What happens when Lux gets 200 Ability Haste (IT LOOKS LIKE URF)

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Lux in the mid lane running Harvest cheap shot eyeball ultimate Hunter Mana flow Transcendence and a haste Rune we're gonna do a full haste Lux build so I can get low cooldown lasers we definitely can get it under 20 seconds I think and they buffed Lux a lot so the lasers should still do a lot of damage so yeah I'm just gonna have my laser up every single wave every single fight multiple times a fight so we'll do leandries because we need Mana with all this haste comes lots of Mana usage and then I think I'm gonna need a syrups too I'm definitely gonna need a tier item they're not too tanky but they have Echo and zillions so I kind of have to kill them twice but I do have ignite so I'm looking for an early kill on this guy oh he got two before me but I'm gonna keep autoing him foreign because after he uses his full combo like that he's got nothing he did take a lot of my HP [Music] I actually don't really want to gank here because this wave is about to hit my turret but she'll try and we could wait for his Flash I didn't queue there because he was gonna flash it that's good though I think he's gonna base oh he has TP first I would kill him again now kha'zix is going to be mid too I'll probably just try to clear this wave and reset foreign okay we know where kha'zix is I can play out more I miss so many CS but he's got really low form too I got you I'll take it free blue I thought he was gonna Flash the queue uh I don't know if you can fight this oh God I'm coming no you're running the wrong way wait oh shoot oh I still hit him he's a big boy all right I guess the river is giving me gold and I still got a huge wave I don't know how that queue hit I totally missed okay now she wants the game committed this is so much xp though oh delicious you're not recalling all right well we have a fantastic start we can get a tier and a lost chapter I need to get ahead early though because a cool down build I'm gonna do like not a ton of damage actually like I fall off pretty hard but if I'm ahead early it'll still hurt as long as they don't build magic resist I'll do a lot of damage but let's say build magic resist cool down items don't give Magic Pen so I'll have no Magic Pen into battle with hearts of glow I actually took ignite over barrier but I think that's actually good here because I can ignite Echo pretty easy I mean I'm gonna regret it late game but it got me early kill on volley I wouldn't have killed volley without ignite folks has such good wave clear oh if I was in trouble I have holes but I don't think she's gonna survive I can uh blast kha'zix if I hit him where is he jumped the wall yeah stay positive check this out well if he dashes out of my e then he can't dash at me pushing my limits do it Amy if he eased me I can just cue him oh what's going on over here here I have a shield oh I missed I missed both of those Shields I'm just gonna hold him otherwise we wouldn't be able to hit the hole I'm only gonna be able to Landon R if he's locked up in queue it's not like we can kill him anyway without him burning his Alt I flashed just in case he got into that stun because I would have been under turret [Music] oh plating kha'zix can 1v1 me but I'm also Lux so watch this throw that wait for three minions to get in it dead mate you don't super clear Lux has got to be one of the easiest Majors to farm on I mean just let the dragon kill him let's do cooldown boots pull down book I mean I already have a 33 second build rank one Alt two stacks three stacks of ultimate I'm sure oh wait I need this Dragon I should have came to help they're fine we still can get the dragon both junglers died oh I don't know about now it's got red I got a little too excited on that one he saw he had three kills he's like I could take on the world stay there I want to see everything remix pre-harvest all right echo's all designed a 20 second cooldown also uh kha'zix is here he shouldn't play like that I knew it see I don't need Wards I knew he's here without awarding you stinky bronze commenters I don't need Wards I got map hacks there's no way he's still here oh my God I was reading a book me push well kha'zix shouldn't be able to 1v1 me he's zero and four I mean it'll be close if he has Alt and I take a turret shot or something or I miss all my abilities but if I hit Q they leave this here detonated as soon as he gets there wow he was dashing while he was still teleporting I guess what next wave assault it I want a base can you see the bug oh you see the bug oh you you squashed above let me get leonji's it's a big Power Spike now let's do blue trinky switch key tester he changed by himself yeah I just gotta figure out shipping for smaller stuff I don't have any small boxes but yeah I'll sell switches and the switch keychains what not okay hextech Dragon it's the only one we can get but I'd rather have one than none you get what six haste from that 7.5 they buffed it that's ranked they won't FF I'm getting sick of playing in the normals because people are ffing in normals when they're upping kills against us if I just make like one play in 1v3 I'm insta FM in ranked they're not giving off that's easy I mean they still will sometimes my team the other day gave up I was carrying them and then my team all voted yes at 15 minutes and I voted no in vfl kind of depressing well I don't know where the bug is but we gonna find out I just throw it in random Direction because if I throw it at him I'm not gonna hit him anyway he's gonna Dash but if I throw it off to the side and he tries to like think that I'm throwing it at him and he Dodges it he could just go right into it plus I got so much haste it doesn't even matter I already have 66 haste all right oh cooldown's 26 seconds oh we're getting it way below I think we've gotten it to 12 seconds before his uh the lowest I'm not sure though there's a guy's name seem very familiar to something I say I'm just gonna walk the wave oh