I Destroyed the USA with the Most Powerful Volcano Eruptions and Tornadoes in Worldbox

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well you guys wanted to see more so here we are back in World box and look at this we've got a little bit of Canada a little bit of Mexico and a lot a bit of America so you can see this is an amazing map is by no priam look at look at nollans down here you know we got it we gotta see what's up man Louisiana we got all the states baby and here's my favorite Florida I mean I live there so it's my favorite I don't know if it's like the coolest state but hey little bit of Orcs here and like what it what's over here is this Ottawa or Montreal I don't know we're just Drake that's when you need him Trey Trey okay so the orcs are just killing all the zombies interesting I thought they would found a city but I don't think they do that on the desert aha so we've got two different orcish cities that decided to be founded based off of the Crusaders so they're reconquering Canada but well we'll let them do that okay we're gonna do the scene down here in Mexico but we're gonna do with the dwarves and they're gonna be on the Baja Peninsula isn't it crazy how big Texas is who are the zaccharas no freaking way hold on guys I think the zaccharas are orcs from the north did they come all the way down from Canada and found a city down here or did they no I guess it would have made sense that they came from Baja I don't know if you're like no the dwarves are down here anyway so what we have going on is we get to do whatever we want to the United States of America I was gonna kick England out but they're not here right now so I guess I can't do that but you know what like I love this look at the river systems that I'm the Mississippi River oh man it's just gorgeous dude the Mississippi River Delta is like what right around here some good duck hunting around here boys yeah that's right Florida man knows by that but hold on Florida is number one right we all know that don't we what's your favorite state and why so let's just go ahead and make the floor Florida we're making Florida grading in Boise how do we do that by lots of repopulation basically what happens is at some point in a person's life they're like oh my god it's freaking cold up here I'm moving south and they're like oh man Mickey Mouse is down there everyone loves Mickey Mouse in beautiful beaches and Cuban sandwiches and Tampa hold a phone Tampa's not very well represented we gotta fix this so basically what we got to do is create an inlet here and a little Peninsula and here you have the coolest city st. Petersburg so Florida is over here in like Tampa and Orlando area I guess also Jacksonville Gainesville you know what we need Miami down here too eventually they're gonna have to found their cities so let's go ahead and see what the rules are for this lad forever peace kingdom expansion we definitely want expansion so we're gonna give them a little bit of time to go expanding we might be creating some new landmasses like you know what we don't have enough room for Cuba but you know what we do have room for if you guessed Cuba in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico you are correct now remember all the while we're letting these people populate and expand we're gonna see which is the main the main dog at the end of this and obviously I'm putting Cuba in oh look at Cuba coming together it's beautiful it's got a lot of I guess their beaches are bigger you know Florida man we had like a hundred fifty people here you need some food all right so we've made Cuba with its capital city of Havana we filled out some other cities here and you know I kind of like it I like how things are shaping out but we kind of decide what happens everybody it looks like the Canadian orcs aren't doing too well probably because there's just no food here is there eat some chickens yes there's a lot of zombies too you know and you need a geyser there's some waters popping up trees everywhere you'll be fine Washington and Montana have fun with the bear problems yeah Montana is having some serious problems with bears oh my god Anna okay that's just gonna be a lot of random people settling stuff as Montana gets eaten alive by bears I should have factored that in and I guess Washington is getting rekt too well Vaughn repair rail Oh Nevada Las Vegas there's gonna be lots of random little cities popping up but basically if it's got a star next to it it's an original Capitol aka one of the states and look at that is this a gonna cool way who owns this and going I want to point out that a gonna is part of West Virginia so you probably could tell by meeting the people down if you go down to Miami you know the people were from West Virginia right I mean so hold on West Virginia's way up here right they traveled all the way down south and I guess a big mass migration in they passed Disneyworld they somehow made it past