Launching GIANT SPEARS At Ragdoll Humans in Teardown Mods

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this here is the modern minecraft map this is one of those minecraft map that if you walk around for too long you start to think you're actually playing minecraft so you need to do something to show yourself that you're not yeah like that a minecraft building would not crumble like that i'm pretty sure minecraft doesn't have mods like this no way could you do this to a minecraft house that looks amazing although i could be wrong if i am wrong let me know in the comments i might even play minecraft if you could do this to minecraft buildings all right let's go have a look what do we got in here oh we have a house this person must be a chef because they have like 50 ovens why do you have so many ovens dude all of them are turned on oh we can actually steal this oven i'm still in this oven i'm the ultimate thief imagine that you get home from vacation your house is broken into and someone's just stolen your oven how would you bake cakes or bake of the how would you bake bacon okay i'm at the top what do we got up here a bed you go all the way to the top of this building to just sleep dude come on get your bed out of here with it [Applause] oh yeah another person who really likes to cook it kind of looks like minecraft with like you know the rtx mods and stuff enabled it's got that vibe about it what's in them chests probably not much now get out of here i'm trying to find some chests with some actual golden stuff in them oh what's that i think i might have killed a dude i didn't know this map had dudes in it look at this swimming pool okay i'm gonna cut the water here we go can you cut the water oh yeah you can and you can cut the trees you just slice the trees like cake [Music] there it goes just a chunk of a tree oh what what okay is this how you minecraft now okay let's go ahead and just climb into this mine god this is super weird i've like cut the water and i've cut the land i've just sliced through it i used the ultimate sword and i just sliced through the land well i just keep walking into the water box that's weird water's not supposed to behave like this okay i'm in the water again i reckon i can slice that building perfectly right through there let's go and done [Music] down it comes all right that's my half of the house that's your half to the house you know you're in for a wild ride when it's called my first map it has spongebob actually a spongebob we have a mogus guy over there and he has an uzi for some reason and shoes all right i'm just gonna get this this giant wrecking ball uh yep there we go just break the things there's a weird cube thing as well i don't know what any of this is about but i'm just gonna break this kid take this kid this it's like a wooden kid with a dog i don't understand why it's there but i'm gonna try and bowl its head off there we go all right i'm getting out of here it's crazy thankfully the dog has lived oh great robots can we throw spears at him we can't throw spears i don't have like half the weapons that i normally have and i'm just being shot alright stop it i'm gonna melt this robot no he killed me i don't understand why people stick the unkillable robots on all of their maps you can't kill them what's the point of them being there only way to get rid of them is to literally push them away oh hang on a minute maybe the black now the black holes don't work i've tried that before i think i can only pick them up and just toss them away all right let's just throw it yeah one's gone all right stop it get off the map nobody wants you here what are these things oh explosives cool there's like a whole stack of them and a weird thing that looks like noodles what is this and we have a giant colorful brick tower oh this room is weird it's like being inside a green screen cube that's super crazy so i've got a mod installed called hungry slimes uh what do they do they just eat stuff they're blue dots that eat things okay they just sit there and they slow the game down so much they're like fully customizable performance high quality no we don't want high quality we don't want any delay oh yeah they're just like eating a hole through stuff i've changed them to be just squares now they're just squares oh there's even a maze there's a mace that's cool you can run through the maze oh my god i'm bored of the maze already mazes are so boring hey spongebob you want some blue slimes champ oh my god really that's not annoying here have some blue slimes on your eyeballs everybody oh yeah the shredder nice let's go ahead and shred this vehicle all right just gonna drive it in there cool yeah let's go ahead and break that one is it gonna fly out the top there come on come on fly out the top it's not flying at the top it's rainbow on the inside as well check this out this is going to be awesome so much rainbow destruction that looks cool you can see like the rainbow goes all the way through it's so pretty but so destructive at the same time oh that's a lot of bricks it looks like i just blew up a lego store all right time to get shredded bro there you go stick him in there where is he uh oh there is there he is it's like getting tossed around the back that's what you get for being super annoying and he goes again he tries to take a couple of shots at me and then he just gets dragged right back in uh-oh [Music] yeah he's in there for good what all right get back in the shredder hang on i'm gonna shred this giant ball this will get him get the giant ball in there i can't it just won't fit in the shredder oh there's a robot right there hang on a minute i'm just gonna move this brick away and then that brick and then these are the bricks just to see if i can collapse this whole thing yeah there we go now we won't get me just dropped a building on that robot every time i see snow i'm like yeah snow i want to be at the snow i have to drive like 15 to 20 hours if i want to get to