The Nobleman's Son | Let's Play Kenshi Modded | Ep1

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the smell of charred flesh and the heat from the Blazing Inferno was the first thing that ryoshi remembered as he came to his family home destroyed before his eyes family friends all his worldly belongings and cherished memories gone in an instant the only surviving family member the family's bone dog bag as he came to he saw some familiar faces in the room with him and he vaguely recalled that this group of Outlaws had saved him from the rubble that was his family home had fed him patched him up and let him heal his wounds he thanked these Outlaws profusely ignoring the fact that they were squatting in the ruins of his old family home in his pocket a letter written hastily in his father's hand through my son I wish I had more time to see you become the person you are destined to be without fear that is no longer possible if you are reading this then I am likely dead when the last of our Farms dried up so did our savings with nowhere left to turn I made a deal with is someone called Oni I use the last of our savings to invest in arms for his Enterprise once he had these arms he said he would return our investment tenfold in the form of cats although he refused to divulge what his plan exactly was however the shipment was attacked by schemers on its way to the drop-off Point by the time we had sent a recovery team it had been picked bone dry by scavengers and passes by only blamed me personally and swore harsh retribution on me and my family I presume if you are reading this and this has already been carried out please take the family sword live your life to the fullest and always remember that I love the rest of the writing it's covered in blood at that moment we actually swore to Revenge his father repay the debt that his family owed and rebuild his family's Legacy from the ground up hello my fellow spuds and welcome back to a new series of kenshi so we start with our character ryoshi and our little dog flea bag I've just realized there's a battle going on already well we might be able to take opportunity from that we start off with a character his village had been burnt down his family all killed he has nothing left in this world apart from what his father left him if you have noticed we are also 50k cats in debt this is because our family's name is in ruin all the money that we had left went into loans and arms Investments so we just have to pay off the money that our father invested into this shipment our mission is to kind of find out exactly what happened we're going to go on a little journey see if we can find this guy bring retribution to Oni as well as the people who did this to his family we also need to claw our way out of debt found a new settlement for our little family so we've got a home as well as kind of make our name for ourselves we don't really know combat at all we're pretty pants in terms of everything so I think if we're able to travel the world see the sights maybe find some lost relics along the way and really bring back the honor to our family's name but right now we are injured and we desperately need to get some money so I'm thinking we need to try and loot some of these are you gonna die you're gonna die quickly get out here then let's loot these ones we'll see if we can get any decent equipment I'd really hope for a bag that would be nice I mean it's decent armor it's not amazing but it's better than what we've currently got here we go what have we got oh this is good okay chewing tobacco oh plus 200 that's nice we've got a little bit of uh money already does that come with a faction nose that might be better I don't really want to look like United cities to be honest the main problem we've got is that we are going to be starving very soon we need to get our way out of debt first of all so we're not going to do anything until that point we're not going to trade We're not gonna be able to get better equipment really unless we loot it off people so for the next however many days we're going to be relying on stealing and looting and everything else just to get by oh my God a backpack that's big that's really really big I might just swap that out so we're not mistaken for United City straight away oh skin spider if we can get some stuff from that that'd be great the universal waste unexpanded basically what I've got installed adds a bunch of stuff for the game I haven't really played around too much I don't want to spoil too much for myself but it does mean that uh stealing is very much nerfed to the point that it's very very difficult to get away with it and if you're caught there's serious repercussions for it right um we could rest up a little bit longer I think that might be the best thing to do it's already getting quite late I don't really want to go out a night let's rest up in that little place we were before and then at least we can set off in the morning fully prepared for what's to come we could also cook on the campfire which might be something good because we've got a couple of bits of meat now at least we're not going to go hungry fleabag can have some foul meat we can have some meat fish bash Bosh we are done so I think that's just rest up we'll set off in the morning right got some grilled meat and go to sleep right then it's three in the morning I think it's probably time we set off just before the light comes up it might give us a bit of an advantage getting away our leg is uh pretty much healed and I think we're in a good position to go now we are encumbered but only by 49 obviously that's affecting our total running speed quite a bit it looks like there might have been an attack over there yeah there's an injured pack Beast skin spider dead I think we should head over to this thing see what this is because this