I Created an UNSTOPPABLE ARMY in Creeper World 4

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so here's another map where everything that's placed here is our enemy but it's more than just regular creeper can handle so that's where the transformation Powers come into play we just start this off with a bang and then as this creeper starts to take over this little corner of the world here it's cutting off the power Network which means that this nullifier here loses power and then this emitter can start working so let's get another emitter in place right over here and with our transformation Powers we can select something like this sporl here we place that down it starts to absorb some creeper and then the rest of the creeper flows out through this bottleneck here and then once this is full it launches out spores that get shot down right away but that's just one of the powers that we can use there's also this thing here called a blubber set that down right in the corner and then that will send out blobs 10 whole blobs that's a lot and these emitter structures do take some earn power as well so let's use some more ear power to place down more things like a launcher already that doesn't cost creeper to fund and this can be set to a skimmer I think is a good idea and we can have it Target structures and then we'll get a stash going right at this bottleneck too ooh there go the blobs look at how many there are that is insane how many blobs there is ooh is this going for the missile launcher oh yes it took out the missile launcher good but it's going to get built right away and the rest just get annihilated by that line of snipers that's a lot of Firepower so if the blobs are dying right there then they might as well do something useful like carry some eggs with them that's what this one does o yes the stash fills up so fast in this bottleneck I love it and then once that fills up Kaboom lots of Creeper going out there oh I hope that just gets pushed out like crazy in this direction but it's pushing out just as much in that direction which I'm not a fan of and these skimmers really aren't doing anything productive oh but hey that blob with an egg got sent out and shot down right there ooh that's filling into the trench where all that breeder tile is I love it very good if we could take over that trench that'd be a major foothold for us and there's also an egg that exploded over here which I don't know where these emitters got their giant anti- creeper spikes that is crazy all right let's send out some more blobs with eggs in that direction and the skimmer doesn't really do any good either it stuns that sprayer but it's not really do anything anyway okay instead of having the skimmer Target a structure let's have it Target a location and go straight over this way because if we can stun that Cannon we can start to get a Headway oh and it landed yeah now all that is stunned that Canyon is done for ooh and there go more of the blobs with eggs that is a lot of egg creeper explosions and somehow that egg is there and surviving that's surprising it's like just out of range of the sniper as it has to be but look at all that creeper flowing into the trench now good I'm pretty sure we have it this time and now the creeper is going out this way beautiful so more things are getting destroyed we're taking out all these refineries too so wherever litic is being needed is in some trouble right now very good that skimmer was very effective let's have it Target out some more wonder if it can reach this sniper to take it out which it might be a big ask because that's exactly what's killing the skimmers ooh but look at this we have the trench at least most of it the anti creeper levels are going down and it's filling in with creep that is a beautiful sight to see and more things are blowing up over here hey got rid of that sniper good job little skimmer now go over here to this sniper which there's more snipers up on this Hilltop here so we'll see if it makes it right now the creeper is taking out more of the refineries very good and there's more breeder tile down here but the mortar launchers are giving it a hard time and sure enough the skimmers don't have a chance of making it to that sniper unless I were to send out a whole lot of skimmers we'll just set it right next to the stash so that it keeps getting pumped with creeper ooh and that was a big spike right there yes the more fills up over here the faster the stash fills up that's excellent oh man look at how much coverage the creeper has now that is is amazing if it could start flooding over and getting rid of these snipers that'd be way better for us and somehow this sprayer is still alive because it has a giant Tower of anti creep there I have no idea how you're doing that but I don't like it o that skimmer Shard might make it to stun the sniper oh it just didn't it just barely didn't but that's okay because this skimmer pack here is filling up very quickly and it's going to send out 15 of them this will be good yes look at all them go oh why'd you turn away way where are you going okay well hey more things are being stunned so that's good Advance creeper Advance take out the sniper if you can all right the sniper is back in action and so is that Cannon I need more skimmers let's place them back over here where it's super thick with creeper I'm hoping that all this creeper over here will fill these up like instantly but it still takes a little bit but the stash exploding and then pushing back into this way should help with that ooh and they got stunned again excellent there we go more skimmers more St even though the stuns are a bit far away but ooh hey that one actually kind of made it if that's where it was going it took out wow it took out all of those weapons oh that creep should be able to fill in now come on we need to start