I Bought Two 7-ton Army Trucks, But They're In California

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all right folks big video today the goal is to go down to Southern California and pick up two army trucks you just bought and transport them home I'm in the Cabo right now going and go pick up a trailer and it's k2's trailer so if you guys have been watching the channel recently you know that K2 Express has continued to pour into my truck and dreams and I reached out to K2 to ask if I could rent their trailer and they're like dude just use it you don't need to pay us anything so thank you very much K2 to express once I get back with the trailer I have some more work I need to do to this truck to make it ready for it's maen Voyage now in this video I alluded to a secret project I've been dreaming about for years it's been like 6 years now and that's why we're going to go pick up these two army trucks cuz they're going to provide a ton of great parts that I need for this build and I'll go ahead and drop a few more hints on this secret build in the end of this video but for now let's go get this trailer and come back and do a little bit more work to the truck and finish getting ready for this trip in general you guys guess where I'm at the Wizards compound I like the little road blockage he has here let's get that out of the way now the reason I'm here is because Allan has a military toe bar he's going to let me borrow to help get the army trucks home so thank you very much Allan I'll just grab this top one seems nice and complete all righty folks I'm going to work on putting a pencil hitch on the back of this low boy I'm doing this because I want to increase stress in my life and try to flat toe the second army truck behind this trailer so once we have the pencil hitch mounted there we'll use a toe bar that I got from Allen to connect from the hitch to the bumper of the army truck and hopefully that's going to drag the front end around and make it steer along with the trailer so there are these holes in the pental hitch so I'm going to go ahead and drill holes into this trailer and then I have some grate 3/4 in bolts that'll fasten it and I'm not going to worry about trying to connect it on this face cuz these four big bolts should be strong enough and that'll be the easiest design to get this mounted this trailer does already have some holes back here so I don't think K2 will mind if I add four more so I'm going to work on that now also news flash folks breaking news I actually swapped into some pants and boots ditched the sandals in preparation to throw some hot metal burs all over the place didn't want to those get in my toes so let's start [Music] drilling okay that's bolted on should just plop in there [Music] [Applause] [Music] all righty only issue I'm having with this engine is these two main oil lines that feed over to the remote oil filter after handling them so much and flexing them around when we were building this engine now they're starting to leak so they're dripping quite a bit of oil all over the place got these two new lines made they are nice should work great so let's slap them on okay new hoses are ran we're ready for the [Music] road all right folks something bad just happened the Sun is setting on today I'm supposed to leave tomorrow morning on this trip and as you can see by the puddle of hydraulic fluid on the ground and all over my truck we just blew a hydraulic line in this neck so bad news is this neck is not going to function right now as far as disconnecting and loading the truck on and there's no loading dock or anything at the Army auction so there there's no way to get the truck on to the trailer from behind so we definitely need to get this fixed other bad news is I can see the line down in here and that's the one that blew but these whole sides are just W as solid part of the frame so I think the only way to get in there is if you open up this Gap again so I'm going to go grab the forklift try to lift this front of the trailer up so that a gap opens up in the neck and we can access down into that line and see if we can undo it in there and then and as soon as the hydraulic shop opens up in the morning I'll run in and get a new hose made but hey let's find some good news in this situation always try to do that first bit of good news these Stoppers were pulled in so once that hydraulic land blew it just dropped down on those Stoppers so the trailer is still fully mobile we can move it around as it is if need be other good news is that hydraulic line blew before the hydraulic bypass valve even opened up to bypass the fluid meaning that it didn't take much pressure to blow that line meaning that it was a bad line just an old rod in line which means that there would be a very good good chance that when we go to California get my truck loaded up hook the neck back up and try to lift the trailer back up on the ground the line would have blown then so I'm glad it blew now cuz I can run and get a new one made in the morning and if it would have blown in California I would have been hosed okay the front of the trailer is on jack stands I pulled the truck out of the way now let's see if this will open up a gap right there when I lower this all right it did not really open up right there you can tell the weight's off of it we got a little bit of a gap there but let's see if maybe opening this valve drops it dark working that valving doesn't change it and how do we get down in there can at least open that up a little bit now you can see our Ram in there so yeah maybe I'll just need to completely take off these Stoppers and to get in there let's try that pull that cotter pin there okay I got that stopper off to the side now you can see the big hydraulic ram in here and this might be as good of access as we're going to get