might be a good opportunity to loot some more stuff I think our first point of call really is that we need to go find a settlement to trade in so I can't remember exactly the layout of the map I know roughly since it's been a while since I played Kenji trust I think uh clown steady is here I think uh there should be a settlement I think here and maybe one here and then the marketplaces around here so we need to kind of aim for this general area we just need to find a settlement so that we can trade the goods that we've already got um I put on this armor just because it's a little bit lighter than the other one uh that one was five kilos it's only three and we are very weak in terms of strength I'd rather we have work on a happy medium so that we're not too encumbered but so that our strength still does go up here we are so what have we got here we've got two skin spiders that's actually decent so we've got some more food and we've also got some of the uh teeth it's nice or claws whatever they are claws yeah there we go probably got one to two keg worth of cats already it's not worth attacking that we would die because that might be full of goodies which would be amazing but it's just not worth it oh there's another skin spot I nearly forgot that one that looks like it could be a settlement though actually that's head for there the hook is where the fishermen lives so we don't really want to go to this island or over here really because there'll be lots of fishermen so the closer we can stay in land the better there we go is that what we're going for that looks like it's right on track there we go right boom does that looks like a little settlement we're going to want to be on the lookout for those magical white slash green numbers in the sky because that will mean that we're gonna come across a battle which we can take advantage of loot anybody for goods to sell anything like that like that there we go quickly we need to go and it's slave traders who are they fighting Rebel Farmers okay Rebel farmers do not like us because they basically lost their jobs and we did not help them so they now hate us but we could take advantage of this the rebel Farmers don't tend to have much on them but they tend to have some fairly weak weapons and occasionally some farming books and stuff swordsman Captain 3K though we can get him trade him in somewhere we'd have to patch him up but oh wait are The Sultans winning seriously um okay get back I generally thought the United cities would win that fight apparently not right we're gonna need to get back because we do not want to get into a fight with them we will die it must just be numbers we do have the three versus one mod on so three can fight one at once rather than one on one like General vanilla kenshi but still I assumed it wouldn't be like that it's bizarre they beat the slave Traders and the United cities can we quickly run in no no no okay uh no damn it uh we're gonna have to drop our stuff aren't we uh drop the backpack okay uh real sheep run run I'm hoping we're faster than him yeah that's fine a flea back just run ahead typical we're gonna have to run around try and lose him and then we're just gonna have to pick off what whatever's left really we should be all right we should be able to lose him come on this is ridiculous who thought the rebel swordsman would win although I've never seen a skeleton with that with the rebel swordsman apparently this one is okay right we're fine I think we lost him let's try and loop back round okay so who's left now it looks like the slave Traders got back up okay right it is our moment to run in come on we're actually running go go all right so let's loot these uh oh no hang we don't want to loot them let's try and find some Rebel Farmers here we go Outlaw farmer sorry write books here we go there 369 a piece nice uh so we're gonna want some more of them we've got some medicines nice it's worth barely anything but we don't have any meds on our own so it's probably the best we've got for a little while oh hello 180 uh I can't even see how much that's worth got another book nice oh there we go that one that was the one we wanted can we quickly first aid him I'm not sure no he's dead damn it but we still get some decent stuff from him I guess no I'm gonna keep that on him we're gonna pick him up okay right uh fleabag you have to follow us again we need to go to the nearest settlement which was there hopefully we can uh be safe on the way that's a that's pretty profitable a little profitable first few minutes able to get a lot of stuff so I I I don't know how much that's worth I'm guessing between all of that three if we're lucky four okay I'll do with the Bounty maybe up to five we'll see but pretty happy with that already about tenth of the way uh who are you oh Nomads I don't know if we can trade with them I highly doubt it they've got swamp frogs oh my God they're so cute look at them oh I love them if they're able to take any of our inventory that'll be good if not it might be worth following them just because they're likely to go through or near that Outpost that could only save us if there are any other Bandits or anything like that out to get us okay we are slowly catching up with the leader at the front they are following the pass we'll probably follow them until they get to the crossroads if they take a right we'll just keep following them I guess safety and numbers and all that but we'll see if they've actually got anything to trade they've got no money themselves okay just follow him for the minute there we go see where you take us oh hang on I think we're going the wrong way damn it we need to go that way all right cheers guys oh God swimming swimming is hard oh carrying a dead body swimming that can't be nice oh dear our strength must be going up pretty quickly though yeah