I ordered an Ant Colony online and gave them a new home..

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I ordered an end Colony online and you won't believe what happened I received an ant colony crazy right just showing off my cutting skills [Music] somewhere in there should be an ant colony this order includes a terrarium for the ants it is smaller than I expected unfortunately that's what she said and yes I'm a danger to society when I'm holding a knife finally found the ants no clue what that means probably something like don't open so let's open it luckily I have very steady hands so I can open this carefully you had to sit through 40 seconds of the stupid video to see the first hand but here they are in this video I'm also going to move them into their new terrarium these are black garden ants they are pretty common species in Europe they seem to be healthy and even have some larvae you probably didn't expect this but the queen is the big one her only job is to lay eggs first I'm gonna set up the terrarium of the ants so I'm going to set them aside for a while watch out I'm getting the knife again there is a lot of stuff in there before I can get that I need to do the most important thing of this video foreign they are already popped they ruined let's see what we got this video isn't sponsored by the way but if antique could sponsor me in the future that would be fantastic I'm sorry we got some substrate here is a close-up for no reason this terrarium has a built-in compartment where the ants can build their nest this is a food bowl and a water bowl this is one type of food honeydew and this is Cricket Jam it looks disgusting but it smells disgusting if this video gets 50 000 likes I will taste it this is an ant barrier I even got some sweets for you that brings us to the giveaway of this video subscribe for this I'm kidding I want them still subscribe though first I'm filling up the nest area of the ants and I know there are more efficient ways to do this but I wanted to show off my tiny shovel again now you can see me making mess and fast forward the ants ended up building their nest in here you will see this later in this video Once the nest area is filled I'm adding a bit of water and prefer it a bit wet no I'm not going to say it the rest of the terrarium is filled with a thin layer of sand if you add too much sand you risk that the ants will build their nest somewhere in here instead of the nest area another close-up for no reason again adding some water This is the End barrier if I don't do this I might finally have some women in my bed but I prefer them to stay in the terrarium this is an oil that the ads can't cross I hope adding some water I mean struggle to add some water giving them some honeydew this will be their source of sugar this actually looks pretty good might taste it adding some sticks and rocks to make terrarium more natural very natural now I will add more of these once the ants are settled in giving them some Cricket juice probably didn't expect it but this is made from crickets making some tiny holes in the nest area to help the ends get started and now it's time to at the ends I'm adding a whole tube in here until they're ready to come out on their own putting the opening towards the entrance of the nest area I don't trust and Barry completely didn't take long for the first ant to come out to end exploring in their new terrarium looking for a tasty snack yum doesn't it look tasty if you needed to go tell the others what she found first cleaning up a bit understandable the others are going to be so mad when they find out just on nasty cricket shoes that she found okay apparently not maybe it only looks and smells disgusting but tastes good I'm lowering the ligo I will taste it at 45 000 likes so please don't like this video more and more and started feeding they will now go feed the Queen by basically puking the cricket juice into her mouth one of the ants also discovered the Honeydew it's a bit sticky no don't say it that's what she said damn it the ants are gathering strength because they got a very very important job to do moving sand into the tube you can see this one holding a sand grain and it is going into the nest area as you can see they are very active around the hole that's one of my specialties too so I was very optimistic that they started building a nest you can indeed see that they started to build a tunnel first it was one end a bit more joined soon this is like that one dude that is digging a hole at the beach and every other man child on the beach is joining in the ends in the tube are getting more active so I knew a move was happening soon that isn't that and by the way rest in peace grow Bob this ant was moving the larvae into a better place one inch away from the others much better a bit later it realized it wasn't much better so it moved the larvae into the nest area I didn't want to disturb them for too long but here they are in the nest the workers were starting to move the queen very gently um that's not gently the queen obviously didn't feel like moving but with a bit of teamwork they managed to convince her foreign moving on our own one small stepper end but one giant lever and kind he was almost at the nest entrance I needed a little more encouragement you can hear on my voice that I'm very happy that they were moving into the nest area yay with these Happy Feelings wouldn't last long you will see why in about 15 seconds also they left this poor Ambassador behind and something sticky the next day I noticed that they made Nest entrance smaller and when I looked into the tube I saw Queen God damn it she had come back out again I'm hoping she's just waiting till the workers build a bigger nest because they already have started expanding tunnel on the left is new so maybe the queen is just waiting till our room is ready before I end this video I want to take the time to thank all old and new patrons and everyone that watched you make these stupid videos possible they are on you if you enjoyed this video I think you will like this one next thank you
Channel: Homemade Ecosystems
Views: 2,341,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ant farm, ants, insects, Ant terrarium build, building an ant terrarium, building an ant farm, ant test tube, ant colony, how to take care of an ant colony, getting an ant colony, starting an ant colony, starting an ant farm, terrarium for ants, ant terrarium, easy ant terrarium
Id: 4RWp68ygMHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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