taking out some more things I need more skimmers going that way I need to keep a steady supply of skimmers going that sniper is so close to Dead come on creeper just take it out please all right here come more skimmers should do some good for us ooh took out a sniper up there or stunned it anyway that's it that's it that's it just got to keep whittling down the sniper so our skimmers can get a little bit farther and stun the cannon ooh yes it stunned the pylon too so the skimmers really aren't doing their job very well maybe I should switch over to blobs having blobs go in that direction would be very beneficial and then we can change this launcher over to blobs as well hopefully that should do better I'll have it try to Target this mortar instead which everything in front of it is on the way so if the blob hits it it gets destroyed anyway o there go some more blobs but they're going not as many in this direction as I would like so as a result they really don't make it as far blobs with eggs hopefully do something different I wish I could tell them where to go but I can't and what's happening over here okay there were Shields that were broken down from the creeper and this entire area is filled with anti creep that's a lot ooh but some of the sprayers got destroyed over here you know the ones at the big towers so we're making some sort of progress there I don't know how much but we're making it okay I'm guessing a blob with an egg died right here so maybe that's good ooh there's one going out that way but it's it just shot down right away we're just going to start placing some blob egg spawner things out in front so I hopefully have a better direction of where to go I really wish I knew the range of this missile Tower here so I can start targeting some areas with spores you know what let's just try it change you to a Spore and then you're going to go over here there we go let's see how you do I'm hoping that missile misses as in doesn't shoot watching it watching it ooh it looks like this area is out of range for the missile launcher oh that's very good Target right on top of things now I just wish that it can do it more often which it looks like it might be able to that should give our creeper over here a bit of a break if it can keep up with that okay I think I have a better idea let's destroy one of these emitters and then replace it with another launcher so that there's two spores going over here at once since the weapons seem to be keeping up on repairs over here here we go one Spore after another it's slowly whittling down the mortar there so I like that idea ooh plus if we destroy that Tower this nullifier down here will also lose charge hey there we go we got rid of the mortar now we just got to keep bombarding it so they don't build it back there we go starting to make some progress and getting rid of that sniper would be a lot better for us too let's maybe shift this one over so it's targeting the sniper oh we got rid of this cannon here that means that it lost the mortar coverage that's exactly what I wanted and because some of the mortars are distracted by the creeper over here then this creeper is starting to advance that's beautiful we got rid of the sniper over here good now let's have one sport launcher targeting there and then another one can Target this sniper over here oh or is that too far over so it gets hit by the missile I guess we're going to find out come on cut off the tower Network yes now the slif fire is going to lose charge oh so the missile launcher is in range of that Spore but it can't make it in time interesting yes now this emitter is active and operating ooh and it's a strong emitter too look at that there's also I don't know what these impellers do is connected back here so maybe something goes on on there I'm not sure but now we're taking back this little Cliff area too I love it and because they are losing snipers up there then that means that blobs or whatever skimmers that we do should be able to reach over there okay so this one doesn't need to work anymore so let's change you to blobs and start targeting things this way oh man this filled up wonderfully what if we set a blob thing down over here where oh where could they go oh yes this is a good advance of Creeper here so then this Spore launcher can be something else too let's have you be a skimmer sure more things to distract a sniper I also love it when the missiles can't find their target so they just rain down into nothingness ooh there go the blobs that's a lot of blobs and the snipers can't Target them all please blow something up before you expire yes oo some of the mortars ooh and that SK we made it to here it cut off the mini Rift oh I love that I love that look at us wrapping around here so then hopefully we should be able to move into this area here hm I wonder is there a sniper down here I don't think there's a sniper down here maybe we can Target these nullifiers and get rid of them so these emitters can start to work oh there goes a skimmer the skimmer kind of lost track of its Target so now it's just on a pleasure Cruise of sorts oh there it went blowing up everything there that's wonderful okay and that skimmer is targeting here is it going to reach or is it just bouncing around too much that's a good question ooh but there goes the blob it should Target the thing yeah and it killed it okay that skimmer actually isn't doing anything need to make you a blob and thankfully those emitters take forever to make so they can't actually completed again so now this Blob should take out that emitter or nullifier and now this emitter is going again yes we are taking over this area oh yes that is that is such a strong emitter my goodness so now we don't have to worry about the blobs targeting that area let's go for the nullifiers around here so we can get all of the emitters