NUCLEAR DESTRUCTION is the Only Viable Strategy in ICBM

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who here either wants to do it and it being nuked the entire world or see nukes go off in the entire world raise your hands all right thank you the fbi will be in contact with you shortly did anybody ever play the 2006 indie darling defcon introversion was kind of an indie developer before they were as prevalent as they are now and as cool and they made a game called defcon and it was based off of or inspired from a 1983 movie called war games where essentially the concept is simple you know those 1980 and 1970 kind of cold war oh my gods the russians is nuking the world we gotta build some nukes laying on the moon before the russians do that kind of stuff everyone's gonna get nuked my headphones just fell off well you get to play that in a video game and this is essentially in my version the spiritual successor to defcon this is icbm which stands for intercontinental ballistic missile and we are gonna nuke some people so how do we do that we'll check this out right so we've got a bunch of different maps now there's a bunch of different scenarios you can play including hey the cuban missile crisis basically the moment we're like hey man do you think we should run nuke those russians they might nuke us maybe the whole planet blows up that was that but i like this scenario it takes french and spanish possessions of way back in the day and if you guys want to see more well we can do that too so if you're enjoying this video pull the trigger on the like button and say baron i really like nuclear ballistic missiles i want to see more mushroom clouds taste delicious so if i want to have a nato powers of europe versus russia well we can do that now it all starts like this we are gonna be the commanders of europe and we're gonna be fighting the red russians now you'll see all of these little dots and oh look moscow i know that's a city they are very very juicy targets for nuclear ballistic missiles so generally speaking the russians are heavily concentrated in moscow in saint petersburg that is where the majority of their population centers are but they also have cities way over here in vladivostok so we have to defend these cities and destroy all of the cities of our enemies the russians we have a number of different tools over here on the left side to start so the first things we need to do is start putting in radar sites now you'll see that big blue circle that is going to help us detect enemy vehicles like incoming aircraft bombers that might be carrying atom bombs they can be used to detect incoming ballistic missiles and even uh naval assets so we're gonna do is i've got three of them and i'm thinking that and that's kind of cool i could put one over here in iceland but since we're just gonna simplify it here and fight the russians i don't need that although i do want to put it there i'm thinking we put one in the north and then one here and then one overlooking i think we're gonna have a nice big naval battle here in the black sea and possibly in the baltic as well so then i have one air base which i can put in so this is gonna be pretty key i'm thinking we put it in between our two radar bases here so it could hopefully help defend them both because they're honestly targets for enemy bombing runs ballistic missiles and all kinds of other stuff now i'm gonna put my okay this is an attack submarine so it can't launch a strike of its own and i'm thinking i want to put my entire fleet here it's kind of a risky maneuver because i don't entirely know where the russians are gonna put theirs but uh and it's actually land locked here we can't pass through neutral turkey the bosphorus now look at this so my carrier is really the offensive weapon here and we're going to be escorted by a number of destroyers destroyers are great at shooting down incoming aircraft and carriers are well they're good at launching aircraft and the submarine could help us defend against other naval vessels or you know so this is the situation as it presents itself maybe like baron i don't see any ballistic missiles anywhere this game is called intercontinental ballistic missile acronym well that's where the science and construction comes in so right now our construction is relatively limited i can build some bases an air base or another radar site and they have different project production times then i've got three different types of aircraft currently fighters bombers and attack bombers and then i've got two kinds of nuclear ordnance a nuclear bomb and a megaton bomb now the cool thing about a nuclear bomb is it can be carried by attackers and megatons can only be carried by big old bombers but then there's the research and like look at all of this this is where really you can see how it's the successor to defcon i can build and research all kinds of different delivery systems for nuclear ordnance or just like different kinds of nukes uh i can focus on defensive stuff or offensive stuff there's so much here including satellites oh and a space radar what the hot