Will Our FREE Abandoned Yacht Start ?!

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welcome back to another episode we are here with the cruiser yacht the free abandon yacht that you guys saw tim gentry from gentry's trucking tow up here to one of my storage areas and man every time i pull up i'm reminded about how big this thing really is so i'm glad you guys are along to see if we can get this thing started welcome back to rebuild rescue and guys don't forget make sure if you didn't subscribe yet go ahead and hit that button become a subscriber be part of the rebuild rescue crew so one of the things that happens when you are doing projects at multiple locations and just working on getting a ton of things done you end up with tools all over the place so on the way here to work on the yacht today i had to stop and get every tool that we would need [Music] all right so we got all the tools unloaded it's just really tough not having your tools when you're ready to do a job and you just feel out of sorts but i think we got enough tools to dig in [Music] last thing i need is another broken leg [Music] [Applause] kind of forgot about how dirty this thing is wasn't there something over top of this i could have swore there was a seat right here maybe not oh there's the back of it oh all right that's the back all right that goes over there but i thought there was like a fold out seat that was right there maybe not i don't know or maybe it's uh oh right there nevermind it looks like it might have come loose and now it's right over there yeah so we're up here in the yacht and actually i just realized that i forgot the keys they're at my house so that makes starting the yacht really difficult can i hotwire a yacht can't say i've ever done that before previously on yacht repo in the last video before tim had towed this up here we talked a little bit about what the plans are for this yacht we're gonna get this yacht running a lot of you guys when i asked what charity speaks to you brought up different charities that help veterans we're about helping veterans one of our viewers don has been such an awesome guy he's always sending emails just inspiring us you know telling uh telling us that he's behind us i really appreciate it he's a disabled veteran it's going to go to helping veterans if you guys know a veteran you guys have some in your family or friend honor them post their name in the comments thank them for their service you know my grandfather he was a disabled vet my great-grandfather my great-great-grandfather all the way back to the civil war were veterans we need to appreciate them we need to support them and here rebuild rescue we're going to start doing that with this build it's going to take a while could take a year but that's what we're doing with it you guys get to follow along you guys get to help us so i'm wondering where the batteries are in here i'm thinking they're probably down here with the engines or they were down here with the engines because there's a spot for a battery and there should be a spot over yeah so there's a spot over in both places for a battery and then why but for this project i'm getting a little bit i'm thinking a little bit more that we should start cleaning the whole project before we work on them because i'm kind of getting tired of working on dirty stuff we've got the generator down there and we have places for two batteries down there and when i say down there it's like four feet down there but if you look around the outside of this whole assembly this whole cover it's it's about five foot by seven foot this whole cover comes up out of here and it exposes the engines in their entirety you can even if you want you can even pull the seats out over here and get those up out of the way just to give you room it looks like to me that the the right engine was worked on the left engine looks like it's still intact you know it's just the cover that was pulled off on this so i'm not sure uh you know what all would be wrong with it what the issue is oh i've i've bought a couple boats in the past where they've you know people didn't winterize them right the freeze-out plugs come out or the block cracks you know or they just they just blow up you know the crank will go out some bearings will go out because on these boat motors you're turning them hard you're turning them you know 4000 rpm for hours hours on end sometimes you can have some cooling problems one of the cool things about this boat is it has its own cooling system so the coolant of whatever body of water you're in comes into the boat and it cools its cooling system but it has its own coolant in the engines which usually keeps them so you don't have to winterize them as much it's a little bit different the way you do winterize them and it's just a better system it's self-contained you don't have any uh sea water coming into the engines so it's it's it's a much better system and this particular boat has four liter multi-port point injection so it's a chevrolet vortec based 454 fuel injected tune port engine which it's a good engine it's it's got lots of torque i actually have two 454 big blocks from the boat i had sticking those engines in here would be a little crazy i mean it would be a you know 13 1400 horsepower yacht which isn't a bad thing but it probably wouldn't get very good fuel mileage so i think we're gonna stick with something like a fuel-injected engine a lot more dependable anyway see what it's see what it's like down there getting down in there to drop batteries in and stuff i wanted to see what size battery it doesn't look all that bad in there i think i'm gonna crawl down there and take a look around after doing the first video on this yacht i had a bunch of people asking you know where's the yacht you know why aren't you working on it yet are you gonna start working on it just been waiting for this leg to heal up a bit if you look down here it's like a four or