in this little Cove here I don't even know what this is is but we've also got a lot of Creeper stored up right here so let's just make some egg things okay that might be a bit too many egg things these are actually pretty expensive oh but they actually filled up pretty fast wow maybe that wasn't such a bad idea it's already sending out the blobs with eggs that is amazing how far are they going to get I'm not sure because those snipers up on the hill there are dangerous there's just a line of eggs right here that can't do anything oh and the shields over here are going down too so the creeper should start flowing into here yeah look at the level of anti creep it's going down good very good just attack in this little I don't even know what this is from all sides oh until the breeder tile goes back up but that's a lot of breeder tile that would be super good for us to have and the blobs are uninterrupted by anything so all of this stuff is being destroyed that's amazing at least until it gets built again well they just destroy it again oh there's a mini Rift down here I didn't realize that we should have one of these blobs casually Target that if we can oh yeah yes the anti creep is going down even more I think we're on the winning side of this yes the creeper is starting to flow into here from here yes we have creeper on the neutral breeding tile oh but it just triggered again but you know that just means more creeper is being stored up right at the entrances here so it should be good things anyway and that blob is just hitting the same Cannon over and over again maybe I should have both blobs Target this mini Rift because one hits the cannon and then the cannon needs to not be built so that's what the second blob is for there we go here comes the second blob with the the cannon down oh but the cannon builds back super fast oh never mind it didn't make it aha the mini Rift is down that c off the entire Tower Network too very good let's just keep one targeting there and now we can have the other one go towards the nullif fires ooh or you know what we might not need to because these emitters are going again yes this entire area is basically ours now yeah they can't even build a mini RI there I don't know why I'm keeping a guy targeting there the problem now though is that that's a lot of snipers right there and some missile launchers too so we can't really use the launchers like we have been anymore so let's destroy those and get those earn points back and we can start to set some of those structures farther up here like this stash doesn't need to be here there we go now we own this entire pit and I'm thinking if we set up a crimson Ator on the edge of this Cliff here then the cannon that's all by itself shouldn't be able to keep up with it we can also use this pit as a staging area to send out some skimmers because those snipers should not be able to keep up with them all if they do then that is broken of you please Nerf actually don't because in regular mode the snipers are the best thing ever but the Crimson creep is starting to take out this cannon so I love that sound ooh ooh lots of things are about to get stunned here too look at all those skimmers oh yes the mortars are being stunned too that is beautiful and here come the Blobs of the eggs yes we are advancing and the sprayer is starting to finally go down I don't know how you were surviving that long in your own but there goes that entire anti creeper Tower and there go all of the snipers in a beautiful Symphony of explosions it's like the William Tell Overture or am I thinking of the 1812 Overture I think I'm thinking of that one don't with the cannons in the concert hall which kudos to the composer for arranging that ooh look at this the creeper is starting to take out the shields up here cuz they are glowing slightly like they probably will once this wave hits all right this Crimson nator is not doing any good there anymore we'll get one of you going over here because a giant wave of Creeper going in that direction sounds like a very good thing yeah look at that it's taking out the shield now what I'm wondering is how does one simply take out these Zeppelins here cuz those have some punch to them look at that just firing bombs straight at the creeper is there like a base that they're using there's a lot of Zeppelins up here on this range there's also this laser right here that's doing all sorts of humming I have no idea what that's about but I'm not a fan of it let's see if we can send some skimmers that way to deal with that might be way too many skimmers but they're also in a breeding tile so it should be fine ooh look at that the Crimson creep is starting to wash up over here those poor guns can't do anything and the mortars can't keep up it's beautiful that was some energy storage up there wasn't it now they don't have it that is beautiful right there okay let's destroy this now because we don't need the Crimson Ator there okay here come the skimmers wow ooh and they're stunning the snipers too that's excellent while they're so going I should send out some blobs but I might be a bit late on that oh well the skimmers are doing amazing right now is that Zeppelin targeting the skimmers it is oh my goodness here I was talking about the snipers being overpowered those things are honestly impressive ooh yes skimmers are reaching their targets over here the snipers are going to go down and so will that mini Rift that'd be good oh hey the laser went down too I have no idea what that was doing but it's down now oh is it cutting the creeper it must be because that opening right there was pointed straight out here where that line was wow I don't even know what it did but it's dead now and that Zeppelin is having a hard time keeping up with the blobs or not a hard time as I am led to believe tell you what I do believe