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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some zerth in the mid lane we're running Comet Mana flow absolute Focus Gathering storm eyeball and ultimate Hunter we're going to be testing out the new starter item basically it's a Blackfire torch normally zerth was going luden and it didn't really feel as great as last season's luden but now they added Blackfire torch which is basically LeAndre of last season it's going to burn the enemies for 3 seconds every time you hit them and it doesn't have a cool down it also does more damage to Jungle monsters so if you're a mage in the jungle it could be good this will be a really good uh item for Champs like zerth Vela and other Mages cuz we can't really go malignants first on zerth I mean you can people are doing it but it just didn't feel that great when the items just locked around your alt I think this will having this item added will actually be a nice buff to zerth without them directly buffing him he's going to be stronger just cuz he has a better item give me Mana but not broken and that's nice cuz like you can't really build leand this season on zerth because it gives Health it doesn't give any haste or Mana which is usually what he needs so now that it's on a lost chapter item I think we'll still go the chapter before the burn item though zerth uses a lot of Mana I fit One auto attack in between every spell here I see the for together she got me I'm fine still she doesn't have ignite and I still have barrier and barrier actually got buffed right now it uh it Shields more they nerfed a lot of other Summoner spells I don't think they touched ignite but I know they nerfed exhaust and ghost uh-oh I got a flash you going to die what are you doing an enemy can't believe that hit her that wasn't even on her Ally has been SL the Brier chomped too early but I mean I was going to bury her anyway so it wouldn't have killed me uh does she still have flash I could get flash Charmed right I think we just leave life chapter good damage Teo jungle it makes like the LeAndre noise too just for a 900 item so it makes it seem like the burn does a lot you got me now will Lando how did you get crumbs in your mouse pad I use mine as a dinner plate too but I just like you can pick it up and everything just falls off hey usually when my mouse pad gets really dirty or whatever I just kind of switch it to a new one cuz I have a lot of mouse pads it's like is it really worth the effort to wash and clean your mouse pad when you can just get another one from like $20 depends how far gone it is an ally has been slain washing machine um the only thing I'm worried about is if it's in the washing machine the rubber on the back might just like fall apart or melt you put it on hot I mean most of it you can just get a rag and just wipe it and usually that cleans everything but maybe stains emotions are distraction we got the burn did I do that much damage with one hit you know what they need to do they need to add what was it called Death fire touch the the Rune that burned every time you hit someone I just try and predict where she's at I'm not even going to look watch this she probably already re theair of morals it would have been cool though if I got her you know h oh I'm already one-shotting super or caster minions with my Q cuz of the burn oh yeah that's also why I hated luten cuz like it's it made farming worse well not worse but it's just like I don't know for the last like two seasons or something on Zer if I have a full item completed and even sometimes when I have boots and start building another item my Q doesn't one-hot the Caster minions which it did for like the longest time ever I am the man I'm going to take some damage here but I'm not going to die hoping she'd Dash into it that hold together who could use all the burn items now besides a I think I'm dead no matter what like I'd flash but she was going to flash too and I just die to the bleed potentially not going to risk it zin's support what am I building next I wouldn't really go eludin with this it's just too much Mana I might do Shadow flame actually it'd be nice with the burn I mean you could actually do Blackfire LeAndre on zerth would be a lot of burn but zerth is a lot of burst too and you lose out on that burst if you're trying to just only burn why is she taking so much damage you got Shel come here I got shrooms is there somebody oh my God there's a whole goddamn team no I think I'm still dead to Brier wait what though an ally has oh don't root me don't root me oh my God I actually made it out ashw spam I mean it could work with this I mean I guess yeah actually I'd still build LeAndre to potentially you I lost a lot of minions there though yeah I'm not going to go leand I'm going to build what I think would be the the best zarth build when this patch comes out I would do like a LeAndre second if I was against like a ton of Tanks I always wait for them to Al like that cuz you have like a split second after Ari alss to aim at her and hit her before she's dashes again she gets locked out of it for a second where's Brier I have two shrooms in the river we just spotted her but I shall this is already done a thousand a lot