Fishing 30 miles out on a *24ft* Bay Boat When I Caught THIS....[Catch, Clean, Cook]

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yo what is up everyone Stephen with Bama saltwater I just wanted to show you that gorgeous free Sunrise sky here on the Alabama Gulf Coast absolutely awesome about 12 miles south of Orange Beach Alabama gonna do some fishing so as y'all saw the title and the thumbnail but first thing I want to do is troll some structure there's a weather buoy here I always like to stop at have our Apollo X wrap with some 44 pound single strand wire on there I'm gonna throw behind the boat do some trolling while it's still early in the morning and then go try to find our dinner with some squid y'all stick around see what we catch I'm glad that you can join me today and let's have a good time let's get our little x-wrap out there I just like to make one long cast and then put the boat in gear and let out probably another 20 feet or so of line and now that's ready to go this is a 6 000 size Reel with 40 pound braid and a seven foot heavy power fast action spinning rod this video is brought to you by J H tackle they'll be linked down below if you want to get anything you see in this video raw is reels tackle they have everything y'all go check them out down below and I appreciate j h for sponsoring this video so let's get into trolling y'all God's artwork early in the morning look at that so I wake up in the morning [Music] come out here just to witness that catching fish is an added bonus that didn't take long at all I mean at all like literally 30 seconds into trolling when we're hooked up that's cool that's why I like doing this it's always fun to do that on the way to your next fishing spot see what we have here if you have someone else with you you want to keep the boat in gear I mean it's going forward I don't so I stopped the boat that's going to be a little toony I can tell you that already yep a little toony AKA Bonita there we go see if I hurry up get this hook out of them they don't like to stop swimming tuna mackerel dye pretty quickly little toony Bonita let's put them back in the water there you go he's gone sped off quick those are actually false albacore they're different than the Benito that you catch or the skipjack tuna that you catch on the Atlantic side and deeper out in the Gulf of Mexico edible not that great to be honest but everyone's opinions are different let's get that extract back out that was cool and it's actually 90 feet of water over here 87 90 feet not too deep really good depth of fishing hammered there we go don't be afraid to let them run and wear themselves out I don't know what I have there we go it's a beast whatever it is come on shooting the boat whoa It's swimming fast towards me come here a little Bobo yep there we go another Bonita oh my gosh what was that good gracious what just came up and ate it I think a big amberjack wow that was interesting to say the least so I had a Bonita on there a little toony and something big came up and just ate it and now I'm hooked into that huge there it is down there what are you yep big old amberjack ate my Bonita man a we are like a week before the season opens too that's a stud I hit down carefully because I can't keep you ain't nothing like fighting one of these Reef donkeys first thing in the morning unfortunately I'm a week before I can keep them that would be an awesome keeper so I have to let this one go go and Jet them down and she gone that's a stunt fish a little bit out of breath on that one I'm gonna move to my bottom spot but I'll continue to troll on the way out there like I said at the time of making this video I cannot keep amberjack it's like a week week and a half before the season opens so that is what it is come back out there and catch it but a Bonita or little toonie hit this lure and the amberjack came up and smoked them let's get it back out y'all back out I mean just now oh fish again this is cool like I was sitting there cleaning the water off my camera lens and just hooked up again that didn't take long at all let's get it closer to the boat all before it's only 6 47 in the morning oh that's a nice King yeah it is okay we'll be able to put him in the Fish Box there you are perfect schooly-sized King there oh it's like when I touch the gaff they can sense that energy that they're about to come aboard the Bama saltwater Express here I'm gonna take off yes buddy you ain't that happy because you can't blame them oh it's doing that Circle Kings and tuna do that death Circle come on all right we're gonna have smoked fish dip baby maybe maybe we're gonna have smoked fish just y'all that's what I'm talking about oh he's got a fish inside of him he per person in the state of Alabama only 24 inches length is their minimum this one's a perfect size for smoked fish dip but y'all this little dude spit out a flying fish let me bleed him out and throw him on ice and I'm going to show you that flying fish real quick so just how I mentioned I just went over a bunch of flying fish this is what he was eating these are flying fish really cool things they literally fly on top of the water I mean they will go for like almost 100 feet this one's a little bit smaller one everything eats them out here king mackerel mahi mahi Wahoo tuna but normally he would have wings there see all these kind of been digested a little bit but that's what they're eating really neat this little thing has put in some work for me this year I use these X wraps all the time and all I do is change out the hooks and I've changed them out to some four extra strong treble hooks and we've already caught a crap ton of fish this morning you don't have to have crazy gear to come out here and catch fish if you have a boat or kayak like you don't have to have van stalls you don't have to have G Loomis