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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some mordekaiser in the Top Lane running conquer Triumph alacrity cut the grass second wind and overgrowth we're gonna go a Max Health more build where I go a heart steal is my Mythic and this is gonna stack up a bunch of health and then the more health I have the bigger shield and heal I get from my w so and then I can build a demonic and convert all that holds into extra AP so I will be like a super unkillable Mort although we're against aatrox I always struggle with aatrox early but I mean Mordecai's are just one of my best champs for winning Lane I feel like I can beat almost anybody with him poor Professor is an app that runs on overwolf for League of Legends and provides you with all sorts of useful tools to assist you on the rift my favorite main feature of the app is the player's stats and tags which is an easy way to understand everything you need to know about your enemies such as Invader which tells you to look out for an early cheese or aggressive laner which may need to tell you to be careful in Lane knowing info such as this is essential to outsmarting and outplaying your opponents there's also an in-game overlay that updates live in game with old per minute Hill participation CS per minute and more for more stats you can open the overlay in full Window mode while in game this is a good way to track your performance as you play lastly there's the post game analysis once you finish a game restart your performance as well as other Summoner stats so learn how well you played and what you need to improve on there's a reason why over 8 million Summoners are using poor professor and that's because it works porofessor will improve your gameplay and give you the extra Edge over your opponents in ranked so try it today using my link in the description and start winning more games thank you to poor Professor for sponsoring this is just like aatrox mordekaiser can almost beat anybody in a 1v1 as long as they don't have Max Health damage which I don't think aatrox has also he has a Doran Shield so you shouldn't do that much damage early because I have a ring I have some AP I didn't want to go grasp with this because I think Conker is just it's too good to run on uh to not run on Ward sorry I get my passive and he has no more cues all he can do is auto so I'm Gonna Keep trading him still cooking them I missed a bunch of minions but I think that was worth so I don't think my Q hit him but he missed his cues all right they have a jungle Leona hopefully she didn't just do one camp and is coming oh my Cannon all right everything's doomed let me Ward jungle Leona doesn't have a lot of damage on her own but her passive's gonna proc and then aatrox hits me and she'll do a lot of damage he got his Cannon I don't think he did once I'm level six though if Leona ganks me I just alter and she's dead but she's bought I see if you're down there oh I hit him I didn't doubt it foreign you don't need Farm you don't need nothing on Morty he just wins and so far I think we're we're gonna be stronger than any attracts throughout the whole game I'll just use this to heal and he took bone plating he doesn't have second wind so he only has the door and shield regen which he's gonna have to base but he does have TP I wasn't expecting him to try to trade me there now I gotta use my potion oh there's a mount back here all right you got a flash probably didn't need to ignite but he did kind of live with one Health there he's gonna TP back so anyway till this next wave crashes I don't think he can kill me actually foreign I have a big wave okay I could bait him in with this Shield there we go a mordekaiser is like disgustingly strong early I think he is way stronger than aatrox as long as I don't get hit by every Q just because all I have to do is activate my passive and I'm just cooking them wish I could see how much damage it does there's a lot of Moore's damage comes from his passive and that's why I need the conquer it only healed me 42 there but Conker is giving me like 30 something AP also mid not an iron supports Cinder support oh what if he's doing my iron AP iron build oh I guess I'm just gonna buy the health what if I like combo this with the Redemption 15 heal and shield power though that if I have like a ton of Health that would actually this wouldn't be too bad I might build this like as a third item if I'm running them over so my shield Max Shield is already 508 I can get a 508 Shield let's just fight him I want to see what I can do oh I have an idea hold on let's kill her I miss it it's okay slowly but surely Leona will go down I think I'm dead though yeah I'm dead as [ __ ] I'm gonna Dodge it oh never mind he predicted where I'd go I didn't really have anywhere else to go if I go up I get it by Tower all right not bad Leona kind of took forever to kill but at least I got her I mean the