just have to reach my hand in there and get back at those lines that you kind of see down in there all right status update it's the line that's on the bottom that blue and it's way down at the bottom okay I started the line rotating down in there and now I have it undone in here which I'm now able to spin and undo the rest of the way and then let's try to get this out of here there so there's our old line it blew somewhere in here as you can see it's just an old rotted line pretty much but yeah oh yeah gaping wide hole right there all righty new hydraulic line is made going take off this tape we get started through these these holes in the trailer all right now that's partially in there I I should be able to squeeze my long skinny little arms down into this cavity and reach down and get to it so here we go wish me luck my arm just barely fits in here and I have to have my elbow rotated the right way for it to get in there I think I'm really going to need a second hand here all right let's bail all righty I just can't quite get down in there so I'm going to try to get this Jack in here and spread these plates apart so I can get my arm deeper down in there oh hallelujah we're started is that doing something it feels different yeah go ahead and just tighten it all the way you can by hand oh yeah I cannot believe we actually got it wow yeah that's about the limit of the hose out here okay kind it worked wow there's also pole of oily dirt in there nice maybe I'll have you keep on twisting on it a little bit Yeah while I wrench on it assist you yeah one two three all right it's probably good enough okay I can't believe it works wow D I didn't realize it was that bad that's horrible it is miserable oh it's way down there too yeah yeah yeah like nobody else's arm could have done that yeah it takes a certain level of length and skinniness to uh accomplish that oh man wow that sucked but thank you so much for your help oh yeah could not have done it without you we're back in business we're arriving to slun there he is sh yeah good morning oh hello well the plant right now I'm in Nevada right outside of Vegas the plan was for these two Hooligans to drive and meet me here and we were all going to sleep comfortably together in the cab over but I guess they got a little too tired and crashed in a Walmart parking lot 2 hours away yeah we uh decided to choose life over death and decided the smart thing to do would be to camp out in the parking lot for a bit but few hours later we've made it with Hunter yeah ready to hit the road you guys didn't get much sleep in that Walmart parking lot but you seem good to go couple hours in the front seat of a car can't complain all right oh I love that she I love [Music] that trucks are running great so far the only thing I'm worried about is this transmission is pretty much a box of rocks the linkage is very loose so you're kind of just guessing what gear you're throwing it into and sometimes it likes to spit you out of gears and stuff so as long as the transmission cooperates with us this trip I'm not worried about the rest of the truck so out there we got Las Vegas Hunter what the heck are we doing down here in Vegas well we've got an exciting trip ahead of us it's a cover's first main hall uh and we're going heavy right off the bat two army trucks they're the mtvr 7 times which they weigh like 35,000 lb a piece so the plan is hopefully we'll have one on the trailer and I have a pencil hitch mounted on the back of the trailer at a military toeb bar and we'll roll the second truck behind the trailer and we'll see how do likes that let's top off on fuel before we get to California it's not going to be a cheap trip that's for sure break the bank we need some fuel sponsorships up in here that would [Music] [Music] help [Applause] [Music] okay folks most of you know I was born and raised in Florida and as a Florida man I love to fish about 4 years ago I moved to Utah but I still like to fish so I figured I'd take a break from driving up here pull off the silent Road and cast a line wait Utah's all just [Music] desert where's all the water all right all is not lost because I do have fishing Clash on my phone fishing Clash is the sponsor of today's video and allows me to get a taste of catching all my favorite fish from back in Florida while in the comfort of the back of my semi- Tru in the middle of the desert it's perfect because the game starts out fishing on the Florida coast which is obviously nice and familiar to me and from there you can level up and fish in all different areas around the world all right I'm going to cast my line out and see what bites I've hooked something so now I'm going to moderate how fast I'm winding in to keep the line not too tight and not too loose and boom I got a snook I love snook they're super fun to catch fishing Clash also has some amazing Graphics let's just appreciate the detail of this line fish I just caught and they also have a player versus player dueling option that takes the game to a whole another level by getting some competition involved I just want to make sure to upgrade my rod and lures to give me a better chance of winning when competing especially when playing against friends or competing in tournaments also don't miss out on the upcoming opportunity to catch some creepy creatures only during the week of Halloween you can support this channel by downloading fishing Clash to clicking on my link that's down in the description below or you can just scan this QR code right here then make sure to use my special gift code of Hunter Goodrich to get a $20 value reward of upgrades for free you just click on this blue tab up here in the corner click gift codes and type in Hunter Goodrich to get a unique Avatar mythical lure card 50 luck power ups and 30 weight power ups to help catch the