I Created a Hierarchy of Beeps to Destroy The World of Kenshi

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and divest and unforgiving world of kenshi an insignificant but peculiar character has risen to defy the odds and shape his Destiny amidst the chaos this character goes by the name of beep what began as a humble existence evolved into an astonishing tale of ambition power and unforeseen consequences the Zagar of beep and his enigmatic Society of clones imagine a society born from one individual's unwavering spirit in society of hundred more each sharing the same Visage voice and peanut-sized brain in society of 100 peeps but as our society of 100 peeps flourishes its Unity is taking a darker turn and hierarchy is emerging Ambitions are growing and with power emerges in malevolent hunger for Conquest that's right join us today as we unravel the intricate layers of beeps once peaceful community now turning into a force that threatens to plunge the world of Genji into an unprecedented turmoil this is the tale of 100 Peeps and their March towards an Empire of Destruction let me introduce to you our society at the Apex of our burgeoning hierarchy stands the figure of King b a symbol of authority and command he is the original he created the orders in his own image his experience wisdom and the indomitable spirit that brought him to this point have elevated him to a position of unparalleled influence he does not only look kinda baller he's also quite strong but King beep's power is not only represented by his presence alone his loyal guards of 50 fighter beeps form the backbone of his Dominion these 50 Warriors meticulously trained in diverse combat disciplines exhibit a Synergy of unmatched power we got 10 Katana wielders that strike with precision and elegance their blades glint in the sun-like flashes of Destiny 10 fragment X wielders that will bring down their Mighty weapon with brutal force shattering obstacles that there stand in their way with their Sabers held Thai another 10 zaber-wielding fighter beeps they danced through battle each movement is Symphony of skill and Agility 10 pole arm wielding beeps they move with elegant Precision their sweeping strikes creating an impenetrable barrier against any who Dare Challenge their formation and lastly our 10 hacker class wielders cleaving through obstacles and adversaries with a raw and unrelenting Force I might have overdone it a little bit here with our fighter beeps since most of them are wielding self-crafted weapons of edge type 1 Quality or higher they're also wearing mostly Samurai armor of similar high quality and are highly trained in strength toughness dexterity melee attack and defense but I can guarantee you we are not done yet if you think that's overpowered check this out 20 crossbow wielding beeps armed with deadly precision and incredible accuracy those crossbow beeps are able to strike from a distance decimating enemies before they can draw near we also have 10 healer beeps their job is to tend to the wounded embodying the softer side of the hierarchy their nurturing hands Man Shattered bodies ensuring that the march of the beep Army remains Relentless and lastly of course our 20 worker beeps being responsible for base construction research food the forging of armor and weapon and the maintenance of the intricate Machinery that sustains the society's Dominion now our goal is as follows we'll lead our army to Vain for Conquest to destroy the Western Hive and imprison The Hive Queen for enslavement the torture after that we'll head south to also bring the southern Hive down to an end and the prison whoever rules there beep can't really recall which Hive exiled him so they both have to go and I think we're ready hopefully we've packed enough food for this Crusade we'll take all the peeps with us except for the workers give them worker beeps some farewell kisses guys red beep gets doubled for making bread okay and that's what I get for doing stuff like this couple of our beep got stuck now on the ledge next to the entrance again and bread beep red beep got stuffed inside the bread oven he did not deserve that man here you go and I guess we're ready to go look at the size of that Army do you know how much time it took me to craft all that armor those weapons and to train them I'm never gonna do this again but it really looks epic just look at it I really like those banners on the back of those soldiers makes him look kinda disciplined okay let's head out for conquest and destruction we will destroy our enemy with whatever it takes oops that was the wrong gate alright here we go but for real this time let's head out and show those hivers who's the boss we're gonna show them what it really means to be a hiver someone in the comments told me to set follower formation to military let's check it out everyone follow King beep wow cool but I think we just got too many beeps too many beeps following One Singular person it wouldn't surprise me if some of them are gonna back out looks neat looks neat but since King beeps a bit faster than everyone else eventually they gonna lose him let's just run together at the same Pace I think we're gonna check out the hive Village from last time first the one we raided with our fragment X beeps just wanna know how they're doing what what those guys are up to damn what happened here where are all the people it looks empty around here like a ghost town oh no I