I CRUSHED A $1,000,000,000 CAR IN ROBLOX...

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if you love really expensive cars this might hurt to watch everybody i am kindly key and welcome back to roblox today we're checking out a game that i have certainly never played before it's called car crushers says it all in the title essentially you crush cars in an assortment of different ways and i'm excited to see where this takes us not to mention some of the cars you can get to are like a billion dollars like literally i think this last one the midnight envy 1.5 billion dollars that's a lot and i'm just gonna squish it into scrap metal feels a little wasteful but uh here we are and i do see that we have our starting point the chevrolet metro what a fine vehicle that is so how does this work i guess i step on this okay it's spawning the vehicle oh okay so i get to drive the car into the crusher and as you can see there are a delightful number of options to crush our car in let's just start on the very left-hand side i guess and we'll work our way across welcome to the nature pit what is the nature pit i don't know i i feel like i'm about to find out oh i should probably get out of the car huh i oh okay hello please let me go okay crusher control so i'm gonna i'm gonna crush my chevy metro open gate oh no no my precious car god shattered to a million pieces i got money for that nice i kind of want to go down there and oh okay well i got crushed too all right i see how this works so we've made about three thousand dollars uh the next car is free for vips then i think i know what we need to do open shop vip game pass yeah we're gonna buy it and of course as a quick reminder in case you guys ever purchase robux you can use star code can when you check out k-e-y-i-n and while you're at it why don't you grab yourselves charlie the spider little shoulder pet links in the description down below he's adorable i love this guy he's my pal now he's my sidekick my roblox sidekick okay let's get the 1991 zetta since uh we're a vip now here we are oh listen to that engine roar whoa oh such power okay all right hold your horses let's uh let's get this guy on the pillar fall okay so i guess like i have to drive it onto the conveyor belt and then i have to get out cause i will go down with it wait stop stop okay it stopped i thought it was just gonna fall down the hole without me being able to experience the joys of watching it blow up open the gate and watch the horror oh i can go down there oh gosh oh my goodness that is actually awesome i love the way the cars break apart like a like a lego that's super cool and i made 35 000 just for that don't mind if i do let's go back to the spawn what can i buy with 35 000 i'm expecting we can go up a bit let's get a scion iq i had a friend who had one of these when i was growing up surprisingly spacious on the inside you'd think that little squatty frame they'd be like all like cramped no no perfectly comfortable vehicle what i don't i don't remember this being the way that you sit in this vehicle it's it's okay um sure this seems wrong but here we are this is how we're gonna drive this car let's go into the spike pit all right i like that and uh i guess i'll just jump on the crusher controller and uh oh i'm at the bottom of the pit open the gate so we're gonna watch it fall from from above oh that's so cool all right here it comes wait why aren't you falling hey did i did i actually click the button come on one hour later okay so the spike pit's not working i'm sad let's move on next up high speed crash test okay that sounds kind of awesome uh just open oh okay so i have to drive it hold on flip the vehicle okay all right so i'm just sitting on the back of my scion iq and going extremely fast 200 miles per hour we hit right there and then we spun out of control yeah i'm not a great driver i i am learning that i'm definitely learning that right now also the camera keeps trying to flip around it's all very complicated but i mean that was that was pretty cool and we made 40 000 bucks we need to crash another scion iq we got to get to 50 000. although now that i think about it i should not be crashing the scion iq it's not worth as much as that other car that we crashed earlier that thing was way better for crashing let's go to the wall crusher that seems awesome all right going up open the gate let's see how long our car will last through this conveyor belt of doom oh it's not even gonna make it past the first squisher oh that's awesome that is really cool i like this a lot okay nice so i am going to spawn the zeta because that thing gave us a lot of money actually you can see so it's worth 32 000 the scion iq is only worth 8 300. so this thing is actually better than everything all the way up to the charger almost as much as this thing and it's free because i'm a vip i feel cool now alright what is next the roof crusher i like the sound of that there is no way this thing is going to make it past the first crusher right like the conveyor belt moves way too slow the last two crushers are just adding salt to the wound that was awesome okay these things look kind of scary they just look like they're gonna eat my car the big spinner all right big spinner let's see what you got oh my goodness open the gate and watch the carnage oh gosh oh that's gonna hurt oh my goodness that is so cool the way that it just chopped away those pieces of the car as it rolled through the chopper now i just took a quick little gander at the shop and you can buy money right and actually 500 million dollars will only run you 145 robux which seems like a pretty good deal i'm just gonna do it i'm gonna do it you can't stop me i'm sorry i have no self-control so now with my 500 million dollars what can i buy i can buy all of these cars all the way up to this the rtx nervuto sure yeah i mean or a lamborghini you guys you guys want to just turn a lamborghini into scrap metal just for the fun of it yeah sure let's do it oh my gosh all right um wait what what what what has happened to my lamborghini i'm gonna need to call the dealership i feel like there's something just just a little a little off about my vehicle um wheels are are you okay do you want to be a part of the complete car how did this pass quality control you're going in the garbage can buddy and let's buy a bus okay this will make me feel better if it works okay it works oh yes oh this is fantastic let's go into the giant crusher i i really want to see this thing all right bus this is your new home enjoy it how does this thing work so you just open the door okay and then and then this probably lifts it yep that that is precisely how that works okay and then uh once the bus is in a nice centered