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today we attempt to escape from one of the most terrifying places you could ever be trapped in mcdonald's [Music] hello everybody i am kindly keen and welcome back to roblox as you can see today i'm a mcdonald's employee how can i take your order a big mac with fries and maybe uh coca-cola classic but apparently the manager of this mcdonald's is trying to turn me into french fries i don't love the sound of that so we're gonna escape and of course the way you escape is by jumping across lots of platforms it's an hobby the manager has gone crazy great let's leave all right so far so good jump over the fries all right i mean i can probably handle that i think me and charlie the spider of course and in case you guys don't know already charlie the spider is available as a roblox accessory right now so if you want to get this little pal on your shoulder you can and there will be a link in the description down below and also don't forget you can use star code kian when you purchase robux or charlie the spider thank you all for your support now let's continue jumping over french fries wait do i need to go inside of the french fry container no i need to go into this door okay oh it's ketchup plant terrifying look at all this ketchup now we need the french fries and the ketchup to be combined to make the most delicious of rooms we've escaped catch-up land oh no the dining room has flooded this manager has definitely lost his mind he's flooding the mcdonald's but don't you worry i am a jumping master oh where am i now oh gosh uh it's just like a giant ketchup lake swim across the ketchup that sounds disgusting also hello ronald it's good to see you buddy we could become ronald mcdonald you totally can i don't want to become ronald mcdonald he kind of scares me all right let's swim across the ketchup this is truly disgusting i don't even know if it would be possible to swim through ketchup has anyone ever filled a swimming pool with ketchup mr beast do we need to do we need to call up mr b see if that's something that he can do he can finally put to rest the question we all have can you swim through ketchup well in roblox you can but in real life i don't really know watch out for the security lasers man this mcdonald's got top of the line security systems in place what are they hiding in here this must be the world headquarters of mcdonald's and this is where they keep the big mac secret sauce wait i need to jump through the laser okay that was a little scary i'm not gonna lie hurry this way which way i'm just kidding i know exactly which way it's a giant glowing arrow that's pointing at this door okay oh the container of french fries took me out i'm never gonna look at mcdonald's french fries the same again let's try to get through here okay all right we got more lasers to get through the security system is truly absurd for a mcdonald's but because i am a parkour master it's easy it's so easy it's actually super easy if you're not a parkour master because actually i'm not a parkour master okay we gotta go this way oh my goodness that is just a ginormous drink talk about super sizing it that's like super duper sizing it could you imagine some dude driving away from mcdonald's with this on top of his car they'll be drinking soda for years all right let's just hopscotch our way across whatever this is and we got more lasers also what is what why is it why is the liquid here green is this some kind of green soda what's a green what's a good green soda is squirt green nah squirts like clear mountain dew oh gosh this is just a room full of mountain dew also do i need to jump across these french fries yeah i guess that is what i'm supposed to do okay i can handle that we made it now we must traverse this very skinny path we can handle that this is this is easy stuff right here all right we've survived more french fries to jump across don't fall into the mountain dew now if we did fill a swimming pool full of mountain dew almost guaranteed you could swim in that i'm still very interested in knowing whether or not you can swim in ketchup though it just it doesn't seem like something that you could swim through very easily it's just so thick oh gosh these are disappearing okay yeah just just keep jumping that's the secret to that never stop moving all right we got some jumbo-sized mountain dews but not as jumbo as the giant cup in the middle of the room this is actually a really cool obby so far the theming let me tell you it's on point now have i ever seen a mcdonald's that actually looks like this no and i hope that i never do we're going up let's climb have we escaped the mountain dew room we have oh yeah the kitchen is a bit messy get to that door up there this is the kitchen someone spilled ketchup all over it again okay well that wasn't so bad get me out of this kitchen i don't like it here uh not sure if that's ketchup or lava you know i i really hate it when i get the ketchup and lava bottles mixed up a terrible mistake one second you think you're dipping your french fries and ketchup and the next second your mouth is is melting because you just ate lava truly ridiculous i don't want to find out if it's ketchup or lava because i imagine either way it's gonna hurt me looks like the door is locked find another way out of here i see a vent i think it's the vent okay that was fairly obvious uh what just killed me hello oh wait oh i see okay i stepped into whatever this mist is some kind of cold mist oh good someone put lava in the air conditioning vents great idea team great idea get me out of here oh no electrified water that's pretty bad this is fine just jump on top of the cashier machine and then jump across the giant stacks of hundred dollar bills why is this money so large it's counterfeit they're never gonna accept giant 100 bills it's never gonna work let's drop down okay more mountain dew dodge the mountain dew of death we've done it but there's more of course there's more oh the platform is disappearing did not realize that okay so i expect that all of these platforms disappear is that is that fair to say no maybe not okay never mind we out that says exit did we win i don't think we won but we might be getting close climb to the top of this tower jump over the lava or ketchup i mean i recognize that it's kind of like smoking but maybe it's just really hot ketchup spicy ketchup even all right we made it to the top continue following the exit signs hello nice job getting away now let's find the right door oh so many options okay is it one of these where i can i can kind of like oh that's not where you want to be was there a giant mcdonald's employee in there oh yeah there was okay don't go in there how about here nope more giant