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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we are playing some Lux in the mid lane awarding Harvest cheap Sean eyeball ultimate Hunter absolute focus and Gathering storm I want to try and hit a thousand AP unlocks this game it's definitely possible if we can get at least one fire dragon but even not I could like sell my boots and uh get another AP item because they buff Death Cab it's 40 extra apno and I got a rune page that scales and gives a lot of ability power so we'll have some pretty disgustingly strong lasers because it's 120 scaling they like buffed luck so much and she really wasn't even in a terrible spot but somebody just said to me this morning that there there's some xerath changes coming soon we don't know what they are but it'll be interesting hopefully they're Buffs if they Nerf sarath then uh I never play them again because he ain't even that good yeah but I do like blocks bucks is one of my favorite Mages to play weaving Autos between spells I got two passive procs there I'm getting a gank actually nice she didn't even flash I thought she was gonna Flash and I was gonna have to flash cure I love having amumu jungles because they always gank early and their ganks are so deadly a moo moo gangster like almost guaranteed kills if they land the first Q because they have another q to follow up I'm just gonna focus on pushing this in and basing she has plans for the all-in cheer ignite she doesn't even have ignites I don't know what she's cooking I kind of want to harvest stack now before I go there we go I'm out of Mana now though so hopefully she doesn't realize that in hardships because uh I'm gonna play aggressive and pretend I'm trying all winter but I'm actually bluffing oh no she's calling my blow okay at least she can't do too much I know she doesn't do enough damage to kill me here okay maybe she does I don't have barrier he still has Flash I'm sorry you're moving I have 200 hp oh no oh no he did oh God I'm coming okay oh double Buffs double bow snow he went through the wall why was he so fast I should have waited over here but I really didn't think Kane would get low and come down that way I could have gotten Kane I didn't want to flash you though while he's using his e because he's just gonna be in the wall oh well good start I have a kill I need the game to go along too if I want a thousand AP game needs to at least make it to 30 minutes for a thousand AP because then I'll have full build chem Tech Dragon first pretty garbage for me hopefully the enemy team takes it and then we get either a fire dragon next or fire dragon as the soul which is possible but not very probable I'm gonna get all these the Tower actually focused the right minions there I like to get all these ones low so I don't have to Auto them after I detonate it lasagna is farming decent but she does also have teleport the jungler Kane oh oh my God he keeps scaring me with her e most uh lasandres I play against they like barely ever use it unless they're for sure going in with like a gank or something but she kind of just uses I wish I was level six full HP that was kind of close I'm I'm used to having barrier when I play but ignite actually got me a kill there oh she's level six did she flash on me I was like too distracted on trying to live Dead flash she can still use her e and get in range of me if she hits her all tell me I'm dead I'm fine I use my ease zoning to slow her husband she was she wasn't able to get close enough to use her her w ow chunker chunk all right hopefully Kane doesn't come out of nowhere and kill us oh she's staying I'm gonna stay please take it oh I don't think she knew I was here still the thing is if she stays for another wave I'm gonna have Alto I think she's gonna leave here you're probably gonna leave in TV back oh I stay when you have alt up his locks you can insta clear any wave alt 1080 detonatory before the old hits because you're all detonates your passive um I miss out on the plating but it's kind of risky I would die if I go up to that let's do this maybe we could do magias as an item that gives a lot of I think it's 140 AP when it's full I would try my best not to die but they they have a team that could easily kill me if I'm caught out if I get hit by Blitz hook I'm dead lissandra could just flash in and ALT me and I'm cc'd and Kane's gonna alt me too but if I'm fat enough I can just one shot them before they get to me which we're on track to getting that fib crank down Alex's wave clear is just so good too he's not dragging I'm fine with that I don't think he is on Dragon because the MooMoo was just bought he's down there though I don't want to fight in the river I'd rather fight mid lane because I know I I'm safe here and I can land my spells while my e already clears the casters I don't even have to Auto attack them I finish a full item on Zara and I still can't clear the casters this is a crazy thing oh they wore it did he steal it oh that sucks like even if she goes in that I'm gonna kill her I don't