoal down on that routage all right so now that that's on what i'm going to do at this point through the mids we're going to apply that concoction that mixed formula with lavender loss shear power okay and we're gonna color melt it down and i'm gonna leave the tips out for last because the tips i'm gonna add more sheer power onto those tips so now i'm gonna tackle that face frame so now that we're around her face you see i left out these little baby hairs here for a very good reason because i find that when you decide to put the rainbow around baby hairs they look like breakage you draw attention to them in a very bad way the way i make the baby hairs vanish into the shadows is by putting them in the shadow by using charcoal charcoal ensures they stay in the shadows and stay out from the light and when you hide them it actually makes the hair look thicker and now with the charcoal being on the hair i'm gonna go in with the charcoal lavender with sheer power just drag it down on the ends so they end up looking silvery and not too charcoaly and i'm gonna do the same thing on the other side i'm gonna let her process for 20 minutes and we are done all right so whatever is remaining in my bowl from the charcoal and lavender i added even more sheer power which is our clear in it in the bowl you can see so now i'm mixing it right in so that makes it more diluted so i could put on her ends right at the crown and trust me this makes a huge difference because if you skip this step and you just run something all the way through it just looks flat and whatever is left out her ends here you don't want it to go too dark so that way it keeps it looking natural i love to inject that ombre balayage idea into these prism rainbow hairs because it's just what makes it look more wearable so we're going to let this process for 20 minutes and you can see here look at that transition charcoal into more sheer power with the lavender boom this is gonna look beautiful alright so you can see here i unravel her mesh sheet and you can see all the rainbow it looks still very clean as far as the lines go but remember we over direct it we over direct everything back away from her head so when we rinse this out the color is going to look more diffused so i'm just going to go ahead and just cover it back up because as i rinse the color out of her head i don't want the charcoal which has more pigment in it to mute out the colors i want to be able to like rinse around it first and just clip this up out of the way so i get to rinse out all the shadow pieces and then rinse the rainbow color because the charcoal is more pigmented so i'm going to go ahead and take a flat clip here and just kind of clip it close to her head and then we're just gonna let her process for five more minutes and then we are done so how long was it when you moved out here it was five years five years has everything came out the way you wanted to in the five years as far as i mean obviously we're all gonna be our own worst critic and i'm always gonna be thinking to myself like ah there's so many more things i could have done but honestly i've made a lot of progress and i'm pretty proud of like my accomplishments thus far you know what's interesting for me i remember like during the beginning of quarantine and everything people were saying like we're not that important we're not essential we're we're just like hairstyles we're just music artists but in quarantine everyone's watching movies listening to music yeah like let's just imagine a world right now where if we had a lockdown and we couldn't have any music or any entertainment like come on art is essential it will be people will be bored out of their minds entertainment is everything and honestly because of entertainment entertainment create a platform for representation which influence our children in the future representation through media is everything and and that is from entertainment and i think that when people don't take entertainment seriously when it comes to movies music arts hair stylist everything we make people feel better when people are feeling better mental your mental health is better you treat people better because you feel better and also because of music music helps people heal yeah absolutely like i mean a lot of my music i like to write about things like self-awareness or just choosing love over fear i feel like music just has a way of speaking to people in a way that just normal language can't because you're really like expressing an emotion through like the frequencies of sound yeah this is the melody that helps people feel and when you feel you heal and when you heal from these pains you don't take your anger out on people there's so much hatred and people who are angry in this world because they're not healed and when you don't have music and entertainment you hurt people and hurt people hurt people it's a continuous vicious cycle right and what i'm so proud of you with it's like you are what you preach like everything we have talked about while i'm coloring her hair she lets me listen to her music and i was like wow that's exactly who you are that's everything you say in your music lyrically reflects back on who you are i think that's important to be authentic and true to yourself as an artist none of that fake [ __ ] no no no time for that you know what i love is that we actually me and lauren we have so much in common like