I Destroyed My New HET Wrecker On This Insane Recovery!

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[Music] rope the island right off of there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] oh that's all [Music] let's get some snacks get pumped both in it right yeah we'll talk good ladies and gentlemen it's recovery time again with our favorite guy anytime jason from state of utah gives us a call or he's with us it used to be we were getting citations now it means we get access to really cool stuff so shipwrecked back in the 80s right yeah there was a barge that was transporting some equipment a storm came up some really high winds and gave them some problems from what we understand the records were kind of vague but it was mid-80s antelope island had a big ranch on it still does but it's not that's big anymore and i've told you guys this time and time again the grey salt lake looks just like a little baby pond especially right now because the water level's low and these guys used to tell me like be careful if you go out there those waves can get big and i'm like well like six eight inches no dude i was out there one night i think i told you guys this in my army boat and we got rocked and these were only like three four five foot rollers and they were huge the waves knocked this thing over had to be probably eight foot this crane is kind of a uh it's just like a four wheel drive crane with a huge boom boom is fully extended it's tipped on its side it's about half a mile off the tip of ammo island so to get there back in the day you would have had to you know take a barge or something out there uh since this side of the lake has been drive quite a while we're hoping the ground is stable obviously that weighs a lot we have new high floatation tires on the head so it's got a lot more you know a lot less ground pressure plan is to basically use the record on the hat drag the crane out and uh see what happens but i'm really excited for this one because once we get out here it's like you're on another planet i say this every time i'm out in the middle of great salt lake but once you see you're standing on this lake bed it's just like you're in the middle of nowhere it's literally the middle of nowhere but you're 20 miles from salt lake city so let's get going all right guys i got to tell you i'm so freaking pumped for this vlog today simply because you guys already know i love the great salt lake i love coming out here i love cleaning up public lands you guys know that that's like one of our favorite things to do uh we do donate all of our time and energy and resources to do this but i almost feel like i should have to pay to do it because we love doing it so much but the state's been awesome to work with we love it but we do have something we got a lot of cool stuff to show you guys today we're going to be debuting the wrecker in the setting that it was meant for which is recovering vehicles not you know lifting us up and down mine shafts and this right here ladies and gentlemen is our newest giveaway truck and you may be thinking nah dave that's your uh that's your canon that's your heavy haul truck nope this is one identical the only difference is this is a tandem axle not a tri-axle uh this is newer than mine but we built it to be identical to my heavy-haul truck and the giveaway starts right now we're giving away a full turnkey business meaning truck craftsman step deck trailer or we'll get you if you don't want to pull step deck we'll get you a trade you for like a drive-in or a reefer or something if you don't have your cdl we'll get you your cdl uh we will help you get your first load and literally you won't just have a truck and a trailer you're gonna have your own freaking business and trucking is hot right now like if you're a good owner operator you know what you're doing like i just paid for example 20 grand to get a truck just like that actually shipped from florida to utah twenty thousand dollars guys i mean you gotta pay for fuel you gotta pay for me it's not paying for that stuff but i'm telling you right now if you're looking to be self-employed looking to make some money you should definitely enter this giveaway hands you cannot enter this giveaway i've seen your name in the hat like four times now right nope nope so anyways turn key business this right here could be yours but you have to go to splagger.com and enter remember every five dollars you spend on a t-shirt a pair or whatever it is gets you more entries to win so i'm excited about this as you can see i just used this truck for the first time to haul pulls great it's smooth it's uh different than ours because ours is a crew cab remember we cut a door in and put a back seat there this one still has a sleeper so it's fully legal to go over the road and uh you guys gonna be excited so we're gonna load up and take the head on its first recovery mission and i really hope we don't get stuck so here we go hey it's gonna be a good day but how many accidents have you had on your uh driving record in the last three years ten years ten years seven seven accidents and ten years how many were your fault [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretty squishy out here folks it's kind of muddy this is the moment of truth right now getting ready to go on the actual uh lake bed which uh as you know i have a lovely relationship with because sometimes it's firm sometimes it's not right now luckily it just looks sandy it doesn't necessarily look swampy um but uh about to find out jason you can kind of see there's an object out there so if you're