Our Familyโ€™s Hair Wash Day Routine ๐Ÿ’†๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ 7 Kids 7 Different Hair Types (Part 1)

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so today's hair wash days scallop I didn't we had so many different hair types in our family so you guys are going to see what everything that we used on everyone's different here I'm gonna work on the order girls here mostly but you can do the younger details [Music] so Connie's gonna get her hair washed first she uses the Aussie shampoo and conditioner she's a ton of conditioner on her hair don't you all the time because she has really really curly curly what kind of frizzy hair so she looks to condition it down so it will drop down more because her hair gets really dry she has very very very very poorly cooly cooly cooly cooly cooly curds and you'll be able to see that even more when we are washing it and she does have our hair dyed at the ends so for a cut here really almost everything works but she just needs to go through tons of conditioner detangler sprays because her hair gets extremely Pingel - right and i kinda usually washes her hair by herself right obviously she's 12 but today I'm gonna watch for it just to make sure I like to get it really clean and really fancy listen that's gonna Carly hmm Carly really tangled up right now so we're just gonna watch it and then we're gonna leave the conditioner in for a while I don't ever hold her hair while it I doesn't have conditioner into it without conditioner if you notice they're cutting us hair that gets rough wet really really bad so I feel notice with my other children not everyone stares like that but her hair gets wet is so superfast it's already soaking wet so we're good with that so study your hair it gets really sunny and nice there's no wash it [Music] thank you hot Oh your hair is totally stressed so nobody said this shampoo was so fatal whatever whatever freeze because it's not it's just ripping her hair totally of everything mm-hmm stripping your hair means like basically it's like making it really really hard and like just taking all the walls out of your hair [Music] wanna wash her hair one more time because in the front it still feels kind of not stripped so we're really gonna just do a complete cleanse today plus my grandma oh she always wash my hair two times always okay like that [Music] so we're just gonna add the conditioner lots and lots of conditioner and I couldn't know like what I have enough conditioner I feel like the condition is enough when the hair starts to kind of relax and get loosen the curls start to get loose so I feel like that's when it starts working you can already see like back here see how loose the curls are getting everything like all of the hair feels nice and soft now and now we're just gonna detail oh I don't like going straight from the bottom up what I like doing is like brush Li here until it gets kind of caught I like to do that like two times and then I like to go to the bottom and brush out I'm gonna do different that that's not that to detain that long who do you think art I'm not in a rush going anywhere curl your hair is can't go do you condition yeah and detangle my used to like the purple one ah-hoo turn your hair so tengo good thing I did this good thing I'm not tender-headed mm-hmm so look how Lisa Patty's curls are nice and loose their Guinea her hair looks like it gets like earlier yes it gets quality art okay nothing nice when you got your here this pink oh no Connie so we're gonna attack tema Kylie's hair cuz we want to speed up the process super detail is super ting go oh my god this is so cute you I can't see it yeah honey your hair is like ridiculously tangled up we're glad you like a haircare 101 you guys could go in like sections if I'd like I started going in front and I'm going here yeah but this here is a different section from here like these are you see that's all table in each other so like the bottom needs to be separated from the top okay so I'm just left to right but yeah the bottom is you just want to like get a little piece and you just want to like detangle that little piece and you want to start from the bottom part because then the top will be in the way if you do the top one first you're here it's okay hold up is that easier job I think so I mean it's less scary don't go through at a time okay I'm finished with my side this writer Kylie who hurts book oscillate I'm not explain it to you but you're you're not brushing it all together see how it looks like right now and then watch we see the difference yes but this is gonna be a washed out anyways right yeah but it will get washed out like that like in the curl pattern that you do it in so in preparation I'm just making sure every the comb runs nice and good through her hair right now all over just to make sure everything is nice and detailed and I am going to make a part before I rinse this out of where I would like for her hair to go to even partner mill looks okay so we like this in Makati stare for about 15 minutes so now we're gonna mix it up I'm not writing out all of us finish my still what's done see the fear in there that's good perfect stood apart so next one is going to pick some coconut wall and put it to her hair so that it will stay this will just help me maintain that um we found the phrase coming up on our hair its how her hair won't get super friendly right you do this no I don't you should cousin that's why your hair gets frizzy every night yes if you quit all and it won't get ice crazy a lot more so kylie is done for now what's putting her hair into little [Music] okay next is as i/o we're gonna watch his eyes hair wow she has the most hair I think out of everybody and we're going to use the shea moisture a low porosity stuff all the links to everything if you guys want to know like what I use on their hair will be here so you ready let's go for his eyes her because she has so much hair I actually suction it in sections first before I wash it so I'm just going to suction it in four sections and put it in some twist in each section together I'm just really braiding the ends to try to keep the ends together ready so that'll tear takes a lot longer to get way much more difficult [Music] right now just too much here do this and then take out the breed so I'm not doing any detangling right now everything's separating the hair and the bottom but I'm not handling it up to the top except them and scratching anything out back up so that's the separate from the hair go to another section wash another section it's gonna continue this okay still watching I like this low porosity because it makes all these suds my sister told me if it makes a lot of sudden something it's really stripping but these girls right now they need a lot of stripping and I use this for my hair it's short so it doesn't matter to me because I just my hair and then I this condition it right away well like I said I'm this I just open up this hair and they washing between it without trying is like pull it out all the way that this one actually can be I just keep going to get where author brains Regis I always watch like that [Music] she has the type of hair that gets paint like when she was a baby it was dreads in one day one day it will be dreaded up ahead and just checking her on the inside thing pretty clean I'm gonna clean it one more time just to get it good scalp does that feel good as out