know what she's doing I had a feeling she don't she dodged it turn the mirror don't lose vision oh I can't reach with the auto attack that sucks yeah I might as well just hit her with some free damage Lux does so much damage running Bears here too I think Gathering storm just popped yes I'm farming really well too it's actually like flux is one of my favorite Champs of Harmon it's so easy he's over buffed because she sells so many skins I don't think lissandra faced top I get plating oh it's all it's just about to come up too that sucks enemy flash ghosts it's fine oh my God I missed everything on him he still had flash too that's that's fine what okay I was like how did that cue Miss I don't have Mana no mamas I can pretend oh no not the mammas oh we might actually kill him here the problem is I don't have Mana flow bands so I can run out of Mana pretty quick but the nice thing is junglers give blue buff now like crazy oh my God I need a base actually lost chapter just refunded all my Mana nice I get alts and clear the wave I might not need to if she left though she needs to leave also like I don't actually eat alter wave unless it's a cannon wave or I'm too low to uh get to the wave when his jungle pad upgrades or whatever is when I get the blues I think that's around like 15-20 minutes let's do this let's do sork shoes 112 Farm which is actually not doing that bad for having such zero damage Kane's going blue remember I might die no not even not even close um I think blitzcrank is Perma roaming now there he is I need to try and kill bottling any gin Blitz is my last two stacks oh run you should be able to get out if she just presses R there you go damn it it's really low I could maybe flash e what are you gonna do hook me okay he didn't even look for me wow oh my God I whiffed I whiffed again I'm still I'm not leaving I'm getting a kill I don't care I'm getting your turret or I'm killing you he doesn't die from any but I can just walk up and cue them my Dodgers are actually working this game I might be able to kill him wow that's not something I think he should have flashed even though I might have been able to kill him with my full combo but probably not um I kind of want to do magi's into death cap and we can we can just skip the shadow flame grab it later I don't know if I think it is better to get images before it if you can keep 25 Stacks which I think I can unless I get the speed where am I oh already here thank you okay rank 2R let me use an e just because I don't want to miss that blitz could be roaming me What dragon do we get okay I'll take a hex tech I mean it's gonna give me a haste if if the next one's infernal I'll be so happy because it'll be easy to hit over a thousand AP with that without it I might need to sell boots for an item ah darn we got ocean sad day no fires it's RNG though I literally can't go into a game and expect to even get one you have mercs no no um bro I wanna off but they're gonna move out of the way where's the Blitz he's still on the wall where did what was that thing that just hit Jim The Echoes of Helio but like nobody hit Jen right foreign balance all right Blitz you next I'll use full health here a nice sire went to cover mid let's recall the nail Cove oh well I had higher priority targets so healing deals here oh wow I didn't know it worked like that I thought it was just a healing item it actually does damage too yeah and you don't even need to hit anything to deal damage it just automatically does it positive oh my God I actually I can't one shutter she's got Rod of Ages kind of beefy she got some meat on her bones she's setting up come on my priority targets are Kane and gin they're gonna do more damage than uh flash that's fine Kane and gin lissandra doesn't actually do a lot of damage she just sees I wish I could Auto attack storm razor speed do I get blue buff now yes wait no I think I get it in X blue if he would have did one more camera for that I think does this thing on here kind of looks like he was gonna try to hook me I mean I can 1v2 their volume I have a higher chance to get a kill than just laying against lissandro but I also have a higher chance of getting killed sometimes so much damage man and you only have to land the queue because you're gonna land everything else oh my Cannon oh my God that did over 600 damage to him today Harold oh he's fine I mean at the end of the day he's a malphite as soon as he gets one more armor item they don't hurt him I want to look hot but I don't want to get a huge I'm just dying for the turret he's gonna die too I think he's dead we didn't need the flash but it's okay I almost have a death cap I need Mana though willing to share one of my snacks the best way to get kills on Lux is wait behind a wall with vision then you can land your q without them knowing that you're using it unless I'm on a ward right here that would be really awkward and I'm gonna get my first stuff nice I needed him and his alt wasn't back up yet oh no where's our moo moo the backbone of the team okay he's back well I think they're