nice thing is I'm still doing damage for building no damage early like once I have hard steel and then I can start building either a rallies or a demonic then I'm Gonna Hurt but I think I'll do art steel demonic and then realize I feel like rylies is just gonna be too good because I don't have ghosts so if people get away from me it's gonna be hard to chase them uh miss it well aatrox is probably gonna go Eclipse that will hurt me a bit oh yeah I I mean I don't really need healing reduction as long as I have ignite for aatrox but I may build it later if that is the problem because he's gonna heal off of hitting me I feel like lyanna's gonna be back how did I get hit by that sorry I wonder should I Max this next nah he's too good I don't even have that much health yet why am I warding isn't she bought yeah he's gonna go probably like Eclipse Cleaver I don't exactly know what theatrox build is now oh make me miss my Cannon I got it how much for hard steel I only need 300 more an enemy has been snatched double kill nice I hit him with a solo cue so it does double damage well my health bar is looking a lot better than his but he pops his alt and he hits me he's gonna heal back to like almost full so maybe a little careful I just need to ignite him before he goes all in okay let me go grab my heart Steel Iron's going it was iron building is he building a new supporter of them I don't know now I want Leona to come top so I could get double heart Steel this can I'm used to using the default mode skin the skin doesn't have the guitar but it also has very loud sound effects too okay I get a 676 shield now if I use the bar when it's maxed out oh my God I almost missed a little harder to see us without any AP but if I go demonic next um I should do a lot of damage and I also shouldn't die well do I fight both of them here I just want give me the hard Steel come back do I flash for a hard Steel how about I alter so that way I'm gonna ignite him because if he hits me he's gonna heal probably sees me I don't care give me the hard Steel Give me all the hard Steels put them in the bag actually kind of dying Leona's out of Mana though my passive's still going I'll take it my flash for three hard steals I just gained 81 Health off of that fight no my way not the teleportation and do I want armor boots or swords I'm going search shoes I want armor boots they have like two A.D champions transition maybe I should have went swifties or Merc Treads so I could get more hard steel Stacks I'm gonna get cc'd a lot 733 wasn't it 7 33 last time or was it something else like 70. see the thing is I also need to deal damage to stack up this Shield I get it from taking damage and dealing damage that's all I want bro too much work really just so I'm just gonna get the heart Steel check combo or warmogs too so I just healed a full out of combat the thing about worldmarks is it gives no other stats than oh hell if some haste but I may need some resistances later on oh yes all right worst case scenario I have to help this guy because he talks is actually kind of killing me my W's back up I paid him in no he got a gap all right I'll call it even I could have probably killed him but man I take a while to kill I'm just a tanky boy all right shut down you scared him well the cool thing about this build is I survived so long oh there's a Pantheon diving I survived so long that I get my w twice in a fight yeah I countered ivern because I can just oh I want to hurt still stacked no no if she beats me back in there you go oh she beats me I think oh yeah she definitely beats me oh no my heart's Steel which is that done what is Leona building iceborn that's why I couldn't get away just you wait I'm gonna start doing damage soon after I just build more health because I don't want AP yeah I think demonic before ryla is for sure because like I'm dealing damage but I'm not dealing enough to kill them fast enough like it takes a while a thousand shield now I mean at least none of them are gonna build the anti-shield I mean maybe aatrox will but if he builds that he's gonna be like full lethality and it'll be very squishy I build it after hours I don't know I don't know yet I could build a uh stone plate and then combine that with my shield and have a shield bigger than my All-Star that would be kind of funny problem is that item gives no Health on its own so it wouldn't increase the normal Shield by much by anything thank you so much okay I don't want to be under his turret because I can't get away from them I can take one of them with me I think but I can't get away from them I also don't want to leave top and lose my turret though but I might I might just have to do that there's a lot of hard steel Stacks down there use my w a little early there the mirror is kind of becoming a problem set got it I didn't ignite maybe I could do something did they win that thing I can't buy anything Mass impressed I don't know if he pops alts I