mm-hmm yeah girl this you'll hear oh you love you met a hairdressing that Quarantine hairdressing okay that's right okay so as you can see as I already has these droids forming from her hair that I haven't even done anything about watching it in these braids and then she tried things are coming out so we're going to condition it now I'm actually going to use the Aussie conditioner because I think she needs a lot of conditioner this time so I'm just gonna take apart one condition it and then hang it up so you can see these large things are coming out of her hair she's had our parent braids for a very long time so we're gonna keep working this in there look all that just come out all out lightly break this back up and just let that sit in there and then we do this all to her head I'm just gonna let that sit and I'm gonna come back and detangle it as I detangle or on you just I pick it out and then put conditioner in it yeah and let it sit doing it or brush it in or job to see some hands first see what it sounds like I got it you did who uses more conditioner Carly or who needs more yeah hi all bizarre this will get a long time but we're not in a rush oh yes I am do I know where to go we are why don't you put my idea is going for a girl [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm Gail said worry about your own hair [Music] okay so right I'm getting hair out of this oh my gosh okay so now we finish detangling our hair and twisting it up so I guess now we're going to rinse it out I guess yeah so now it's gonna take coconut I'm just gonna put it on the edges in her hair and these little braids just to keep them protected because you got split ends girl oh my goodness Amaya she doesn't want me to watch him be king over here she's 15 she's probably not that long anyway last week what did you use in your hair Amaya I can spruce it up I'm just gonna condition it with what condition cause this one it was B that's the same that's the condition in her hair with the make it last watch conditioner that's it no we're just gonna get a little Oh taking a little frizzy mm-hmm but it won't be frizzy once we put it you have to open it mom oh that's really thick that's why I use it you like the fun yes why because silicone everything let me teach you something okay everyone listen up so if you put silicones in your hair you have to use a shampoo after it's stripped out all of what everything that's in your hair or else LLL it comes with stay in your hair and block your hair from after you gettin moisturize with like just water and the silicone just the plastic covering over the top your hair so here whenever actually a moisturize with water ever again unless you use some type of really really drying and like stripping shampoo or use a bar soap but yeah it's very clean I did it you just put the cap over this and it sit for like 10-15 minutes and yes we have though and she probably has we Venice hair no she has these thick thick curls like Shirley Temple curls those are her natural curls right there it will never go away no if you wash my hair my hair will just get all tangled up yeah so whatever side airs I didn't know what to do sit there so just open and it gets wet super easy so you can see our hair is already so it's gonna wash you yes I think this has an invigorating spa treatment you see I just had a little tiny bit of shampoo in my hair hand and it went all like this I just get a little tiny drop this is what happened relax sweetie relax this is not the relaxing because they're standing by [Music] so now it's still all cabled out as you can see her here so I'm just gonna put the conditioner on it now I haven't combed it a brush or anything I'm just going to condition it until it basically starts to show signs of curling up and getting detangle so yeah I was thinking our first had a Arizona I saw her hair what's this name I I did not know what to do if it like my instinct was like oh coral beads and I realized that it doesn't last for a very long time it lasts for two about two days on her hair so I had to realize that it's better to do like certain hairstyles on her hair then I wasn't really her hair just works in a ponytail I mean it's so thin so we do a lot of ponytails and buttons messy buttons yes we do a lot of messy buns and ponytails so now it's nice and being so I'm just gonna use the comb on her and we're just gonna okay that's not this brush is so easy but you know yeah err so you don't move that brush at these tables ah kids Karen's getting so yeah those hair has never been this long hair like oh this is Harry's gonna be long okay bear see that's it no it's all detangle that was easy Wow Enzo hair starts to form one big curl so you guys can see how thin air is those hearings Connie is IO and airs all have same carrots but their hair is all super different as you guys saw very very different and so that's it and I have my mirror to see you I just look like your hair revelry looks like so you see how our hair goes into this one light curl so basically it just sits there like this these are here so that alone by the way come on okay so I'm gonna have to detangle this again to go even again so even those arrows here coconut oil won't freeze up so it will stay like this boil it in her hair tolerates oh well squeeze out the water and boil it right Erica so it won't be frizzy cuz freeze creates tangles and messes okay I'll be in to do your hair in a little bit okay I've got one pony car top there one pony car at the bottom okay okay I know I need to do that later okay y'all done bye bye [Music] and if you the other side I love this hairstyle because it really only takes me about what like hollow Kylie five minutes five minutes unless you know how to do this you can do it really fast just put one right here I'm gonna cut I can change it she wants different colors okay done shows Akane oh pretty you look such a darling girl Kylie I love this this is great for 12 year old it's 13 roads keep them young okay net okay so I think those are these tea buns for Arizona because all right thing about this is trying to make get all these lines to look perfect okay so first I'm gonna start by just taking out breathe so I decided I was just gonna be four cause when I'm bad just to keep it from tangling it up until I'm ready to leave her final hairstyle and a couple of days from now then do it for her instead of tea because I don't want her her hair will get more tail if I put in just two so we're going to do poncho and Audrey's hair but the ended up falling asleep all the products I'm using on as a sheriff is a leave-in conditioner some shea butter and oils to keep it moisturize I'd leave all the links in the description if you guys are interested in checking these out or Chinese out so for a solitarily supplying extra leave-in conditioner extra shea butter extra coconut oil because you know I said she's prompted driving and not at the end over here so make sure everything is not super thing so there you go yeah tonight smothered pork chop yeah one of my favorite Mills I let the pork sit to get all the blood out of it so now and some water I made all of this I'm even make the kimchi yep pork chop look help rice kimchi with mushroom gravy I gotcha I see the way you shine good Maya yeah yeah [Music]
Channel: MAZELEE
Views: 10,338,563
Rating: 4.8799672 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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