I Went WAY TOO FAST In Roblox Speed City... (it kinda broke the game...)

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welcome to speed city where I don't really belong because I'm not going very fast hello everybody I am kindly Kia and welcome back to roblox trying out another one of these like fast running simulators it's called speed city and as you can see I'm going really not very fast but I'm hoping that through perseverance and pure skill and also probably buying some game passes with some robots I will get to the point where I can go super mega fast like that dude who just ran past me who has a chicken egg head so I've been playing for about I don't know a minute and I'm already starting to feel much faster than I was before look at me I've gone 500 steps and my speed is 17 but I kind of want to see like what are our goals here where do we want to go there's normally like different worlds that you can go to oh I do see that you can you can fly up into the clouds I guess once you can start jumping higher I guess there are races so that's a thing ah here you go okay so with 500,000 steps you can go to the beach it seems like maybe winter appears to be kind of the first stop 2500 steps I can get there and I haven't even spent any roebucks look at me I'm using self-control for once I want to go there what is that infinite road 1 million steps holy moly what about elite City how do you go to elite City I certainly don't belong there of course you gotta spend robots maybe maybe we'll come back to that alright we'd made it let's go oh ok hello it's yeah snow it's winter welcome I guess you can buy pets is that the way it works you get pets and then the pets give you XP boosts I will say the orbs around here are worth a lot more than the orbs were in that starting area and here's a question that I don't have the answer to how do I get back maybe if I click this oh yeah ok there you go alright I'm back and then what's going on here okay these are trails now do these improve the steps that I actually get for every step that I take probably not they're probably just cosmetic but I'm gonna buy a purple trail lizard beast mode okay that sounds awesome okay it is it's a multiplier now I have weird creepy faces following me when I run around okay so now I understand a little bit better the gameplay loop here so with that said I think it might be time to press that Shopping Cart button what are some of our options here we can buy two x steps I'd like that and if you guys ever purchase roebucks or premium on roblox you can use star code kyun ke y i n help me recoup some of the bugs that i'm about to spend oh gosh I can get three time steps I I can't help it I'm gonna do it can I get four time steps are you just gonna keep going up no it stops at three times what is this what does this do double luck what what is luck four it's only 90 blocks and then I guess this is is this the elite yeah so this is the elite pack let's do it cuz it opens up a new area I want to explore what this new elite area is someone wants to trade with me trail trading should I accept it I don't know I guess I'll accept what is what is he doing what's what's happening here what is that you're just gonna give this to me okay I'll give you my really really bad this is too good okay you know what I'll take it he just gave me like a mega awesome trail I got to equip this thing look at this thing 10,000 step multiplier are you kidding me thank you John JC 0 1 4 oh my gosh look at how many steps I get I'm too strong I'm too there's too much I've broken the game the what is that I I'm bouncing off of walls because of the make of steps that I now have holy moly this is too much this is too much and I can jump very high I am now electric excuse me okay can i oh this is absurd this is absolutely absurd you've given me too much power sir you've given me too much too quickly I can't handle this kind of insanity okay um I guess I can go to the trail shop and spend some of my forty eight million steps that I've acquired in a matter of like thirty seconds I'm gonna buy another red crate let's I got a fedora I have a sparkly Fedora what this terrible that is just absolutely abysmal compared to what I have this is insane why have you given me so much power these guys want to trade with me again why why does everybody want to trade with me stop giving me so much it's too much no I'm jumping off the planet No insane oh my gosh okay so now that I have all these steps we can very easily go to some of these other worlds so I guess we'll go to the original man oh goodness these orbs are giving me over a million steps per orb is that a UFO can can I go to this UFO what is this what's happening here can we go to outer space am I in outer space now why is there just a UFO floating above this building it's very confusing I have a hundred and twenty million steps now are there rebirths in this game like can you can you reset and get a mega multiplier I don't really know how it all works oh oh I need a billion steps to open that crate we're not quite there yet let's go back to the city and let's go to another area actually you know what since we paid for the elite city let's go to elite city okay work oh it's just a bowl my gosh twelve million for that single orb this okay yeah I like elites Elite City seems pretty good this is a very large orb I want the large or how many how many steps are you gonna give me 24 million I like it yes this is this is good this is quite good is this all elite city is is just orbs that are worth insane amounts of steps I'm okay with that I'm telling you I have to just like feather the W key because if I hold it down it's just it's too much I just crash into the walls what is this spawn 16 mega orbs it's only 250 roblox right I can't control myself I just oh my gosh what are these things that's a billion that's it this that's with a beat each of these are a billion steps I'm