my God look at my farm 141 and I missed so many in the early ways but at this point it's actually impossible for me to miss CS because my ALT is up for every single wave should I just keep alting the waves I won't have a chance of killing him though because he's just gonna clear under turret but I mean this is kind of fun my ALT is actually up before the wave gets here wait how did oh that was guarantula oh that sucks we had a little bit of anti-synergy there I should have waited for his hook I got an assist oh I got money never mind we're good oh another wave I don't feel like halting it well if the casters would have went in there oh you are uh we gotta kill the turret first that's all right what could Echo do with a shutdown not too much right 160 you only have 15 minutes how do I have I guess I'm not missing anymore but I guess if you start out bad you can still recover I mean I don't need to upgrade the two yet we can go for more haste I'm liking the Horizon a second on these Haze builds because then I have damage I mean I wish Cosmic still gave that like extra 40 AP when you stacked it up or whatever oh yeah but we found out um mandate Mandy gives 20 haste I'm down to build a mandate what else is there the staff of flowing water work on yourself oh hey the alternator killed him he got Zippy Zapped we're gonna just start ulting my teammates waves if I get more Farm more money the chain locks I could go lichman it gives 15 Hayes don't it wouldn't be bad versus their team I mean an hourglass and actually an hourglass gives 15 banshees fail gives 10. meanwhile I'm level 12. oh he's dead I think he's dead I was really scared he was gonna alt my Q because then it wouldn't have done him oh blue hey how do you get out there he teleported I missed a minion oh wait who's low zillion I don't think my aunt kills him but I might as well try oh that's gonna be way too far up hold on Kate I need your farm you don't need it give me those I mean diving a zillion isn't the greatest idea give me give me give me yes my minion I can alt this way and then just go run Bond okay we uh misaligned the laser wee bit I'm gonna be full build by the time these people have like two items hey I thought I saw kha'zix down here how did that get used up top if you can oh maybe it was just echo down here he failed all right I'm hiding behind the krugs I can't believe Echo didn't knock there minions hey don't take my minions oh oh that's sillion oh I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm not even gonna Shield I know it won't kill me oh I'm gonna get hit by like a jinx rocket or something oh that one might kill me guys how much help did I have I did 218. foreign okay we need Cosmic Drive and I'm gonna have to upgrade the tier with all this haste I'm gonna go out of Mana in like two spells that's kind of crazy oh I wasn't I was going for the minions what is our cooldown oh there's a concert that works and you're dead that guy's a little bit harder to catch yeah might as well as result hey that did 200 damage already oh cooldown's 21 seconds and we don't even have blue and we don't have level 16. I actually don't like this guy The Horizon's nicer reveals them I think it reveals them when they're even slowed in my e without me detonating it oh my God I think I got him the zoning e wait mate you should be back up as soon as it detonates five seconds all I technically didn't miss well Cosmic is actually like another thousand I need some kills don't you do it you I'm gonna let you die I'm not saving you now don't worry I got your back oh they're gonna go for me not him just armed away from back here oh hey oh he's still going for me the thing is he can kill me if he actually gets to me is it gonna play the game called every time my alts up just going to use it now we need to run if my spells are done I'm not going to use it if I can't hit anything I at least need to wave here step away from the minions I still need more money we'll do the tier last because it gives the least taste out of all the items I'm building Vision oh they're doing it I'll steal it he's gonna go over the wall he's a bear that's a bug that's a lethality fight all she has is a dust blade damn he got sped up that would have hit I don't know if it would have killed him though I think it would have he doesn't have any magic for this oh there we go 15 second off and then we can base him by Cosmic drive if I just Farm like 500 more gold hmm I have one little blue Ward right here is that a blue word it doesn't last forever don't do that no more no they disappear if somebody sees them but I mean I guess I can get this there's a oh they're really far behind me I don't know if we're making it out we're not making out of this without dying I could use this for vision I guess shoot I gotta push the wave come on minions ah shoot I'm not flashing I'm dead I think he teepeed up there he TP up there all right 141 Hayes I could sell this and get an item that gives like 20 haste or something but I'm just gonna upgrade it oh they're doing this guys oh they're gonna get it now whatever this is not the fight to take with me dead he just he just went back to base all right well at least we didn't have any casualties that could have been bad 14 second laser if we had four hectic Souls maybe I could get it to like 10 seconds or something but I don't think I can get it much lower than this I'll get another 15 haste from finishing this item and then I'll get another how much does blue buff give like 10 I don't even think I can fight Echo as a thing Okay I lied oh I have enough damage to one shot Echo [Music] thing is if he was able to press R and heel back to full I would have had to run oh that didn't hit him I don't like Baron minions I can't clear these [ __ ] it I need that spell shield on Cosmic spot he's one of nine memory he's not a threat he's an ant pretty yeah I had two cake traps I'm in an awkward position as echo's gonna be up here come this way I don't think they have a word in this bush but now they have a lease up here I don't want to get oh Echo spot it's just bully bear is kind of tanky are you dead I'm not flashing for him that's crazy though my e is up I throw the e at them and it's just up again oh dragon oopsies all right we can upgrade this oh he's here still fight quit trying to fight that guy foreign okay 161 haste am I gonna have 171 Haze please don't disappear please don't disappear 180 wait it gives 20. 