five foot difference and you're really contorted to get down in here i've worked on a ton of boats before and i knew how it was going to be so fortunately the doctor told me that i could get off my crutches yesterday i could put weight on it a couple weeks ago well i may or may not have been walking on it for the last couple weeks anyway hopefully my doctor doesn't see this but now i'm pretty good um it hurts a bunch but but at least we can uh can get down in here and work on stuff all right let's go to the parts store and let's see if they have batteries big enough for this boat [Applause] [Music] so we're heading up here at advanced auto parts they usually have a pretty good inventory marine batteries we'll see what they got [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two batteries and some nuts and bolts 397 so we got back from the parts store we have some batteries i unfortunately forgot that i had the keys for this at my house uh so i'm gonna see what kind of ignition switches are in here make sure you don't miss me falling off the back of the boat great content put post in the comments how long is it going to take jason to fall off the back of the boat and break his other leg don't worry if i miss it i'll just get you do it again okay we'll just reshoot you're all hard brother it's curious to see also in here with this sitting outside uncovered for so long you can see a lot of the connections down in here are corroded just the corrosion on there it's not terrible but every single one of these wires is going to have to be removed one at a time and all these connections all scrubbed up and coated with something just so we don't have like these electrical gremlins that we'd be chasing all the time i was gonna hotwire this but i decided we got so much stuff to do today and it's so hot out here anyway so we're gonna get the batteries put in we'll get some penetrating fluid in both engines and we'll take a look around the uh the engine area and see what all we're gonna need we'll go pick it up make sure we have it tomorrow when we get back here i'll make sure i got the keys so i'm not blowing fuses while i'm hot wiring it just not a good idea hey guys we're here working on the free abandon yacht and we wanted to take a minute to introduce our sponsor roman roman offers prescription ed medications that are safe effective and 100 percent fda approved i really care about your health i want you guys to be confident i want you to be comfortable just like we have to put some work in to rebuild things like this yacht you have to be willing to put some work into yourself man and man ed isn't anything that you should be ashamed of or shy about edie will affect 52 percent of men sometime in their life but roman does make it real simple to connect with a physician if you get approved you can get your prescription quickly and discreetly and included is free two-day shipping so think about it you can change your life and the way you feel about yourself in as little as two days go to getroman.com rescue today if approved you'll get 15 off of your first order of eating treatment and remember guys we're taking a portion from our proceeds from all of our advertisers to support rebuild rescue and the charities that we support to do great things in our communities i don't know how many of you have worked on some larger boats like this this one does come with a generator it looks like it has like 503 hours on it i don't even know it's a colder generator it looks a little worn out a little rusty a little corroded so it'll be interesting to see if that runs and of course we have distributors in these older boats and i would be more than willing to bet that is very corroded it's on both of them the screws are loose to the cover so it looks like this cover was off either that or it just never was put on correctly but somebody mentioned to me that they thought this engine was bad but the boat sat around in that boat yard for so many years that people just kind of came and went and nobody really remembers much you know about this boat right there is the sea water strain strainer i think that's what it's called so that's where the water comes in from under the boat that then runs in to cool the engine off there's another one and and there's one back over here as well the tops are off of them you'll see it's it's just kind of laying right down here it just flips over that wing nut tightens it up my hopes are it was it was parked and stored and there's cooling in there so it was winterized and and we can put them together maybe put new gaskets in clean the strainers and they'll be good that would be best case worst case they were never winterized it's all frozen up and the whole thing is destroyed and we'll have to put all new engines in everything actually looks pretty good though i'm i'm not i'm not seeing anything that has me really really worried we can fire it up out of the water without having water hooked to it however a couple things can happen a your suction pump um you know for the sea water isn't going to be happy if you run it too long you probably shouldn't run it at all or if much at all but we are because we don't have any water where we're at so i'm not afraid just to fire it up a little bit let it run for a second or two and shut it off i'm even looking down here at the accessories i'm looking at the alternator and man it's just got a it's got a ton of rust on it i mean look at this thing i don't know what the chances are that the water pump you know the water pump would be would be locked up looking at all the accessories down here and they're just they're so corroded they're so rusted up you know it's going to be interesting to see what's good and what's not i have a feeling that we'll end up replacing all those pulleys on the front and putting two water pumps in putting alternators in because you know it's it's one thing to be driving down the road and have an engine an