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oh i can't oh yeah he's got a blowhole yeah go whale do some cool i'm gonna ride him all right hey finn's poop in here go away i'll give you my goat i'll throw him in there i'm gonna throw him in i'm gonna sacrifice my goat for some sick jumps hey get here [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going chance for playing raft i know it's been ages but there's a huge update a massive one it's called the renovation update and they've added in all sorts of cool stuff to build like houses and things really fancy looking house parts and they've added in whales freaking whales and turtles actual turtles man this is gonna be really good and dolphins if i see a dolphin you know i'm gonna be a happy dude i'm gonna put these pillars in because these are super nice looking pillars what i'm doing at the moment is building the fanciest house you have ever seen this is gonna be mega fancy oh yeah how's that looking oh that's that's a good looking house this is the fancy walls all right and there's even better methods for painting them now so you're going to be blown away by this house trust me this house is going to be just is that a thing it is now you're going to want to eat this house it's going to be delicious some actual windows going in hmm yeah get them windows and then just just a regular wall ah oh yeah okay and then we'll get some walls down the sides here this is gonna be the side of my house obviously we can change these for windows later oh this seems like prime turtle spot you guys see any turtles all right i'm jumping in i'm jumping in i'm looking for turtles there's a shark over there he's not gonna get me though because i'm on peaceful mode i find it just doesn't make sense to play survival if you're doing like you know a fancy house build it's just pointless once they add some more story into this game though i'm definitely gonna be jumping back into survival mode man the story is getting so good as well oh yes this is looking beautiful it really is looking good so far what we need though is some actual grass so that we've got some lawn got some mods installed that allowed me to spawn anything that i want like any sort of item i can spawn it it's awesome it just makes it so much easier when you're wanting to add like grass and stuff you know what i mean do you need to water it or is rain enough like i wonder if it just starts to belt down rain whether we're going to be fine oh yes my grass look at this ah dude i need a lawn mower it's so long that is amazing the grass it looks just it's incredible it's incredible i'm really happy with this lawn i wonder if i got a goat if the goat would eat the grass hmm maybe i should get a goat mr goat man go ahead and eat my grass i want you guys to come up with a name for this goat he's a beautiful goat he kind of looks like the devil but all goats do oh we can pick him up okay that's pretty good change animal name for now i'm gonna call this goat cheesy boy that's his name cheesy boy because goats they can make cheese does it say yeah it says that on his name tag one of the best parts about this upgrade or this update is the floor look at the floor it is really good it looks like actual hardwood floors a really handy mod is called building utilities and it allows you to wear to basically build anything without supports which is really good normally you would have to have like weird pillars in the middle of this room you don't have to do that now you don't have to do it dude are you even eating my grass just eat the grass come on it's too long you guys see any dolphins or anything i thought i would have saw some dolphins by now the structural part of my house is now complete i think it's actually looking pretty good i'm gonna go ahead and paint most of it white at the moment and then from there i'm gonna change all the colors afterwards i can add like you know a few you know details and things like that there's also this item i saw called string lights i don't know what it is i don't know how it works i i mean i know it's lights i don't know what we do with them though but they sound like they're gonna make my house look super good if there's anything you guys think i should add to this house though let me know in the comments we'll go ahead and we'll chuck them in all right just paint the whole thing white to start with i tell you what this guy does a super shoddy job of uh of painting doesn't it it's really bad look at all these sections that he's just completely missed dude you really need to learn how to paint better oh the goat that must have been some grass hey good job go you did it you did it well done now eat the rest of the grass geez do the goats poo like do you have to clean that up i don't know if you do or not i can't remember i know in uh in ark you do you know that makes sense oh it's raining that's good for my lawn now i think we should have a red door there we go can we actually just change yeah we can let's go with this super bright red so i've got a mod installed called hyper chromium which allows you to change the colors like even more so normally you've just got this color wheel thing this allows you to be super picky oh yeah that's not looking too bad it's looking pretty good i'm gonna change the steps to be like a bit of a darker color as well i think that looks nice it's looking a little bit more house like i'm going to change these to be dark gray these side steps will make this light gray actually we might make these light gray as well i need to eat something all right eat some food and water there we go i don't actually have this on creative we're on peaceful right so you still like you know you get hungry and things like that whoa whoa dolphins yes hey dolphiny dudes do some sick jumps all right do some sick jumps i'll give you my goat i'll throw him in there i'm gonna throw him in i'm gonna sacrifice my goat for some sick jumps hey get here go make the dolphins do some jumps it's not working i've sacrificed the goat but the dolphins are not doing the sweet tricks why not all right better get my goat back you watch yourself go oh you'll be back in the water dude can we get like a whale or something come on i really want to see a whale i've been super excited about that dolphins yes i wonder if you can attack them let's just try oh oh i whacked him i whacked him the shark's gonna get him ah come on come on give this dolphin a good axing it's