13 seconds I don't think I can possibly get any more haste my team instead too fast I could actually still get them it's impossible to hit them all time though ah he has another Dash oh my god I didn't even slow him shoot I love Echo man I love his 20 dashes he really outplayed me there foreign man I lost my blue so annoying how I always have a bully bear come from behind me and force me into them let's droop I got my full build we can proof up an end need them all not to die before I get there oh I could sell my boots and get five more haste if I buy an item that gives there's not really anything that goes 25 haste or 20 haste I can get five more haste if I buy 20 haste items I don't think it's worth it though I don't think they're on the baron but we don't see them we can just do this they're not coming Echo has more kills than me that's how balanced he is look at that 160 CS to 320. but his Champion has 10 dashes and can one shot arm repeat man why did they not walk up don't worry I'll eat the rocket with my face Shields of plenty well other front lines though we just got to kill Echo and we're good I need blue oh here's a g-a hey two for one what the [ __ ] bro can they [ __ ] die how many times we gotta kill him all right we need an inhale Echo died at least I thought I was totally gonna die when echoed because that's all it takes for Echo to kill me all right I think I can perm a shield actually you can we got him we got him a bug down where to bear it we might as well do dragon I'm not sure if Pike realizes this but he can't kill anybody alone at this point we need to get them low even if he gets them low they're just gonna zillion alter Echo Alto gether you want to kill it probably quicker if she kills it [Music] hold on hold on hold on aha 12.5 second Lux I'll take that I can click bait it now 12 second luck salt let's just round it down because I can't okay we don't need to go mid come back we got mid inhib that's a biggest mistake people make is after you get mid and hip you don't need to go mid no more there's other lanes if I just feels like going top I mean that's fine as long as we have people down here we just need to kill Echo echo's like the only threat I don't think she dies unless this lethality Kate oh all right flash we're gonna get jumped on spell Shields y'all got it oh God they're kind of fast they're kind of dead we have Garen though if Garen silences Echo then Echo just dies remix redo do-over I got caught it's your problem now oh God wait where are you going how many times am I gonna off this fight how many times they gonna revive where's kha'zix what happened to kha'zix I thought he was behind us killing us he's not dead whatever we'll take her instead I'm not done with you bear oh I can't reach him how did kha'zix just not kill Caitlyn right there echo's still alive foreign oh do over I'll do over Jesus let me play I knew this was going to be annoying when they had a zillion and an echo okay good job now we go top and baron well good thing I have a build where I can cast a million spells because we gotta kill him a million times I think Echo can alt then get zillion altered and then Echo can just alt again he doesn't have that much Haze though gotta be careful I don't get caught wait you beat him he's got a ga also foreign stupid bug oh he found kite Ike found him please yes I hit him yeah you can't move out of that oh he lost Garen they got gas they got zillion oh shoot how does this guy always get behind me how I thought my team was here how does bully bear get there first we might lose yeah we're gonna lose this fight gotta get the echo oh nice okay Caitlyn goes here all right we're fine I I didn't see bully I saw my teammates right here so I assumed they were gonna come behind me and help me but no it's bully bear that came to flank me for the tenth time this game she lives did the Dragon 2D dragon at least Caitlyn's strong I think zillion keeps speeding up fully bear so and he's got forced nature so he just runs ocean soul anybody any ocean solars no all right we got 30 seconds actually kha'zix is up he could be doing it I don't know why we're choosing to farm midwave over ocean soul ocean soul it's gonna die as soon as we get vision of it I'm calling it okay he's not here fortunately kha'zix doesn't care about ocean soul either oh he's there where is he though I'll reveal him check the bush check this bush yep I knew it he's gonna steal it oh he jumped out of the pit what are you doing all right [Music] the laws of Echo Man the champion always gets fed no matter what give him one kill he gets ten more at least if your team has CC though and he goes in and gets cc'd he kind of dies sometimes sometimes not always but man they really denied me like 40 kills I'll take it that was fun though we got to Ulta lot if you guys enjoyed leave a like on the video before you go also subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least leave a comment below and also check out my website swag.gg I got signed mouse pads I got cool custom keyboards and a lot of other stuff so check it out let's see the damage everybody played fine got a key I have to click on 500 pop-ups hey we did the most damage 64k here's our Rune stats arvested 2K cheap shot actually did the same amount of damage as harvest don't know how that's possible maybe because all the slows from my e and Q but yeah other than that see you later peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 348,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yWh1A-z1RSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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