my treehouse has a pool and a gym... | Roblox

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today i'm gonna build the most incredible tree house ever i'm i'm serious like the thing is gonna have a swimming pool in it [Music] hello everybody i am kindly key and welcome back to roblox today we're trying out super tree house tycoon what are you doing super tree house tycoon well you build a super tree house and so that is precisely what i am going to do also you can change the color of your super tree house yes yes you can that is actually pretty awesome also you can like catch bees i guess i i don't know why but you get pets which is pretty cool oh welcome to the bee shop what's going on here i have no idea all right you know what let's go home let's not worry about catching bees let's worry about creating the most incredible tree house in roblox history and of course the best way to do that is to buy droppers which i guess it's kind of cool like these things are drilling minerals out of the ground i like that it's not just a machine that drops like colorful cubes out of it there's a little bit more to it you gotta have materials to build a giant tree house and buy materials i mean money like a lot of money so our droppers they're doing work they're doing their thing we've got some money to spend here i really do want the owner door so that people don't come over here and kill me but that's two thousand dollars and i ain't even close to that so instead let's buy a bunch of trees there you go also oh the first step to building a tree fort buy a ladder and then a platform and there you go it's the foundation of our treehouse i like this and apparently there's some kind of like underground element to this as well but we have to remove the wood planks to go underground that's crazy also a garage what are we gonna get cars in this tree house that sounds incredible i'm liking this already and real quick while we wait for some cash to build up i want to remind you guys that you can still pick up the special edition kylie key and hoodie it's the one i'm wearing right now this is the front and then this is the back and then of course the hover light is still available as well but only for a limited time so get it while you still can look at this changing colors i'll put a link in the description down below and probably pin a comment if you guys want to head over to my shop and check those out for yourselves but i think the time has come to start spending some robux you guys know the drill pay to win i like it let's buy a mega dropper i now have a mega dropper where is it where's my mega dropper at oh my gosh there it is okay let's buy a mega upgrader mega upgrader go oh it's beautiful can i buy other stuff i can just oh double cash i like that yeah let's do double cash i can't help myself yeah i would say that that helped out quite a bit i now have uh 2100 bucks in the bank which is pretty sweet um i think we should buy an owner door nah i'm not gonna worry about the owner door right now let's go up to our platform and let's see if there's stuff that we can buy up here i imagine there is oh there is stairs yes please decoration yeah plants i love it more stairs more platforms keep it going oh we got droppers we need the droppers oh baby emerald dropper don't mind if i do upgrader oh i don't have enough just barely don't have enough okay that's fine uh let's go back and let's collect what we have look at that there's 900 bucks just waiting there don't mind if i do okay upgrader go sweet now let's go over to this platform let's see what's going on over here more stairs how exciting but first cabin walls balcony carpet my goodness it's glorious up piano who puts a piano in a tree house i guess i do yep i do and i'm gonna sit at it and i'm i'm gonna play it [Music] please no i was playing a nice song why you gotta be like that why you gotta murder me while i'm just playing my piano in my treehouse very rude okay i definitely need an owner door now get these people out of here i will fight you ha all right owner door shield on you're all locked out now when maniacs start killing me while i'm playing my piano that's what happens now i can build my super mega awesome tree house without getting murdered which seems pretty good let's buy some plant decorations that makes me feel much better couches and tables don't mind if i do a platform and a fireplace that seems kind of dangerous to have like in a tree but how else are you gonna show that your tree house is a super tree house you gotta have a fireplace in your tree house let's buy some more decorations some couches some balconies some ladders oh oh it's going up and now we're building the framework of a house where where is it oh it's up there okay this is this is getting awesome i mean it's already pretty awesome but it's gonna get awesome by hanging pool platform oh my goodness and of course how do you get to your pool in your tree house buy a zip line uh okay yeah that seems pretty great i'm okay with that buy water i