rods come out here with the 6000 size reel loaded up with some braid wire leader and X wrapping and catch almost anything that swims out here so I just came to 110 feet of water and I have some of this California squid thawing out really pretty white squid check that out I'll show you how I like to prep it you can drop one whole but we're going to be fishing with some smaller tackle so I like to cut the tentacles off I love that part of the squid and then what I do is go down without cutting the other side I want to open this squid up just like that and get out all those guts throw it over his Chum there's their quill see that pretty cool it's like the Squid's backbone it's not a bone they don't have bones looks like a plastic straw really cool now I have a piece of squid laid out flat just like that I'm gonna make strips about one inch wide and there's some squid strips and I'll go even further and cut these strips in half again it's as simple as that now it's time to bait these squid strips up on our double drop wreath the very bottom I have a two ounce Bank Sinker coming to a loop come about a foot and a half up have a dropper loop with a one-off circle hook come another foot and a half up have the same thing dropper Loop one up Circle come another foot up I have a black barrel swivel tied straight to my braid so I'll take the small circle hook this piece of squid strip I just cut and I like to hook it twice and we're ready to drop down this squid and catch us some dinner y'all let's go all the way down alrighty first fish on the squid this morning something we can keep [Music] fun part about this is you really never know what you're going to pull up there's so many different things on these reefs out here all man-made reefs we'll see what you are what kind of fish you are all right yes got our first keeper and we have a Tom Tate as well but that is our mangrove snapper they only have to be 12 inches that's a perfect about average size there otherwise known as gray Snapper Mangrove that's what you'll hear me call them it's a great eating fish so he's going to go in our cooler but you see they come from 100 foot down and their stomachs are blown out because the depressurization of them coming up top so there's a lot of pressure down at 100 feet but that's a nice fish now I did double up this is a ruby red lips or Tom Tate you can see why they're called ruby red lips see all red they're inside of their mouth this are good bait good live baits he's going to go back amberjack aren't open otherwise I drop him down on a free line and try to get a Big Jack but there we go y'all great addition to the cooler some I'm gonna put some more squid on someone want to use the tentacles check that out let's go right through and it's good to go do the same thing on the other hook and we'll drop it down a little bit harder fighter [Music] something that can go in the cooler y'all I don't know nope oh yeah sorry I thought that was a red snapper there we go that's a Target species that is a B liner AKA Vermilion Snapper they only have to be 10 inches long very very good eating you're allow 10 a person he's going to go in the cooler that is what I'm after today y'all so I do want to mention real quick you see me use my trolling motor in awfully a lot this is one of my favorite accessories I have on my boat this is a 36 volt trolling motor now when we're in strong current like this and I want to fish all day I want to make sure I have a battery that will hold up to what I need my boat to do so I want to show y'all real quick I'm running a single 36 volt Dakota lithium battery look at that does it take up any space at all super lightweight 11 year warranty but my favorite thing is how light it is and how little space it takes now you can also run three 12 volt batteries in sequence to get your 36 volt but I love that single 36. and that's by Dakota lithium they are partnered with the channels I'm also running one has my house and starter battery as well at 12 volt it'll be linked down below you can go click on that link and search Dakota they're awesome they got a bunch of power boxes that I use as well to charge my GoPros and my computer on the go but y'all just wanted to share with you what I use to keep my trolling motor going so I can catch these awesome fish so let's go ahead get baited up again and get back into fishing come on be a big B liner see open something else I can go in the cooler find out oh cool it is it's actually a lane snapper these are really neat very very good eating incredible table fare see that that is a lane snapper they only have to be eight inches here in Alabama it's one of the finest eating fish that comes off this Reef in my opinion and they're beautiful colors too see the yellow going through that little Dot that is awesome we're going to keep this one the limits on these pretty much add up to your 20 refish aggregate heck yeah y'all so it's only 8 30 and I already have a pretty nice cooler full I've rebate it up with some more of those squid tentacles and drop down again got a hook in you got some head shakes [Music] come on Neil gets close to the Pope oh man it's a trigger fish cool fish to say the least just out of season right now at the time of making this video but add that to the variety of fish we're catching today it's pretty neat things there you go man he just shot down to the bottom again those things are really good eating and pretty cool too you never want to stick your finger in their mouth since there are a lot of barracudas hanging around I've tied on one of these Cuda tubes it's just this rubber kind of like sunglass tubing and a couple treble hooks I need a get off the treble hook covers don't forget to do that you can buy them pre-made like I did or you can make them yourself there's a couple egg weights in there for casting distance