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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some vein in the Top Lane we're running lethal Tempo triumphalacrity cut the grass conditioning and overgrowth we're gonna do triple true damage veins So Vain silver bolts under W does true damage every third hit from Max health I'm gonna get a rage blade which makes that proc um twice every third hit so that's double true damage and then I'm gonna do riff maker as my Mythic which makes me do nine percent of my damage is true damage so I have triple true damage there let's see how it works it's actually pretty good verse thanks it also give us healing so I think the build I'm going to do is play to the ruin King first then I'll do the rage blade and riff maker third because riff maker first item would be the worst decision ever but after I have a few items the AP from it won't hold me down because once vayne gets a blade of the Rune King she kind of beats everybody and as of this video being up this morning I just hit 600k so thank you guys all for subscribing I won't bother you anymore for a while till we are close to like 700k but maybe I'll bother you guys on the other channel on swag zerath we're almost at 500k I think we're like 25k off or something I don't know either way it's also my birthday today so nice little present you guys gave me by subscribing thank you so much okay so vein top I mean I can all in this guy if he misplays in the slightest there's a reason everybody hates playing against Fame cops because you're she's arranged she kind of counters tank slash bruisers in a way got it okay getting a gank from Serge he must have saw because he started running right away I don't think we'll kill him here but we'll get his uh flash at least no oh it's getting close oh wow that actually killed him cool I made sure since I was already targeting targeting him I didn't need to uh click again I just had to Tumble and it would keep Auto attacking him because normally there I'd accidentally click the turret or something okay so I have flash ghost I don't have TP to get back to Lane so what I might do is just Ace now let's see this slow pushes towards him unless he hits them with his Q I'll actually stay because if he freezes it I'm gonna get behind okay we're gonna Max W still I thought with the vein Buffs people would start maxing Q go crit but I looked at what everybody's building and stuff and they're they're still doing the same thing as before silver of the Moon the Buffs did help her early game though which vayne actually is terrible bottling like I tried playing vain ADC the other day and got completely ran over didn't even have time to scale but when you play her Top Lane you're just good throughout the whole game so I think she's actually gonna turn into a top laner over an ADC because you get bullied by a botlet you get poked out you get engaged on by the support topplane is just a 1v1 and the vein is actually really good at 1v1s a 1400 I could get boots first to kite them boots or yeah we'll do boots and then blade of the room King I hear the innocent cry out I want the long-surdity attack speed I'll just do the long sword because it costs more thus means it's better right I already have the attack speed anyway who else died oh ye died they got a pretty fun comp Master Yi and Shen are going to be an interesting combo to deal with I think I'll be okay I just have to somehow kill you faster and he can kill me but I'll have conditioning and what I can do if the game makes it long enough is after riff maker I'll go Titanic Hydra to turn into the lawnmower vein build oh he missed I thought he already hit it he's just dead because if he tries to run away I'm faster than him Bane gets move speed chasing okay nobody saw the record amount of Auto cancels there but he's dead I don't know why I kept canceling Autos there the dark should feel either a misclicked or lost Vision or I don't know but yeah there's there's really nothing he can do to me unless he hits that hook on me right away because he's he's not winning a fight because I have the tools to peel him off and I kind of deal more damage than him if he misses his Q laughs my Skin's pretty satisfying Auto attacks Purge with silver what is this in the dawnbringer hey I spent like 10 or 15 dollars to buy this skin for this video so I better get a happy birthday in the comments I better at least get one happy birthday or congratulations on 600k both are acceptable from their pain I'm probably gonna stream tonight too for you guys it'll probably be on YouTube on this channel so maybe like three four hours after this video comes out see if I'm Live come say hi on wings now he could just alt in here I just need a not oh I'm dead no matter what I'd rather die to him than me I need to dodge the Q if he didn't hit the queue I could have maybe kited him out there but he he had another Dash on me with his e even though I'm invisible I guess it still shows where I'm at or dashes towards my location I overstayed though it's pretty low anyway but but I was saying like all he has to do is alt and that's gonna guarantee hit me I can't actually Dodge that let's get more attack speed oh at least you didn't get it I was gonna get ganked by ye anyway there so I was probably a dead regardless oh he went armor boots first too smart man if you're against a heavy ad top always build these first if they Auto attack these are one of the best items in the game versus AV the other best item I think is thornmail if you already have a lot of armor at least his hey you said I pushed him out of meditate hey nice there we go the power of vain top oh I got the herald only 25 gold I thought I gave 50. nice we'll take it everybody's doing well once he gets a shot down though he kind of gets out of control just what happens see if I can get a plating I think it's a free plating foreign fight I just have so much more DPS on him but I think he's coming back up here they do have ghosts but