dang so i'm thinking the first thing we may want to do cruise missiles and then construction wise i'm thinking i'm gonna want one radar sight and an air base that's what i'm gonna start out with our radar isn't picking up anything yet that's actually interesting one of the things i can do is send in a fighter scout over let's send it over i mean if they're not protecting moscow i just don't know what day's doing oh russian fleet okay we're gonna lose this radar dish but it did help us to find out where the fleet was so we have to navigate through the danish straits here south of uh norway and sweden and we got to get over here to intercept this russian fleet okay yeah so they're immediately going to take out this radar dish and i'm going to lose sight but we have a general idea of where they're going all right guys navigate the fleet now my bomber's already going in to hit moscow with a a nuclear bomb the first shots were technically fired by the russians they destroyed my radar site but i nuked uh i dropped nuclear ordnance on their two biggest cities so and then if you look in the upper right that's global pollution that's an indication of you know how much damage have you really done but this is definitely what i have to watch out for because my biggest population centers of london and paris are relatively unguarded that looks like a pretty good patrol route two hours later drop one on petropavlovsk kabarovsk and vladivostok just to let you know we can please don't develop advanced aircraft and wipe all of our air forces off the face of this earth even though i'm trying to nuke you so here we go here's the next two and we are out of nuclear ordnance over here so we're gonna can switch over to conventional weapons all three were hit our own doolittle raid was successful i'm actually gonna put the sub up here and have him patrol for any russian ships i just realized you have to navigate through the ice which is amazing i love that level of detail all right what production do we want then we're unlocked we're getting icbms how about another megaton planes we're gonna need advanced we're gonna need surface air missiles our spies have stolen the technology asm what is that anti-ship missiles i think so do we want to try to wipe out this base i feel like it's a risky endeavor but i feel like with our destroyers able to use surface to surface surface missiles as well as surface-to-air missiles we should be able to deal with everything that they got enemy destroyer of russia has been detected what are you doing over here all right so i'm sending two bombers with anti-ship missiles and two fighters just kind of as like a distraction to try to hit this destroyer oh my gosh i don't think they have surfaced air missiles on these destroyers oh you poor poor little thing oh man look at that boom this next salvo is gonna destroy it i'm glad i sent two i thought i may have been overkill but it appears to be just what the doctor ordered yep we gotta hit moscow with the big one again you are going to destroy moscow oh look enemy fighter just popped out oh moscow got the big one 1.56 there's more people in st petersburg than moscow now it's a sad day to be my enemy what's this a destroyer okay we're still going on this mission here all right we've got another surface-to-air missile so if they have advanced aircraft i want this near this one i feel pretty good then about this whole situation so i'm gonna build another sam and another radar installation i want this radar protected and then i'm thinking of putting one down here in the south to kind of help guard the entrance to the mediterranean so now i feel like pretty good because we got a lot more defending here unit reached its destination it's this one okay so i'm going to try before the russians get their advanced air force which i think is actually oh god yeah that looks like that's not good oh wow okay they already have advanced aircraft and i think everything we just sent out just got destroyed i'm gonna try to hit it with a surface-to-surface missile alright so look at this look at their fighter it's dodging our missiles for the most part i think i'm gonna have to do this uh not anti-ship we need regular bombs i'm going all out here i'm trying to find uh fights fire surface to surface missiles oh that's why they're out of the radius okay so my harriers are going in were we it'll take it out oh that was not near enough there we go we're sending out some fighters and some more attack aircraft to try to do just enough damage to take that airfield out and then oh man is that i mean they have advanced airplanes but they can't use them oh biscuits this is bad because this is filled with modern stuff guys you need to hit this with your service to surface missiles oh man oh we just lost the destroyer dang it oh no this is this this carrier group i think is gonna get wiped out we're too far from home yep get out of there sub you you're the last one who can escape everything's destroyed except that sub and these these poor planes are just getting picked off because they have nowhere to go oh man advanced