a billionaire I'm officially a step billionaire okay yeah that's seems pretty good I just made 25 billion steps at least I thought oh these ones are a little bit higher oh I can't reach those no hold they're just out of reach maybe if I jump from the buildings try this there you go hey yeah that gave me enough height no oh my mega orbs should we join the race you know what let's try racing I feel I feel pretty confident here maybe let's let's do it let's give it a shot what we're just we're going are we go was that the end of the race and it all happened so fast okay all right let's uh let's go to another map let's go to volcano okay I see what's happening in here there's a volcano in the middle of this map but are there also like things that I can spend all these steps on I have 17 billion I guess I could go back to the original map and buy that one for a billion I'm gonna get the volcano I'm grabbing this I might die I didn't die I'm so fast lava doesn't even hurt me incredible so I can totally go infinite Road let's go to infinite road [Music] okay what I I guess I understand I understand what is happening here it's a road that goes on for infinity I think okay we're just breaking the Lightspeed barrier what I I broke the game okay let's go back to the original map cuz I want to spend a billion steps okay one billion steps do you want to buy a very Opie crate absolutely good what is this rainbow timeless let's see how strong this is compared to this one that the guy gave me nope still just not even close the shadow unstable is ten thousand where did he get this from let's go to the beach okay timeless shop unstable oh this must be where he got the one that he gave me cuz mine is an unstable yeah shadow unstable so that costs 20 billion let that sink in oh my danger do not use if speed is over 1000 my speed is most definitely over 1000 also I continue to break the game I am too fast what is this 50,000 orb multiplier excuse me this is a palm tree trail that from what I understand if I spend 2200 Robox which is not an insignificant amount I will get a 50,000 orbit multiplier I don't know if I'm ready for that when we went to the beach I feel like I saw a portal but it was yeah okay but why does it keep breaking okay I need to get across the water what is that over there I got to get over there you think I can just run across I made it I made it cool I guess I'm just falling I mean I am getting steps so that's nice I guess but I feel like this is not the way it's supposed to be can I go back oh gosh what I am so confused right now also what John jc0 one for is giving me a fifty thousand is that are you for serious is that the palm tree trail what is this thing super laser unstable fifty thousand uh yeah that's significantly better compared to what I was using although the jump multipliers last but who cares fifty thousand I just that is too much it's too much he just he just gave it to me for free for nothing okay well thank you I'm gonna enjoy this I'm gonna jump up these clouds and see what's at the top hopefully if I can make it so far so good am I going there is that my end goal [Music] it's a cloud it's a little cloud man I can see that you like jumping take this trail to jump super high thanks bud oh wow cloud gives you a time 7 multiplier that's kind of cool should I try it I guess I'll try it and then maybe I can go even higher I can't go any higher this is the top then I'm gonna switch back to super laser unstable trail what's that over there and how do I get there maybe it's the race let's join oh it is it's the race ok the race is they don't really last you're going as fast as we are here we go it's over who won I don't even know who won it takes longer to start the race than it does to actually do the race let's go back to infinite road cuz it's hilarious and we can go even faster than we did left what is happening I it's absurd it's truly absurd so I wonder if the unstable trails are pretty much as good as they get that was at the beach right and it costs twenty billion yeah unstable shop cost twenty billion my gosh I'm gonna try to get to twenty billion I want to buy one of these unstable trails myself make me feel like I actually did something on my own without people just giving me these absurd trails alright twenty billion steps let's cash in all of these steps that I have earned do you want to buy a shadow unstable yes there's no way it's gonna be as good as the one that I already have right it's the same one oh I should have known because it's actually called shadow unstable so what is this one super laser unstable where did he get this where did he get the super laser unstable well there you have it speed city even speed city couldn't contain the speeds at which I was able to go twenty-six thousand for the record that's that's a lot of speed I don't miles per hour mate I don't know kilometers per hour either way it was a good time thanks to the people who basically carried me and gave me stuff that I did not deserve if you guys want to check out this game for yourselves there will be a link in the description down below but that is gonna do it for this video I hope that you guys enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and as always thanks for watching I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 4,637,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox build, roblox monsters, roblox roleplay, roblox video, play roblox, roblox adventures, no swearing, roblox survive, roblox tycoon, roblox online game, lets play, build to survive monsters in roblox, no swears, no cursing, family friendly, kindly keyin, roblox camping, roblox game, legends of speed, roblox legends of speed, legends of speed roblox, roblox simulator, roblox speed simulator, roblox speed, speed city, roblox speed city
Id: NR8UIx01B5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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