have a swimming pool in my tree house go for a little dip shall we oh this is lovely this is this is truly fantastic i do need a roof for my treehouse pool but i don't have enough money i gotta go back down but let's just zipline our way back and collect our cash incredible all right cool uh uh an easy 9600 don't mind if i do um we can remove the wood planks but you know what i kind of want to keep building up before we go down buy jump pad what oh my gosh okay that's awesome yes buy house framework oh wait no i'm getting distracted i gotta finish my pool here we go here we go by the roof very nice all right the pool is complete let's move on to the next whatever it's gonna be we're building like a house over here i guess yeah okay buy a roof for it buy inner walls for it buy doors keep it going buy carpet buy nothing yeah oh my goodness i have a library i have a library in my treehouse oh you gotta have a bathroom this is like the most elegant bathroom i've ever seen and it's in a tree yes i will take a shower don't mind if i do it totally works that is awesome we got another bedroom here all right very nice goodness gracious that's a huge tv carpet and coat rack very fancy okay so i think this section of the treehouse is complete and it's like a full house right there but there's still more to build so let's continue this madness shall we we're building another house of course we are and a jump pad but let's do the jump pad later because right now we need to focus on this floor bench and table roof yeah that seems pretty important uh the kitchen oh my goodness that's gonna be expensive okay um we're out of money well you guys know the drill we gotta go back down get our cash okay so this says 5100 but it's actually double that so it's like 10 000. yeah okay cool let's continue the kitchen build shall we oh my goodness this kitchen has two stoves this is an enormous kitchen this is like a chef's kitchen right here this is a kitchen in a restaurant but it's in a tree do not forget we are in a tree this is so awesome let's buy a balcony let's buy some trophies i earned these trophies not really i mean i literally bought them but i had to earn the money to buy them so you know i mean in a way hanging tv okay oh wow oh my goodness i actually recognize that isn't that like the billionaire mansion that we built we did that a few months ago i wonder if the same person who made this game made that one well that's my other home i built that one on a mountain not nearly as cool as building your house in a tree let's continue building jump pad okay i don't know where that's going to take us because like there's really nothing up there yet let's finish this area we are running out of money fast buy some decorations i guess we'll buy oh we got another dropper section yes this is very important and also extremely expensive 28 000 for a diamond dropper i don't have enough let's drop down i don't i don't think that i have enough even after i collect my cash yeah i don't i think i have enough for one of the droppers up there but that's it yeah i can buy the amethyst dropper so there's that but that's all i got okay i have enough for the diamond dropper so let's go buy it i have a feeling that once we get the diamond dropper going things are gonna start picking up a little bit buy it oh that is beautiful oh i can also buy the ruby dropper let's go i cannot buy the upgrader though gonna have to wait on that one all right i've collected some more cash i think it's enough to get like the upgrader which i feel like is the last of the dropper kind of upgrade things that i can get yeah let's buy the upgrader and then like i've spent everything i have to get all this going so now we just need to buy other stuff which i'm okay with let's do that let's buy a fence and then let's go back over here and let's buy a hanging platform okay and another zip line sure let's go up there take me here we go what's up here it's a gym oh my gosh okay yep you know i've always said tree houses are missing gyms we need more tree houses with gyms incredible buy tree decoration oh that's pretty cool so i have a tree in my tree house it's a pink tree oh look it's dropping little pink leaves so tranquil but as you can probably tell um i'm completely broke now so i might be tempted to actually buy some cash how much is ten thousand it's 80 robux yeah sure why not oh i have a problem okay so uh i couldn't be helped uh i purchased 50 000 dollars with robux so now we can buy some more stuff and that's precisely what i am going to do um we need to buy an upper platform and then there was a staircase right yeah oh this goes down okay so this connects the two dropper platforms got it now where do we go i guess we'd go up oh stairs i landed on top of them i was gonna buy them anyways but i didn't know what they were decoration gosh these are getting real expensive that's an 8 000 hot tub is it worth it i mean it's in a tree so yeah it's worth it stairs go platform go i've almost spent all the money again soccer grass