russian aircraft just destroyed everything okay well that sucks but we're gonna have intercontinental ballistic missiles to produce in just a second and then honestly it's bad news for the russians we have lost air superiority and now we have our first missile silo okay so this is the radius of it currently so honestly i want to put it i'm going to put it right in between the airfield and the two sam sites and the two radars and we'll be able to hit a lot of them yes oh my gosh so let's send out the megaton here oh my gosh this is oh it's too close to attack whoops okay well i'm gonna hit vladivostok all right so there it is okay and this is in uh 1x speed it seems like it's fork speed but it moves about as fast as the satellite does hey that took out a hundred thousand people okay that's what's up i need these i needed 10 megatons because now we're just trying to win the war all right we got another one so it looks like this is the juiciest target novosibursk man goodbye nivosibursk all right we got a 10x megaton on this airfield and we're gonna hit st petersburg because that's the juiciest target at the moment and pretty much undefended and there it is and it's gone saint petersburg that is all right we've got another one let's target krasnoyrsk and it's gone 907 000 nope 670. i could in theory nuke that right i'm gonna try to nuke that airbase i've got another megaton icbm next it's a little bit overkill but i mean that thing took out an entire carrier fleet enemy destroyer of russia detected oh god run flee let's transfer some aircraft over here and then move this carrier into position all right advanced aircraft i think that's an f-16 someone's gonna correct me and i'm gonna love it thank you but now i have these big boys b1 spirits i think all right so research i want to upgrade more nukes oh my gosh you can make 50 megaton bombs that's just that's just insane but i want to have aircraft launched tactical nukes well nuke [Music] and then we'll send in one of our new bombers with our current biggest bomb a 10 megaton and go after the biggest points which is actually kharkiv here it's like right on the border and it survived quite a bit well not anymore how many people it was one oh my god that took out like half the population there oh enemy enemy bombers been detected scramble fighters shoot them down dang okay there's more bombers coming yeah all the bombers there must be is are they sending the aerial refueling the research they've had to do to reach out and hit us i'm actually very curious to see how effective the uh surface air missiles are or if they're ineffective against these modern aircraft nope seems pretty effective to me man they're just beelining these bombers into like mig alley over here oh submarine just got destroyed by what oh shoot a destroyer okay okay what i wanted to do was i wanted to hit this airfield and i want to see if it's possible oh my gosh it is i can nuke it i mean of course i can right right yes please so we're firing the nuke from there to hit this take out that dirty airfield yes oh my gosh they i mean wow oh my goodness okay there's a carrier group here let's launch some uh anti-ship missiles and scramble fighters okay so we're sending in some bombers here we took out one of the destroyers i've got to protect this carrier i think with the combination of land-based air forces as well as uh sea-based air forces versus just their sea we should win man that's just that's just a brutal battle all right i'm gonna send in oh man i lost all that fighters did i destroy enemy care destroyed pull back to friendly space we have lost almost all of our fighter escorts here i've got another missile silo and i wanna put this one i wanna put this one over in iceland because i i think it's cool and now i can hit all this i believe yeah i can hit moscow and no st petersburg is a little too close but moscow is back on the menu so let's see if i can't coordinate some pretty cool attacks here all right let's see this i'm sending out two ballistic missiles and one big ten megaton by a b1 spirit they've got a few fighters here still fighting boom boys and there is the one two three punch oh my oh my look at this look at us hunting this thing down boom you did now we're entering nuclear war mode which basically means the uh i don't pause whenever something happens we're in the thick of it now i think we're gonna unlock heavy rockets it's gonna take a while structure destroyed they took out my air base you biscuits all right so i'm building up my ordinance and getting boosted fusion weaponry i'm getting a third air base russia's researching sam oh my gosh they're researching all kinds of stuff they're building an air base but so am i russia's building the 10 megaton bomb okay hold on they're building another air base and i'm going to take it out because i don't i don't want you to have planes whenever you have planes it's bad news for me the russians are doing very well with air force so you don't get one and i've got another air base and i'm thinking i want it in the north this seems to be a hotbed i put them all on my