think there they are how is that possible it has been days since my last visit weeks it has been a long time how are these still just lying around on the ground they look like little worms crawling on the ground after a heavy storm well they still haven't recovered I guess just collapsed like a house of cards well there's nothing out of interest for us here half the hybrids in this Village are still unconscious or in a recovery coma let's keep going vein I don't like vein there are a lot of big things around here that we cannot outrun and I guess they're going to do some massive aerial damage if we try to fight them off all together potentially unnecessarily weakening our troops so we should try to evade them as best as we can also the rain and the trees makes it so hard to spot enemies almost as bad as the swamps holy [ __ ] look how many hivers there are here in that Village what are they doing just rolling around like that send it boys show them some Edge type Quality Steel they're cutting through the hordes of hivers like a hot knife through butter those hypers dead no chance at all this is insane oh I should not use the ranged peeps too much they're wasting our precious bolts we probably need those boats for our later fights yo come on the beeps are just chilling in the water what is wrong with you guys at least they're immune to the acid water around here in vain or else they'd be nothing but stick and Bones one volley of boats from our ranged peeps is all what it takes to take down a massive gorilla this is too overpowered I'm sorry guys dude look at this we just blew through like a storm there's nothing left anymore that resembles something that is alive I think we're done here let's keep on moving okay now we managed to reach the coast all that is left to reach the queen of the western Hive is to cross the water that's between us and that Island their hive should be somewhere around there on one of those islands since the beeps never learned how to swim this might take a while the night just started I think we should be able to reach that island in the morning guys I think we were swimming towards the wrong Island but that one right there right over there that's the right one I can already see the hyper buildings one last swim in graventious hours if I recall correctly The Hive Queen should be guarded by a bunch of stronger bodyguard divers stronger than what we've seen so far what is this they're growing some interesting crops around here rice wheat cool all right beep go check out what those wankers are doing they're just chilling in their sleeping bags and just like that they're gone this is absolutely insane I mean who would have thought that 50 fighter beeps equipped with the strongest weapons and armor would wipe up the floor with couple naked hivers yeah they might be a little bit strong now stronger than anticipated but once I've started I couldn't go back there she is the queen she kind of curvy and is packing some martial arts skills here yo and there we go we did it the queen of the western heifus hours justice has been served beep you can be so proud of yourself you kidnap the sole entity that is responsible for holding back the insanity that comes when millions of hivers go hiveless absolute chaos just because she excited you congrats oh my God she's about to die and she has robotic Parts I totally forgot which means we need repair kits and I don't have any robotic repair kits on me there's nothing in those chests to get nothing around here I think I've seen an ancient workshop on the last Island let's swim back so we can repair King beep has now a bounty of 16 000. okay we're here let's check out the chests yep it's too late she's dead starring at the consequences of his action beep finds himself in a moment of profound contemplation he is now confronted by the Stark reality of what he's done the Queen's life wants a powerful symbol Now lies extinguished by his own heads and the ramifications of this turn of events cast a shadow over his victory as the wind sweep through the desolate landscape beeps thoughts are a Maelstrom of conflicting emotions Triumph guilt doubt as we follow beep through this moment of introspection one thing becomes clear the journey is far from over and the choices he makes now will shape the destiny of his society and the world of kenshi itself was killing the queen really the answer hmm let's kill another one to really make sure it was and here they go with the southern Hive now as their next Target we only have to swim all the way back to land and cross half of the map to reach our next stop oh look at this what the hell is going on there are southern Hive people here in vain how what are the Southern Hive people doing up here so far away from home is there already a change of world States happening okay Southern Hive people seem to be a little bit stronger now since they're not naked at all like the Western Hive guys anyway let's keep moving back on land and heading straight to the southern Hive now oh look some gorillas fighting against some bone dogs that's like fresh meat for us to take not much but better than nothing thank you and see you around they just now realized what just happened oh my God guys we run straight into a big thing Nest come on man let's see how fast our beeps can handle those half-baked giraffes okay like it took us five seconds very cool here we are guys we made it it's the Royal Valley