bigger fish so while you go start playing fishing Clash I'm going to get back to driving my cooler tipped over but the beefy rice is okay oh no beefy rice all right this is our exit we made it a long drive but the old Ford cover did the job yeah [Music] the roadside fix yeah good thing we're prepared [Music] yeah just add that to the list of violations for today hopefully this hydraulic Line's okay don't see any leaks we're good oh yeah oh yeah run first like we even got our AC huh it g you things really blow ice whoa yeah it goes it blows I always wanted a convertible sports car exactly that's what we got here she pass she V [Music] hey this truck has a winch too so that's cool all right the other one's going to take like 30 minutes to get out since it doesn't run any Drive I think while we wait let's try to get that exhaust working get it down by to ex exhaust out side of the truck or something something better than turbo that front vband seized up on us this rear one should work this one's cooperating a lot better got the brakes popped loose she's rolling and free to go now what are you working on swapping batteries this is the one that runs and drives but it needs jump started to start but we also have new batteries here so we'll just go swap these in so we can reliably shut her down and start her back up who's going to carry the boats and the [Music] logs D this thing sounds gnarly yeah these are the meanest Jake breaks of a little C12 they sound so mean and they're so strong oh yeah I love [Music] [Music] them [Applause] now go [Music] we are ready for the road took all this stuff back up oh yeah he we're all chained down ready to get on the road again that army truck there is running so flawlessly that we're just going to drive it down the road the engine looks brand new oil pressure is good coil temperature's good so we're just going to run that see how it does on the highway and we're thinking that might be more legal than double Towing that truck behind the trailer so we'll at least drive that truck out of California and then maybe we'll R to the trailer after that cuz I would like to hook up double skill to just tap over and see how how handles it other than that let's get to it [Music] [Applause] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we made it it's going great oh yeah out of California my truck likes to do that when I hop out the C Jiggles the to ofage anyways we made it out of California we made it through Vegas getting some fuel now and it's just smooth sailing yeah we're home free from here yeah should be oh yeah [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay I'm trying to hide from the wind here basically it worked great having the dead truck on the trailer behind the semi and then just driving this other army truck behind which Aaron put a ton of sea time in this thing I can only imagine how old that must have gotten with it being so windy and cold and noisy and AJ also put several hours in the seat of this thing so Props to those guys they did great handling it and they drove it all the way from California into Utah but we're going to finish off the rest of the trip by finally doing doubles one cuz I want to try it two cuz it'll finally give a relief to my buddies so they don't have to be driving this thing without a windshield anymore so we got the toe bar back to the bumper about to hook it to the trailer and there plans to just leave this truck idling and that'll keep air pressure pressurized to release the parking brakes and with the motor running it'll also send fluid where it needs to go in automatic transmission so that everything stays fine there so let's get hooked up and finish off this [Music] trip [Music] [Applause] I just want to be someone who matters a Free Falling Vagabond come on feel my heartbeating [Music] faster I just want to dance and dance till I'm not and I'm St and I'll Ratt you to the ground Can you feel it now when we're dancing to the [Music] Stars I just want to be someone you [Music] remember a star glowing like the sun can't you see my heart is so and [Music] tender hey we made it home with the whole rig sorry we're only able to bring you guys boring videos since we're so good at what we do and we're so lucky we never have blown tires engine problems breakdowns runs with DOT we just had an absolutely perfect trip getting from California all the way back to Northern Utah zero issues I'm also super stoked to have these trucks home now cuz now I can get started on the dream project this secret project hopefully I'll have this revealed to you guys soon but I have to keep it a secret for now which is as a reminder both of these trucks are going to end up being combined into one ultimate rig and we're going to be using the frames from both trucks a bunch of the axles as well as both engines are going to be powering this secret build it'll have two axles in the front that'll both steer as well as two axles in the back or maybe three there might be eight wheel drive or 10 whe Drive I haven't decided yet and that's all I'm going to say about it for now cuz we're probably going to get immediately to tearing this one down this truck does not run currently should just be some minor electrical thing with the engine but now that these trucks are here I have all my measurements to start designing on solid works on the computer and I'll be able to make a lot of progress with the build and the design of everything with just tearing down this truck so we're going to leave this running truck put together for now so let's unload everything and have some fun with this running truck oh my [Music] gosh
Channel: Hunter Goodrich
Views: 423,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AU5rNYiFfT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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