I don't know if I have enough health bar to survive ye combo I just can't let clad get his mount back because then he's gonna halt me so I could just base here what's an eye oh wait a second I'll wait a second we need 50 gold for this could stun him against the wall here oh he's pretty close to oh he's gonna get it off the minion I think well hopefully his alt doesn't hit this bush oh he's not gonna get a uh I'm not taking the risk we got blade of the Rune King in the bag I think he's going ravenous Hydra is what floods were going when I played him last month ago foreign get my Cannon okay so blade into rage blade which makes blade of the room King hit twice and my w hit twice which rageblade is like a gigantic power Spike I just got conditioning so I have uh some free armor and Magic resist and uh overgrowth Health which is really nice for beefing me up because Bane doesn't really need that much extra damage in it runes just needs lethal Tempo she just works off attack speed and auto attacks this true damage is Gonna Hurt No matter what I build is the nice thing look at that he lost his Mount instantly it's just dead seems to be a brawl going on Mid but Mastery gets nothing you tumble into a wall it kind of Auto resets something let me try it a little faster you do it right clad my adult there I'm not uh not at that fight club could easily rotate there after respawning but he may come top don't think he wants to lose his turret so fast but he's not even safe under it the dragon is that M Tech I think this is oh he's made okay so free turret already Bane top just do in vain top things foreign anyway oh they're up here hello oh do I have to ghost I think I'm faster my ALT gives me a ton of move speed there he goes shut down we lost Nico Master use zero four but he does have cracking pledge only useful for his see oh they done did it to me see if I can fight this pop my ghost really late here foreign I'll take it I should have popped my ghosts right away but I thought it was gonna die a lot quicker there that was decent kiting for me for not a clicking I didn't drop really I think I dropped Maybe One auto attack that whole Chase well I have Rage of late already that was quick where are you richly and then I just need the uh riff maker sedge couldn't steal this one but he is not getting away unless oh yeah well with the way he's running he's not getting away well a blasting wand doesn't help me at all but this does so I guess I'll just buy that nice I'm gonna yoink the red yeah I mean vayne unfortunately doesn't have anything that scales with AP or I probably would have done AP vein already okay on level 12. oh that's the nice thing about vein top too if I was ADC even if I was fed I'd only be level nine right now so I'd be three levels under that's a that's the one thing I don't like about playing ADC is being under level on everybody haven't been missing any cannons today so far okay did you just fight the whole team in their base wait where are they oh Victor Smith I'm not gonna be able to kill it before the TP okay I think he died to red oh yeah ah did I get ignited for that he ignited me at the end for 42 damage I got ignited twice there I thought even though I Ed if he got his Q off at the same time it cancels my e and he's still outfits towards me it's probably better I died as Shen than he [Music] all right yeah the thing I like about rain is either you're gonna tumble in 1v3 do some cool plays and like kill them all or you're gonna tumble in 1v3 and instantly die and make a fool out of yourself all right riff maker what is this gonna give me up omnivamp haste health health will go really good with my overgrowth and my uh hold on there was a bug in my Lane it'll go good with my overgrowth and conditioning and with the Titanic Hydra if we make it there I'll be really strong or bot I don't think they can do dragon without a Yee it's gonna get stolen by Sega unless oh my God where'd she go oh she's gone oh that doesn't kill I didn't wait I didn't even do damage she gained Health off that Caitlyn Holt how is that possible I have my Rift maker got three items for 20 minutes it's pretty nice where's the where's the jungle camps what does quite have oh yes we're having his Hydra but said just one tanky Pig riff maker Titanic Hydra next beware um I'll get the hell why not I'm coming or I could do Titanic and then a runens too or last item may need to be situational in case we start throwing somehow okay not bad oh Victor couldn't get him because he was invisible with the The Dusk blade [Music] the grop killed him all right well with one fight I'll see what I can do with this riff maker what stats it'll give bonus it'll show the bonus damage go right around it so that's three hits right there oh it doesn't update yet till it's done I think oh it wasn't stacked up foreign I dropped an auto 417 extra damage with the wrist not too bad for that fight the Victor all hurt no it was Kate this is a Kate Autos that melt I gotta ignite it again too so my healing was reduced oh well at least you didn't get that shutdown on Ferris because that was a thousand gold well sell the dorans for the Tiamat or let's do it I mean last item I could do randuins too actually ruins I think is really bad on vein I won't build it because it spreads out your silver bolts and I don't think they proc then so yeah it won't go runins we could just go like randuins last if uh wait they're doing Baron are they going there no they're not doing bad hey chicken with fishy health there's no way they're doing it and then he flashed away too okay now they might try to Baron unfortunately he still had flash so I flashed after him to get vision and then he flashed over the wall but that sucks that kled was waiting in that bush too Victor and Clyde were waiting there yeah Randomness last wouldn't be that bad Victor's their only AP [Music] he's just taking a little bit extra time to die what else could I go I could do Hall breaker and split I don't think that