Disney World and founded West Miami now who's PETA owned by PETA is owned by Georgia hmm Georgia has invaded the Panhandle and they've taken Pensacola well they named it pencil Georgia it's no longer Pensacola no more I love this though just like the colonisation aspect alone you see some weird stuff like where's nurse'll is from Kentucky that's actually not too far out of the way is it where's Kentucky up here that's not crazy Wyoming now see this is nuts Wyoming just founded on Texas and you who are you where are you from oh you're from Texas too okay so you're just part of the Texan Empire now what's gonna be really interesting is as things start to expand I really wish we had the ability to like fast forward now I know we can pause hourglass change the flow of time okay let's do times five speed and check in in a little bit all right so we've let it go at five times speed for a while let's bring it back down to regular speed and investigate the world so we're gonna sort by kingdoms and wouldn't you know it those dang Georgians took the lead they have what three different villages and 159 houses in second place is Illinois third place is Florida Wisconsin what I'm surprised Texas isn't up here it's like what the most populated states are California Texas New York and Florida speaking of California we don't even really know what's going on over here California has only got 33 people who does this one belong to so it's called Utah Louis but it's founded by the Washingtonians which are up here they've surrounded the Oregonians oh we got dwarves out here all right guys well what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna have to start figuring out who's gonna be the top we're gonna put a dragon in Canada and we're gonna put a dragon down here in Mexico we've also got these dwarves in Mexico I mean orcs and Canada bet died out unless this is them nope that's some people let's see who it is Kapow where'd you come from Indiana now one of the other things we're going to do is we are going to alter the fundamental fabric of this world by changing the rules there is no longer forever peace at some point man realizes hey you got cheeseburgers and I don't I wanna mean they're gonna go invade whichever land here does have them oh oh Kansas is already having some skirmishes with the Nebraskans I don't even know where all about is or who belongs it to Maryland Maryland has a colony out here in the middle so basically we're gonna let some skirmishing happen and we're gonna check in in a moment also there's dragons running around so whenever they decide to land and start burning they're both kind of patrolling the north right now there's Minnesota oh this dragon decided to go to sleep near Oona which I don't know who that is who knows part of who could go who it goes oh it's from the oh my god guys from the Havana Oh naw naw the Cubans what this Cuban city has a colony up here I just don't know I guess that's what happens when you have peaceful expansionism for quite a while so I'm actually kind of curious to see who's gonna win Oh Tennessee you done burnt down Tennessee just got wiped off the face of the earth I'm trying to see like everything else is Michigan's doing okay wait a minute isn't this where Ohio was Ohio got wiped out by Michigan presumably Ohio is gone so is Tennessee Cuba's getting burned by a dragon Havana is gone okay so I think the floridans and Georgians that have had some serious border skirmishes but pencil Georgia is as popular it's more populated than Florida now oh heck now hold on hold on you know what I've had enough of this we are going to secede here babe there is a double barrier of hoshin in between Oh Florida and the Georgians oh my god and Florida is probably about to get burned hold on wait a second you wait a second here get out of my land we killed the dragon Oh guys I messed up guys I messed up don't Florida Florida man must survive Florida is down to 12 people it got hit by the dragon oh my gosh even the double moats couldn't help it but you know what can God powers all right we're gonna populate it up back up to 50 oh man look at what happened to Cuba what is this what caused these weird marks so let's see what else is going on South Carolina is gone there's a lot of states so South Carolina and North Carolina were wiped out virginia's still here new jersey's doing okay new york is stacked 105 people Maine is also doing very very well but the people of all the small states like New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut small in terms of at least a land area totally gone Michigan's killing it literally like if you're Ohio you did if you're Indiana you might have some colonies out here which I think we found what's going on up here Oh Washington just got hit by Godzilla what is it always about like the Pacific coast always gets wrecked see that would be another cool thing like what if you could get big old monsters like God zero