more than luden and ludin gets wasted on minions too like it'll pop on the minions and it won't hit a champion so that's another reason why this is better and this does pretty much the same damage as luten this is 28 time three and this does 67 plus sometimes it hits him for an additional charge for half of that so this is just better I mean who would really go ludin instead of this I have a feeling they're going to Nerf this it's going to last one patch Mages will feel semi decent and then they'll get nerfed an enemy I just waited for the right time I know that she missed the charm so she literally has nothing that can burst me just wait till I have the right angle play it slow I'm going to die to Brier if I go for this oh yeah AP Sho would really like this too AP Sho has his burn item back I got to get team has destroyed a turet it's just like I'm not realizing how many champions got screwed over by them taking out old leandre's I still need to D kill everybody but Ari that works just guaranteed do I get an assist at least I hit him oh I'm going to be in trouble aha you thought well if we kill this guy I will get another ultimate Hunter stack yeah we got him well I just went from one to four stonis and we have Shadow flame so then I make this item crit when they're low stand your team has destroyed Morana yeah be good on Morana I mean I'm just trying to think like this gives five more AP but it's like I feel like even any Champion that builds ludin would just want this instead though cuz it gives this gives 4% more AP also for burn I think they're going to Nerf this item eventually and just put it down to like 75 AP or something lower I I just don't see a reason why you'd build ludin instead of this cuz most Mages who build the last chapter can't really burst anyway oh I'm dead ah ah got her you have slain an enemy there's a Brier over the wall she wasn't even worth killing she was worth 150 your team has destroyed oh atrox has got to Res D's dead hey oh into the shroom that guy fed no he's only got two he tanky wow oh he has no dash he's going to die before I get to hit him though this is like the longest fight in the world we're not going to be able to catch her let's go oh yeah we will you have slain an enemy the fight doesn't ever stop the world forgot me now mean that has 4% AP scaling too I mean what they could do instead of nerfing this is just buff ludin it's not like Champions that use ludin are broken right now anyway I will show you I think I just get like a death cap next an Al why is he so fast do I get an assist he's not even burning wait why wasn't he burning I'm missing everything holy got that tro are you going to die how come the burn didn't get applied to Zin there oh I know why he has to take damage dealing damage I didn't deal Dam oh go I think my Q got cancelled that heal oh all right I think this this death cap void is going to be the way to go or maybe even just Blackfire into death cap cuz like it gives the 4% more AP not Zin it Shin well what are you going to do about it yeah it's Jin see I went in front of the dashes if the only way she can dodge those is if she waits for me to shoot and then she dashes but if she dashes first it's a set distance I know exactly where she's going to land I just killed Jin wow that crit him that did a lot ow ow ow lamps hurt I'm surprised she didn't go the item Al where oh gosh this burn is worse first tank tanks than um leandre's burn like aandre would be really good versus these two oh my God what I get CC from so long how didn't even move I think I got zyro rooted I got Shen taunted can't get that close an ally has been slain how about I'll call him gin sha for you I mean I'll get Oblivion orb too probably I just want to finish death C it's nicer to build anti-heal now with this because this will keep applying I believe I see the forces oh she could use the blood mail pretty well actually your tret has destroyed destroyed if he hits anything I all I stand at the brink of infinity why is she running at me like that a I'm going to get Charmed jeez bro I think if I flash I die why is our Nautilus bot all right I got death cap zin's not even or Jin isn't even that he's not tanky it's just his alt but we need to get the next dragon Nautilus is just not doing a good job at peeling because he's never in the fight I start fighting some somebody and then the Avengers show up they on this I don't think so but maybe I need to get a blue trinket I got Al him if he gets away you an enemy nice really good by Nautilus not to hook him there cuz if Nautilus hooked him he would have pulled him out of my spells and he wouldn't have died right away and then I probably would have lost half my health a darn oh almost wonder if justana knows both of these items don't give crit chance oh well that's this item does kaken doesn't oh my god oh good Dodges though I'm hitting pretty hard on the squishy I mean she already aled didn't she this guy's right here miss she burning though she burning oh help help I'm literally going to die just going to try and help and do damage over here an enemy has I'm useless against Shen he's too tanky even though he has zero magic resist I just I can't kill him before he would kill me so I just have to try