I Bought The Most Indestructible Bulldozer In The World

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for the last year I've been looking for a new bulldozer for my excavation company a kamasu d355 a one of the rarest things in America why would you need like a 50-year-old bulldozer get a newer one they're cheaper to maintain I just like this one in particular we've been looking for a very long time and the only other one was in North Korea we found one in Montana and we called the owner and he said he wasn't really wanting to sell it and he finally changed his mind so we immediately packed everything up and headed to Montana here it's about 5° out so it's going to be super hard to start this thing we have to get this thing put back together started and load onto a trailer in the next 2 days [Music] hopefully this pulls through because this is the only dozer in the world that we could find that was even we were looking available in Australia he says he owns the entire mountain and he's selling it all it's concrete mix go figure the irony why is that an important Detail no I don't [Music] know the baby Dozer yeah he's a beast all right when's the last time it fired up oh we parked it here last fall I've had it 10 or 15 years this is the third one I've had really what happened to the other had a weak moment sold them oh it's really really really really big like it's really big you can't tell and videos how big are oh my go like the track is over your shoulder it's so like that's really [Music] big that one from Colorado wasn't it the same one I got a town you can destroy wait which one wait [Music] which wait what town we'll never know dude it's just this that's about it in the pedals yeah what's that for guys a b breakes out in one day if the drive is turning when you got the brake pulled all the way it's wearing the brake out right those four gears you don't ever want to use four how many hours you think it's on it I have no idea there's an hour meter on it but it it's probably all nine no I don't know it's even working d10 weighs about 135 I think and this weighs 140 oh there's a new radiator so that's cool um what's so cool about it though it's just a new radiator oh nothing yeah so we're going to go down and wire in the money and hopefully it goes well you probably know what we're doing with the Dozer then whatever you're doing with it it's not going to hurt it I think it's going to hurt other things though IRS walked into my office 40 years ago or something really said we're shutting you down what' you do just keep going you looked over at your kamasu Outback and I said you are I finally sued him who won I did that's great I've never heard of that we had to chip the Dozer out of the permafrost yeah Tyler just picked up some coolant we're going to just try to figure out how to operate this thing you don't know how to operate you know how I got to do is get it down to Town the turbo is gigantic dude it's like a 150 mm turbo hey make yourself useful and get a hammer out of your tool oh my gosh 10 bucks and I'll pour it on Cody's arm $11 to not pour it on my arm oh all right $12 to pour it on $13 to not pour it on my arm we got three gallons in it should be just about it I think it holds 22 gallons I like the cab it seems really durable but there's not much insulation like it seems like it could get chilly in the winter I'm thinking to make this warmer we could like put 4in thick steel pan on and then we could put like Concrete in between them we just put a jump pack on it we're going to see if we have powered everything we have a tarp over the front so we can start a fire under if we have to nothing Master's on okay there's compression release what this does guys is it lets the engine spin without you know you don't have the air compression in there so that it can free Spin kind of warm itself up and get momentum rdle [Music] [Applause] down it's not getting fuel for some reason it should have fired by then we need to get that tarp on there and get the Heat going and warm up let's get the tarp back on he's going burn we don't have this there's no oil pan cuz there's a skid plate that's 3 in thick know how we're supposed to heat a motor that's not even visible the owner was telling him that the Ripper weighs this the blade weighs this the tractor altogether weighs this and the guy's like oh it's too heavy the owner just told us it's 140 yeah 120 without the blade right and apparently it's too heavy the Ripper has to come on I told him how much the blade weighs and how much the Ripper the same information you gave me I gave them this is going to be a bit this is an all day job this just disassembling the Dozer at Point might be a little more complicated than we thought I guess the guy was unaware that the Ripper weighed so much and now we're talking about having to take not only the blade but the Ripper off too which is not an option cuz this is absurd that's going to take all day for that if we can get one we need to get to the store before they close we got to get more propane he literally just took one of my pancakes log Brady out that's fine uh we're not doing it not doing what can't haul it the Ripper is going to be like two days to get it off that's loveely I called the dispatch he's working on getting us another load but he said something like that doesn't happen overnight his trailer is only rated for 100,000 and it's 25,000 lb over all right it is 4:00 in the morning we're going to try to warm it up again super super early we're going to let the fire sit on it for like 5 or 6 hours if I was walking through the woods and saw this this would be the one thing that I'd be like yeah I don't want to try to start that this is going to be fun guys all we have to do is heat up this 10 quadrillion pound bulldozer this line is busted yeah oh that's good look I'm going to use this one to stay warm if you guys want to get the doer started maybe you should start by heating the Dozer first so the motor's right here and it's it's like 8 ft long when we have the fire directly on this all we're doing is heating like one tiny spot this whole thing is just not fuing ideal as soon as place is open we just need to get a big tarbet heater we got about 2 hours till we got something open until then guys just get under here and let's blow your breath on it tell that's not the right I will literally start a fire under this I don't approve that that's Seth doesn't think we should start a fire under it you start getting that oil towards the point where it's going to ignite with the heat from the I no I actually am inclined to agree with okay so it's like it's just he's