mcdonald's employees how about here not gonna work what about the blue door this one kind of sticks out maybe i should have started here no you can't even go in there okay well let's continue the hunt this is not working out very well trial and error for sure oh we made it okay okay this is fine just dodge the mountain dew we've done plenty of that we're very good at it now oh no more molten ketchup this is definitely one of the longer hobbies i've ever done and it's pretty good so far i gotta say i'm impressed oh and now i'm dead okay stop being impressed and start focusing on jumping let's work on that look at us look at this okay there you go it's just like a weird game of checkers easy jump across the pizza mcdonald's does not sell pizza at least where i live mcdonald's doesn't sell pizza does mcdonald's sell pizza where you live if mcdonald's sells pizza where you live you have an obligation to let me know in the comment section down below i need to know for science now this is an interesting twist on the formula we've been dealing with so far we've had to deal with mountain dew that will kill us but now we use the mountain dew to save us from the ketchup that will kill us absolutely absurd all right i made it thank you mountain dew wait what oh oh okay wait it's about time watch out for the mud on the ground we made it to the roof of the mcdonald's what a strange way to escape from this place but i guess it's the only way it can be done all right just jump over the spots of mud easy yeah okay i'm good wait what step on the green button to spawn a cart and ride it to the other side sure let's do this go oh it's so bright so many colors okay epilepsy warning gosh it's very bright in here how long am i stuck on this eye bleeding ride can i get off now please help this is taking a very long time this is punishment i thought i would be rewarded for making it this far this is a punishment charlie close your eyes i know they're sensitive we'll get through this together buddy is that a happy meal that i see it's looking at me it's kind of ominous how it's just kind of peaking up over the top of that building oh my gosh it's almost done it's almost done i wish i had sunglasses right now i would have put them on to protect me from that ride keep going don't give up you know what actually i give up i'm done thanks for watching no of course i'm not gonna give up i made it this far i made it through the nightmare ride of rainbows i'm not gonna give up i'm gonna jump across these weird french fried planks and i'm gonna get out of here oh or not no we still got this we we got this okay maybe i got a little overconfident but we're gonna get out of here don't you worry you me charlie we're gonna have a happy ending and we're not gonna get turned into french fries someone spilled mountain dew and made a huge mess yeah i noticed but like way back you gotta go start with that big old lake of mountain dew this is just a puddle oh okay great jump jump across the big macs so i've always said big macs they'll save your life actually not true if you eat too many big macs they're not gonna save your life don't eat too many big macs okay cool giant beach balls sweet easy this liquid kind of just looks like weird bacon or something i don't know oh that happy meal is real happy i kind of hate it honestly i kind of hate it all right uh just don't look at me happy meal oh gosh okay well that's fine do i have to go inside the mouth of that very happy happy meal i see it i see it at the end of this path and i really don't want to but there's only one way out of this place and it's through the mouth of a happy meal okay just thread the needle through the electrified water jump the french fries of doom we've done it through the french fries of doom into the mouth of the happy meal why just why all right here we go um i'm not sure what we should do i have a good idea we're gonna jump into the mouth of this happy meal here we go yes yep yep okay so we're inside of a happy meal now i thought we were almost done and here we are continuing this crazy adventure through this mcdonald's and now inside of a happy meal this is truly absurd i kind of love it i escaped the happy meal it actually was like super easy buy the golden mcdonald's jeep to go a lot faster i'm glad you made it out of that happy meal ride the mcdonald's jeep two winners also i just noticed i can become a big mac which seems kind of funny kind of want to do it i'm gonna do it do i even need to say anything i mean i'm a big mac although i will say i'm missing lettuce pickles and quite possibly the most important ingredient the big mac sauce what's up with that but either way i i feel truly complete now all right let's get in the golden jeep oh i have to pay for it no what oh come on i thought that maybe i was gonna get away with it but no i have to go in the normal red jeep but honestly the gold jeep didn't feel all that much faster so i feel pretty good about being in this red mcdonald's jeep dressed up as a literal big mac for the record this is not sponsored by mcdonald's but uh you know mcdonald's if you're looking for advertising from a content creator let's talk call me up mr mcdonald's i'll be by my phone i guess we're swimming across another giant lake of ketchup wait is that a boat i can get in a boat oh let's go you make me pay for it okay you know what no big macs don't pay for boats they swim it's what i've always said basically words to live by is this the end have we finally made it we've escaped from mcdonald's the golden french fry staircase is there before us and it is glorious let's get out of here although at this rate it's it's gonna take a little while this is a very large staircase this is the perfect opportunity for like a rocky style montage right it all culminates here all the hard work and effort that we went through to persevere and get to this point it is the end and we have escaped mcdonald's at the top of this golden french fry staircase is our freedom it's a beautiful story try not to cry and there's a dude saying winner thanks for watching see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 178,575
Rating: 4.9074898 out of 5
Keywords: no swears, kindly keyin, roblox game, roblox trolling, funny roblox, roblox mini games, funny moments, roblox build, role-playing game, roblox video, roblox survive, play roblox, build to survive monsters in roblox, roblox tycoon, roblox obby, roblox online game, no cursing, lets play, no swearing, roblox monsters, family friendly, roblox roleplay, roblox car crushers, car crushers, car crusher roblox, roblox mcdonalds, escape mcdonalds obby, escape mcdonalds
Id: DsVsEJmi09c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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