the place of no good the home of the Southern Hive contrary to the Western Hive there should be a hive King around here like not only a queen uh but also a king never have I seen anything related to that nor have I ever been this far inside the Royal Valley this this is gonna be interesting the first High Village in the Royal Valley do we unleash our might upon them they haven't noticed us yet yeah let's let's go just do it you don't have to spare on those boats anymore let's just go all out guys shoot those infidels yeah we're we're gonna make our own religion the way of the beep show them what it means to go against the way of the Almighty oh my God should say those 20 crossbow beeps are like a freaking machine gun don't those poor bastards can't even get close to us we're making needle cushions out of them okay cool looks clean now guess we can move on the Valley of the death this place looks amazing look at all those Hills and and the ancient ruin in the middle so cool and we got company they they've built their hive around that ancient structure they they really are like a bunch of ants we will set in King beep first for negotiations and to check out the situation the entrance looks kinda empty not much going on around here I see it they are mostly in the middle and there is the queen how cool is that they put the queen in that Notch of that Hive Building inside this ancient place a hive Building inside of the ancient building interesting I cannot seem to find the king I'm not even sure what I'm looking for on the outside hivers are already getting beaten up they're swarming in from all around they must have noticed something fishy is going on okay here we go the queen got alarmed the battle has begun the final battle which Hive will prevail oh damn a lot of our beeps are getting down those guys actually mean business what the hell oh look at this Elite drone guard holy [ __ ] they got 88 attack those guys are actually quite strong I cannot see the queen anymore where's the queen here she is and she's dead oh man she died in the heat of the battle well we be proud of yourself yeah look guys we did it there are constantly more drone guards coming from the outside to beat the [ __ ] out of us some of our guys got beaten up quite severely it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be look what they are doing to us a beep died no way how it was a raged people who died of course I only trade their shooting skills not their survivability the queen has a made to weapon deep as dead again what is happening another one of our ranged people just died I don't even know what is happening anymore there's just so much going on it's so hard to control all the 100 beeps at Once In the Heat of the battle let's try together everyone in the middle of that ancient building we need to heal them up a little bit those drone guards just won't stay down shut it already oh what is that it's the southern hybrid's big daddy that's the king and his hella mad we killed his sexy Queen this dude is doing some massive damage holy [ __ ] more than half of our ranged Peeps are down we can't just shoot this guy yo heal beep get out of there that [ __ ] tried to heal someone right next to that Menace of a king and lost both of his legs in the process poor dude our damage output is not very high but the sheer number of the beeps makes this fight actually doable this King dude looks hella disturbing man he's movement and all Habib no can we actually do it I mean can we beat the king of the Southern Hive all that is happening while our King beep is carrying the dead Hive Queen The Hive King's precious wife oh man how ranged Peeps are all out of ammo this is not good oh he's up again why is he getting up again so fast there now let's go dude yo come on this guy's toying with us okay now finally uh well he won't need that anymore oops oops oops oops the king is dead the beeps are victorious yeah baby as The Echoes of Victory ring in the air there's a Bittersweet taste to the accomplishment the journey that started with unity ambition and a grand goal has reached its conclusion this Southern Hive King wants an unassailable figure of authority Now lies defeated the beep Army has prevailed against the odds proving that even the mightiest rulers are not Invincible as the sun sets on this chapter of the beeps Army's Journey there is a sense of closure of accomplishment but also of reflection whatever as long as king B prevails the beeps will live on forever yeah and I guess that's it that was the story of The 100 peeps it has been a lot of fun making those videos hope you guys like this little challenge I am always up for new suggestions new games to play new challenges to make maybe you guys have some interesting ideas thank you all to the patreons you are the best and I hope I'll see you next time until then have a good one
Channel: Paganacho
Views: 32,624
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Keywords: kenshi, paganacho, paga, paga nacho, jean claude van damme, paganacho van damme, kenshi beep, kenshi play, Kenshi playthrough, kenshi game, kenshi let's play, kenshi 100 beep, kenshi 100 beeps, kenshi 100 hivers, kenshi hiver, kenshi hiver challenge, kenshi 100 beep challenge, 100 Beep VS Kenshi, kenshi lets play, kenshi gameplay, kenshi challenge, kenshi hivers, kenshi 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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