would be that bad but I can't fight with my team then I'd lose the stats yeah it's either I go in an offensive item like a phantom dancer all right go a defensive item which is probably better feel it true you can I'm done I could easily melt uh Baron with such if sedge tanks it they melt Baron's so fast faint's a baron melter especially if I have the rageblade true damage but Mastery uses seguani melter why didn't you get stuck oh my God I almost died I don't think a Kate all kills me at this health 578 riffmaker wants an extended fight that's what it's good for oh I have uh Titanic so I have wave clear okay yeah my options are hole breaker randuins which I probably am going to need a randuins with how much that ye melted me there me yeah or uh what's it called phantom dancer but I think my damage is fine I'll just uh I'll split because their team gets resets and if I can draw them away from my team and I could take like two or three of them out because I think I can 1v3 it just matters if I get hit by that kled Q because the kled Q reveals me if I'm invisible I believe and also this Titanic's hitting twice now with the rage blade they take too long I don't think any of them are at the base but I have a really thin minion okay there's a TP if pledge alone I can beat them easily oh it's Victor okay they're all basing they're all gonna try and collapse on me now I don't want to die up here with their whole team up here he's not here because they'll do they'll do Baron evil looks around behind me I'd get all the way over there oh my God that guy died so fast I push the he's dead may as well man I lost so much damage in my own oh I didn't kill quite I killed her killed Victor I'd hit Q on me though so I was Auto dead I didn't want a ghost if my ALT wasn't up it's all physical damage I'm taking so definitely Iran doodles let me pick that bad boy up let's do oh yeah Ward and smell so Titanic did 700 already there this is at 800 at bonus damage it's also healing me giving me extra ability power which is absolutely useless 303 oh yeah it gives like 70. warden's mail should help me survive a lot more now I'm just also I'm literally getting ignited every single fight by either clutter Shen the Shadows are to be feared I'll split bot that way I bring him away from Baron either and if they get Baron I get a bottom inhib pops open so I can grab this at any time if I split up there I don't want to split up there though while there are whole teams up there I have flash ghost alt so I should be able to win the next fight against them unless I kill Victor again or kill one of them and then they just wait out my own varus is getting caught oh nice Zedge blocked it okay I have time to push oh no I don't we're losing Baron somebody's got to stop me though and they use their teepees didn't they they use Channel he can't run V1 me because I go invisibly yeah they can't Barrens they're basing maybe like two of them could Baron there goes his mouth oh shoot they got the baron still and they're already here oh laughs I hear the people where is he I'm scared there he is okay I made it out I want to try and kill Victor but probably would have died oh I have randoms just a second he's just dead I don't have old but on wings 14 20 on the rift it's working I melted that Shin there I mean he's just a support he hits hornmail not to do the tenacity just be big chungus vein problem here is I don't have vision at least I don't think I die from one shenton but maybe I do oh my God lawnmower vein I didn't even activate the Rangers you're not getting away I'm so fast oh there we go lawnmower vein Penta I was a little scared there I thought he was gonna give me but I still had my ALT active this is my ALT extend extends when the Champions die okay so cool nice that's a good Penta I thought I didn't get one of the kills but my red buff got the kill if that's a power of vain late game and the randuins like look at that blocked 500 damage there 2300 on this Titanic said TK so the Rifts are actually out damaging the Titanic 7 500 on blade you're not beating that yeah my damage is good I just have to survive maybe if I didn't buy that tenacity potion I might have died there I like having ghosts active in a fight but my ALT is fine too but ghosts make sure they don't hit it with I'll just chase this guy since he already used his Dash let me tumble no thing is I ever ran doing so glad actually doesn't hurt me I'm very tanky I have 200 armor I have 200 armor and a lot of healing foreign [Music] that's kind of close though oh hell's Victor I'll take it alts up again ghost is up in 40. probably end the game up next fight though three of them are dead right now that's funny shenkin 1v1 lethality of errors come on lawnmower oh the Titanic what are you serious damn I just got a standstilling I wanted to kill the clad before the shin all went off nice okay that was fun I had a lot of fun kiting them out that was a good game that'll I should have checked the Riff maker and stuff but I I checked it close to the end it actually works I mean I'm sure there's better item you could go than riff maker but it definitely worked and it was fun and that's all that matters around here but yeah if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like on the video also subscribe to the channel if you're not already and leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next look at that 65k damage if we rounded on how much true damage did we do 24 000 true damage so one third of my damage was true a little more than one-third did I do any magic damage what what do I do magic damage with 578. oh 213 seconds of lethal Tempo is crazy cut the grass to 1240 and other than that I mean this kept me alive too I'll see you guys later on the second Channel swag zereth Please go sub to that one too and see you later peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 351,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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