alternator a water pump go out it's another thing to be out in the middle of the ocean and have one of those go out i mean it's almost as bad as being up in the air and having something go out i'd much rather be in water than in the air though see what kind of oil we got if any and that's really good so we got fresh oil in that engine and it smells good my bet would be that it was changed before it was parked before it was when it was winterized let's check the other engine yeah and it's it's got brand new oil in it as well so that's a good sign pulling 16 plugs out is like a ton of work what's the chances just turn it over and see if it'll start a guy might think that it might just turn over and it may not need any penetrating fluid oh did i just say something won't need penetrating fluid i must not be feeling well today so what do you think harrison i think i think let it rip that wrap yeah let's just turn over yeah put some juice to it yeah let's just see what happens just see what happens yeah hmm kind of goes against every fiber of my fan of penetrant could this be the best free abandoned boat though if it does start free bending yacht freebin and yacht could this be the best free abandon yacht if it turns over without putting anything in it but what if a ring catches and it breaks a ring yeah penetrant helps you from breaking rings how about we pull a plug out we'll take a look at that cylinder see what that looks like and we'll go from there plug wire looks pretty good do you want to get me the um ratchet and uh extensions and the spark plug sockets thank you [Music] so apparently this had the oil change and brand new plugs put in at some point because you can see there's only a tiny bit of carbon on the back side of this plug the porcelain looks really good the gap's perfect and it's a it's an ngk r plug resistor plug and this is a newer style plug so like pretty much when it was parked it looks like this was put in so that was either because they were trying to figure out what was wrong with this engine and one of the things they did is put plugs in it or um you know they they were just maintained this was just maintained well it's got new oil in it the plug looks new honestly at this point i feel like it'd be a little bit of a waste of time to go through this whole engine and pull the plugs out and put um you know put penetrating fluid in there because i don't want to do it i mean because because i think it's it's going to be good i mean i don't know honestly something too the inside the interior was pretty well kept yeah besides some dirt so i mean the person might have kept this thing up to date and they just sat outside for a while yeah i agree you're 100 right so get a little bit of penetrant down on that cylinder i'm going to throw this plug back in here that's it i'm just trying to figure out how to get the other one out so there's another youtuber i saw that has a yacht he's been working on i think it's like an italian yacht or something and he pulled two huge diesels out and he's getting ready to put two ls like supercharged ls engines in i think they're like big block ls or something really cool engines i wish i had those two engines to put in here because it's already a gas powered boat and it would be a relatively easy installation compared to what you know what they're trying to do i haven't seen any updates on that video that looked like a really cool project actually what i'm seeing is i could see a little bit of kind of oil on the plug but it's not it's not motor oil so one of the things that i do when i winterize my boats i i've had a couple different ones um is i'll actually fog the boat so i'll have it running and i'll literally put fogger in the intake and it'll shut off because there's so much misting oil coming down through the intake it totally coats the cylinders and it keeps them from rusting out this the other plug had a little bit of oil film on it this one had a bunch but the plug again it looks like brand new so chances are i have a feeling that this was winterized these engines were both fogged that's my hopes anyway but i'll throw a little bit of penetrating fluid in there anyway i think i'll go along this what side is this this side of the engine i don't know if this is the left or the right but in the boat it'd be the left side of the engine on the right engine if that makes any sense if they look good i'm not crawling underneath there and pulling those out one of the things i'm finding it's always one of the things this would be like the 16th thing i'm finding one of the things i'm finding um on this everything seems to be kept pretty well even when i pull the spark plug boots off there's dielectric grease in there the last person that was working on this knew what they were doing i think it was fogged i think there was a tune-up done recently it's got fresher oil newer plugs really feeling good about this really feeling good if you look there's a little bit of shiny film on there this thing was definitely fogged but it the plug looks really good it looks newer it has a little bit of carbon on one side has a little bit of oil film on it i'm feeling really good we got this side done i noticed i pulled the cap off of the uh this would be kind of the radiator i don't even know what you call it did open this up the left engine over here does have coolant in this one has no colon in which worries me a little bit maybe this is the bad engine maybe you know it blew a head gasket or something and that's why there's nice film on the plugs and that's why this is empty i don't know we'll find out and we'll pull this uh we'll pull the cap off here and see if it has any corrosion i've worked on a few boats that didn't run after being stored even for one season and so many times it is the rotor that is completely corroded none of the contacts are doing what they're supposed to do yeah and this is what i was talking about this is what i was wondering