not working oh dude look at the size of that island that is one huge island i'm just gonna head over this way and just see if i can see a few turtles and stuff we might be able to spot a couple all right i'm getting it i'm getting it i'm looking for turtles guys i see a shark i don't see any turtles though all right let's go ahead and paint this oh yeah that's a bit gross what about this one no oh this isn't bad this is looking alright okay so this little area here is gonna be my bathroom check this out i've got some bathroom items in here so i've got an actual bath we'll get a toilet so that we can actually poop somewhere and we'll get a sink cool all right where's the bath going oh yeah on the end it'd be nice okay yeah there we go we'll get the toilet going on just over that side right so that i can poo and then if anyone's coming in i'll be like hey hey finn's poop in here go away and then we'll put the sink right there oh that's not how you do it dude yes look at this bathroom it's looking good just need a fancy bit of art on the wall there there we go oh what was that sounded like someone was punching a pig who punched a pig okay house just needs a bit of lighting oh my god this is looking so good it is looking really really good we'll get a lamp in the back there oh chips yes we'll get another lamp just up there now can i use this bed for sleeping in yes i can oh god i'm in the i'm in the roof okay we're all good what just happened oh i thought that was a whale it's just a shark you're such a disappointment man that's annoying okay i realized we didn't have a letterbox so now i have a letterbox that's good it's feeling a little bit nicer now with that letterbox um what else are we missing i'm gonna put a trampoline in uh any chance there go you could go ahead and like clear a path for me so i could put my trampoline somewhere maybe i'll put my barbecue in first we have like a nice little barbecuing area just here like up against the house i think might be a good spot what else do we have got a clothesline so we can hang our clothes just over here would be a good spot the house is looking good man it is feeling like an actual aussie home this is nice uh we need a little garden shed just here next to the house oh yeah there we go that's where all the tools and stuff go oh yeah buddy yeah buddy all right do stuff how do i remove this bit oh just like that hey that's pretty good i just removed just a little bit of a patch here this is gonna be just my little back patio okay we have a dog house for the goat all right go i got you a house champ okay just to show that i love you i don't hate you that much sorry for that time i threw you in the ocean and fed you to the dolphins okay i'm really sorry about that the goat house could go right there that's your home now get in there get in the goat house we can actually go inside the shed this is really good how do we place the shelf in oh yeah all my tools can go in there that i don't have that's amazing okay how do these string lights work that's beautiful dude this feels so christmassy and trampoline right over there in the corner hey the trampoline works what i didn't know you could have a trampoline raft this is so good look at me bouncing up and down man this is nice remember the days when trampolines didn't have nets around them it was exactly like this when i was a kid it felt like i could just fall into the ocean at any point okay let's get the goat on the trampoline yeah are you liking this cheesy boy hopefully he is i'm gonna drop him i'm gonna put him on there now all right it's solo time oh dude that is not how you use a trampoline bad goat get in your house get in there man i've seen dolphins i just haven't seen any other animals been looking for turtles been looking for whales haven't seen any of them you kind of would have thought that maybe the turtles would have been around like the islands you know what i mean like around the the corally bits but there's none how good does my home look it is looking really good it legit looks like an actual hams it's good we might be able to spawn some animals in we could probably do this right so animals what have we got we've got a bee swarm i don't really want bees hey i thought there was supposed to be jellyfish a pack of birds okay let's just spawn some brace hey birds oh they're gone they're just like they're flying up into the sky like a rocket ship oh yeah turtles turtles are cool where are they going though what are they gonna do what do the turtles do do they go around together i hope they go around together maybe they don't spawn if the sharks around maybe that's a thing i don't know oh yeah yeah the dolphins are working the dolphins are pretty good oh what was that oh just a shock oh there's even stingrays look at his mouth he's so happy that's the happiest stingray i've ever seen can you hit a stingray with an axe i don't think you can i don't think you can kill any of these new animals which kind of sucks a little bit okay i'm gonna do it i'm gonna spawn a whale where is it whoa whoa it's so big dude it is so big okay is he gonna breach [Music] oh i can't oh yeah he's got a blowhole yeah go whale do some cool i'm gonna ride him i'm tired you can ride the whales oh man that is awesome yeah i just i almost got hit by his blowhole man look at that whale that is a big thing that is so big hey stingray buddy i'm gonna call that guy stingray i don't know i don't have any cool names i'm gonna call him ray ray the stabby boy because he's got a like a sword on his bum and he stabs people with it i wonder if i fly up in the air like this and then spawn a whale whether the whale will fly he's gone through my house hey get out of my house i want you guys to go ahead and rate my house rate it out of 53. i give my house a solid 45 out of 53 i think it's pretty cool i'm glad that i was able to spawn in a whale though i haven't seen one turn up i think they're a little bit shy i don't know but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 446,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, raft, raft update 10, raft gameplay, raft island, raft building, raft secrets, raft story, new raft update, raft engine, raft cruise ship, raft bear, download raft update, download raft, Raft Mods, Raft city, Raft ending, Raft Update 13, Raft Whale, Raft Dolphin
Id: UBpSu5sHdI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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