Everything Broken On The 66 Year Old Airplane After 2841 Mile Flight

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after flying this airplane literally from coast to coast over 3 000 miles i'm gonna share with you all the stuff that's broken on it some of it was broken before i left some of it i'm discovering right now if you didn't see that video you're missing an epic trip because this girl right here is a 1956 310 and it had set for quite a while about 15 years give or take before the guy i got it from got it two years ago he then spent about eight months on it kind of getting everything together he literally had to put this engine back together from a different airplane that he had to put on here and cobble things together so you know what could go wrong and then like a you know very smart man i saw it he emailed me and i'm like yep i'm buying it and then i went out there and it still wasn't running right whenever i got there so it took us three days of working on this thing before it was running consistent enough i'll say for me to fly it from california all the way back to florida over 3 000 miles it was an insane trip lots of fun adventures on the side meeting a lot of great people you definitely should check that out and i discovered a few things along the way one of which this engine was the only one on the way out i'll add that got hot and it happened at three o'clock in the afternoon in west texas at the end of june you know when it was only like 100 degrees outside who knew so we just opened it up let it cool down and it was fine and good to go airplane noises i like airplanes and airplane noises they're fun the engine four of the six cylinders are chrome the other two are unknown it leaks oil like crazy this one also burns oil it burns like one quart every two and a half hours give or take which is a lot but it's still technically within specifications i'm not sure if it's burning that much oil or leaking that much oil you can see down below it's marking its territory it also sounds like a harley so maybe that's the whole thing because every harley leaks oil too that's what it's doing is seeping oil not not leaking two very different things it's trying to be an old radial or something like that let me open this up and look inside you'll see what i'm talking about see if it adjusts down in there but you can see all the oil leaking from there and on these every one of them is leaking right there yeah that one's the driest of all of them but everything is just coated in oil let's look at the other side you know old cars now it's broken that's how you're gonna play huh [Music] yeah get over there what is your deal and you can't open this without that one i've decided we're just gonna add a quart it probably needs it anyway that'll be fine i mean i flew it for three hours so i know it used at least a quart we're getting ready to fly it up to the other 310 to save the 310 and we're going to use that plane and this plane and combine them and make a super 310 that's gonna be on the next video not this one apparently this video is just about me trying to open this engine oil door on the side and showing you everything that's wrong with it so that we know how to make it a super 310 now that i've shown you everything on this engine look down below and you'll see some other really not good things starting with a small oil leak oh yeah and look it's marking its territory that's not the worst bit the scariest bit to me was on these tires i'm not sure if you can see that see the dry rotting and the cracking right in here yeah yeah that's not good on tires and down there sell that also not good you're looking between the treads there and there and not to mention they're they're kind of old not good but i knew about that and i knew that these only had to make like a half a dozen more landings so i just had to be really careful about making smooth landings and that did okay check out the brakes so you see that little ridge right there the shiny bit back here and the shiny bit right there that's wearing down in between there really low brake pads but on the back what you can't really see is there's no brake pad back there whatsoever yeah all that is not good oh and did i mention that it's leaking and that right there is leaking which means these cylinders inside are leaking so i also knew that that was an issue yeah we're gonna have to take an eye on that oh yeah look there you go on the tire marking its territory again oh look more dry rot yes and more dry rot and more oil leaking on the good side gears worked they came down each time so that's nice you got the struts here a little bit of extra moisture uh yeah we'll pretend that's fine and let's see what else under the airplane oh hey this is new i don't recall that stripe being there i don't even know what that is gonna have to look at that yeah we never could get this light to turn on so you know there's that more tire issues that is not traction that is the opposite get those squared away oh look a good strut that one seems to be doing well and that light works so that's a bonus yep this engine over here same thing leaking like crazy although not as bad as the other side but this one was still leaking see it has a little bit of a oil coming out more coming out here this is what i call my anti-rust treatment right here that's my corrosion resistance treatment is what's happening here not an oil leak like that and that and we got a few rivets missing that's all right we got most of those so we should be good same story over here brakes are totally toast and leaking see that goo on the tire there and there and a little bit of a ridge down there yeah and leaking there i mean at least it's consistent bonus this is where you test the fuel not leaking fantastic let's see is this one leaking awesome not leaking we're not going to use to have to use our drug runner soap trick to keep fuel leaks so bonus oh yeah i forgot to tell you so we got a light here and over here there's no light just a patch where the light's supposed to go it's like a pirate with just one eye uh so yeah that was that's in a box in the airplane uh we're gonna have to get that put back in and hopefully the wires and stuff work we'll see well i just learned something this dipstick is a locking dipstick it won't pull out like that but if you twist it around like that it pulls right out look at that so it's got a lock on it push it in it's locked in there i'll be down gone more oil leaks more of my anti-rust treatment happening in there uh-huh yep more oil leaks up that way and back that way one other thing is uh all these hoses i'm pretty sure that is original 1957. there's some sort of code right here but i don't know how to decipher that hierarchy yeah