yes we must have a soccer field in our tree house but it's gonna cost 32 000. that's a lot more than i have right now so let's buy some cheaper stuff how about a chair and some tables i can't buy the hanging chair it's too expensive have i bought everything that i can on the the first couple of floors oh you know what i haven't bought anything down here we can we can check this out oh we need lights okay you know what we're going underground i have twenty thousand dollars just waiting for me okay i mean i guess it's been a while since i actually collected my cash oh also eighty thousand dollars for a mega jump pad we'll get there we'll get there but for now let's go underground let's explore the mines that are underneath our house oh i don't need this garbage i mean it's cool that it's there i don't need it i'm not worried about it i'm building a tree house i will buy an entrance framework for it though you need something for your like basement entrance i'm not gonna buy the owner door that's too expensive oh what about the garage so i guess we can buy cars but that you know i mean let's focus on the treehouse i'm not gonna worry about cars i'm not gonna worry about weird items that i can buy that are underground i'm going to the sky in the world's most amazing tree house okay let's buy the soccer set boom there you go you got yourself some soccer in in a tree of course hey you want to come over play soccer in my in my tree that's a that's a weird thing right go go let's go boom and you even get the little scoreboard it wasn't cheap so it better work is this the top wait am i done i got by the hanging chair oh no there's a zip line and it's gonna go somewhere i don't know where but i don't have enough money but i could make myself have enough money so i'm gonna all right let's buy a zipline where are you gonna take me oh what what oh this is the hanging chair that i purchased so now i can just hang out in my hanging chair like 80 feet in the sky um which seems real dangerous also how do i get back i feel like there's no way back but i mean you got to admit this is pretty sick i got a gym in my tree house i've got a swimming pool in my tree house i've got a full chef's kitchen with two ovens and two stoves i've got a soccer field and a hot tub what more could a man ask for i've also got a hanging chair that is really high up i do not recommend sitting here if you're afraid of heights so let's drop down and let's double check that we got everything oh the mega launch pad it's so expensive thousand dollars i mean i could just spend 300 robux right now and get it or i could just be patient and wait so right now i'm gonna try to be patient three hours later still not quite enough to buy that mega jump pad so you know what let's buy the garage and just see what it looks like see what kind of options it opens up for us buy explorer is that a car or is that something else i i don't really know but i do like that i have a garage now how do i how do i get in my garage oh there i opened it yeah so i can buy an explorer i can also buy a quad they are too expensive i don't want to spend my money on cars i want to spend my money on this mega jump pad looks like i'm being invaded and i don't like it there's a lot of people trying to get in here it's kind of scary i am a fan i'm going to murder you i love that you guys have charlie the spiders on your shoulders but i'm scared that you're gonna murder me if i let you in very cool charlie the spiders though i i do appreciate that okay you know what i'll let them in this is probably a terrible decision but i'll do it yay they're not murdering me that's pretty sweet okay so i still need 20 000 more bucks to get the mega jump pad i'm almost there i think i'm just nearly close enough oh my goodness it's so close there yes okay 80 000 let's go jump pad oh it's beautiful let's do it holy moly okay it launches me to the top of my tree house and it is truly glorious i feel like that's the the last thing that we really needed i mean there's still like the cars and the weird things that you can buy underground but who cares about that stuff it's all about the treehouse and i feel like we have managed to build ourselves the greatest tree house in roblox history so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you did be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching i'll see you guys next time [Music] c
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,540,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox build, roblox monsters, roblox roleplay, roblox video, play roblox, roblox adventures, no swearing, roblox survive, roblox tycoon, roblox online game, lets play, build to survive monsters in roblox, no swears, no cursing, kindly keyin, roblox camping, broken bones, roblox broken bones iv, roblox game, roblox daycare, roblox funny moments, tree house, roblox tree house, treehouse, roblox treehouse
Id: mVcwB52kBk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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