Giant Lobster Catch And Cook With My Family

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get it guys welcome back to another episode in this episode we're going in search of the giant lobster and right behind me there's turtles all over the beach just getting an honest mating season baby once we grab ourselves some giant lobsters i've got these passion fruits which i've picked from a garden at home at and i went online i was like lobsters passion fruit recipes and i've found one we've never tried this before we're gonna do a little taste test and see which one is gonna taste better soft shell or hard shell we're out in the remote islands right now there's no one around for miles and the sun's out the water's clear the wind's backing off and it's going to be an absolutely beautiful day i can't get it off they have the strongest grip and those big ones that were after the monster giant ornate crayfish they will pierce through that wetsuit and into your skin like that there's three different type of craters that we really grab western rock lobsters painted crayfish which is this guy and then the giant ornate crayfish which is probably three four times as big as this beautiful colors in them no big giant lobsters yet but they are definitely around here what i didn't tell you guys is we've actually taken two boats out we're obviously in my boat right now but we've got jackson's boat if you guys haven't seen our surprise jacket with some brand new motors fully restored his boat let's get straight back into this so foreign i was trying to get a close-up of it the jackson bring it in the face oh yes [Laughter] we're just putting them on the measuring tape here so you can see how big these crayfish are it is about 60 centimeters before the little feeler start and with the feelers it's well over a metre there and this guy here don't get me wrong this is a giant lobster but there are bigger monsters down there this one was actually the teamwork one i went down one so let's jackson come in on the other side as i mentioned we got an army to feed so we're probably going to get back in the drinks even get a couple more right now we're just moving spot to spot jacko's driving and we're just dropping me off on by me to bobby have a look at this one so what we've got here is we've got a female cray with eggs we call these berries it's the reason why we don't shoot them and we use our bare hands because you can't see what they are when you're pulling them out let's put this beautiful little female back in and there's thousands and thousands of baby crates most lobsters live the same life cycle they matured between the ages of 6 and seven and the male attaches to packet of sperm also known as the tar spot on the underside of a female by scratching the tar spot the eggs are fertilized as they are swept backwards and become attached to those fine hairs on the back end of their tail the eggs will hatch depending on the temperature between four and eight weeks the larvae will then drift offshore the final stages the larvae transform into little transparent lobsters once they settle into the reefs they start developing their unique colour patterns feeding and growing for the next three to four years then the process will just keep repeating itself and repeating itself and that's why i bloody love lobsters that's a good size eating one yeah that's a beauty we got dinner baby whoa an ornate crayfish and a perfect size this is why i love doing it because you can pick what you want we're gonna head back in for lunch now catch up with the girls and after lunch we'll look for a few more gotta copy island moss how was the trip across was it okay yeah i'll see you soon okay there's heaps of turtles here okay [Laughter] look everyone look there's a tunnel [Music] oh it's a ray goes down oh look at that we've got the two boats out first time ever hi stevie look at that turtle's coming look look down here he's just cruising along thought to talk to torto where's turtles oh there is a turtle there oh yeah good spotting oh it's a race oh it's raining look at straight up oh jacob there's a long tom right here being weird uncle brodie it's okay with the afternoon starting to settle in we start to pull the anchors up and steam towards home with the plan trying to stop for a couple more crayfish i don't think any of us knew what the monster laid ahead don't worry it's way too big oh no you're gonna beat me jackson and i are going for a little bit of a game plan here because what we've noticed the giant lobsters under these rocks are really revved up they're going in and out they're moving around as you can see right now ones are creeping out checking me out his feelers are going at the gopro as soon as he touches the gopro or feels something that's it he's gone and they can swim so bloody fast and you'll get a little taste of that in a minute just wait up for that but in this particular situation what jackson and i do is we block out two entrances because we know that they're gonna go for it so i get out one side jackson goes down the other side and i actually push the crayfish and guide it towards him and you'll see what happens next [Music] it's important to check with your local fisheries and how many are allowed to take here they take eight per person but we never do that we only take what we need so we're gonna grab maybe one or two each and that's it that's good for a feed [Music] this shell here on this crate is super soft they're actually really really tasty when they're like this at least 150 meters there quick [Music] [Music] up [Music] oh it's way too big way too big oh it's massive like massive biggest ever oh my god we'll take it back to