might not be able to kill him I got it I'm getting heart steals maybe I'll just go take a trip mid I don't think I could oh root I mean what if I get that Samira shut down I don't care I can make it a 1v1 he's cleansing bro now I'll just ignite you yes heart steals please hard Steels Galore oh my God 4 30. well good thing she tried to cleanse my all because like she could have lived she panicked more health 1200 Shield oh I just got littler wait I steal 10 percent of stats so if I alt somebody who has a lot of Health like like none of them are building oh maybe Leona okay I actually deal damage now and this is giving me an extra 40 AP this item's giving me like a hundred and hundred and something I don't feel like doing math I'm getting rallies next so nobody gets away then I don't have to flash to kill them and if I ever realize I get the heart steel Stacks easier I should beat aatrox now in fights me dragons oh they only have one Dragon ooh I need this this gives bigger Shield I'm gonna need that [Music] [Music] how many of them are there I can't see I can't see I can't click because of [ __ ] Daisy's on top of them I missed out on like three hard steel sexer I'm trying to click syndra and it's just hitting Daisy I had a feeling they were gonna send their whole team there she gets out well why do we have two people bought when they didn't have anybody bought how much damage did I take I think I took like a lot of wow ivern actually did the most damage I could get a spirit later spirit for bigger Shields heal Ed uh-oh we might lose due to them grouping and my team going to the side lanes for no reason okay though I have to kind of take out Samira first or she'll kill everybody but they have a lot of damage on some tanky Champs beats him unless he hits her once oh my God she outplayed him so hard but now she dies to Leona [Music] red buff red buff oh she didn't die to Leona all right let's get the dragon actually haste wouldn't be too bad either so I get the shield again yes I got the hard steel leave me alone leave me be where's your Daisy huh where's your Daisy not so strong Without You Daisy huh buddy give me the Dragon okay never mind in a team fight I'm actually really strong as long as I have my own because my ALT gets me out of the CC chain when Daisy and Leon are on me I can't move but then I can just all tyburn and then I get a free kill Ariel Samira 1400 Shields it's kind of big I mean I am taking more magic damage than physical if I just kill her really quick she's gonna do a lot of damage once she has ldr though but more health I have 5K HP at 22 minutes the trucks is getting Let's Dance I think it's getting bigger how much is demonic done already 13 37. the magic number we have a Herald up here we could just push top they're all sieging mid but they have to come top to stop this Herald give me their hard Steel yes there's a lot of them I'm just gonna take him if he dies I think Daisy dies right [Music] tell what's going on all he did was touch her oh my God I'm just standing next to him I'm waiting for the heart stealer frog my passive is just cooking them whatever you can live I got your heart steal 700 heal I am a raid boss oh oh wait why did the pantheon all take so long it was like delayed all right man wait what did I I was gonna get this I don't even think this 25 is counted on this so it's like almost 2K Shield 5500 what should I get less maybe I should just get the war mugs for the 800 hp but if I get the stone plate it'll give me like a gigantic Shield too I could have like a 5 000 old Shield hello oh my God Samira is scared of me I'd even hit Samira last fight I think my team killed her how much extra damage is she gonna deal with 25 okay only 25 more damage bring me the hard seals give me your heart seal and I may spare you I don't know how to type well I don't know if I want to run into all that clear this back off give me him uh-oh I missed my cue okay oh my God the Triumph truck the heart Steel I'm too slow how much does triumph heal me oh that's gotta be GG but I mean holy cow that's kind of gross yeah there's a war mugs I'm like unkillable I think being toxic is gonna make them out of if I go Stone play I would have like a massive Shield but I kind of want to just get more health I don't know I almost have this I could go fight them all again all right somebody was dealing a lot of damage to me last fight though oh [ __ ] she's got a qss I didn't hit W in time I didn't know oh we just lost Baron why is our Zion bot Lane oh well if I press W I would have killed her I didn't realize oh God she does a lot of damage she insta qss if only Zaya wasn't briefing us but it's okay are they on it no they're not even on it oh maybe they are oh yeah they are yeah I have damage for it though well Samira is still on it okay they get barren who I need maybe I do need a randuins for her crits but the thing is if I just actually I can't kill her with these because I I