though this choke point here is going to be a great spot for a stash and now let's send out some more things blobs with eggs lots of eggs here we go that stash is filling up very fast too all the Laser's back and oh my gosh I was right it is chopping the creeper right down to a that is insane good thing we have that stash there oh we actually have a few more earn points so what if we put a crimson Ator right in front of the stash just to give it a little more oomph maybe the laser can't cut down that stuff oh here comes even more that was just the first wave this is going to be so many explosions yes just really advancing the creeper and wow that laser does not care for Crimson creeper right now that's ridiculous I need a blob thing right over here here and also some skimmers the skimmers I think did the best but this wave of Creeper advances really well when the laser isn't cutting it apart o but it's raging the laser which is not taking damage oh hey there it did okay we don't have to worry about the laser anymore and here come the skimmers way too late for their own good but ooh that's going to stun all those mines right there wow that's impressive show me what else you got all these skimmers that is crazy oh my goodness wow it just doesn't stop oh my goodness there's still more coming I would not want to be on this side of the field right now they're getting creeper up here and stunning everything oh wow we that is beautiful right there but I still don't know really how to take out the zeppelins is that something that we can use the air sacks for up here because we can make air sacks let's just get those started way over here where there's a whole bunch of Creeper we'll get a few of them going along with you know more skimmers in this pit right here because that last assault was glorious the creeper is flooding on top of this Cliff here too oh that's very good and I don't know where this Zeppelin is really targeting but it's not effective speaking of not effective this Crimson Ator really isn't not anymore and there are goes trying to get more skimmers but they don't have nearly enough snipers to keep up with it all because they can still get close enough to stun Things o oh there go the air saxs and there goes a large thing of the eggs there that's a good wave of cre creeper going up right there beautiful oh of course the zeppelins have an answer for those too why not that it really matters though look at this Carnage everything up here is being destroyed o hey there's a stash down there and some sport launchers and nullifiers too I really need to get into this pit now but also that's a lot of missile launchers right there my goodness oh look at that the Zeppelin's going back so it only goes until it runs out of ammo and then it has to connect to the network again oh so if we can take out the Network then we take out the zeppelins or it's just right on this pylon here so if we take that out then the Zeppelin goes down when of those statements is true tell you what though more air sacks please and more skimmers I don't think it really matters where I place these anymore let's get some going everywhere at least that we can because it still has to absorb a lot of Creeper but this pit is tried and true man those skimmers are the best things ever right now oh and here go all the air sacks that is a lot of air sacks my goodness and there go all the skimmers in their beautiful formations and they're actually reaching their targets and detonating that's even better like the sunny is good too but the fact that they're actually able to drop off creeper when they do as well oh that's amazing or you know until they hit dry ground then they detonate but they can also skim on top of the anti creeper which I was not expecting ooh it cut down this Tower right here so hopefully that Zeppelin won't have anywhere to go now there look at that wow we I can't believe it we are just destroying absolutely everything the emitter's going over here that Spore launcher is doing his countdown again and it's about to launch 10 spores we are just decimating right now oh man all those zein that are parked right there are acting as snipers wow I had to pull the camera back cuz it was shaking so much but look at those airos sacks too they got just massive chains of beads it's like a rosary and there goes the Spore launcher let's just exhaust the ammo Zeppelins cuz why not everything over here has been stunned that is insane and there go the egg things the fact that they're actually dragging along the ground because they're so long is kind of funny oh that got thrown right into the corner too yes that should be good cuz all those things are stunned so the creepers should have a chance to destroy them and sure enough it is oh but now things are waking up that's not good I actually ran out of air sacks there that's surprising time to get some more up in the air because you can't have too many of those I guess maybe I should send out some blobs too I feel like that could do a lot of damage and there goes the Spore launchers again these two are firing backwards not sure you really need to do that but okay I guess oh yes the creeper is reaching the edge of this like hole here so we just have to wrap our way around and then the base the rift lab is right there oh are you trying to connect to the network well sorry to say but your network has been cut off oh yes and here go some more blobs hopefully there's more than the snipers can keep up with but they also have some oh oh man that is that's almost gross look at all those blobs going out there there is definitely not enough for the snipers to keep up with that sniper got taken down and the blobs just keep on going then they don't stop coming then they don't stop coming and oh they're starting to get close to these things over here but not quite that is