if i was going to see there's barely any corrosion on the rotor so this would have been it's not a brand new rotor you can see there's a little bit um but it's in really good shape and they did use some dielectric grease in here which nobody ever does it's it's the right thing to do to keep it from corroding you can see the inside of the distributor here it's a different story there's a little bit of corrosion on here a little bit of rust but this is in really good shape let's grab the batteries and we'll get the batteries installed things are huge hopefully they fit [Music] so [Music] i want to check these transmissions make sure they have fluid before we fire this thing up so we don't want to start up if for some reason this transmission is dry so here's a dipstick that looks a little a little rusty get some lube on both of these a little penetrant goes a long way and a lot of penetrant goes even further i think i'll get these cables down here as well and see what and that that folks just like the oil in the engine that is a thing of beauty so normally with any type of transmission fluid if it's burnt or something like that you can smell it it'll literally smell burnt this smells brand new so it passes the sniffer test and it looks brand new it smells brand new it's got plenty of fluid in it i'm stoked that transmission that velvet drive transmission which a velvet drive transmission is very much like a powerglide two-speed transmission it's just that it has one speed the cool thing when you have these velvet drives in and you have a boat with a true transmission in it is you can change the from ford to reverse without getting the big bangs and clunks and it's just it's it's more of a better power transfer it's a lot smoother so if you can see right here it has a tiny little bit of transmission fluid in it it is new it's not burnt the way these actually work if you look at the markings on here the markings start here and it goes to full when it's hot so it can be anywhere when it's cold from here to like halfway up and it's good so i would say this fluid level is good but we are going to have to run it and circulate it and get it warm and then recheck it because it could be a maybe a quart or two low all right yesterday we went through the engine on the right side on the yacht and uh we got one of the batteries in but i realized i forgot the keys so ran home last night got a good night's rest now we have the keys and we're gonna see if we can get this thing started let's go so we're going to get the battery on the right side i don't have the the positive side hooked up yet i didn't want to hook it up yesterday without being around the boat with voltage just in case something happened so we're going to hook that up now and then we should be able to see if that cranks because i think that is the battery to the right engine let's put a regular nut on [Music] let's see if that powers it up all right we got voltage to this right engine none to the left so the batteries are specific to the right and the left so the throttle actually doesn't move pretty much at all so we're gonna have to take a look at that we'll get this cover off of here and that'll allow us to get some lubrication down in here it's been getting rained on for who knows how long and there's the uh where the cables come in and how the quadrants all set up there it's pretty simple it just has two really large cables here they're push pull cables that run up to the quadrant and this just rotates and that's how it works looks like that throttle runs right up into here here's the cable and it uh you know hooks hooks up to the throttle body see if that helps any all right i loosened right up it's still a little bit tight you can see it's got some dirt it's coming out of the quadrant there so at some point we'll you know we'll pull that completely out disassemble it clean up all the internals and make it work like new all right gets a little bit of lube on that other throttle cable on the other engine so we'll pull this cover off and we'll get this other throttle quadrant all lubed up so it is good to go one thing it is nice about about having two engines is if one breaks down and you're out in the ocean or or just somewhere you can still get back so it's just like an airplane you've got two engines you can fly on one it's not as is as easy to fly in one one engine than two in a in a twin engine or a twin boat twin engine boat but it gives you backup so this has a separate fuel tank separate complete separate systems left and right which is awesome this is the perfect boat to go to the bahamas and i can't wait because i've never taken a boat further than right out in the ocean i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing hopefully we don't sink but i can't promise anything i will try not to though and i might bring someone with me and knows what they're doing i actually think tim gentry from gentry and sons trucking said he has a whole bunch of experience with boats so he might be getting drafted tim we're going to the bahamas buddy it'd be real nice to get this back to the shop uh when we can and really pressure wash this whole this whole engine bay area because it does have just a lot of junk in it and it'd be nice to clean this out i have a feeling this will clean up really good so here we got that throttle quadrant you can or throttle cable you can see it's got a little bit of corrosion on there so we will we will fix that can you go up and just move that throttle the left one just real nice and easy while i spray this up go ahead out go ahead in go ahead out all right i'm gonna pull these dust caps up as well so we can get some lubricant literally down inside the cable and because this is a lot higher than the engine if i can pressurize this a little bit it'll actually run down inside the cables and these things will move like butter all right that works good so we'll leave it we'll leave it like