My whole team thought I was trolling for picking Nunu mid... but then I carried them all

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Noo-noo in the mid lane and we are running electrocute cheap shot eyeball treasure water walking and Nimbus cloak and I took ghost cleanse my team thinks I'm running it down but I'm actually going to carry they think they're getting a free loss but it's actually a free win and No-No mid's actually really strong I can probably win without Flash ignite and what I like to do is start with w Wait For The W roll this big snowball in and clear those we just want to hit two really quick cuz once I hit level two then I have my q and I can Chomp minions so he's got to tank this wave I mean I could already send a snowball to a side lane but not the greatest idea I want to hit level two first I could try and hit this brand with a snowball since he tanked the minion wave he's already missing some HP I'll just get the minions guaranteed all right let's go uh roome Top This guy's got to deal with a lot of minions here we go think we got him nice Noo-noo has like such good uh map presence early just cuz he's everywhere with the snowball I always hate playing against new new jungles it's cuz he's everywhere might be able to kill this guy going to i n almost I missed my first e on him well you know what I could do pretend like I'm leaving but actually come back with a snowball Al hey my cleanse could actually be of use ver him he has no flash and he's dead ghost cleanse newno strikes again all right we're going to be maxing Q even though it seems like we use our W the most 's actually a little bit better cuz W will still clear minions but Q does a lot more damage and heals us all right we can try and gank bot we're going to go Sor shoes first don't hit me Sor shoes seal and then a rocket belt I bet if we stayed really still we'd become invisible I'll always see you will we have a solid comp too like we scale so I just need to carry the early game there a Rengar here not that one I mean at this point I should be able to out heal brand damage as long as he doesn't hit three spells on me an ally has been SL let's try and send a snowball from the side you won't see this one coming okay he sees it coming I think he has a ward hey Brand how you doing see you later you're first tickling me where's Rengar I want to gank but B shoved up there ain't nothing over there HP I guess I'll just keep snowballing mid oh I have Al all right let's go run bot I might not have enough Mana to Al oh hey how you doing where you going oh he got me with the ignite that brand damage at least I got Rengar all right let's do the alternator Bran Got A shutdown though that's not good if he didn't have ignite I would live at thund if you sail the sister seek SE sister from the ocean speaks will I want to meet her uh did brand alt oh he's gone anyway oh we can go to I'm coming keep your eyes open for Treasure like skulls or Rusty swords cool need to utilize the fruits in the river to get my Mana back too oh you're done all right snowball to the face I thought I was going to have to Chomp him I mean got blue buff hope scarner doesn't check this an ally has been slain need one more Chomp 7 Seconds no reason to even hit it cuz if I hit it it'll be one HP by the time Chomps up scarner comes he steals it they're on Dragon an ally has been damn it or why didn't you recall let's put the wait in this bush I don't know if I hit him or not oh he walked out of it an ally has been SL I wonder if he had Vision holy damage I'm dead no I'm fine that was his Al though I believe if he ignited me that might have been worse he must have had a ward in that bush my God is botling finally letting them push out think they know I'm here an enemy has SL what would you do scratch behind yours I just I can't go in when they're full HP especially if I don't have alt hey scarner died the Adventure Continues I guess I'll help him with these uh snowball in 10 I mean Zyra doesn't have Alt I'll stay in the river I got the water walking I think I might just go for Zyra she has no route she's done unless she flashes this what a drift what a drift are these still hitting me kind of scared Bran's going to just melt me every single fight though all right let's do we try storm surge we actually do a lot of burst spark of my own foring an ally has been slain I need to just keep roaming though Bran's kind of hard to kill solo might be a double run Kitty just going to all cuz I don't know where brand is if he's like in this bush and stuns me pretty sure he just recalled but I'm doing a lot of damage oh he has no Q like chunked him got his flash I mean I'll infinitely heal I'm going to pretend like I'm roaming he's going to come back to clear cuz he's greedy oh brand oh shoot it's fine I don't need to hit the snowball if he's low crumble I'll clear another wave so he loses some Farm to Turret I mean I'm the same Farm as him but I'm like rarely mid anymore I just clear wave and run ooh plating I think I get Ma I want a maiz but also go help this guy I might die I think or might have him oh yeah he got him okay Brand's going to be in this bush since he's not at turret oh you're dead you don't flash good try I have no Mana to clear this wave I'll just base oh fire dragon perfect well Noo-noo is getting strong are the rym and my floats the melody once I have storm surge I could probably just one shot brand without my ALT for the yeti coming bot doesn't matter if they have a ward the thing about noooo is once you see them it's too late told you too late good thing I went for Zyra Kate had no Flash oh Ally going to back up damn it Swain you got a million spells if you believe in magic damn I'm doing a lot of damage to this I as well just take the turret well you're not going to kill me ringer bro you are dying okay you guys can't kill me uh br's going up an Al let's clear this so they don't get turret Jinx is clearing mid so that's good damn okay 11 kill Noo-noo does a lot of damage especially when he has a magi I'm going death cap after this I mean I don't have to worry about Grand damage if I just one shot him right I'm hoping he doesn't build either banshees Veil hourglass or heal reduction if he doesn't build any of those easy for me oh he's dead one for one where' my turret go need to watch Harold I don't think he's on it I mean I can One V one ringar cuz if he jumps on me I just Al he can't go through the wall now but he might have flash STM surge explosion normally you're supposed to take flash ignite on this build too I'd be even stronger with that your team destroyed [Music] AET oh no no I wasted my sums I really wish that Jinx ability hit or she aled I think I didn't cleanse the stun fast enough I don't know what happened he lived with like one HP my stonis I'm just feeding bro which sucks I just gave him th000 gold I mean