uh-oh what's what's up down here it's just like a village that just went extinct I guess when there's no food eat the Sheep man all right so it's time to check in once again who are the leaders Georgia with oh my god this game is taunting me a hundred and eighty four people because they took Pensacola ninety nine people in Penson Oranje 85 in mainland like in Atlanta I wish you could keep track of all the kingdoms that were wiped out like in a kill feed you know or like it like if you're playing a first-person shooter you see people like who killed who in with what Georgia conquers South Carolina oh man what happened to all that sucks good old West Miami got taken out but I guess West Virginia is dead too are they totally dead now people can't die of which is kind of cool so New York there we go Georgia Michigan 2nd Maine is third New York is 4th Texas is catching up and so is California and then we got the robe ear shield which I think through the robe ear shields they were dwarves we put dwarves down here where did they go they must have populated somewhere it's just fascinating oh my god yeah Washington's gone Godzilla hit it but yeah what if you could get monsters like Godzilla or King Kong that would come in all right we gotta do something about this these dragons are dastardly well hit him before they get Arkansas yep oh but we also created a giant fire I'm a benevolent deity here I where's the other dragon do you see him flying around I think we killed him okay both dragons are now dead now what if we created a volcano in the middle of the Georgian Empire all right we'll do a tornado so tornado alley where's that I think it's somewhere near Oklahoma don't they always say like Oklahoma always gets hit with tornadoes we'll put a tornado here and see where it goes up it's going straight towards Texas Texas you had a nice twin city Kingdom here but this tornado is chewing up houses look at this it's sucking people in spitting them out well that was 24 people I wonder how many it's gonna be after this tornado gets done cuz it's just eating people alive oh it's going back up Oklahoma you ain't out of the woods yet I can't tell if it's killing these people or if it just sucks them up oh my god Texas is getting wrecked by tornadoes now we're gonna change the temperature in a region in Mexico we're gonna make it super cold super cold turn it to Ice Baby and you know what we're gonna make Canada super hot because it's funny yeah gets super hot now we can use I can use the Force to oh my god I'm a Jedi manipulating tornadoes well that tornado is heading straight for the human city of Epona which is a capital New Mexico okay that's the New Mexicans I think the real new max or the original New Mexico died so they rebounded their capital over here well little they know they're gonna get wrecked by tornadoes so there's this thing called the Manhattan Project right so basically the Manhattan Project it was a nuke and they tested it I'm pretty sure judging by this name if it's called the Manhattan Project they must have tested it in Manhattan good boss okay Manhattan I mean guys it's just it's just totally accurate history right here we'll go ahead and stop these fires yeah no fires okay so there goes New York it got Manhattan Project did the dude you can just see the destruction destruction that this tornado has absolutely wreaked on everybody let's put a volcano where would a volcano pop up we could put it in the remnants look at this I think it's landlocked or landlocked we're gonna put a volcano right here so if it spreads fire at least hopefully it won't burn organ beautiful green vibrant organ no where's CAFO us from Utah all right Utah you're doing okay now what if let's see I'm gonna try to do something I don't know how it'll work exactly what we're gonna do is make a land bridge to land bridges here and we're gonna put in a bunch of zombies just like tons of zombies here the land of the living is going to get invaded by zombies from Mexico look at these look at these people are swimming by the zombies oh no she's trying to fight them she was doing okay oh she did because she's dope well Oh chucka who are you you're the Texans oh man poor Texas Texas got hit with tornadoes there's dragons about and now you're getting you're on the doorstep of the zombie apocalypse but zombies don't care who he is so we know are you also part of Texas yeah Texas in a bad spot Oh Oh what's this people turning into zombies I think that's what it is oh my god we're gonna have a massive zombie apocalypse okay so let's go do let's see who's gonna be the last one alive this is Riku ley if you do like a hundred times speed all right well all these zombies over here on this geyser are gonna need a land bridge all right we're creating land bridges all over the place so that any zombies in the north will start creeping down and these cold ones I feel like these are the white walkers let's put a few these guys