Spider MOMMY LONG LEGS Climbs out of Volcano! - Tiny Town VR

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how's it going chance we're playing tiny town like always we've got a bunch of building to do so let's try and get into it see if we can get it done i actually just got back from vacation i took a few days off so i'm feeling a little bit out of whack let's see if i can get back into the swing of things a couple of you guys notice the giant goat going on there i'm actually going to get rid of this guy go you're too big cheap i'm going to turn off snapping because snapping sucks let's go ahead and put the goat down there he's just having a bit of a nap on the mountain i kind of feel like that should be me right now i should be napping i just got out of the car and we were driving for like seven hours it was crazy all right we need to delete some things first though i asked you guys are we gonna delete cartoon mouse or cartoon dog and sorry to say cartoon mouse almost everybody picked you champ you have to go away i'm sorry he already looks sad he's gone he's inside that one's mouth well guess what he's going as well these guys are back to life again well who would have thought maneka snapped he kind of looks like he's actually staring at something in the sky what do you see up there mr lumberjack man this is like the evil version of cartoon mouse the thing where it's like skin opens up it's super creepy all right throw that over there throw that over there those over that way and we've got some hands left everybody clap oh i forgot about this thing we've got this like cage of caged up things there's a giant duck there's a mountie holding a banana there's mini goat and then there's horse it's just a horse and this guy who tripped over and blood's coming out okay but i want you guys to pick what is gonna be the next thing that we delete i'm gonna give you an option between mega horn right we've got mega horn over here is it gonna be this guy is he getting wiped off the map or is it gonna be hard to destroy reptile this dude or mega horn let me know in the comments let's head back over here here we go spider-man got crushed guess what spider-man's moving around today we're doing a little bit of an origin story because at the moment things are a little bit all over the place you might have realized there's a big giant battle that's going to be happening soon i'm a bit worried about it i don't know who's going to win i asked you guys in the comments in the last video and not a lot of you really mentioned who was gonna win that it was more so people just telling me who to delete which is cool and all but we need to move on to something else so i'm gonna be building a giant volcano thing i've already actually built it i just need to put it in place and then we can build some stuff around it oh yeah there we go it's really tiny at the moment i need to make this thing bigger but there's not a lot of room where should i put these things maybe we could put them back here let's move this house move it just over there this is the mounties house and it's the cool one the one that's got the angel huggy woggy mask this guy is awesome he's got the limited edition one he actually doesn't know how houses work he just sits on top of them let's make him floating in the air like i don't know it's zero gravity world over here or something hey zero gravity world that sounds like a cool theme for a tiny town area oh no i just deleted this mount his tree what's he doing let's put him over here he's hugging this goat's bum for some reason it's got to be big it's got to be big you may notice that the volcano is right near the toy factory yeah that's right because there's a benefit to living so close to this volcano okay that actually looks pretty good we've got a volcano there i'm liking this what do you guys think of the volcano i made i just whipped it up in google blocks that's my go-to 3d modeling software for tiny town i think it looks pretty good i think it looks like a volcano some of you guys are like man finn has he ever seen lava before champ it's because it is a special volcano that has acid coming out of it actually not really acid it's liquid z yes that's correct this is where the liquid z is coming from where's the cylinder so is that the right color yeah bang on we've got it good so just kind of make it look like a bit of a spill you know what i mean the liquid z is coming out of the volcano i know how volcanoes work yes cool awesome so that's where the liquid z is actually coming from it's coming from this volcano right here that looks amazing i'm super happy with it okay i might even do some like bubbly stuff going on up here here we go cool maybe it's like splashing our van guy who's now a zombie all right just get rid of that gotta go champ gotta go doesn't make sense this guy is now our van guy he's down here he's been loading up the van with the liquid z and that's where it's coming from now like always if you guys have got ideas of stuff you want to see me add to tinytown let me know in the comments chuck it in there also let me know who we're deleting megahorn or hard to destroy reptile what's the name of the trucker guy we need a name for him you guys can come up with a cool name maybe trucker steve trucker terry terry's a pretty good name for a trucker it's also a pretty good name for a non-trucker he's just balancing on his truck that's really cool maybe that's how he [Laughter] that's how he likes to stand by his truck all right we'll put this uh we'll put this hose coming up out the back he's sucking up the liquid z it's going into here that's where it's coming from oh yeah some very bad things have happened she is now in the liquid z volcano oh that looks bad can probably delete all these things let's get rid of these you guys probably know what i'm actually going to build because you probably saw it on the thumbnail okay wow this guy's got so many wings i gotta rebuild him gone oh i wanted to add in another video game reference and i want you guys to try and guess this one if you can't guess this game man i'm gonna be seriously surprised seriously surprised okay let's get this guy like here like this obviously this is a goat okay that's like that's like half the name of the game okay we'll get a friend like this he is a goat yes he has a really long tongue that is flying out of his mouth and is hanging on to a telegraph light here or a lamp post what game is that from i want you guys to let me know in the comments let's fly all the way back here i'm