I Became a LEVEL 9,999,999 HOLE and SWALLOWED AN ENTIRE CITY! | Roblox Hole Simulator

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this is me i'm a whole and what do holes do they they eat stuff yeah [Music] hello everybody i'm kindly keen and welcome back to roblox we're checking out pole simulator what is whole simulator you might ask it's a game where you play as a whole and what do you do as a whole you eat stuff you eat everything and it seems kind of awesome you guys remember that game donut county we played it like a long time ago this is basically like the roblox version of that basically you eat stuff and as you can see you get bigger as you eat stuff and you can eat bigger stuff apparently i can't eat that tree i'm not big enough to eat trees yet oh wait tree oh you're coming with me dude that tree refused to get eaten fine have it your way this seems awesome i am very excited to start eating like buildings that seems incredible oh whoa yo there's bigger maps okay i'm gonna be straight up with you guys we may end up spending some robux in this game a sacrifice i'm willing to make to become the the greatest hole the world has ever seen i'm gonna eat the eiffel tower maybe i see it in there okay so i have to sell what i've eaten to to earn money and then i guess i can upgrade aha yes yes i can so let's upgrade our capacity and that's i've spent all my money to get to the next map you need 10 million size that's that's a lot like a lot a lot but let's continue our adventure as a whole which sounds really boring but is actually incredibly awesome let's go to some new areas right like we gotta we gotta explore the city around us oh we're getting big and i like it and now i have twelve dollars what should we upgrade i guess upgrade sale value yeah let's do that all right keep it going let's eat a trash can those fire hydrants were great and i left them i left the fire hydrants i i never should have left the fire hydrants oh another fire hydrant hello my friend let's eat some trees oh that's that's some good eats right there okay we are maxed sell 23. i'm basically a bajillionaire now let's upgrade our capacity i still haven't spent any robux but let's face it probably not going to be able to resist for too much longer where are all the things that i can eat oh it's a movie theater i can't wait to see simple western oh fire hydrant my favorite type of food for being a hole in the ground oh wait i'm not big enough to eat these light poles i can like knock them over and consume most of them but i can't eat the top part that's a bummer cause those are worth some good xp but now i can now i can let's go i'm eating all the light poles and nobody's gonna stop me trees trees are awesome too i love me some trees okay sell 45 i'll take it let's upgrade our speed and let's upgrade i guess sale value and i can't buy anything else so sad oh we're so much faster oh i'm liking this give me all of the street lights i'm gonna eat this tree and i did it's gonna be so awesome when we start eating entire buildings i need this what's next what's next on the docket capacity capacity fire hydrants are the best starting food but let's face it we got to get past that phase and then we got to start eating lamps and and trees all kinds of wonderful delicious meals for a hole in the ground i like that i have this little crown around me i think it's because i'm playing by myself i think you get this when you're in first place it's hard not to be in first place when you're the only person in in the game but i'll take it thank you for the crown game thank you but i think we've spent enough time messing around it's time to get real real pay to win that is um let's go into the buy cash section oh my goodness i can buy two million dollars i'm gonna buy two million dollars and just as a quick reminder in case you guys ever do purchase robux you can use starcode k-e-y-i-n it's completely free and helps directly support the channel so thank you all for your support i just purchased two million dollars which is many more dollars than i had before this so i guess it's time to spend it i don't i don't i i don't know what to upgrade i mean should we even upgrade sale value anymore does it really even matter i could buy two million dollars again but how far does two million dollars get us that's the real question let's just see where we're at right now before we go too crazy okay we are very fast i will say that so i don't feel like i i have to upgrade my speed but capacity is obviously the most exciting i want to get to the point where i'm eating buildings and and we might actually be there like i feel like we're getting pretty close i mean this building is obviously very big so we're not quite there yet but we can eat trash cans that's a new thing to eat kind of disgusting but it's fun can we eat this planter yes yes we can can we eat a rock it's just a big old rock in the middle of the city don't mind if i do what about these fences we can eat fences right oh yes we can oh this is so satisfying what an awesome game where's this game been all my life i'm looking at you auto repair shop and i'm hungry i'm not quite ready to to eat you but i'll get there i will get there how are we doing on capacity i don't even know what did we set our capacity to at this point it's i don't remember i was just clicking buttons and seeing the numbers go up but not actually reading the numbers i'm a very simple person what can i say i am eating fences though and that seems pretty cool not quite ready to eat this building but oh it's close i'm gonna eat that barbershop okay so we're at 20 000 right now and uh i i feel like if we if we find the right building we're we're there oh we hit our capacity i wasn't expecting that okay that's okay um we still got money to spend don't you worry i'm gonna upgrade my speed let's take it to like 30. okay speed seems good capacity let's go up to a hundred thousand okay 98 000 close enough oh i feel so tiny now but i am very fast very zippy okay