felt somebody else now but I just saw it to ivern and then I'm safe maybe I will do the stone plate if I can get enough they're still doing this I mean maybe not Leona's not there this is giving me 150 health or 150 AP I mean foreign last fight I got poked down to half before I could even reach them I kind of want this get back here I know what's going on at least he has a qss too bro oh yeah oh my God I like one Health and I beat a truck holy [ __ ] you bought a qss too I gotta end man I gotta end this is getting close to losing I don't know if I can add it's a mirror no I can't end I can get a tower no I was just back up I'll go buy my item please don't die we go to this I don't think they'll get here in time okay I can't alt iron I can't alt Samira I guess I have to hold a truck sir um Leona or syndra hopefully we do this fast we at Ace and they get this here we lose but they're not gonna be a fat wave top I don't feel like going to get it bro I'm gonna do the stone plate stone plate plus this The Shield oh my God 4 000 Shield plus two thousand shield and that's before the 25 increase qss syndra no she doesn't have it I didn't think Iver would build one but you know what he probably should have built it even earlier because I've only been alting him well we should go to a side lane probably bought actually okay well now I have a lot of resistances too so kind of takes me a while to die imagine if I get this I get this soul syndra they just alter right away well where are you gonna go oh my God she got popped all right I'm gonna do Mega shield in a second if I can move oh look at how big that Shield is that was like a 5 000 Health Shield oh we need backup Retreat Retreat retreat that was scary we could have just got Samira there's more fruit an ally has been slain that's not good I deal so much damage okay they can't kill me you're stuck she might die to demonic from my own oh my God Samira was hitting me and I just like wasn't taking damage look how big I am I'm bigger than the Dragon holy [ __ ] 7K HP wow what a great game we've got on our hands the thing is I still deal I'm still gigantic how long am I gigantic from Leona I'm look at how big my weapon is I'm gigantic did I sell my boots for an item I could sell my boots for another item get even bigger Katarina didn't just join the whole [ __ ] way so annoying when they do that like I'm literally just trying to get an item really quick and you got to take the whole wave for no reason all right big Shield The Shield doesn't even look big because I have so much HP all right sell boots for this like get something that's under I don't have enough though I might need to get something with move speed though I'm like gonna be way too slow you just got to be careful because if we it's late enough in the game if we get Ace we lose foreign I mean the good thing is their team kind of has to fight on top of us Samira has to get close to deal damage so does Leona and aatrox so I can't afford to not go boots I think all right I might have enough now uh what do I want and I don't I need a 2900 maybe I go dead man's I'm just gonna be too slow I want a war mags but I'll just be too slow plus I can't afford the ocean then Dead Man's gives me a lot of speed all right should we just find them and flip it and see what happens did they abandon her oh God I can't even tell what's going on we lost everybody this scenario damn it quit dashing away I'm not dying no I can't move they all split whatever I still had my stone plate they weren't even close to killing me I found him no I'm back guys I'd like to be able to [ __ ] move foreign what the [ __ ] oh my God this is like the craziest tank game I've played yet [Music] I thought I was actually gonna die because Samira was gonna alt there and stuff but holy Shields and health bar they couldn't kill me I didn't take damage what a banger game I did the 80k damage well tank mode does 80k damage how much damage did I take healing done I heal the 25k from my w uh damage taken I took 76k damage let's see how much mitigated I mitigated over 11 or 111k so together I took over like 200k damage that was gross yeah if if I wanted to grasp I don't think I would have done as well look at this conquer healing 4200 Second Wind healed 4 800. overgrowth gave us extra for uh 24 Health too but yeah if you guys enjoyed like the video check out my website zwag.gg got some cool keyboards on there got some really nice ones coming soon and then also like comment subscribe all the good stuff you don't oh the Discord join the Discord we're giving away 10 keyboards in there and it ends very soon so make sure you're in there oh yeah fine
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 357,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -YSzr4vEudk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 47sec (2387 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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