border and i've got a carrier here to just really secure all of this and i'm waiting for the big bombs oh i found a sam site okay so if planes fly over here they would get hit they're trying to protect i guess what few cities they have okay they're starting to get sam sites it's a little bit late for that friend now where do i want to put this other ballistic missile site i'm thinking over here and we'll protect it with a surface-to-air missile all right so we've almost got heavy missiles so that means i'll be able to produce them now as far as research i think it's time to get a merv which is multiple warheads and as far as production well it's time to get the newest ordnance we got here 10 megaton icbms and 50 megaton bombs we're gonna try to finish these russians off because what i'm gonna want to do is i'm gonna show off the strike plan and i'm gonna new call of russia in one fell swoop whoa russia is researching stealth aircraft oh my god i didn't know you could do that of course they're gonna get air superiority again and they're building an air base once i know where it is i'm gonna hit it and we've got another ballistic missile we'll put that right in sweden yeah man if i try to fly planes over there they're just gonna get shot down and i've got 10 megaton icbms here which i believe is the biggest one we have and then 50 megaton aircraft launched so i should have a decent amount of ordnance i have three 10 megatons that can be dropped out of planes three single megaton icbms five 10 megaton icbms and six 50 megaton airdropped bombs so then what i need to do is create a strike plan so carriers target sam sites this is priority alpha oh and the cruisers are gonna be targeting sam sites i'm not sure if we're gonna be able to really get them and then we'll go with the secondary target of cities so that is alpha and it's gonna take 21 seconds to go now the other strike plan is our air base and they're gonna target cities and the missile silos are going to target cities so we're going to do is execute plan alpha and executing plan beta and this is what the strike pattern does so basically all of these things are targeted currently so let's see what happens here we should have multiple ballistic missiles being fired in a short bit we're sending out the planes to try to silence uh any sam site so there's a few over here so this guy actually might get he's in an attack run let's see how he does okay we took him out and we survived okay two of them are down now the bombers are going out so the bombers are gonna start targeting cities oh my gosh this is nuts the cruiser is targeting cities too so all of this is happening at once and there's the ballistic missiles and these are the big boys i'm pretty sure so watch this score and the global pollution level just start to skyrocket here look at all those nukes at once this is the grand finale it's like the fireworks show on the 4th of july except we're europeans bombing russians you know but whatever and so we did pretty well and these guys just don't have any uh all right so we can cancel the attack there on executing plan alpha because a lot of these guys just simply do not have targets so what we could do is have our carriers and our air bases targeting cities and we'll execute plant alpha but i'm thinking one of the big issues right now is we don't have the ordinance really so a lot of these planes are just going and dropping conventional bombs but it still does something there goes the icbms they're really the big hitters here look at this it's crazy what's what's up salon i don't think i have an up salon do i maybe i do or i can edit this plan what are you guys doing sam sites in cities okay i guess that's good so those are my strike plans and i probably could have the big missile silos target these sam sites but that'd be a little overkill and a waste of very valuable ordnance but i think this time we just need like better nukes now is moscow like totally destroyed yet when did these cities get totally destroyed look at that oh man so i think it's safe to say that at this point we have decimated mother russia so russia wrecked so now the question is do you want to see more and if so do we do the cuban missile crisis and take command of all of the nato forces and it looks like there's two other factions ussr and allies there's commies and non-commies so that's pretty sweet so they'd be you'd have some allies here this would be interesting especially if you were the nato and allies because you have a lot of territory to cover here a lot could sneak in especially all this stuff in cuba so if you guys want to see more let me know thank you so much for watching this episode of icbm pull the trigger on the like button if you did enjoy it and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 106,907
Rating: 4.954092 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, ICBM, NUKE, nuking earth, nuking the planet, nuclear weapons, nuclear destruction, nuclear, icbm game
Id: T6xRnj-thQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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