and you control these or cast these like we're gonna do and see if we can put that to the test here we go let's throw this sucker out there this will be fun something hits it I'm gonna throw it a little bit in just see what it looks like oh yeah I think swim is awesome so just cast it out reel it back to you as fast as you can keeping it below the surface see if one of these Barracuda don't come up and eat 15 20 pounds there was another one down there that was just insane oh come on fire up on it at least I got one to follow oh whoa wow oh my gosh oh dude that was so cool it just caught me off because it got me in the trolling motor but that was freaking awesome dude that was so cool wow I don't have another one on Deck I guess I left him at the house I only brought one that was awesome really really neat I do have some of this Frozen cigar men as I might be able to get but how cool was that I mean some live action right at the boat y'all there you go let's get it up before the big Cuda gets it oh big Barracuda chasing it dang it oh and a big bull shark wow look at them things oh my gosh all right well might as well use that hard tail I got bit in half by shark or Cuda or both oh that's a big barracuda come on there's another one there's like two of them oh he's gonna eat it okay he just ate it we just ate it that was cool yeah that was really cool dang hook came out circle hook came out that was neat though all right back to the squid for a little bit it's going to pick up some more fish for the cooler or a live bait I can get through all these barracudas and sharks and everything else down there amberjack oh yeah with a nice keeper Mangrove again for the cooler yes that's what I'm talking about it's so hot it's hard to breathe out here there's another good one come on up you oh no don't don't get eaten don't get eaten don't get eaten man it's another nice Mangrove heck yeah for the cooler again that's three mangrove snapper right there total that I have in the cooler and that lane snapper in the king that's a nice one y'all another good one on the bottom come on up get away from the barracudas they're trying to chase it yeah he's had some teeth marks on them but they're slowly getting bigger found a nice group of mangrove snapper it's another one for the cooler y'all thick yeah the heck are they doing I guess coming after my Chum slick there's Jack crevall amberjack Barracuda wow there's so much life down there whoa that Barracuda down there is huge I want to see if I can entice them with the whole squid down there that was pretty cool seeing all the different species come right below the boat y'all that is a rainbow runner excellent excellent table fare I don't catch them often so that is really cool I was able to bring that in the boat throw his gills out let them bleed out and we're gonna bury him in some ice that is so cool really neat looking fish cool colors on them let's see if I can catch another rainbow runner small piece of squid fluorocarbon leader and circle hook tell them come back behind the boat that has some weight to it definitely some weight to it um the heck is this get out from that there okay thank goodness it didn't get in that trolling motor gopro's overheating I'm overheating myself I don't know what a half I just want to get it up oh is that a jack crevall yeah it's a jack crevall that's why ah Bagel Jack crevel there you are it's you man let you go that's what it is at least I got it up pretty cool thing calm down you huh decided to eat my squid is that what you decided to do there you go and he gone I wasn't about to stick my hand in there with that big Barracuda that one there that one that one that one that one that one eight barracudas down there so it was just a big old Jack crevall pretty fun I can literally see the top of this shipwreck I'm gonna drop this camera down my GoPro just to see and hopefully doesn't get eaten by Barracuda or Jack just to show y'all see a cooter right there hope it doesn't come eat this camera foreign flat calm conditions zero breeze it's beautiful don't get me wrong but man it isn't it is it hot and I'm pretty worn down I've had a good time catching some fish though there's still a giant School of Cuda around here I mean I've counted about 30 of them all in this school sitting on top of this structure so I'm gonna do some trolling and then probably see you back at the house cooled off and getting ready to clean those fish hope you enjoyed this type of catching y'all and I'll see you on the trip back couldn't ask for any better conditions in terms of wave heights as well [Music] got four miles to go foreign we are going to clean up this rainbow runner these are in the Jack family these are excellent eating fish raw and cooked Sashimi style or baked grilled however you like to cook it I'm gonna do it both ways I'm gonna fillet it and then have some Sashimi for myself and then cook it for everybody else because they like to eat cooked fish and not necessarily like sushi but very cool fish I don't catch these often this is actually the first one I've had on my channel pretty cool all right y'all sword fillet knife seven inch flex link down below if you want to pick you one up that's what I use and we're just going to fillet this fish out first thing I want to do though is get these scales off because I'm going to leave the skin on [Music] so they have a decent amount of scales you can use a spoon a descaler I just use the back of a fillet knife real easy to do make sure you get all of them off and do the back side as well [Music] they have a lot of scales it's going to be the probably the only time I use my water hose aside from cleaning up at the very end and there's a specific reason for that but let's spray it off before we open it up so now that we have a descaled and sprayed off just want to show you