still doing the Dragon all right but they're doing it slow let me get mid pushing first shoot they're not on it we're good I have Death Cab he's solid but whatever it's it's ocean the thing is I'm gonna be so fed the ocean's not gonna heal them because I'm gonna one shot them maybe a little careful with him he does respect me though at least if he just runs at me and alts and keeps trying to hit me he might actually be able to kill him back up I'm Gonna Save My way really quick so that way if Tryndamere goes down like he did he's gonna they're gonna lose out in this wave midterm it's gonna chunk at least 25 percent of this turret if nobody stops it okay um it's either Horizon Shadow flame they're both good we'll do Shadow Flame yeah I think we're gonna need Baron if I want a thousand AP but I could also sell the boots later if the game goes long enough I mean my late oh my God it already does 1200 damage that's disgusting I just hit a queue in an all-time anjinny just dies I hate edge of night on Assassins it's so hard to kill them when they have that keep believing oh 11 see us do you have Vision around me we just need to like a ram and sit together because Kane's gonna pick off people who go alone but Zion is pretty safe for being alone she can Alt I don't want to lose my mid turret though damn I didn't do any damage what does he have I guess it was just his passive Shield it doesn't even give that much magic resist I might need a void staff over Horizon [Music] oh blue they can't bear in unless they like kill half the team and they're never getting anything mid okay I'm kind of scared if they were to do Baron now but they're not destroy Ken's actually kind of hard to hit because of how fast he is that's close they're pretty low I'm not gonna be able to do too much without Mel fight or MooMoo engaging though I can't I can't get close enough to them to hit a q the game is slowing down though which is good and bad I mean I'll get more items I'll get full build but we're not getting anything anymore like I'm not able to pick them as easy and I can't walk out too far because the cane with spell shield can beat me because he can block a whole spell and I need to hit every spell to one shot him I just I don't want to leave mid and let them take that turret because it's so important for mid pressure yeah I don't want him to take that I don't want to fight but even if we win the fight bot we're gonna lose out on Mid foreign [Music] yo all right [Music] I'm gonna help him I can maybe kill him with an auto I don't want to take the risk he had healed too he probably would flash wow another Dragon for them maybe I could steal it I could steal it almost their Vision oh my God just a constant battle for this mid turret to stay up I can alt the next wave or my team can clear it just fruit mid I think that sucks is trenamer is going to split top so then we're gonna lose malphite but he is TP he's dead okay that's just as good what are we fighting these terrible fights for well we have really bad team Synergy we have a way stronger team fight but we're not taking team fights we're just taking every fight that I'm not in this could be good shut down got a clear top now too though we lose an inhib our whole team falls apart which sucks this guy will die for the turret it's so lame though oh it's so lame like even if I kill Tryndamere he's just gonna alt and keep going they're not getting punished for dying but maybe we could bear him yeah we should try to pressure Baron I see to get healed there and now I need a fruit watch her eat them okay now they got punished for dying Baron will help I really hope they don't steal this okay that will relieve some pressure at least the blue cane didn't kill me there I thought he was gonna kill me after he got on there oh we might hit 1kap here I don't have enough money though I need an item and I really want to go void we're at 900 I will hit 1K if the game goes longer or basically there I need a void though they don't even they do have a bit of armor he bought a qss he's gonna go split top no you're gonna go attack and stop he's gonna just take if they're splitting then we just push mid oh my God he lives I can't believe I almost killed him though just with him dude all right what is malphite doing the ghost top but doesn't even defend it it's so frustrating man whatever I'm gonna get him into it but still like we lose top okay whatever he's dead man I need to like try to end the game here but like I want to get to 2018. I mean I guess we can try that it's just like the trainer is going to keep splitting and being annoying we have to disagree I did some big damage there look at I can't Target oh my God my auto attacks one shot how much does my passive do oh that's a fast gin let's see trynamere is respawning I want to try and get this turret oh 2 000 damage okay we got the turret okay now turn memory wants to split and be annoying we can just end the game and win oh we kind of need this there they might get it I have to do my Lux things wait behind a wall for someone I'm