doing it now okay is anybody going to stop him or is he just going to he just does what he wants grab those stumps I can't pull a stump out of the ground if we did get it started we could direct some of the heat from the motor to start our fire it's actually lighting quite easily everything's steaming look oh wow that's actually sick if I get this started I'll put the torch back on and then we can just Kindle this fire extinguisher yes I don't have that many problems with fire personally oh my gosh that's a Ferrari dude now we got two fires yeah and then we just spread it to the whole Dozer I'm not even joking dude this will work I would up in that tarp but it's warm in there four or 5 hours this we'll be all right Cody's the type of guy that always has like really dumb idea and everyone hates it and then it just works I never realized when I was younger how important it was that my dad did stuff like this with me this is like what I did when I was a kid I don't think a lot of people know that cuz we do stuff with like super cars and things now it's very important that you teach your kids stuff like this we got real fire don't burn this sub down he's plenty warm Go's been here since 4:00 a.m. I'm going to have to teach you to sleep in long as you got some by you [Music] huh 101 at the air filter no way yeah on the Block where the injectors are2 right so we spent 4 hours under there we got up at 4:00 a.m. and it's 8:30 and everybody doubted my fire idea but here I am with multiple fires of my own look at this track see look at the snow is like boiling on that thing you cook a pizza on there let the smoke out let her breathe it looks like it's on fire hey question here when I look into this I don't see an empty pipe looks like it's pluged we weren't getting ether yesterday look right look at that oh it's there was Ice covering it that's why we weren't getting e that puck of ice it probably would have started all right guys here we [Music] go yeah [Music] yeah give her more ether oh we got a bad CH for you [Music] yeah [Music] all right we're going to pick the blade up yeah we were camping under here it can controls really well it's actually just how you described it I thought you'd have to really like yank like our tank is like both hands but this is just really it's all power does this thing run well I don't know if it'll start we might just pull it back yeah we might be able to do that he hit his truck [Music] oh it is so easy to drive it's so loud I know [Music] oh yeah it's warmed up yeah no we smoke look at him what an operator oh yeah yes oh gosh [Applause] dude he's like just having fun of it now he doesn't want to sell it spitting on the ice yeah that's solid dirt like that's [Music] frozen [Music] [Music] it's it's just pulling up solid ice this is all Frozen this is very deep fro right here I would say this could do just about anything except like maybe plow through a hardware store why is that like the one exception though that's kind of oddly specific the biggest downfall of these is basement is you wouldn't do that though for that if you're going to do a basement you just push the wall into the basement yeah wa that's cool yeah I was going to say let's just kill it oh uh-oh it's dieseling yeah once we get the blade off we get this loaded up and figure out if it's Hollow we pulled out here in front of the sh it's down from the M it was up there in order to haul this we have a really long route we're in Central Montana so we got to go straight South 12 hours and then we're going to hang out there this uh city in Colorado and then it goes over to Tennessee why would it not go like straight from Montana over straight to Tennessee though just a rest stop out of the way by like 24 hours unfortunately bulldozers this big have to be disassembled in order to haul them because they're 15 ft wide the blade has to come off and then we pulled off the Ripper claws because it still weighs too much to on the trailer that we [Music] [Music] have 100K hell yeah 101k oh go that's Style no kidding dude we could have left the shanks in hey John which way is town I'm going to head down there real quick Town's that way so we just pulled onto the scales it weighs 100,000 without the blade without the steel armor this is what Jeeps wish they could be that was a lot of work we only had to get up at 3:00 a.m. this morning we were stressed out we got up at 4 in the morning cuz we were like it's going to take forever if we just pulled the freaking ice off the intake it's one of them that's vintage D3 58 this is rare that's the 3301 and this is the 401 it's a part SP the other one's like maintenance mhm we're going to load this onto the trailer they don't know I have no experience at all in the trailer doesn't hold this why don't you let somebody else do it then so it's going to like probably fall off but they don't know there's only like three inches of track on each side all right I got [Music] it our bl's on the trailer and you can get a good grasp of how big it is it takes up almost half of this giant Sun's lefted a thing or two in this time never mind how many white guys does it take to screw in light bulb we just met about 5 hours loading this up it doesn't look as cool without the blade but we just can't haul it that way because the state's a bunch of but that being said I also had to ship the blade on another trailer so it's double the price so that's really good the blade was mounted to these giant balls h balls he's like right at weight capacity right now his weight limit so we can all 100,000 and we're only 196,000 he's comfortable haing 100 way over he's comfortable doing it though he driver oh that looks sick look at the logo I love the logos okay that's actually cool kamasu d355 this is like the most notorious Dozer of all it is I mean it's a nor this no no no it's a normal wa wait what was he say no no I know what did he just say that was weird you keep forgetting how quality they made things back then nowadays the low on any equipment is a sticker look at this there's a 2in thick steel kamasu logo like you could not destroy that so this is getting hauled home right after it stops at a pit stop in Grandy Colorado we're we're getting fuel there we're going to plow the whole town down I me that was we destroying the government buildings I mean the concrete bat plants I mean I'm going to plow down the town of grammy Colorado I mean no stop it
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 6,413,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kiJKWudsJUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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