TRX Falls Off A Cliff

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[Music] so this recovery that we're going to show you is a crash Dodge TRX I was contacted by the Sheriff's Department about recovering it I was given the insurance agent's name I contacted the insurance agent said we would go out and look at the job checked it out we talked to BLM which is Bureau of Land Management we checked with them to see where or what property it was on and if we could cross it they said their land was up there but there was also where the truck actually landed was on sitla land so we contacted sitla had to do jump through all the same ho oops do all that stuff everything after getting all that done was then contacted by the insurance agent and asked if I could give a bid because someone else had put a lower bid in it was a different YouTuber they I guess they do recoveries is what you want to call it I did not condone to their type of recoveries for the way they act and the way they treat the land and the way they treat everything involving the situation that's just my opinion however I've have seen some of the recoveries they've done where they've damaged a lot of stuff and a lot of the land and therefore my mouth and my attitude got the best of me and I said I would do it cheaper meaning I would do it for free so this recovery I did do for free which we don't do that we do not do recoveries for free for YouTube this is our job we do recoveries because this is our job we also film it because we like to show off what we do I got to show short into that stick because I didn't want the other one here doing any damage especially with uh the land closures here recently with that type of land closure and Chaos going on and the argument with that we can't have somebody here being ridiculous doing a job if that makes sense I had to jump through all these hoops and then we had to do all that stuff as we did it and get verification from all these parties so other people don't do that a lot and that is also what hampers with progressing forward in working with the BLM to keep access open something to think about but anyway I just figured I'd mention that because I did have quite a bit of an attitude and I was kind of a little mouthy during this recovery and I apologize for that something going on with the Ford I think so we are leaving this truck behind we're out here on hero pass on the backside this is overlooking the Ash plant aka the dolphin Detention Center um so you got this narrow road right here gentleman came around he seen some traffic coming so he backed up and backing up over to here especially at certain times of the day when the Sun's shining on you he backed off of right here his tire dipped over and away he went and there's the truck see the the rock the side of the truck hit right there and then went down we're not bringing this up the way it came we have many concerns for that mostly the traffic we would be right here blocking traffic or impeding it and then people are going to want to watch what we're doing and they're going to get out and they're going to be standing here gawking over the side of the hill and somebody's going to fall just inevitably um we have to get permission to cross their land to go onto their land going off Trail to get this vehicle these are the steps that we take to go to make sure that we're not just going out and being gung-ho woohoo let's go do this let's get all the clicks on YouTube um and yes I'm kind of being a little bit of a how should I put that I have an attitude towards some people on YouTube that sensationalize everything and showcase things like this where people got injured or even dead luckily the the the gentleman and his dog both survived serious injuries but not life-threatening or life altering so they're okay which shows a good Testament to newer vehicles and the safety features of them that's pretty awesome to drop that far and walk away from it even assisted is pretty awesome but um somebody tried to come in and do this job out from under us we can't have Jack wagons coming down here and using their big giant truck and trashing everything and ripping the side out of a cliff on the right here you can't come out here and do stuff like this just to get big on YouTube like this is what we do and this is what we did before we did YouTube anyway we're going to go down there we have an old access road that we're going to use to get down to the wash that ties into this we brought our rigs um we've got the buggy and the wrecker they're going to go in and do some pretty hard work today we tried to bring um Big D but it is such a disappointment this feels weird well so this is an old access road you see it right through here see tiny bit of track there that's the only reason we're on it or allowed to do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this one come over this [Music] one [Applause] [Applause] all right we are almost there there it [Music] is Wheeling stuff nobody will ever get to wheel never that was the first one off Trail TR oh what look at this it's still got the still got the sticker are you ready yep total price $96,500 truck oh oh all right so the truck's down there there are parts and pieces all the way down there's Sean he's over there all right buggy over here going pull it here pull you there back to the truck Shuffle it over right Mike uh this isn't going to work if you're not down here to tell me I'm rigging it wrong hey you're doing it wrong okay thank [Music] you we can twist it and hopefully keep it on this ledge and we're literally going to ye it over all these rocks it's just yeah it's it's going to go get over here judge my reading right now so buggy pulley another pulley and back we're redirecting off of the one in the tire and we'll pull it back and pull the bumper into that rock and twist it around leaving it up here