just gonna come through here I'll wait here I have full build in base the thing is Kane's gonna come check and I can't kill Kane because the spell shield and he'll kill me that's why I hate Edge Of Night I checked it random is gonna go for Mid but he won't be able to get mid and then he'll just rotate top they don't have a wave oh they do have a wave top he's gonna try and steal and Jonah just pushed him on my cue where's Tryndamere I'm in a base I don't know where Trinity yep he's going for our base I'm gonna recall because if we fight here we lose a game they're fine oh my God that's super wave disappeared I sell my boots for Horizon almost I think he's taking our blue it's just like if China bear catches me in the jungle or anything he can kill me because he has qss he can get out of a bind the jungle which is Horizon I need like 100 gold now go but we all go top that's a plan all right this hinders my Mobility greatly but I have a thousand AP I've done it without even Baron without even a fire dragon which was almost impossible before but now with the death cap buff it's giving me extra 300 AP oh I'm so slow the thing is I already one shot them before I sold the boots the thing is I can't One-Shot this guy because the spell shield but he if it's down and I even cue auto attack him he just dies so fast he doesn't he's not actually that fed you can do like 80 of my health but I think I can kill him if I just remain calm in a 1v1 I beat him still we need malphite Bob because train America's gonna go split bot once he realizes I mean these are really awkward engages you don't need to back what are we doing no way he just recalled through all that what the [ __ ] oh my God I almost killed him yeah fine we shouldn't have left trynamer is here we only need a base to stop Tryndamere and if he's up here then there's nobody killing the base we could do Baron oh they want me oh no I need help why are we abandoning me please Shawna USS there we go thank you Jonah lifesaver yeah get it wrong oh my God the the queue didn't even do it that was just all my abilities are doing so much it was 1736 damage laser I'm out of Mana any blue undo this I think I'll have 1100 AP with this Kane's coming if he steals this it's gonna make the game go to 50 minutes I really hope he doesn't steal this okay I can get blue pot two maybe 1200 AP and we get to 1200 1200 AP without one fire dragon imagine if we had like four fire dragons I could have like 1500 AP 2 000 damage Lux laser oh that is so gross I wonder if I could one shot gin with my alt with just the old okay we just have to be careful of the split if we do get aced here though I think we lose but it's pretty hard to get aced when we have Baron we could just run it down mid I I need to not get hooked though oh I would have hit but I just wasn't close enough I used it the perfect time too when he's in W he's locked in an animation I guess we could wait for this but like we should have just pressured because now Trinity is going to just go run and get our inhos I don't know where they are it's too quiet okay trying to merge top they're gonna give Dragon I think or Kane's just gonna try and steal I think Kane's gonna try and steal pushing top very slow you should just do this oh my God what a steal it's fun Mel go top please he has teeth he doesn't have t people we need somebody to defend Tom we could just him like we just need to go up I just don't want to walk in first because if I get hooked we lose okay hopefully malphite can stop him he has Barons if malphite dies here very very bad for us oh Goodbye Oh my God 1800 damage to him has destroyed an inhibitor took out gin but I might die for that I think we're fine I got it that was like 2500 damage right there to her I gotta end just trying to mirror things wow great Lux game my team is pretty solid too they they at least listened unlike yesterday where the Darius just made us lose because I gave him a simple command but usually when somebody's carrying pretty hard you should listen to what they do because they kind of have the general idea on how to win but yeah everybody played well even though Zaya didn't have the greatest game she like wasn't creating problems for the team look at that 75k damage John it was actually perfect for peeling off Kane and all them 75k damage Rune stats harvested 4100 Harvest does a lot of damage when you have a lot of AP too cheap shot did almost 201900. and yeah other than that thank you guys again for watching make sure you leave a like before you go it helps out a ton also join the Discord at discord.gg swag I'm giving away 10 keyboards in there so try to all you gotta do is just join to react to a message and you're entered it's anybody can join so please do that and I'll see you later peace
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 268,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sJGqP1HWylw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 39sec (2379 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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