so many blobs my goodness I can't even tell if any are actually reaching their target anymore that is so many shots ooh they're reaching this corner that's good destroy Absolut abely everything yes are the blobs even able to redirect I don't think they are so they are dropping creeper instead of blowing up their target and oh [Laughter] gosh hope you like the Airborne jelly fish that is so much going on right there this is insane I'm just glad that this zein is out of commission now look at all of these ones going launching the eggs as they do how are there so many sniper shots oh oh that was glorious that was that was the best thing I need all of those I don't even care if they reach the Target that was cool I should also be creating a big string of blobs too this area might not have enough creeper to keep up with it all but you know it'll be worth it and more blobs over here just everything send everything some skimmers some blobs maybe some blobs with eggs actually so we can get some more creeper going over there I'm just exhausting all the creeper that I had built up over here and the creeper is starting to get very close to these shields here so we're starting to put this under threat which is good oh yes here come the here come the air sacks that is amazing there is not supposed to be this many air sacks at once I tell you that much at least this distracting all the snipers too so these blobs should have a bit of a chance to make it to targets and then destroy them at least everything is being stunned like they do ooh and there go the Blobs of eggs as well come on got to get you inside the shield that is so much much going on right there ooh this suppin is actually out of ammo cuz the pylon went down good keep it down that's what the air sacks are destroying oh good we are taking the zeppelins out of commission I love the sound of that oh and the towers are actually being stunned too so more Zeppelins are running out of ammo good this Shield is about to be very unprotected because it's also cut off from the network yes The Shield is down it's working it's working and there's so many more air sacks lined up oh man is this bullying I feel like this is bullying these blbs over here haven't even triggered yet this is just a NeverEnding wave of air sacks I can't even get far enough away to escape the volume oh actually here this is far enough away look at all that progress we made that's a really good view of that and it's also a really good view of all those skimmers that are going across there but we got to go back it down into the action there we go that's three more Zeppelins that are out of ammo there really isn't even a means for the pylons to connect anymore I like that sadly though the air Stacks are starting to go down a lot sooner so all the creeper is just going into this void area here ooh But Here Come the blobs they should have more of a chance because the zeppelins don't have ammo and some more snipers are being taken out too very good very good oh that one didn't make it man it got so quiet super fast and there's still more things on the way oh I guess the I guess the creeper ran out up here so this area is starting to fill back in again with building schematics not that they'll really be built but that's kind of funny okay problem though is that pylons are starting to become rebuilt I'm guessing that means that these Zeppelins are going to start to get ammo again ooh but we're starting to cut down the anti creep that's in here oh and there go some Blobs of eggs oh hey the rift lab just got hit by something good good oh we just took out the factory too that means some more anti creep as long as it can stay down do they even have means of creating anti creep over here I don't think they do anymore that would also explain why these sprayers don't go ooh but they're about to lose ears too oh man it's so quiet and there's still air sacks in the air they have re reain of everything now and surprisingly this area for the anti creep is still pushing against the creeper oh but here the creeper is starting to fill in up here again so all those are going away and there's still more air sacks oh my goodness the spor launches over here are going to be ever more effective and so are the egg launches too the Riff lab has no defenses how much damage does a blob do to the Riff lab I actually don't know really oh but there goes an egg more damage to the Riff lab yes beautiful sound right there and and there goes all the ears that they were using and I have access to those now not that I really need them anymore transforming the creep into what I needed has been super effective at least until the blobs you know run out of stuff to use and the only thing that's really stopping the Creeper from taking over this area in one Fell Swoop is this breeder tile back here oh but that's more air that's more airc things raining down from above oh yes can I I wish I could command them to drop it all but man oh man that is so many of them yeah yes take over the breeder tile for the anti creep that's beautiful and the Riff lab is destroyed yes that was amazing and there's still more air sacks flying around we have fully taken this over I love it so much that was incredible so I hope you guys enjoyed the video thank you very much for watching sub to inter turn and thanks to the channel members including bread Corby Farm Mr kle one Dakota donam Moto Devon X Lucas Matthew hateful Harold Peggy Sue Drupal along TJ seriously sarcastic Angel ly bik the minor within deg Sans Isaac Miguel and zero Fox
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 103,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz, creeper world, base defense, creeper world 4, base defense game
Id: oES_y20S5D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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