we're nearly at level eight already boom who are you mercenary Guild oh okay are you gonna go towards the settlement you are right can we follow him that'll be good because chances are they will be very good at protecting us discover Drifters last found somewhere decent or says this is for your own good slave trader slave Traders Rebel Farmers definitely only loot the rebel farmers got a book nice okay uh follow them again yeah there we go okay we're good our next stop drifter's last I've also discovered drifter's race way I've got no idea what that is to be honest someone just paid four grand for something so that fills me with confidence hopefully we'll find someone willing to buy a load of stuff for a lot of money um it's just a floating float oh there's a couple of floating dudes I don't know what's happened there uh they've got barely anything on them but there might be a book on this one that is just pure Ken she wrote there's nothing on him push on into the village right come on Yoshi hurry up we need to get in before it gets too late oh thank goodness right animal bones useful for coughing we've got quite a lot of animal claws so hopefully that's good enough here we go so we're minus 50. see what happens once we sell all of this then 82 chance getting caught oh okay so we can't fence the United City stuff that one 500 okay that's amazing the Wayside expansion mod adds a ton of stuff like it adds all these different types of trade goods we can get like different grains and things loads of different types of alcohols because I'm pale lag is pretty cheap here but lager's more expensive luxury goods obviously because it's United cities trade bet here so it's an interesting mix of different trade goods and things that you can do it makes it a little bit more Dynamic and I quite like that uh obviously we can't actually buy anything ourselves or we took off about 4K cats which isn't bad could be a lot worse uh that's trade what you've got on you okay yeah so just over 4K you are worth 3K if we can find something like here we go in here we might be able to put him in a cage I don't know we might barely get some money doing that if not we'll go to the boss even get any free recruits I doubt it but you never know it would be nice to start getting our party a little bit bigger looks like all the Bounty is he dead you only get paid whatever give me my money woo 1500 nice let's go the bar it's getting late we've got a few hours to kill we can check out the Raceway oh is it like a it's a race track are they racing bone dogs how weird well we can't really do much about that until we have any money so I don't think it's worth even really considering that right now so I everyone underrates the cook you know what without a good cook sideways the rest of the day how would you improve without the fuel to nourish your mind and body everyone needs to go cook and I'm the best well I know damn well that we will appreciate some food that is actually home cooked ten thousand uh no what about you Rin you're a master sword thing right uh uh what would we say no not yet at least take me with you yeah okay great uh on psycho thoughts no I can't afford that right now there's probably gonna be a lot of people who are like oh yeah and we need the money blah blah blah uh it's probably gonna be three K's the standard Isaiah anyone who wants to make fun of my pink horns I know that I do not look like a warrior damn it you look pretty warrior-like to me do I look like such a holy gorilla brain I do not mind such things like original skin color but why do you have such horns I'm an albino Shack there may be one under a hundred and that's what I had to be oh okay interesting as I said before I do not worry about Origins and skincare I'm looking for recruits I do not know people always make fun of me you can prove it to anyone when you go out and kill a bunch of enemies you're right I'll try it uh I want you to hear that welcome to the team oh okay we got someone Isaiah welcome what are you good at then nothing you're better than us but not by much well I guess welcome to the team then do you reckon we can get anywhere before it gets too late I don't really want to go out on the road when it's too dark we'll try going north we can always make Camp ryoshi had found another lonely soul to travel with Isaiah The Shack his father always looked down at Shack acting like they were less than chattel but right now ryoshi only saw a person someone lost in need of companionship and a new home I think really long-term plan though I would like to get to the Border Zone it's kind of easy pickings at that point so it's how we get to the Border Zone we could go through the swamp thinking about it there are ruins on the way we might be able to get lucky spider planes are probably too dangerous for us well that's the Goon the high bone fields and the bonefields possible but that's a huge risk whatever the case is a huge risk really whatever direction we go Southern Hive uh Huge Bone dogs and Beak things huge beams of light in venge also I think maybe the swamp uh but I think for now we will make our way steadily to clown steady and then we will push up I think into the swamp Bank room okay that's something small iron resource I mean we could just get money through iron and stuff but it's going to take forever to get all that mined up uh is there anything else that might be a bit more profitable it's fine we'll uh we'll work on the small iron resource for now get out of debt that little bit more here we go how much 90 we need so much of it I don't think that's worth it mining is like fairly easy income wise but you don't really get much from it at all okay we'll do a little bit just to get through the night and then I think we'll push on okay the sun is rising I've got five iron I think that'll do Isaiah come