on an atv and you look out there it's a real draw to go and just see what it is so we get i mean there's a lot of tracks we get a lot of people that are operating uh on the lake bed just because of this thing so when it's gone that'll that'll be a big help today we're gonna have one of two things happen there's not gonna be any more objects out there or there's gonna be a lot more objects out there option option a please [Music] foreign [Music] oh all right guys i've done a lot of cool things in my life but i'm pretty sure that takes the cake that was awesome how awesome was that dude i know dude it's just nerve-wracking because it just starts to just disappear underneath you but uh here we are this is the uh the crane it's a good-sized crane like i said this is probably every bit of what do you think about 30 000 yeah yeah started out 30 and we don't know what's left so so interesting thing about this is obviously this was getting transported from the ranch on antelope island and uh as the barbs came across here and past the south tip of the island those big waves come rolling across from the west side and they just swamped the barge and what is what's that out there a little something out there go check it out but yeah so the story is when they when they started coming this direction they had no idea that there was a really strong west wind yeah oh because the island was blocking that shielding them from the wind so when they came and lost that shielding from the island things just got crazy which is so weird because the elevation difference between right here and where we turned off can't be more than five six feet right probably not it's probably yeah about that so even when the shipwreck happened i'll bet you the water was maybe five feet deep uh lake is at the lowest it's ever been right as far as we historically know and the highest level is like 85 that we know yeah and there's like water on state streets yeah 83 hours so this is the crane this is uh the boom just literally fully full staff [Music] kind of a material we got here i don't know jackknife jim i think that's probably a radiator so i'm guessing copper you think so hands copper or i'm so pumped that truck is killing it if we wouldn't have got those new tires we would have been some game changer super squishy we definitely would have been sunk like we're running really low air pressure right now be curious to put a scale on there and see kind of what we are ground pressure wise because it's less than the trucks bud's truck was making deeper ruts than that was so the plan right now is we're going to cut the boom off basically right here so that we can flip the crane back over i've got a trick that i want to try to use to flip the crane over that's a new product that we have i want to show you guys that we're going to see if it's as reliable as we think it's going to be i'll tell you i'll tell you all about that here in just a second you know i'm just gonna tell you right now let's go let's go so the bro dozer recovery rope by yankum so our buddies at yankem ropes you guys know they make ropes from like like tiny ropes to big two and a half inch ropes and we've used them for everything all of our recoveries are done with yank them we partnered with yankem and we developed the bro dozer rope obviously brodos is my monster truck brand it's also my brand my baby this rope right here guys as you can see it's one inch diameter it's 30 feet long and it's rated at 33 500 pounds and when you get your yankum bro does a rope it's going to come like this it's going to come in the bag it'll come with the sheath right here and then it comes with your soft shackle and it's available now but guess what we didn't make very many of them probably because the supply chain sucks right now and it's hard to get a hold of anything so we've only only got a handful of them first come first served the link to buy that rope is in the description below if you're one of my first brodoz or rope customers i'm also going to include something very special a special surprise for i'm not going to tell you what it is yet i promise you it'll be more than just the rope so guys our plan right now is we're going to uh show you what the brodzer rope is capable of now this is obviously a really heavy piece of equipment probably thirty thousand pounds plus it's buried in the sand so that add another extra ten fifteen thousand pounds plus it's at an angle so we have to tip it up and over the angle so we're gonna use uh one bro dozer rope on each side uh just to give us the better chance of being able to get it flip over i wanted to try to use one rope because one rope might be able to do it but look right here there's nowhere really good to grab on to by just pulling with one so if we've only pull from one side the thing's gonna want to twist and it won't flip over so my goal is to basically hook there look to there and go hey [Music] well we got about two inches of chemistry going on right here where the metal had the uh iron has oxidized out into the rust and formed in with the uh sand in the clay to form basically a hodgepodge of uh iron and clay mix which is pretty hard so i got to break that off before i can even use a torch you can see like a this is a a brand new crane back in the 80s so 30 what 35 years old that's what the uh the lake will do to you and this thing probably hasn't seen water in 15 20 years when the water level was high out here like when the shipwreck happened the water was still probably only like this deep because if it gets deeper than this that means it goes into downtown salt