position we'll just hit this down arrow and turn it into a pancake just like that that is that is quite satisfying i do have to say that was amazing and then we just clear it bring it back up oh there's my bus fragments of my bus just getting vacuumed up and spit out the other side that is fantastic i'm actually stuck in here now which is less fantastic this is this is scary please let me out who's next on the chopping block what should oh a semi truck yeah what join the group okay i can do that also just realize there's a car crushers too so we could get up to even more car crushing shenanigans if you guys like this video let me know in the comment section okay i've joined the group can i now purchase sit that my truck i can oh my goodness this thing is super shiny it's all chromed out i dig it now i do see that there's a vip crusher over here i don't know what it's called the black hole that sounds cool that sounds that sounds real cool let's put a semi truck into a black hole vip let me in oh it let me in all right open the gate okay all right the semi truck is in let's activate the black hole oh wait it's not okay activate go yeah that that is one way to turn a semi truck into nothing sweet extremely sweet all right who's the next victim contestant car grandeur esteem only 30 million dollars let's buy it oh my gosh you thought the semi truck was shiny look at this thing it's like made of glass and it is very fast i oh my gosh okay i wish i could take this thing to like a race track it goes so fast all right let's see the train collision i didn't even notice there's a train going around this area and we can crash a 30 million dollar car into it yes please yes absolutely open the gate and then we'll just we'll just park this car right on the tracks like so and there you go and then we just wait oh what it it went through it went through it though hello train you were supposed to smash it into little bits and you just you just went right through it okay here comes the train please work please smash it please okay um so i'm just gonna park it like that and and maybe that's the answer so the train's coming from this way now please work please blow up [Music] it did work it wasn't quite as dramatic as i was hoping it would be but it did work sort of get a little bit smashed up more you know when when one train crash doesn't work why not try to okay so we have a few more crushers to play around with and we have the most expensive cars right here in front of us now currently i am at 513 million which means i can only buy this car the last three i cannot afford unless i'm willing to spend some robux i'm going to be honest with you guys i'm willing to spend some robux i want to see these cars in action and i also want to see them get crushed into little bits and pieces and i think you guys do too but let's start with the rtx nervuto crazy name i love how shiny these supercars are you're too fast it's so intensely fast it's so hard to control this thing i do see some lasers over here i like the sound of supercar versus laser the side lasers okay let's see how the rtx nervuto a 250 million dollar car i think that's how much it was uh does against some lasers open the gate and laser away oh this got hurt this is gonna hurt okay he he's uh oh oh oh ah okay it's doing the weird swinging thing it actually kind of survived i mean there was some there were some bits and pieces left that didn't get completely and utterly wasted i'm impressed but now the time has come the last three most expensive cars i gotta spend some robux the coen seg aguero r i probably said that wrong but this car looks insane sounds real fast and i can confirm it is very fast let's go into this vip thing what is this called the boulder smasher oh we're gonna smash a boulder into this thing sounds like a good time open the gate i do see the boulder there and i see a button drop boulder regen boulder clear parts all right drop the boulder there goes [Laughter] didn't stand a chance not even remotely and then if i regen the boulder it just takes it back up to the top what if i drop it again can i smash it any even more bits nah it's done it's extremely done next up on the docket we got an electric vehicle the mirari you think it's gonna be nice and quiet let's see no engine okay maybe you're not an electric vehicle because you have an exhaust electric vehicles do not have exhaust and they do not have a rumbling engine they're completely silent so oh my gosh this thing has no control it's just out of control okay i mean it's a super car it's super fast let's crush it before someone hurts themselves with it the shredder that's just a whole bunch of saw blades yeah okay open the gate and shred away buddy it's gonna go under these okay easy is it is it gonna go under these not quite oh god oh it's beautiful beautiful beautiful destruction that was a good time but there's one more vehicle left and i don't even know what it's called one 1.5 billion dollars the midnight envy it kind of looks like the batmobile honestly let's spawn it and i have no idea which crusher we're gonna take it to but i i think there's there's a couple that we haven't done yet right we haven't done this one the side trimmer okay yeah it's like a car wash just instead of soft brushes it uses metal and let me tell you your car is going to come out looking extremely different on the other side you're not even going to recognize it let's open the gate and watch this car wash do its work oh no oh what it just it just vaporized my my beautiful 1.5 billion dollar car it's just completely gone that is the most destructive thing that we've that we've used up to this point my car no longer exists it was vaporized by that car wash and it was pretty awesome can i survive the car wash no no i cannot but there you have it car crusher one yeah that's right there's a car crusher too let me know if you guys want to see that by leaving a comment in the comment section down below and hit that like button but that is gonna do it for this episode i hope that you guys enjoyed it i'll see you guys next time see you [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,148,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no swears, kindly keyin, roblox game, roblox trolling, funny roblox, roblox mini games, funny moments, roblox build, role-playing game, roblox video, roblox survive, play roblox, build to survive monsters in roblox, roblox tycoon, roblox obby, roblox online game, no cursing, lets play, no swearing, roblox monsters, family friendly, roblox roleplay, roblox car crushers, car crushers, car crusher roblox
Id: c0c_8GfgqZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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