you know music is what connected us to begin with i remember when i met her like five years ago and you're like you told me you do music like oh and i kept asking a singing model now he's doing music and now i'm doing music right i sing write songs and then now when we get together when i do your hair all we talk about is music and it brought us even closer together because we realize how important these things are because it really truly is something we need um and people don't take us seriously because i remember even when i first started beauty school people were like oh when are you gonna get a real job i'm like excuse me doing hair is a real job because no one thought doing hair is real they think like oh it's a side job till you you know go to college or you you become something else but people don't didn't see what i do even when i first everybody needs to get their hair done here and there so well not just that when i first started youtube people that take me seriously people made fun of me when i first started youtube just like why are you wasting your time that's so stupid oh nice little hobby you have there and even when i first started music like over like three years ago when i first go into music people said oh stick to your day job i was like well i'm doing just fine because i have like so many people that are connected to the music i write and i'm not only do i feel from it but everyone i work with like my producers anybody i collaborate with any songwriters i work with any um anybody who out out there listen to the music that i write it heals people so for anyone to discredit you or me or anyone who's in the this entertainment art industry you know it's like put yourself in a place where you have no music no movies no nothing no haircuts what are we gonna do no drawing okay no nothing no video games you know because it takes it takes a director or an art designer or somebody to plan all these things that you think might not be important but it is so anyway guys we're gonna rinse out her color and we are so excited for the results anything else lauren besides download her music check out her channel the new single is coming after that an album so yeah just go check it out i hope you like it i hope it helps you heal and be grateful during these crazy times listen my favorite my favorite song from hers that you have played for me that i'm gonna go download okay because i did not know no better it's called karma that's my favorite track off of your the songs that i've heard karma is my favorite so thank you yeah it's really like the vibe it's pretty awesome now we're gonna go rinse off her color you ready yes come on [Music] i've been searching for answers that i might never find i guess we're on different pages [Music] is [Music] communicate before it's too late [Music] tell me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] i never thought it'd come to be [Music] just [Music] trapped inside is quarantined only silence in the street we just gotta keep the hope cause that's the thing we need the most [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i'm not letting go oh my gosh i am so happy with how your hair turned out this is perfect for you i mean hello this is better than last time i like it because it's more diffused more blended it has more of a prismatic effect the shower route is everything you guys if you have not tried the collagen powder with the superpowers you need to the vibrant pastel is going to change your life and most importantly this is gonna be a great look for your music video that you're gonna be filming right right you better be filming it i probably should do a music video with this hair i mean come on you can't waste this you guys check out her music on spotify and youtube here i'll leave all the links below so you can check out all of her stuff on her youtube channel that she's working on and she's gonna have more stuff and i'm so glad to call her my friend and we have so much in common and while you're at it don't forget to download my music more to me my album i have a new ep coming in a new album coming out next year that i'm super excited about and also check out my dannycolor.com to check out all these colors even at cosmoprof at armstrong mccall you can get everything that i mentioned today in the video thank you guys so much i hope you enjoy the hair because i love it and thumbs up subscribe hit that bell below to get all the notifications follow me on instagram facebook itunes spotify twitter all the things to talk to we got tick tock now and everything facebook as well and i'll provide all of her links below as well love you guys much bye guys tell me [Music] was it oh [Music]
Channel: Guy Tang
Views: 710,444
Rating: 4.9552193 out of 5
Keywords: Guy Tang, Paranormal Hairtivitiy, Mydentity, Guy, Guy Hairstylist, Hair, Hairstyle, Hair Color, Hair Trends, Makeover, Make over, Blonde Hair, Tutorial, Step-by-step hair, DIY, Do It Yourself, Cosmetologist, Hair Care, Mydentity Color Line, MyHero, Hairbesties, Extreme Make over, Hair Salon, Ratchet Salon, Ombre, Balayage, Rainbow, Prism Hair, Rainbow Hair, Brad Mando, Reaction Video, Pastel Hair, Silver Hair, Prismatic Hair, Holo Hair, Holographic Hair
Id: FRbZkbIDtUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 17sec (2417 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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