orange seems decent but I I really think we're going to struggle with this brand just cuz he do a lot of damage without being good I mean we do have y Jinx they're not doing well though but they could they could get back in the game we're getting objectives though where is she Zyra kind of exploded sorry I'm hungry they the dragon oh yeah ocean soul could actually save us vers s brand don't fight him Swain not going to end well let's take his turret an ally Wayne's got it I'm coming team destroy Rengar is going to run away from me a I aled too early but but I mean they both flashed this is fine I want you to get the kill oh I'm trolling no that route hit me then I got ignited I got to go in go ye go that's fine that's fine actually I still have 15 stacks and we got ye some kills cuz I need teammate did we get the dragon at least yes could get a banshees Veil that would help but I want to do Dam more damage I'll probably need to get banshees fail after this though he hurts a lot or I could get [ __ ] Plum and then heal a little bit after killing him but I already heal a ton with q damn Zyra went over the wall to root mea whoa teleporter I mean hourglass might even be better than banshees since Caitlyn chunked me really hard there too and then I can hourglass the brand burn where's BR Zyra died at least oh you died I'm pretty sure Bran's going to be up here my first snowball blunder wonder he's all right all right their team's on their way up here this Terri monster that might go hourglass magic SS but Power sa the world we get a ward here Zyra is not there so they're probably not on it if I can wait in a bush I could oneshot their whole team if they start clumping up as five I'll need to split watch out Brands coming oh they got scarner at least oh no no they don't enemy has been slain enemy dou not a monster I've created a monster going try and get like Kate down here alone jump on me I dare you bro where'd he go I bet I can fly oh no I'm getting TP on oh I would have one shot Rengar too B's not here we got to go oh no come on ye get in there Swain all right en I got melted by the CC I can't avoid Zyra rout which sucks I should know went for her I mean they don't have Mr I don't need a void I guess I'll just get a banshees cuz I I could die it now you can't fight this guy damn if he did the triple brutal Al combo he would have had him think Kate's on drag yeah rip as Zyra counters me and then Brand's really strong or's going to just keep pushing top till he dies unfortunately Ally I know how many pings he needs to back up W angry forgot TOS they seem to always have flash up for my alt and Zyra is doing a good job at warding everything damn that was almost 3,000 damage Kaboom oh damn nobody came over here and for farts I knew it I'm get br's flash here I think that's huge I got him before he could do any damage we need to go Baron we need to go get scarner and baron breath not ice WS oh my God one shot this guy the hell happened he's bot we can't even do this rip mom's out there somewhere I can hear her an enemy has been slain I mean we don't need ye if Jinx Just Hits us and we're not on VIs we can get it she might be on that Ward Vision I don't know okay whatever Brar is bot but if bran gets in here and alss we're we're both dead and he gets Baron oh I guess I don't need a team to do this wow okay I don't think I can sell boots this game I'll be too slow still no Mr which is good with this banshees Veil I can just like straight up run down brand if he doesn't have Flash he's dead I can't move I should have cleansed it but I don't know I didn't think it would have run well there goes his Flash super unlucky he lived with one HP I mean I just couldn't live with one HP I was about to queue I didn't know I was stunned at the end there though I was rooted but I should I think my queue just wasn't up I don't know destroyed tret I don't think I was uh TC out a q it just wasn't up yet or maybe it was I mean I one shot scarner I'll just go get him but brand flash is down now you should beat him not if he does that you can't me I miss you too Hat's only died twice I don't know how I'm going to get to her cuz I have to go for everyone else first is so holy aen are B Shield don't save you against me just need ye to split I get this scarner they have to go stom him they're not here there's no way still here they are here I'm literally killed in two Auto attacks from the FED Kate cleans doesn't do anything she still gets the damage oh get her please yeah she's dead that's good they're going to die to this guy though oh they might kill him though okay Jinx is dead only oh my God look at that damage it might still die no holy I would rather had ye get the inhib but that's okay so disgusting i d two Caitlin Auto attacks and she's got anti-heal if he W's this or Q's it that works enemy has wow he actually did it good job kin counters me Zyra counters me they're building Mr now but ye's getting strong Jinx actually is doing stuff in fights too I just need need to get picks or just I don't know pick pretty much really hard for me to someone could be a kill he's roed I'm going to go split I think they like send everybody for me oh he Brands you see he just caught what hit hit him did all I can't believe branes died there we win I wanted to Al this wave so bad but get 1,00 Shield Caitlin still kills me through that though I just need to get a side lane pushing hero don't need hugs okay you're not looking now get in you big first all right now she's just standing still I think I have to queue him first he's not going in cuz if I Al he has the spell shield I'm just going to go for your team has destroyed turet ringard died the only STS is a SN br's here that's fine if I bring him out of the fight he's not killing anyone I'm just wasting his time he aled me your team has destroyed an in down just wasting your time bud when are you going to figure that out everyone knowses are bra and oh nice they have I think they mental boomed they a lot of them were standing still like typing and stuff nice GG if you guys enjoyed the new new game make sure to leave a like also subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but at least leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next see the damage chart look at that almost 50k damage oh Caitlyn ended up doing more damage in brand but the thing is like once she's caught and dies their fight's over like once these two die they have nothing what should I heal 19k here's our Rune stats electrocute did 2500 cheap shot did 1,000 and other than that I'll see you guys later thanks again for watching have a wonderful rest of your day
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 135,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4A2FnjOBvcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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