and run but I can't really run CU I'm slow um damn I'm close to the void wait a seconds are still need 100 150 Shadow flame passive make storm surge CR yeah but storm surge doesn't hit very hard 22 that's cuz I have 700 AP I would Al this guy but then he might Al Al I mean this isn't doing like an absurd amount of damage to be label as op it's good still though it's not like luden would be doing any better though leandre's I bet would have more burn damage than this it's just if I built a leandre's first I'd be way weaker wonder why she flashed and just Al flash charm's faster but she missed okay we got void I'll go get blue trinket oh we need they might do the baron are they actually can't do the baron that quick they don't have an ADC but if we lose this Dragon it's going to be very difficult to win I'll have to build a Mel or booy or if I take Zyra out of the fight before it starts damn try to predict your dash all right we're fine yeah I was doing some damage there we go to Baron or we could try and take mid inhib I'd rather have the mid inhib because then we can probably get Baron easier or if we do lose Baron our a fight we don't get punished as hard later cuz we'll have the wave cleared it'll just be easier to fight if they're down inhib R's going to Al in though and then Shen's going to Al couldn't hit anything on Zim I stand at the brink of infinity I gain like 20 20 something AP per Champion I have burning I can't believe that hit I'm dead might as well Al and do damage Teemo you're supposed to hit her a ran instead of doing any damage an enemy has been SL track's got Zyra he's probably dead here oh oh he doesn't have all all right they can't Baron all right what would I want last what item am I getting that I don't normally build Horizon wouldn't be bad I could get this storm surge does give 10 pen ryen gives me some haste though and 10% more damage or I could throw in that LeAndre since they are pretty pretty beefy oh wait they are they all are building h except this guy um I'll throw in a leandre's I don't think it'll be bads of magic are mine alone sell boots great observation yes I will sell boots to afford an item and then I'll be even slower much do I need damn's like what are you doing an ally still has a dash and I lost vision of both he hit a shroom though he's almost dead help oh my God oh my God stop healing wait where's the Shen oh atrox canceled it I'm running out of Mana I could have actually throwing in like a ludin or malignants too we're losing bot turret but I just get like a blue potion dude she does not die she gets do she have Eclipse no I don't know she just has so much healing then she gets St sheld then she gets shenel I feel like she got another Shield somewhere that guy like instantly dies where's Brier me I got to move got a Blinder got a Blinder oh my God why would you hit her out of turret Dragon we need Vision we're going to die here emo didn't blind her and Tristana hit her to safety I will be atrox say TP hook grab him oh beautiful hook en I need Vision in this bush we have a ward wait what the hell where the hell did Shen come from how's he heal killing what is going on wow I'm still going to kill her oh my God that's a lot of damage oh no she's coming kill it quick get away from me all right let's go to Baron the thing is leand is also giving me 6% more damage that's only a little bit less than the Horizon plus I get the burn I don't have enough money to sell my fots uh I could actually sell for a horizon but then I won't have a blue potion but YOLO or how much haste do I get on all oh wait really 56 49 I lose six only 6 seconds for a malignance is a really really bad I see the forces that hold the universe together I guess 25 haste 6 seconds on all but whatever unable that time she just did all let me go get B damn I'm going to have like 1,200 I could have like, 1300 AP if I hit five people at once he might just try to go for me before he dies oh my God explosion Gathering Storm's going to pop and then I get even more AP I'm so slow though look at me we need just like run down mid and end this I I'm strong enough I could take out like two people with just my ALT 1230 oh I think she's dead to burn, 1300 AP where's PR oh my gosh I'm as slow as a turtle but I hit pretty hard that was fun yeah feels uh feels good I don't think it's going to be Nerf though I actually don't think it's super broken it just kind of feels weird that ludin like they need to add magic like flat magic pin on luden's and then they'd be like oh I got to decide between this and that they're basically the same item but the burn is going to do more damage I so it's like they need to like change them oh did PB go down oh PB went down all right well can't see the damage on both my videos today unfortunately but it's okay if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least make sure you're just pretending like you're looking at the damage maybe you see something maybe you don't but yeah I'll see you guys later have a great day peace
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 111,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5T4iv3yl9vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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