lake so very very flat out here [Music] the crash out here you say that like yeah what's the store now you gotta finish the story well now so dave shearer is the harbor master at great salt lake marina yeah he mentioned that there was uh a huey that crashed out here and uh uh one has a hilly tail boom that's crazy yeah let's drag it back you wanna drag it back where's the rest of it well i don't know gotta get the permission of the u.s army gordon dave sparks how you doing hey i'm driving yeah i just don't want to cut the rope that's a freaking huey tailboom we're gonna put the bro-dozer rope to its first test on the old uh huey boom that thing's buried in the sand it's a lot heavier than it looks it's all aluminum so normally it wouldn't be normally could actually i'm gonna try to roll it by hand but the way it's saying right now we're gonna choke it with the uh rope and then just uh get a running start on her yeah that's good so this guys is what the bro dozer yank rope is best at it's a kinetic rope so it's designed to use energy from being tugged on so you can use a lot of slack hit the vehicle hit whatever it is that you're trying to uh extract and the rope does a little bit of a stretch and then uses that energy to help you pull out so we'll see uh if the rangers got what it takes that's a soft shackle that comes with a rope right there which are soft shackles are so underrated so underrated it's crazy that tiny little rope you would think is just like nothing it's stronger than the rest of this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that is so cool [Music] see you guys success that's the beauty of an old uh kinetic rope you can just hit it full speed a couple times and uh comes right out we're gonna pull some sand out of it just because we are running low on traction right now as you can see we're sitting there just spinning whew [Applause] so unfortunately this is gonna give you a really good example of what we're gonna be up against pulling the crane it's gonna be like pulling an anchor so this is where things uh could potentially get interesting we're cutting the boom off of the crane obviously to be able to flip it over um but one thing i just totally didn't even think about is the fact that inside this boom is the ram that extends the boom so we got a big hydraulic cylinder in there that we don't know if it's solid metal full of hydraulic oil empty so the uh the old oxytorch here is about to do some some uh some fun stuff could be mellow could be crazy [Music] we're going to get a little bit of a pull here but we just want to make sure we don't uh bind the uh our pull rope on the metal [Music] right off of there glad no one was standing back there or they would add an island sandwich [Music] yeah so there's the uh there's a crew over there how far it actually uh see how far it actually flew [Music] so that's how i trapped it you see these little divots in the mud follow these straps all the way out there they just got closer and closer together that thing was hitting with some force from the first hit [Music] the first hole right down [Music] real coffin right there [Music] from a different leverage point [Music] oh wow bolt's sheared off the frame and the crane is ripping off the truck right now that is some carnage i was not expecting that today yeah gosh just destroyed it that's awesome i'm not even mad hey man we're trying to clean up out here okay i really appreciate that sporty my favorite line of this all so far he's like i did not expect that one david david [Music] why don't we flip it the other way over that so so that way because all that's buried is the top head unit all that stuff's under water or under the sand if we pull it that way with the big yank them i bet we could get it to start going that way but then you're having to flip it over itself that's fine that's not gonna be that hard to pull that'll help with the lifting of the main crane now so [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] yeah hell yeah now we're in the exact same position we were in before no that's good we got we got it loose did you feel the earth jake when it hit oh yeah whole place just all right all right yeah she didn't want to go so i just threw it down first and she goes i'm surprised we're gonna get some real serious liquefaction there yeah so yeah let's uh grab the torch or the saw whatever's easier uh what do you want to cut off we're gonna cut the legs off okay hey did it flipped her over even with the with the with the cockeyed green body that's so funny i'm not even mad [Music] still got a lot of work to do on this thing here moving out some sand to get another squat so we can run that choker around this leg then we're going to rip it off [Music] [Music] so another tank has been full before we've encountered just about every kind of issue you can imagine i got uh way too overzealous with the crane this morning and tried pulling from just a ridiculously dumb angle uh had i repositioned the truck better before trying to pull we probably wouldn't have bent the bed the way that it did uh so obviously have been able to use the crane luckily the crane's still on there which is nice um this crane was way bigger and way heavier than we expected the one that we're recovering uh it's probably closer like 50 000 pounds and it was buried in that sand so now we're basically using the big yankem rope and if our truck was running right we would be able to have this thing flipped over and out of here for no time but all of a sudden the truck started getting real finicky i don't know what's going on like