I've built a thriving Settlement on ONE Building | 100 Beep VS Kenshi

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welcome back to 100 beeps versus Kenji last time we've established a suitable environment for our beeps to live in here Mongrel they got food now they got water they got the roof over their heads they're being trained non-stop to become as strong as possible as strong as a hyper can get and I think we are ready now for the next step you know we want to eradicate all the other hivers hives here in the world of kenshi especially those who exiled our beloved little beep we are out here for Revenge we want to eradicate the Western Hive the southern Hive it's gonna be Hive Wars just like little ants trying to overthrow each other's end hives ask you guys what kind of weapons and armor distribution what you want to see me do with our 50 fighter beeps the beeps for close combat so I've gathered information some ideas from your comments and let you vote it seems like giving every 10 beeps a weapon of every class was most asked for and yeah gotta be honest I guess that's pretty interesting more interesting than just one weapon one guy said 50 human skin suits and no weapons that also could be an interesting idea but but I don't know if that's as effective against other hivers since you know the skin suits they'll just think it's actual humans attacking them they're not gonna feel the pain of regret I want to let them know it's their exiled beeps that are gonna beat their asses with every variety of weapon there is in kenshi I want to let them feel the extent of the mistake they did when we are done with the hivers maybe then maybe then we can rate some human bases with those skin suits that might be a good idea should be fun should be good for some extra fear-inducing shock moments and battle shock tactics alright let's give you guys a little bit of a tour through our base here we've got a little bit of a nice entrance here an area for the beeps to relax and sit around it's mostly occupied by the beep Medics there were not a lot of accidents happening of recent for them to act for that's why they're chilling I've also put a small shop counter here right next to the entrance maybe someday we'll be able to sell some armor or weapons for a good price so we can make some money let's show you some activities here this beep right here is hauling raw iron ore to our base currently this is our best passive income we have we got our minor beeps here our diligent little worker drones working day and night this one runs out gets the raw iron and brings it back to the base all fully automatically without even a single click of my mouse but sometimes the miners are getting attacked just like that I'll just send them into the town and after that they go back to work I've built a couple of strength training stations so our fighter beeps can build up some muscles faster a cooking station with a dedicated beep cook look we already got some cooked vegetables here in those barrels here we got our iron storage it's getting full it's already overflowing I'll just get the beep with a backpack you can sell all of the material for some small money actually with all that iron now in in the bags it gives 50 strength training let's let him walk around with that first gotta have to use up every chance we get for strength training on the roof of our base training is continuing we've got some more weight benches and here we got the training mat so our little beeps can drain their melee defense skills which is pretty cool they can train up to level 20 or something not the best but that's better than nothing oh yeah and down here again currently there's not much back here I want to use that space for today to build up some armor and weapon crafting stations I just hope everything fits in there it's kind of a small space for that I think but it should work oh yeah I nearly forgot we also got some cultivation going on here on the roof one beep is watching the plants grow he is watering the green fruit plants as soon as they need it his farming skill is not that developed yet but we're getting there someday yeah and that's it everything just works most of the beeps have have their jobs their dedicated jobs cooked vegetables have a nutrition score of 25 compared to a food Cube though the food Cube has a nutrition score of 75 that's way better disappointing but nutritious peeps aren't that picky maybe we should consider switching to food cubes what do we need to make these ingredients one bread and eight green fruits it's just bread what we need and we could make ourselves some delicious food cubes let's see what we need for bread ah thanks to the mod we are able to build ourselves a hydrophonic wheat straw Farm think I'm gonna put two right here in the bag okay guys I think we got a little bit of a problem here you know if we want to bake the bread we need to put the grown wheat straw into a grain silo first you know the silo it grinds the wheat straw up into flour we get the space we have enough room for that but that grain silo is actually not made to be placed inside towns it's an exterior type building damn what now I guess I have to check out if we can get a mod for that all right we're saved there are actually a bunch of mods that lets you get around the Restriction that is pretty nice now it works here we go this looks awesome from a humble little home to a fast growing industry that's what you get if you get together 100 peeps I've also put a bread oven down here next to the entrance get rid of that torch post here and no need for that anymore I like how we got a bunch of beep Engineers always ready when there's work to do it shouldn't take long now until we're able to build up our armoring workbench just a little bit more research and we're ready to go original beep is eagerly training with that dead Faulk man on his back and a backpack filled up with literal Stones that's how people in the Middle Ages trained he's out here becoming the strongest of them all he has to become an idol for every other beep here wait a second to hivers muscles get bigger with training let's compare a strong beep with 60 strength to one with zero strength uh uh I can't really tell they need to stand as close as possible I don't know man it looks a little bit bigger doesn't it man those are the worst spaghetti arms I've ever seen beeps and hivers are just not blessed as humans are or Czech people okay now to finish up our wheat straw Farms we actually need some wheat straw let's check out if we get some vendors here in Mongrel oh this looks bad they're selling lots of green fruits but no wheat straws not a singular one we got a bunch of different vendors here we got home suppliers travel equipment Merchants a bunch of bars but not a single soul is selling wheat straws to him that's annoying and now beep is getting harassed by a mongrel crazy [ __ ] what now I guess we need to