in all right white walkers don't go north you silly me I guess they don't really get along well with zombies do they we're gonna put them here all right I'm okay The Cult the white walkers are gonna hit Minnesota I mean I guess that makes sense look at this this is the northernmost part of the united's the continental United States right I think so oh my gosh they're turning everything into the land of winter the land of always winter look at that Canada's turning snowy again we've got border clashes between zombies and people diminished the Michigan Michigan means the people from Michigan are on the front lines there's front lines everywhere let's see how Texas is doing oh this is brutal they lost two colonies and it looks like Texas is next man what we got we got some cold people down here too let's put some more of these guys in here yeah it's super cold down here Florida invade Cuba trust me man Georgia's got a freakin castle Mississippi's doing okay they're clearly not as advanced as the Georgians and Florida may have gotten another population surplus but hey look there's my house wait why does Florida look gold well that's because it's covered in gold in metal and stone hopefully that will send them into the next technological age but let's see you can kind of see where the cold walkers have gone I think they were fought off successfully Minnesota and where was Michigan Michigan definitely did a pretty good job fighting off the zombie apocalypse I think Minnesota did pretty well against the white walkers here they come now okay who's gonna win the cold ones so the cold ones are these guys right yeah they're not doing good at fighting the humans hope they just eliminated that house so the P it makes sense people from Minnesota defend it against the cold ones all right Texas is officially off the map who woulda thought man patient zero and zombie apocalypse came from the south the Texas Mexican border what is this cave is this a mine do they call that a mine the zombies okay we gotta we gotta see who's about to you wiped out jelly bean where are you from the Wyoming oh my god Wyoming where are you Wyoming Wyoming should be over here somewhere it should be right here but it's gone yeah Idaho you're still here yeah Wyoming is not here Washington is a giant volcano oh my gosh this I wonder okay so who's gonna be the last one left we need to start spicing things up we're gonna add a UFO we're gonna add two dragons and we've got wood demons demons demons demons where'd you guys come from the Pacific nope they gotta be on land though you came from the volcano oh my god so the demons can populate this volcano all right now it's time to speed things up and see who's the last one alive in a little bit oh my god okay so the dragon just absolutely wrecked Wisconsin and Iowa in one fell swoop I think people are trying to fight these fires the Iowans are doing pretty well but I think Wisconsin has just been targeted by this dragon they are not doing too well Georgia has been untouched until this giant forest fire came in they should be able to put it out I don't think they're gonna lose too many people Virginia's barely holding on for dear life this is the remnants of New York Maine is doing very well up in their corner isolated and safe from everybody else Michigan is dealing with forest fires of their own Wisconsin has a dragon sleeping in their town capital you can hear the UFOs out there now what's going on here there's there's zombies running amuck all over the place the UFOs moving fast now where's the demon where the demons going okay poor organ is on the doorstep of the demon invasion the chaos blood for the blood god calf oh I can't tell if you're growing and fighting off the demons or not oh is this the dragon fighting the demons he kind of did for a second California dude you are killing it and I love you little like water oh as a Florida man who lives on a peninsula on a peninsula on a peninsula hey get out of here of course UFOs attacking Florida great you know what I've tried I think if I wouldn't have helped them they would have been extinct a long time ago but don't worry don't worry my children my chosen ones oh my god the entire okay so let's see this this is what the US looks like if it's orange it's been burnt or it's burning now you can see the dragon just shredding through the flyover States I think this is where like Nebraska and Kansas would be Oklahoma is Oklahoma still here yeah Oklahoma's still here Kansas South Dakota Kansas is gone boys I don't care who you are you ain't surviving a dragon apocalypse my god that everything's just burning Michigan Michigan is doing well who's who's in the lead right now Georgia 245 is it just these two cities it is it is literally just these two cities they're in this magical place these rivers these are unnatural this river was pretty good natural defenses I think and they haven't been targeted by any of the artificial