on let's get to bang cream and Magic numbers thank goodness Rebel Farmers again right let's camp on the hill it's near enough to that settlement I'm hoping oh hang on there's a pretty short battle they took on the Highlanders oh we've discovered Crown steady okay it's not that far away I'm hoping that basically the assessment will take them on now they're going slowly slowly going okay all right if we quit we can probably loot these Highlanders oh the rebel Farmers coming back uh go go that way oh they're fighting okay that might be more profitable for us to go round then okay we'll go loot the bodies the rebel Farmers because presumably yeah they've been absolutely annihilated what do you have ooh crossbow oh well Farmers bone wolf oh hello my animal skin some teeth and a bone dog head okay thank you how much is that worth barely anything no let's go in because it looks like there's quite a few bodies inside oh Outlaw swordsman who's also a rebel if I pick him up so if I put him in there will I get the money no damn it I thought we'd get the money for that uh we could loot these ones I don't think they mind if we loot the people oh and you've got loads of meat on you nice okay that's food for us lots more meat thank you right this is food for us done okay good and they don't mind the fact that we've done that thankfully so let's go trade what we've currently got then we'll make our way onto clown steady I think fencing chance 110 nice we can actually trade them that's bought our uh our money right down so that's really really cool okay nice oh what was that over there because that was a big old hit a bone cat I don't even know what that is I don't really want to know what that is that sounds terrifying you are running very quick where are you going home territory aggression oh there's more okay good right let's go back then go over here could do some looting now if we sneaky can we uh loot this or we can get some more that chewing tobacco nice don't really want them seeing us looting their fallen friends but you never know they might not mind that much yeah it's quite a lot up ryoshi I need you to go back to bank room tell them that'll be really really good uh you stop sneaking go Isaiah come back here we'll loot the rest and we'll push on can we loot anymore I'm a bit conscious about being seen doing this yeah this is this is good this is good what is that bone dog from the rebel Farmers oh that might have some decent stuff Isaiah come back and trade we'll keep swapping back and forth boom look at that got 16k cats down that's um that's pretty good going oh we didn't even trade that there we go yeah 16 exactly pretty much that's amazing seems only really just started and we're already that far down right okay next stop I guess is Cam study then uh what are you wearing Isaiah that shirt is just red oh okay cool I guess and someone's screaming in agony I guess they're being eaten alive um right anyway let's head over to clown study I hope you'll find some more stuff on the way to trade uh we're probably getting a bit hungry now so oh why have we got off Bounty Highlanders oh we got caught looting Bulls okay 500 that's not too bad I don't even know if the Highlanders have a proper base anywhere and 500 we could pay off ourselves that's not too much of a problem oh hello what's this uh everyone sneak for a second got hook Raiders fighting who United cities okay that might be good for us we actually you go up oh I need you to pick that up and run away also a Pack meal okay right this is big this is really big actually I need you to loot that jackpot jackpot jackpot jackpot look at all this look at all this food like committing crime uh that's fine they don't seem to mind oh we've got some of that which is worth a lot of money this is huge what I'm gonna do though is I'm gonna loot that and we're gonna get that bag off of it uh open bag because this is a little bit cheesy but uh let's keep some of the food out because this allows us to store a lot more stuff in it and now we've got everything excellent uh Isaiah I need you to Loop that same thing really we're just going to store all of it into the Bull's backpack take that with us this is worth a lot of money though is that if you put that on the floor can you then open it loot it yeah there we go that's how you do it so that's loot everything from these uh because that Armor's worth quite a lot why why have we got a slave fighting us why we've got United cities fighting us uh everyone run run away run away uh attacking end we're not an enemy white we're not an enemy ryoshi I need you to drop that and run you run away we can come back for it Isaiah will you do that I guess I don't know why the United cities have suddenly decided to attack you we actually get over here we don't want to go too far from Isaiah because he's gonna die at this point uh ryoshi right now we actually run that way that way that way because they're gonna find you we'll loop around go back and grab him heal him up that'll be fine crap we need to heal him uh first Aiden quick got his arms messed up need to heal his chest and we'll be fine okay I think we're gonna have to pick up the animal bag trade with Isaiah take some of his stuff so he can then have the animal bag at that point we then need to pick up our own backpack pick up Isaiah there we go right onto clown steady we go what a sight that is oh God who are they who are they who are they who are they band of Bones uh sneak sneak okay we're going to want to hang back do not want to be a part of that at all it doesn't do anything for cover but I'll pretend like it does I'm presuming he's running straight towards pound steady as well if that's the case we might be able to get some loot okay here we go Traders Guild okay there's quite a few Traders Guild I think it's a safe bet that we could