the snow all right let's do this i'm driving through the snow where am i even driving to lock burn school do i want to go there do i want to go to school i don't know let's head down here let's go check it out apparently the school has been abandoned it definitely looks abandoned why are there like wooden wheels outside no idea and there's like a christmas tree okay everything's all rusty it's got like a silent hill vibe all the doors are rusty this place is so scummy i don't know why any kid would want to go to school here it's the worst oh what the cold water kills you hurt by cold water okay all right don't go in the cold water then i'm going downstairs i'm just putting some holes in the walls to try and let some lighting it's super dark down here all right let's go i could probably just turn my torch on oh dude it's cold in the water okay let's just quickly go through here and we'll try and lift oh man okay all right i can swim there's a hole here hurt by cold water yeah i know i know what is this thing what is that oh dude what it exploded and i died i blew myself up okay so this is a pretty cool map the attention to detail in this map is like huge i just wish that they had sort of added you know it's one of those maps where it's really pretty to look at but there's really not a lot going on these throwable spears are weird man there we go i just put a spear in the side of my car i'm not getting away now can you guys guess what's uh what game this spaceship is from i don't know how i'm gonna destroy the whole thing i really don't i'm gonna try though i know i'm probably gonna have to nuke it get a good look at this spaceship it is so big and let's shoot it whoa oh that's a big explosion the cool thing about the nuke is that it has an expanding shock wave oh this spaceship is completely empty [Music] it's like a fake one it's just like a shell there's nothing in here there's nothing that sucks you can't even explore the spaceship it's just a big empty nothingness it's like one of those videos you see where a kid gets an xbox 360 for christmas and there's like nothing in the box it's the same thing those videos are really old by the way i don't think any kids are getting brand new xbox 360s for christmas that'd be super weird so i've got this cool mod installed called throwable spear i have wanted throwable spears ever since this game came out i'm like man spears would be the best weapon to have in this game look at that you'd be able to put holes through dudes but also potentially stick them to like walls and stuff yeah yeah look at that that is so cool you can throw these spears right into huggy woggy yep get him in the back of the head dude get him in the back of the head you can even change the force of the spears so i can change the force and the speed okay what does this do okay that's way more intense okay i'm gonna see how many of these huggies i could make a spear go through oh that's cool all right i'm just gonna line up the hand just like that and go oh it kind of just went through one it's sort of they're falling like dominoes are they all gonna fall not they're stopped okay what about if i stop time and then fire a stack of these things and then go they all just got stuck in his neck oh that'll push him over yeah he's getting destroyed now [Music] there's just like a bits of him going everywhere oh we've turned him into mincemeat that is so gross yeah he's flying down this is really cool this is the new version of the time control mod that uh stops time apparently there's an update coming for us soon which is going to reverse time like how does that even work how are you going to put things back together after you've smashed them apart like this okay so we've got straight mode this is flat mode what what what does that do okay that's really weird then we've got rain mode oh okay so they come down from the sky just like drop spears out of the sky let's lower the force and the speed a bit and see if we can drop one on a huggy see if it works [Music] yep just a spear straight from the heavens right through the side well the front of his face and douche can you do a few yeah you can man that is loads of fun so yeah you can do a few just drop them straight down into his head that's awesome okay let's stop time and then just do like a whole bunch of them and then i'll start time again all right go yeah that was awesome all right hang on a minute we're going to do a bit of cleaning up all right get out of the way dude get out of the way just whack him whack him with the bat yeah that's the stuff wackiest legs out of the way cool there's bits of him all over the place i just stopped time i can get out still okay that's pretty cool all right you guys know this was gonna happen we needed to test these spears what the heck the game like throws and now he's just like some weird spinning right oh what okay he's even faster now what just happened why did this thing move what is going on this is a giant poopy tim looking at me oh god that's creepy that is too creepy [Music] are you serious dude all right get out of here i'm gonna try and shoot him back he's a giant one okay couple of spears in the head there we go and start time oh awesome uh what [Music] why is there a minecraft poopy tim here okay that's that's really weird dude that's really weird one two three oh nailed him [Music] all right let's see if they go through the hand oh not quite [Music] yep they managed to come through i got that one in the head as well yeah these throwable spears are awesome if there's any mods that you guys want me to try out let me know in the comments below and thank you very much for watching this video catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 304,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, giant human, poopy tim, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime
Id: 7lhlyMJa58w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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