let's eat some fire hydrants some tires no can't eat the tires yet okay more fire hydrants then how about tires now tires okay things are happening i'm pretty sure that we're at the point where our capacity can get high enough to start eating buildings and that is gonna be just absolutely glorious so we capped out at like 20 000 before now if you recall we set our capacity to 98 000 that seems that seems pretty big are we gonna eat the gym oh it's so close it's gonna be a wonderful moment can i eat this building are you gonna no i thought you were gonna be the first building that i ever eat what an honor whoever gets this privilege we will commemorate the privilege of being eaten by me okay we are nearly at forty thousand okay we've hit forty thousand please not there yet is not there yet but you know it's happening and i just love how much stuff i can eat at the same time now these groupings of items are perfect for getting a mega meal look at that oh that's good good eats oh you you it's so stinking close come on video rental store these don't even exist anymore nobody knows what those are you should have accepted your fate and allowed yourself to get eaten by me but you fought you fought valiantly but next time my friend next time you're getting eaten the video rental store is back the video rental store i think is gonna be the first building that we eat let's do this here we go here we go make it happen let's go let's eat it again oh my gosh it came back and i ate it again i'm so sorry blockbuster blockbuster didn't go out of business because nobody rents physical media anymore blockbuster went out of business because a giant hole just ate it this fact at least in this world let's eat the barber shop i think we can do it we absolutely can oh my goodness this is great let's sell what we've got we just made four thousand dollars which is great but we still have a lot of money to spend like a lot a lot um i guess like we can take our capacity to to a million 1.1 million sure we should upgrade our speed i feel like when you get to the larger sizes you definitely feel like you're moving a lot slower and i have spent all of my money just like that i burned through that cash pretty quick that's okay i got more robux so if we need to buy more cash i will do it oh my gosh look at how fast i am all right you guys know the drill we're making this happen we now have a million capacity as our limit i feel like we're gonna be at the point where we can eat everything in the city at least i really really hope so because it's gonna be a a very special moment for us all okay we've made it back to a hundred thousand you guys know the drill we're gonna eat some buildings in fact we're gonna eat i think like all the buildings can we eat these houses yes we can oh it's it's a beautiful thing this is this is so good this is the moment that we've been waiting for being able to consume pretty much every building in this city oh the giant skyscraper it's glorious that was so awesome and they come back so fast like the buildings repopulate incredibly fast oh this is this is this is too good i love it oh my goodness we're almost to our capacity right because i think our capacity is now a million yeah that's we're getting there and we're getting there real fast because we're eating these buildings with which are worth a ton of points uh can we not eat the cinema yet we cannot eat the cinema that is our goal eat the movie theater and become the movie theater or something like that i don't know we are nearly at capacity i think it's 1.1 yep there it is we've hit capacity so i think we all know what this means i'm going to spend more robux and we're going to upgrade our capacity to 2 million yes 2 million that's a good number and let's get to it let's eat stuff there is no way the cinema is going to survive the magnitude of this hole in the ground wait what is happening game why can't i eat hello i can't eat this hole this light pole for whatever reason is immune to the powers of of the black hole i don't understand why actually all this stuff is kind of not working that's what what is happening i don't know it's weird it doesn't matter there's plenty of other things that we can eat and so we will i'll see you guys when i hit a million again all right so as you can see uh complete and utter chaos has begun um we're we're at the point where we can eat like giant skyscrapers and whatnot and things move real fast after that starts happening who would have thought eating entire skyscrapers would level you up nice and fast i should start eating skyscrapers no don't do that so we've made it past what we were at before let's see if we can can we eat the movie theater oh come on yes we've done it so does that mean that we've eaten every single type of building in this city i i kind of i kind of feel like it does we've made some wonderful things happen here today and the city doesn't really mind because they just they pop right back up they're totally black hole proof good for them they were prepared for this disaster so obviously the next goal is to get to 10 million size and and eat these like famous buildings but i think we're gonna have to save that for another episode i had a great time with whole simulator if you guys want to try it out i highly recommend it there will be a link in the description down below now i'm gonna eat some fire hydrants and other stuff see ya [Music]
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 720,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox build, roblox monsters, roblox roleplay, roblox video, play roblox, roblox adventures, no swearing, roblox survive, roblox tycoon, roblox online game, lets play, build to survive monsters in roblox, no swears, no cursing, kindly keyin, roblox camping, broken bones, roblox broken bones iv, roblox game, roblox funny moments, roblox hole simulator, hole simulator
Id: UYUfL2xM_cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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