the boat real quick and assess that we probably end up putting this one back we've got that one yeah you got him yep yep oh my god wow this is a massive crayfish as big as they get we're actually going to put this guy back there's no doubt about it he is six plus kilos one of the biggest ones we've ever grabbed it was a team effort to get him out when they're under the ledge there you don't actually know how big they are until you grab them they can live out the water of course otherwise we wouldn't have them out of the water i'll get a better grip of him maybe just take it off we'll get him straight back in the water massive beast of the ocean whoa oh big oh just more like a barrel he's gonna make heaps a little baby crazy that ended up being an absolute crazy session there are so many giant lobsters around us at the moment we're not getting that big one that is as big as they grow put him back for another day the sun is about to set the breeze is coming in we're gonna head down the beach a little bit later on cook up this feed see what it tastes like with that passion fruit let's bloody go baby you we're back down the beach and we're gonna get stuck straight into this cook we've got the passion fruit from home we've got the crayfish that we caught did you just find yourself oh look when you were grabbing these look how sharp these horns are especially on these hard shells which 90 of the crayfish you're going to grab are going to be hard they're not going to be soft like this these things will literally light you up and they can be full of bacteria and a lot of nasty stuff so you want to be careful that's why we wear gloves we've got joel behind the lens here we've got the cars down here obviously the full kitchen set up got all the family in the back there's having a good old day and jackson of course we're going to cook both on the barbecue in the same way and before we put the sauce on that we make with the passion fruit we're going to do a little taste test and see which one is going to taste better soft shell or hard shell so basically all i'm going to do is i'm just going to chop straight down through there it's so easy to do split it right down the middle and go through this way as well all the way up wow there you go it was that easy to do you want to take the poo tube out of the middle of it so straight away you're going to see the difference of me trying to attempt to chop this with the knife i have to put so much pressure on to even pierce it so what you want to do you want to grab a sharp knife you want to run it down the inside of the head there and you want to push it up against the shell to try and get all that meat you just essentially separating it just going to make it easy for the next step you just want to give it a good twist and watch those sharp sharp blades on the side there and now it comes all that meat and all that good stuff so i'm going to keep this head i'm going to chuck it in the freezer and i'm going to use it later on you want to get some sort of meat scissors for this next step and what you want to do is it's really easy from here on in with these bad boys between the meat and the shell and basically just get into it but like i said these things are bulletproof the underneath of a crayfish is obviously a lot softer and that's why they never really will reveal that to you grab something super sharp and just straight down the middle that's what we're left with soft shell hard shell i'm just going to put some butter on these two tails here should take about half an hour [Music] craze are on the barbecue there we're going to get straight into prepping this sauce i'm going to grab one of these hash and fruits boy they're harder than i thought hey i need the big dog give us the big dog first rule when you're cooking is always use really sharp knives wait these things are weapons look at this thing straight through the middle there oh this smells so good man we got some lime passion fruit thick cream some shallots that jackson's chopping up in here we've got a little bit of butter and some mustard so you don't want to actually brown these you want to just lightly cook them hard before we put the rest of the stuff in because we're actually making a sauce quick chuck the passion fruits in all right all right next step a little bit of lamb you're fired i'm the new assistant now we have a special guest victoria ferreira look at this guy oh look at the soft shell so the reason why i cook it shell down first is because it basically makes a little oven and then i flip it over just to sear the top layer of flesh and it is all right it's time to get stuck straight into this we've got the soft shell and the hard shell crayfish we're gonna have a little taste test now all of us so we'll start off with this we've got a little fork who wants to go first taste test oh that's first so you grab this part and i'm going to grab this part all right we're going to eat the soft shell first me and i uh good and quickly back it up with this yummy yeah i honestly can't tell any difference i don't know they taste both beautiful to me the next thing we're gonna do is taste the passion fruit sauce go on let's go let's go crew there we go oh look at that beauty oh wow oh my gosh that sauce is so good oh my god right that's a bloody wrap baby thank you guys so much for watching if you want to support us we just dropped some new merch some dead glassy adventure shirts online and i'll see you guys very soon cheers
Channel: YBS Youngbloods
Views: 29,609,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qCC86cjsPnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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