probably just go straight and as more Traders Guild there come on quick here we go come on I'm hoping some of these have bounties to be honest uh it's still in recovery coming for a long time and none of them have bounties it's a shame the leaders look like they all went down there we might be able to get them just outside clown study though now we could take some actually better gear for ourselves but they do have an Athletics effect issue and a skills affect issue so I think we're going to leave that okay so right we got the United cities just outside there oh it looks like they've just finished clearing up excellent uh we've got a fragment axle long Cleaver already on the floor uh I think they're they're looting them no they I think they're picking on taking them to jail if we're quick we should be able to loot them the samurai leg baits are much better than what we've got uh so we can sell them this guy it's a bounty of 500. we put you down pick up the one that has 500 Bounty and we will go trade him in uh we'll have to come back for Isaiah I think let's pick up the long Cleaver while we're here though oh fragment ax can't forget the fragment ax yeah because they've just collected the last of them so we got lucky with that 500 one let's go trade him in for a bounty then 500. hey there we go brilliant let's go get Isaiah back all right come on Isaiah time to go uh right let's go trade these Goods in before it's too late uh we're probably going to leave the bags outside just because if I think if we put them inside the buildings they might think we're stealing from the buildings not sure if that's strictly true but I think it might have happened before when I play Kenji so I don't really want to risk it probably leaves the ration packs I guess let's do business here we go so we should be able to trade yeah there we go so it has a markup on it and it is legal it's not worth anywhere near as much as like hashish's but actually is still a narcotic and it's it's worth quite a lot of money this one's not but we're gonna sell it anyway people just sell all of it if we had like pack mules and stuff I would save some so that we could then trade around and get the best deal for our Goods however it is not worth it when we've got only this many people and we're this in cupboard and we're struggling this much as it is we're down to minus 23 we're already taking off over 25k cats this one episode I thought it was going to take a lot longer to be honest but I think we've got incredibly lucky especially since we found that pack Arrow let's go let's go to the prison actually before anything else because we could loot those prisoners sneakily for their gear I think it is a bit cheesy but it's something you can do even with universal Wasteland expansion it enables you to do it so it I guess it's okay I mean the chances are that they've probably taken most of their decent equipment anyway so we're probably not going to get much but we could just get a few extra 100 cats if they don't seem to mind when we loot stuff but then to be fair it's not worth much money at all that might be better for us I guess I mean we're not going to be a crossbow so we might as well uh you could have that armor there we go we're not we're just trading with the prisoners nothing else fine that'll do okay everyone let's go to the bar let's sell the rest of what we've got finish up there oh this is a very packed bar let's just sell our Goods I think we'll have a look next episode see if we can find anyone here to recruit I doubt it or we can always have a little look 22 cats in debt amazing a seat I don't know if we can when you're passed out I think we're just gonna have to carry you because we can't exactly put you in a bed because we don't have any money I think we just have to carry you can we sit down while we're carrying you probably not and there's no chairs available anyway I think we'll just end it here then after earning significant amounts of money from looting bounty hunting and theft ryoshi had already paid over half of what he was indebted to and with better weapons and armor both him and Isaiah he felt confident that they would be safe traveling through the swamplands he started a way to go and Isaiah was critically injured but for now they would rest up in this bar safe from the outside world and those that wished them harm so thank you so much for watching guys if you'd like with him please leave a like And subscribe a massive thank you to all my patreons Drew Clint David Len valise Lobby Lord tkos toolman natural cheese Mikey soundtrack King Of Thorns Skyla birchall Charles mint salad Latz and Brian thank you guys you are just all amazing thank you so much for all your support it really means a lot to me so thank you so much so yeah I'm really looking forward to getting back into Kenji I'm really looking forward to this series if you've got any suggestions for the series and things that you would like me to have a look at or things you'd like me to do just comment down below and I'm happy to have a look so thank you so much for watching guys and I'll see you next episode cheers bye-bye
Channel: IslandPotato - Survival Gaming
Views: 19,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi lets play, sandbox game, kenshi gameplay, let's play, kenshi modded, kenshi gameplay ep 1, kenshi gameplay 2021, lets play kenshi, let's play kenshi, kenshi game, kenshi 2021, kenshi guide, kenshi let's play, kenshi stories, kenshi roleplay, kenshi rp, kenshi mods, kenshi base building, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi playthrough, kenshi 2, kenshi episode 1, kenshi kaizo, kenshi lore, sandbox, kenshi narrative, kenshi mod, kenshi tips, southern hive kenshi
Id: ngA43VjqT3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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