real quick they have kind of rubbery lips there's no teeth back there it's all like sandpaper feel so pretty neat but I'm just going to fillet this fish out and the reason I see that was the last time I was going to use the water hose on it because when you're doing Sashimi or really in general but when you're doing Sashimi or any type of raw fish the less water you get on there the less bacteria grows on that fillet and you can wash a lot of the natural fish oils away so it gets you a paper towel dry this sucker up now this was just a regular red snapper I'll probably just fillet wash it off but this is a special fish to me so we're gonna do it the right way now it's time to cut in it [Music] on nice cut so now we make an angled cut towards the head wow what a nice fish check out the color that meat super white that is awesome [Music] I'm gonna go through pulling the dorsal and just a shallow cut all I'm trying to do is open it up there we go now we're just going to fillet right along the Bony structure pretty much like anything else once you go through and get to the middle this is normally where I like to flip it over shallow cut for that anal fin and go all the way down to the tail fin or the caudal fin is what it's called so same thing right on the boat [Music] and once you get that filleted off cut it off the tail I am leaving the skin on kind of like you would a salmon and I like to go up and over this rib cage hear me cracking those pin bowls [Music] all right down the rib cage get that belly meat there's an awesome filet of some rainbow runner it's going to be really awesome to eat cannot wait like I said I left the skin on and I'm not going to spray it off when I get upstairs I'll continue to Pat it down with a paper towel and we'll continue to prep it but see didn't miss hardly any meat there if you really want to get after it you can take a spoon scoop all that meat from in between the rib cages see that and scrape all that meat right off that spine or you can just use this whole thing to make some fish stock in the head too I'm gonna do the same thing on the back side y'all so here we go again towards the collar around around the pectoral Fin and back towards the head and you can actually pull the head and most of the guts out if you wanted to you could clean these guts out and then use that head for some fish stock there's not that much meat on these they're pretty bony but this is going to go in our Blue Crab Trap like all my other scraps but check that out and see how clean this is when you're doing this you want to do your best to prevent piercing all these guts so you don't tank the meat just open it up all the way to the tail there we go I kind of pull back with my thumb to create some tension keep it tight come all the way back up again cut it off so I like to go around the rib cage [Music] those pin bones [Music] just peel it back separating the ribs from that fillet [Music] there we go now like I said you could take a spoon and cut and pull all that off this goes in our craft trap have two amazing fillets with the skin on fresh from the Gulf of Mexico that we're going to take upstairs and get ready to cook it for our general so I'll see up top in the kitchen y'all we are in the kitchen hopefully the dogs don't go all crazy barking while we're trying to film but I'm happy that y'all can join me today we're doing something real simple and two different techniques one we're doing Sashimi because you absolutely have to if you don't like raw fish don't worry we're going to cook it as well so let's start out doing this machine and there's oh no as always Bobo is doing whatever he wants to do oh no has to be right below our feet are you going to say hi again everybody foot foot oh good boy okay I can't touch because my hands are clean but you're a good dog back to the fishing so I'm gonna take the upper loin just the first like eighth of this filet right here and this is going to be my Sashimi so take us a nice coin and that belly meat and then this is going to go and get baked now I've cut me a perfect piece off you want to get rid of that red meat in there so I'm going to go down the middle along these pin bones and fillet right off the skin oh yeah look at that piece that's gonna be delicious look at the colors in it too and gonna do the same thing here play it off leave that red meat on the skin see put that off and now that's going to be my raw portion there for sashimi it's very simple it allows you to taste every bit of that fish with some kikum and soy sauce packets kikum and soy sauce you know it's good and then some sushi wasabi cut it in it's thin up the pieces as I can lay it on our plate so we'll do this you saw me do the same thing with the wahoo it's thin pieces you don't have to be perfect and this is just for me my mom doesn't eat raw fish unless it's California rolls which that doesn't really count as Sushi to be honest it's imitation crab meat and then my brother's at work he likes sushi so for now this is just me that's why I'm only doing a small portion so now I have my plate of Yellowtail Sashimi super awesome great way of enjoying fish so we're going to enjoy this while our oven's heating on 375 it's preheating right now for our baked part let's enjoy some fresh Sashimi take some of this wasabi a little bit of this stuff goes a long long way let's grab a piece of our rainbow runner dip it in just a little bit of that wasabi I love soy sauce so it's just regular soy sauce let's give it a try can't get any fresher than that there's a kit from that wasabi that is phenomenal I mean that whole fish just melts in your mouth like you want you don't want it to be too muscular too grainy this right here is perfect I'm taking another bite because that was very good it doesn't need a lot of stuff but this one is just soy sauce Wasabi it is