is [Music] [Music] my stepping across [Applause] bam strong I am M buggy up this heel oh my God can we please use the little Arch we're not going to use it we don't want to wreck the Rocks but I think it's hilarious oh is it tie off point yeah like how awesome would this be but these rocks are pretty soft and I don't know how much it would hold and we don't want to wreck stuff like that we can get that front end to right here here we're home free to just ye it off slow controlled very controlled [Music] yeting yeah we're about to get into some really big rocks here more this way more that way [Music] yeah drive shaft gave up yeah didn't go on a war path just all the way out the canyon if the cooler doesn't hit the windshield you're not doing it right I'm telling [Music] you it it budged about 3 in huh it moved about 3 in [Music] oh [Music] he's digging in pretty hard on that Big Rock right there that was some pretty good progress yeah could we get even shorter probably help it with the up Factor yeah picking was up bet we good you think SE yeah working we're over the Heart part now I think all right so we have shortened our straps quite significantly to hopefully Elevate the situation I watch those 10-footers turn into about 15f Footers too [Music] okay we might need to re-evaluate B you got it all [Music] right here going to get this rock out of the way there all better yeah that Rock's moving isn't it um you know not really not yet okay that was all I needed to [Music] hear working what it was up there it was on the Rock and then it rolled back that's what I'm thinking is we hook on to that a arm again yeah get it as close as come to the top see this right here Mike oh I know what's wrong with it yeah belt came loose belt's loose [Music] yeah see where this go so I don't think that would work tow truck is right there the way we came up is right through here past all these Rock pecker nests this is the way we're going to have to go right down [Music] this [Music] [Music] okay [Music] I think it'd be easier than that I think it's attainable for the buggy no problem I think I can do [Music] this [Music] okay we're going to need the poliy and everything okay okay went in he yeah you're good you [Applause] good you ready yeah and be ready to go out or get out of the way if it pulls it win you [Music] in [Music] wi out hold there winch in [Music] hold the little tow Hook's going to hang in there Mike dude I don't know how I mean it's not quite the the high quality Machinery that Ford makes you know you know the one that didn't even show up to work today the old part-timer down there right we got all slams the door back here car there oh yeah I guess I'll drive this one now [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all the way perfect okay that's good [Applause] there [Music] thank [Music] you [Music] [Music] yeah dang off-road Jack yeah it's really Offroad not on a rout hang On's let's see if we can get that spare down first a bad lands off-road Jack 3 tons we offro got tires that spin Offroad wow look at that dude that is something out being like Trail Mater just w yeah dude get you one Harbor Freight they got them all right Sean oh can you cut it now hang on let me cover my neck what am I cutting the spring well cut the cable W that's one way to do it we have a full pounder oh there it is we got it nice got it y them the Moa okay we got two tires rolling now [Music] sweet front tire is right about to be on it [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] on [Music] I need a little Tu job this is a very spicy meat to ball [Music] [Music] all up [Music] John [Music] [Applause] out all right we're through [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh there she is back on the road again that's why I think if we just kick the tracks out up to right there they're never going to know the no vehicle sign or almost a magnet what do you mean no vehicles do they close outout over here well there's the Ram yeah it's out we're we're on the dirt road headed back to the parking lot and just slowly work our way that way hopefully it all stays together and make you there in one piece [Music] [Music] oh that was a workout but like I said um unfortunately Big D was a huge disappointment today I was really hoping to have that I wanted to have all the equipment and the ability to haul it out and keep the front end down we didn't really have that option but uh we made it work like always um like I said it wasn't pretty but it was the best thing that we could do and it was uh within parameters of what we talked with sitla and BLM about doing coming down the wash so anything we Disturbed was in the wash so after runoff this year you won't even notice it so I'm pretty mentally drained so yeah no it went as best as possible yeah so there it is it's out like always thank you guys for watching buy up the [Music] hill almost made it yeah there it is yeah yeah pull good one my belly power look it's a foot Mikey recer across there that rock foot Rock it's a foot Rock fo Rock wonder if it needs a tow [Music] truck now we're going in the canyon so it's going to be a lot colder yeah hint I got a sandwich so I can put in my pocket and keep my hand warm is that what you're doing in there yeah whoa Cafe Rio dude it's fresh I know Sean over here stealing Justin's lunch he won't know until he watches this video oh he knows I can see it he knows he knows nothing nothing to see here there's a bird over there see if you don't do what Sean's doing right now while you're scouting you're not doing it right I'm here to tell you you got to do the like flying Eagle pose wa dude what what happened wait what you mad
Channel: Trail Mater
Views: 1,138,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 95Cg-oiVMm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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