scout for some other cities around our area cities with a couple more vendors there must be someone that is selling that [ __ ] I don't think there's anything up north the holy lands I can definitely forget that I think we should try the Hub if that's not working we'll just head further south to the Shang Kingdom and if that ain't working I'm going the hemp route in the swamps let's go original beep with Athletics at 64 already this should not take long this backpack makes him look like a snob he thinks he's better than all the other beeps just because he got a mobile roof on his head oh Nomad animal Trader do we need a pet oh look at all the poles oh God I miss him Paul there was holy nation territory must be stack shouldn't be far from here now yep and there it is the Hub and what do we have here oh nothing nothing oh man but we got a lot of random items here but it's useless damn it let's go to the shed Kingdom let's go to the Stan desert squint we will try our luck here in squint if that doesn't work I know of a location where there are weed straws for sure the fishing Village got them for sure I think I remember I've seen them there and I think there was a big fishing Village up there in the north at the northern coast but that's way too far for us to reach that trip would take long as time watch your fragile bones Buckman who do you call fragile what's your mouth or I'll get my Bros I've got 100 of them please give me some wheat straws guys yes nice oh holy [ __ ] and I can only carry like exactly 10 pieces with that backpack 10 pieces is exactly what I need okay I think it's time let's see where we can put up that armor crafting workbench our guys are already waiting for some cool armor and some heavy weapons to be built the sooner we'll start hammering that Anvil the better because our beeps need the skill too you know we need a plate beating station we need armor plates for if we want to craft some heavy armor some Samurai armor we need that plating station somewhere around here always gotta have to watch out not to block anything or else the pathing system of those beeps will be uh will be confused couple of weapon cabinets or one weapon and one armor storage for the finished equipment okay looks good let's get to work guys once we've built 10 weapons of each class of each weapon class and Samurai armor for our 50 fighter beeps I think I'm gonna send them out for some raids in the fork glands first they have to get acquainted to the heavy armor and the unusual heavy weight of those weapons first that something completely new to them but that's still a way to go first we gotta have to build up that [ __ ] what's original beep doing whoa are you insane why are you in vain holy [ __ ] it's a gorilla you gotta have to be careful here there are lots of big things around here they eat you up in a blink of an eye actually look at this our Arch enemies the hivers they look just like beep what's happening okay we finished building up the heavy armor of Smithy and there it is Samurai armor Samurai uh leg plates helmet and Boots wait a second can hivers even equip boots nope okay if they get hit on the feet we're done I guess maybe we need to replace some limbs at some point we need to replace them with mechanical Robo legs and arms they're definitely gonna get some more hit points from that maybe we'll just build a skeleton limp's workbench and we'll just make our own stuff oh my God are you for real this guy is hitting that anvil in slow motion with one point in armor smithing skill this will take ages I hope he'll get faster with time because this is hard to watch original BP spec yeah welcome fast build up that hydrophonic farm we need that our food production is kinda slow I think one green fruit farm ain't enough okay guys look our key little worker drones are working on their dedicated workplaces one is working on that Samurai armor the other one is crafting as a sword I think if you can even call that the sword it should become a fragment X at some point but right now it just says predicted results rusted junk zero percent critical success chance this is trash but you gotta have to work on something right he is wasting so much material just for one sword this guy is using all the steel bars I just bought those are not cheap sadly we cannot craft those by ourselves like the armor plates we need some heavy machinery for that one Machinery we could only build outside of town which is not possible for us so we have to rely on the merchant for that one but beep skill is getting better and better that's cool the wheat farm is working we're actually making our own flower those food cubes are gonna be a game changer food cubes are op items in this game oh look we already have bread let's go we can make food cubes this is everything is just working like clockwork fully automatically the first piece of armor is ready who is gonna be the first to wear it let's give that armor to our strongest fighter oh no the armor our armor beep just started to wear it good thing is since every beeps the same size our armorer won't have a hard time taking measurements he just looks what fits him best and makes the same for everyone else there we go look how cool that looks this beep is ready for a fight standard great pretty good pretty good good stats not the best but not the worst good for now crafted by the Smith beep of the beeps beep even sign into his own armor the weapon's not ready yet though and I think it will take a long as time holy [ __ ] I hope this will go faster with higher skill level food Cube food Cube okay guys here it is full Samurai armor the fragment X on his back and then Iron Will in his heart this beep is Ready for War I I feel pretty confident there are a couple of frogments here doing stuff let's try to wipe them out with one swing of that insane fragment X peeps should not get damaged in the slightest now with that armor right he he's like invincible and stuff let's go beep show him who's the boss remember left right right left okay the armor is okay the weapon I think what peep likes is just skill he's strong but has no points and weapon handling yeah this is a lost cause well we'll see what we can do next episode thanks for watching guys thanks to my patreons and for their great support you guys are the best thank you all and I'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: Paganacho
Views: 20,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, paganacho, paga, paga nacho, jean claude van damme, kenshi van damme, paganacho van damme, kenshi beep, kenshi play, Kenshi playthrough, kenshi game, kenshin, kenshi let's play, kenshi 100 beep, kenshi 100 beeps, kenshi 100 hivers, kenshi hiver, kenshi hiver challenge, kenshi 100 beep challenge, 100 Beep VS Kenshi, kenshi economy, kenshi lets play, kenshi gameplay
Id: F-GIq7JgkhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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