maybe we got bad fuel bad fuel filter we're waiting for some fuel filters to come we're kind of in the middle of nowhere uh we we're giving this thing as like a longer longer running start as we can get but since the truck's not running that well it's not giving it full power to be able to pull so we got the crane almost tipped up which would have been great but even then once we get tipped up if this thing's not running very well there's no way to drag it out of here so i would say we're about halfway done um i'm still loving it so having a great time i think everybody's probably getting a little a little worn out a little hungry uh but uh i love challenging uh i love challenging recoveries like this uh you'll learn a lot well i learned what not to do with the wrecker bed [Music] this thing's got some serious work that needs to be done to it now so now i'm gonna i'm gonna work on this stupid thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] with some fuel filters and uh gatorade and pizza what a good thing no jalapenos though they've been waiting four hours they'll be warmer [Music] i think it's probably gonna go as planned i think it's gone it's already starting to move so i think we'll get up on some more solid ground and it might just keep dragging for the next two miles back to the road [Music] interactions [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh where i come from [Music] these are the things i know never let your woman go never break her heart [Music] oh but where i come from there's only miles of broken roads only love that'll never grow it ends before it starts [Music] oh where i come from you die for the things you want [Music] you never let your weakness show heaven lead you to nowhere well that's it boys and we're good start going ladies and gentlemen what a hell of a day listen that was awesome uh a lot of things man where do i even start i mean you guys saw we broke a lot of equipment we uh we ultimately i started the day probably off on the wrong foot by getting a little anxious or a little ambitious with the old uh wrecker here and the angle that i was pulling uh trying to lift the crane at with how far i had the boom extended there's just too much leverage for this thing also this thing needed some significant repairs before we even brought it out here so i wasn't surprised to see it break uh i'm actually kind of stoked this gives us an opportunity to improve it uh still was able to continue the mission for the most part that crane is way heavier than we thought though it's probably 50 000 pounds that thing's a monster the counterweight alone is probably you know ten fifteen thousand pounds so anyways what happened was we got oh i'd say what three quarters of the way to the trucks we're almost there we got that thing uh quite a ways we wheelied pretty much the entire way back this truck was literally just wheeling across the lake bed uh but unfortunately the weather came in and as soon as that lake bed literally gets like a drop of water on it it just turns into a skating rink it just turns into just a total nightmare like we were running from the storm they came in quick really quick there was no warning no they like literally just boom hits you and then what's funny is they'll hit the storm like we're just we're like three miles away from now probably five miles away from where the crane was the storm just did like a big like u-turn and went like north or south it's not hitting right here so what this means is you guys get a bonus second video then the second video is going to be super cool because we are going to bring another very very very very very capable machine out to help this bad boy get that crane off a lake because ultimately it's going to take two trucks just because it's so soft this has the power to do it it just keeps on sinking so we need the traction and we're going to bring something with all the traction literally all the traction and then we're also going to be able to come out and clean up all the parts and pieces uh and make it look like this never happened so uh we're not gonna do that tomorrow because it's supposed to be bad weather probably the next day can't do that either so probably be like two or three days before we have to come back but the next video we do out here you guys are gonna absolutely love uh today i hope you love this video because that was wild also if you want to buy one of the world's most ridiculously strong tow ropes which you guys saw literally remember it broke the bed of my wrecker before it would break our bro-do's or toe ropes like i said we only have a limited uh supply of them so if you want one click the link in our description below grab yourself a rope and get ready for the next video because i'm guessing it's probably going to be just a little bit more wild than this one so buckle up [Music] you
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 5,566,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5 tow truck roleplay, towing, gta 5 tow truck job, snowrunner, susan powell, true crime, josh powell, trailers, family friendly, no swearing, tug of war, Recovery, Diesel, Diesel brothers, Heavy equipment, Caterpillar, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus McFarland, Demolition ranch, Matt’s Offroad, Yankum, Mud, Adventure, For you, Heavydsparks, Sparks motors, Freedom bus, Dirt, Dirt work, Tractor, Machine, Dave sparks, Diesel Dave, Dieseldave, murder, smash, tow truck, wrecker, blue collar
Id: rRH-46BGr3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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