gonna leave devil killy willy here for the moment this guy can stay where he is all right we got a bit of huggy woggy action i'm gonna put his hands together like this because angel huggy woggy is doing an awesome energy blast move okay i don't know how i'm gonna do that just yet but let's put some wings on him and we'll think about it in a minute okay and the halo up there that looks pretty good all right energy blast time he fires dogs from his hand or he holds the dog and the dog is the secret weapon this entire time and what comes from the dog's face bacon giant bacon no okay probably not that's silly maybe he just actually fires it like a gun it's not a bad idea it is somewhat realistic okay all right that'll do for now as a temporary thing all right we need to go back over to our volcano because we're going to add some you know just a variety of different things in there still got the giant goat down there i'm going to leave him there for now now i want to add some other things in the top of this volcano that kind of represent the reason why half of these things have actually happened around here in the first place if spider-man hadn't fallen in here maybe there wouldn't be a spider killer willy yeah that's pretty cool all right we've got spider-man in there as well there we go put the nintendo switch there or maybe this guy fell in there and that's why we've got some scp things all right we'll put in there as well mummy long legs came up to the volcano to see if she could find the source of kylie willy's power see if she could find something that would help angel killy willy to be able to destroy the big giant spider killy willy right she thought hey i'm gonna go up here maybe there's a secret maybe some kind of power i could use against him and she slipped i know that's so hard to believe but that's what happened oh maybe the dog's up here as well maybe that's why he's breaking space-time continuum and he's there's like a thousand of him around the world here but the thing is guys we know what happens when things fall into this volcano or come into contact with the liquid z we got more monsters and now i've had a lot of people in the comments say finn you know mummy longlegs is an actual spider maybe you're right that's that is possible i'm just going off the trailer because you know chapter two is not out yet so we don't know for certain in the trailer she just has like two arms and she just has two legs which is like four appendages maybe we could make it like hardcore and not even have eight legs but have ten that'd be pretty crazy how big do we want this to be we want it to be large these legs are giant um which is okay i'm fine with that let's clone that and we'll put this one maybe like coming down sort of this way we want some other legs coming out on some weird other angles the cool thing i like about the design of mummy longlegs that i saw on like the trailer is that it just looks like the arms and legs just sort of go everywhere you know what i mean like they're not really sort of walking as such they're definitely climbing like some kind of daddy long leg spider we're looking all right now let's get some more legs i'm gonna put like some legs sort of up get another one coming out the back this way it also looks like the legs and arms can stretch which is very cool now i've got six at the back there on the bottom part but we definitely need something for like the arms so at the moment we have eight appendages i kind of feel like we should go for more sort of running out of room there a little bit let's put that one there like that oh yeah that's nice that is nice i wanted all the arms and legs to have a nice even gap that way they're not too close to each other that's looking good now the arms have to have hands and the legs have to have feet so this is a right hand now where's the hand there's the handle just put that down there okay so definitely hanging on to the mountain there whoa that's a lot of hands we definitely need them though we can't have the hands like covering the face um all right we don't need any more right hands let's get rid of them let's get the left hands get them the same size is that the same size look at the other one the other hand is like down here grab it on to the volcano nice and we'll get the feet okay so the feet are kind of tough because the feet come out on a right angle but it doesn't matter too much if they sort of you know clipping into the volcano i don't mind i think that looks pretty good except the hands the feet should be significantly bigger than the hands so let's go with that all right and on this side we'll get foot there like that i feel like this foot should actually be on the mountain uh that's on the mountain can't have all the legs off the mountain because that doesn't make sense this leg can be off the mountain though so we'll kind of go like that oh yeah dude yes except hang on got some floating feet all right hang on something's not right uh oh we're missing a foot here we go foot goes there hey that's actually kind of cool you can see like the bottom of her foot which kind of gives the impression that she's walking you know because feet kind of do this when you walk now we need to work out the actual proportion of the head i reckon something like that but like a little bit twisted you know what i mean like super quirky style like oh am i gonna get you or am i because i'm weird there we go all right now we need uh a blue ring where's the blue ring uh here it is all right i want you guys to rate my mummy long legs spider all right go ahead and rate it just get rated out of a solid hundred okay let's go percentage wise what do you rate this build i think this build's pretty good i like this one i'm i'm digging the vibe man that is cool that is actually very cool all right that is done i'm going to leave that there i don't want to play around with it too much because i feel like i'll break it i'm not going to do any better than that but like i said if you guys have got any suggestions or things you want to see me build in tinytown let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 212,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Tiny Town, Tiny Town VR, Virtual Reality, VR builder game, virtual reality lego, tiny town gaming, oculus rift s gaming, siren head, siren head vr, SCP, SCP Monsters, cartoon monsters, huggy wuggy, killy willy, mommy long legs, poppy playtime
Id: Iw2jq1wdR4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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