those babies are super hard as a rock so i'm not gonna touch that because i don't want it to break because that would suck that's your brake line if that thing broke and cracked you'd lose brakes on this side and you would just go woo and goes flying off the end of the runway and crash and burst into a ball of fire but others now you would be just fine how do you check the fuel you ask i'm glad you asked with a stick that's right our magic stick with our red line on it right here that is how you tell definitively how much is in there goes down to the red line pull it up and we have oh a little less than half a tank and that's how you check the gas level on a 66 year old airplane now you know everything seems to be working just fine exactly like you would expect a 66 year old airplane to work let's go take it for a flight see how it goes easiestly my favorite part of the airplane this door handle it's all smooth here like this you push in and then it sounds like a bank vault when you open it just the most positive sounding thing i've ever heard a junk and then it opens and then when you close it you push down and you can feel the everything just going ready is that not the most satisfying thing ever let's hear it again yes i love that then on the inside what's broken well this thing kind of works it was a pain in the butt this radio you couldn't hear anything until you were like over the airport i don't even know what this is there's nothing there this radio down here so you can't really see that uh yeah it also didn't really work this did work this tells everyone else where we're at that's kind of good that did work this little thing right here is for oxygen yeah there's no oxygen on this airplane i think all those pipes are even disconnected uh yep yep yep this side does not work that tells you how hot the exhaust is this side did work but i think it was a little off because it always showed a little low those worked mostly uh this gauge right here which is kind of an important one tells you if you're going to overheat it was kind of would flicker every once in a while ago between so we just kind of gave the the average of wherever it was and went with that that did work so there you go and i think all these over here work too so that's good flat position that worked the timer that worked that no it didn't work because that's connected to these and frankly i don't even know how to use it yeah it doesn't work doesn't work i tried it altimeter was working really well except when you'd get up to the higher altitudes 9000 or above and then it would just be like yay and then all of a sudden go blue get all weird on you so that needs some attention i think that worked it's optimistic even right now this yeah that kind of sort of worked but you had to adjust it all the time and i did get a funny smell after we landed like some electronic spinny gyro type things were getting warm so i'm guessing that could be that or this that seemed to work that i'm assuming it worked because we were using it yep that worked that's still working look at that on all the other planes the clock never works but on this one it works just fine and this is that adf thing so if you want to circumnavigate the world you would use this but yeah we're not doing that i don't even know if that worked never even looked at it let's get down here to the switches all those work that worked so we have this one right here uh this starter one this one was weird you had to hold it down and this way a little bit for it to work otherwise it didn't know what you were doing so not sure there and this is a prime i don't think that worked either nav lights worked the landing light that did not work because it's missing off the bottom of the airplane taxi light worked autopilot that doesn't have one of those anymore because it's supposed to go right there and that's not there oh the beacon you got to hear this thing are you ready battery on listen to this oh man that's awful [Applause] [Applause] that sounds like gravel in a blender not gonna lie it's awful the heat yeah that's disconnected the pinot i think works this is our mystery switch that we still don't really know what it goes to because we flip it and you just hear it but then nothing happens so we we don't have any idea what that switch goes to and the same these are your air for your fresh air the bottom one i can pull that one out twist it pull it out yeah but the the top one not so much ah there it goes and now it's never coming back in temperature control yeah that doesn't work a little volume thing that kind of works and the fuel oh so those worked on the mains but then you got your other fuel tanks down here and the auxiliary one over here is very optimistic it is let me just turn that on look at that that is never out of gas until it's all the way out of gas and then it's out of gas fuses or circuit breakers are all you know just fine cabin heater we got that pulled to disconnect it this is a fantastic 66 year old airplane and we got bob ross keeping an eye on things am i right awesome let's go fly are you ready bob now i did notice one slight difference in the manual versus what they taught me so we're going to start it up the way the manual says and see how that goes we got mixtures props throttles right about there ignition switches we're going to start the left first and then it says to push the starter and after it makes a revolution then turn the boost bump on so we're going to try that all right everybody's favorite can i get a clear crop oil pressure came up rpms are good dude this sucker is purring like a kitten we're gonna put our flaps up now so we don't forget that cannot clear up oh yeah fuel pressure oil pressure all that stuff looking great [Applause] well somebody's gonna come over me okay so now we gotta turn those engines back up again a pinch clear prop how clear can i get a clear problem [Applause] all right full power airspeed is alive engines are in the green they're starting to fulfill it yeah one to come up there's 90. 95. get out of the way that big old bird out of runway gear's coming up now spread our 120 climb out [Applause] bam i love it nicely done there's our runway similar glider forward short final three one zero echo bravo three six there we [Applause] [Music] if go can clip these trees oh yeah [Music] no problem welcome to what should be the last episode of save the 310 because after this screen goes down ain't gonna be two airplanes behind me there's just gonna be one save to 310 i'll see you soon you
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 265,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EM92uQuNxvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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