an acquired taste so like I said don't worry if you don't like raw fish hmm we're going to cook the other one um so once the oven is up to 375 degrees I'll show you the ingredients that I'm using for our fillets so while our fish is cooking I'm going to be munching on our Sashimi let's get our ingredients prepped already so we can cook these fillets here I have a mortar and pedestal I'm gonna smash up our fresh ingredients this is very easy to do may seem complicated but I have some freshly cut Ginger freshly chopped garlic some minced garlic with a little bit of Evo extra virgin olive oil into the bottom all together so that's your ginger and garlic mix now I have some chopped green chilies that my neighbor grew and gave me a few so everyone put that in there as well it's just going to be a ginger garlic chili Chutney mix that's what I'll call it some salt Just A Pinch and then I have two lemon halves I'm gonna pull those seeds out of there you don't want to be chopping up any seeds so there's a half of a lemon juice but now it's just time to Mush this together we want to make it into a nice fine paste see it's going to go from Chopped ingredients should be a paste well probably see in about 5 10 30 40 minutes now I don't take long this one get some of this Evo down olive oil just enough to where it doesn't stick foreign as well if you want take my rainbow runner fillet and then the other side skin down just like a salmon but it kind of looks like a salmon on that side so now I have freshly cracked black pepper and then some salt there we go now what I'm going to do is cover it in our Evo this allows it to Brown and not burn you can do butter as well now you don't want it to steam in there you want it to bake so here don't over saturate it in oil just enough to where it doesn't dry out and it'll Brown it so cover that up nice and easy boom look at that all we have next is to take our paste if you don't have a mortar and pestle like this you can just use a mincer we're going to get that out and then we'll spread it by hand just make sure it's even and once again if you missed it this is garlic Chili Peppers ginger lemon and a little bit of salt and we're going to cover this up pretty much a marinade that you cook it in so now it's time to put in our oven it's at 375 degrees for 20 minutes on the middle shell oh man there we go we'll see it in 20 minutes that looks awesome I'm going to keep on munching down on my Sashimi here and then we'll have us an awesome dinner that was swimming in the Gulf of Mexico no more than like six hours ago so see you then so the timer just went off for 20 minutes I'm looking at it looks good if you're unsure you can take a fork and try to flake it if it flakes off easily it's ready but what I like to do is clear broil it on high for a couple minutes there oh they've been on broiling on high for four minutes it's time to take our fish out oh man if y'all could smell the aroma from that Ginger the garlic from all those ingredients oh yeah those are cooked great here we go heck yeah we're gonna let these cool down on the stove like I said if you're unsure you can take a fork and Flake it apart but look how white that meat is Thoroughly cooked gonna let it cool down some and then we'll plate it and try bite hey guess what y'all so I have some Basmati white rice right here very good rice if you know you know we're going to start plating our fish I want that piece right there it looks so good cut that down oh yeah it's cooked perfect too see how it flakes apart that's what you want I'm gonna take that still steaming up good lay some down side of our rice I have some chopped green onions little sprig of cilantro have some of this balsamic glaze someone get some of this balsamic glaze down there balsamic vinegar take our spoon just some presentation purposes and we're ready to go y'all it's one of them green onions there a little presentation man that's that's what it's about get your mind ready to eat something delicious so y'all want to see out on the porch because it's always beautiful at my house being able to eat and enjoy the water that these fish came from so I'll see you out there let's go on the porch where we like to enjoy this meal here got a nice cold beverage let me try a bite flakes right off super white fish dip some in that glaze a little bit of rice here we go wow amazing like that is that's a very good fish very tasty fish cooked perfect like that here we go again okay rainbow runner if you ever catch one I know a lot of y'all watching that fish salt water you've tried them before but if you haven't yet it's definitely worth it Spike It Bleed It Out take it home make you some Sashimi or if you don't like raw fish bacon in the oven with some very fresh and simple ingredients it wasn't hard to clean at all that is absolutely delicious mmm now here's probably all saddest part but one of my favorite Parts because I get to finish my dinner I have to let y'all go if you enjoy catching Cooks like these don't forget to smash that subscribe button if you are not yet also have some Bama saltwater hats on Bama and y'all go check out all the partners of the channel down in the description below as well hey y'all I'm going to finish this rainbow runner phenomenal fish there's plenty to feed everybody when they get home from work so I will see you in the next Bama saltwater fishing video I want to thank the good Lord up above for everything he does for us we'll see you later look at them bottlenose dolphins jumping pretty cool about 30 miles out right now so got a little bit ways to go back home that is neat bunch of them really cool
Channel: Bama Saltwater
Views: 188,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing
Id: R2gcROJaBbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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