disasters like zombies UFOs oh you know what we don't have in here though we need to have some angry Santa Clauses now they pretty much just carpet-bomb everything so there's no real like balanced way of putting them in Oh and the Mexican dwarves have been eliminated in Santa Clauses flying there's not really Oh the aliens are here and Santa Claus is about to drop off some coal nope he don't care all right we need a few more dragons in a few more UFOs this is about our oil guys in a few more demons in a few more cold ones well everything's going down old Mike look at how many it's like the game knows what I tried to do it doesn't care George is sitting why gosh look at all the dragons they just all came down to Florida and Cuba and wrecked it Louisiana is on fire there's nothing left of Texas oh I hear bombs going off who's got bombs wait who would be able to use bombs look at all of the dragons dirt they're just sitting here Georgia I think Georgia is gonna win I really do Maine and Maine got wrecked Michigan is pretty high up there but I don't think they have more than one or two cities Mississippi's holding on dude that the South is just chilling down there oh wow hon honor who's these guys who are these guys what oh this is just the dwarves that decided this build this beautiful city many aliens came so this is where we stand now Georgia untouched a lot have you touched and surrounded by dragons did they pay them off well mankind needs to fight back all the dragons are pretty much here in Florida Georgia border they need to drop a nuke well it started a fire I think the Georgians should be able to find oh okay Pence of Georgia is getting roasted now mainland Georgia is getting roasted there's not too many cities left probably the biggest one I think is Pennsylvania the last two really Pennsylvania Michigan although looks like yeah UFOs just hit both of them there's just not too many people left so this is where it stands right now Georgia fighting a good fight I think they were pretty advanced I think every cool to see this game get updated to where like people could modernize and get like air forces and naval ships cuz right now the people just kind of like cruise around in the water they're swimming oh my god organ you were on the doorstep of the demon invasion you fought off the Chaos armies so let's go ahead and see who is in the lead right now who's leaving the Battle Royale its organ by a distinct distant utah florida's long gone who is the first one to get eliminated again oh man the great Georgian Empire which just did so well for so long it's down to 21 people make that 19 the Dragons just fed they are not gonna be there Illinois is doing okay organ is doing fantastic yet someone's dropping bombs over here I can't tell who that is are the Georgians using advanced weaponry I don't think so cuz it got sticks oh is this a bunker George's holding on man and all the dragons love this spot they just seem to roost here I don't know what it is about that that attracted them Illinois is coming back alright so I put these guys in here that are called bandits they've got TNT they're gonna be running around dropping dynamite probably setting up a lot of fires around there someone actually tried to populate Cuba again before UFO came in and like bro stop that Georgia is still in the game Oregon is honestly growing oh wow dude TNT's absolutely destroying the geography it seems like up here in the mountains who'd be nice massive dragon invasions we need to have one final winner oh this is interesting lots of dragons are really enjoying sleeping on the remnants of what would be San Francisco yeah right here between Georgia and Florida and over here and I guess even on these little peninsulas like the dynamite that the TNT boys are dropping have created these land masses organs still holding on I think we're gonna have to call it here whoever's the leader now is the victor they've survived and it is Oregon oh my god Georgia was so freaking close at 54 they've got three settlements but Oregon has four Utah in South Dakota I don't think you would have expected these states to win the United States Battle Royale of America but this has been another episode of World box if you've got some cool custom ideas you'd like to see played out let me know and we're gonna make it happen let me know if you guys want to see more and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 395,611
Rating: 4.8871131 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, worldbox, worldbox usa, worldbox natural disasters, worldbox usa map, worldbox volcano, worldbox tornado, worldbox disaster, worldbox world destroyed, usa destroyed, usa natural disasters, usa volcano, usa tornado, usa worst volcano eruption, usa worst tornado, usa strongest tornado, volcano eruption, tornado, volcano, dec19
Id: uUDs2aPP4Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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