that for now and uh we'll come back like i said and disassemble this whole assembly and and grease it up take it apart so it'll be it'll be a hundred percent i think we can put this one together because this is definitely definitely better so let's see if it'll turn over [Laughter] all right i we uh we cranked it over for a couple seconds and it tried to start uh and i heard some water spitting out i think the exhaust or something yeah and a whole bunch of water went spitting out of the exhaust over on the right side there [Laughter] and my car just got hit with old boat exhaust water right let's try that again it's trying to start dude that was so close oh it's almost starting you can see some exhaust over here on the right coming out fired up it fired up i am gonna shut it off dude that was enough i know i know it fired it up um i mean after spitting about 10 gallons of water over on my car out of the exhaust um it fired up it it's it seems like it's running pretty smooth i can't believe it yeah i know i know that was that was that was yeah it was amazing i just want to keep starting it now it didn't sound too bad either like no it didn't but you know what that engine it um it was low on coolant and i literally just remembered because that has a closed-loop cooling system we do got to get some uh some um geez i'm so excited i can't even think we do got to get some uh some coolant some antifreeze my gosh it's early in the morning guys yeah i don't know i don't really know what to say fire right up so the interesting thing is is how much different this is than the 401 i was there was part of me that was expecting to work on that right engine for like the next six or seven weeks kind of like the 401 if you guys haven't seen the 401 video yet there could be some of you that are checking out this yacht video because you like yachts you know go on the channel check out the free abandoned airplane series that we have on the channel it's been an amazing journey and we have so many amazing viewers that have got involved with the actual project check it out man it's it was it's amazing and that engine the first one was way more difficult to get started than this one yeah now that doesn't mean like there's not a problem with it the head gasket could be blown there could be all kinds of different issues um i am a little worried about why the antifreeze is low um or it could just be a small quote leak or something to water pump which is really normal on these vortec engines according to this it has zero fuel so actually i don't think any of the other gauge is beside oh nope oh so it does have two fuel gate oops it does have two fuel gauges here's the right fuel gauge which is going up about a quarter so i guess it has a right and a left fuel tank which is pretty cool would that have been ethanol free ethanol free gas if it was on water yeah if it was on if they did that's a really good point you know if they if they did get gas on the water which a boat this big i'm 99 sure that they did get on the water because it's uh you guys saw it's hard to get this thing out of the water and haul it somewhere so chances are they did uh you know it is ethanol free which is going to give it a lot less corrosion um and a lot it's a lot more stable of a fuel so luckily otherwise i promise you we would be cleaning out injectors we would be uh fixing all kinds of things you know aviation fuel and marina fuel is ethanol free two of the best fuels if you're gonna put fuel in something that's going to sit otherwise this thing would be a complete and utter corroded injected system tanks it'd be terrible at this point i'm thinking we just power it up and turn it over and see if it starts i don't even think i'm going to check the plugs or anything i just i it's good as that right one look and as much um like oil steam came out of the exhaust i'm 99 sure this was fogged way back when before it was stored and i have a feeling that left engine is going to be free i think i'm going to fire this up and and see if we can rev it a bit now but or bring the rpm up i did want to see if the transmission would go in and out of gear in this right side but that is broke i think i can do it but i do want to be really careful not to run this engine that long because we don't have water coming into the engine uh into the engine's cooling system now the engine does have its own cooling system but there is still a rubber impeller that sucks up the sea water to circulate that water and you can damage that rubber impeller however i'm going to replace it anyway they're pretty cheap and pretty easy to replace and it's great insurance to to have those i mean i'll do them like every other season all right see if we can fire it up dude the propeller spun everything sounded good oh did the propeller spin too just a little bit just a little bit at the very end when you really started revving it i do want to see what is squeaking if you could come up here so and start it so i could take a look and see what's rotating or not rotating on the accessory drives so once we start this i want to see one of these accessories isn't spinning i don't know if the alternator or the water pump or a bad idler pulley so we're going to start it quick all right so the one that's not spinning is that bottom pulley right there which i'm 90 sure is the fresh water pump so that's the pump that i was just talking about that uh has a rubber impeller in and they're known to go out i've had them go on boats before so that whole assembly we're gonna replace anyways but uh yeah that's what's uh making the noise right now so we're not gonna start that engine anymore it just doesn't make sense um but let's see if this other engine starts so i got to give credit to marine mechanics because these things are so tight to work on got to definitely be a patient person to work on one of these [Music] do you have a magnet i do not have one here but i do have a 15 millimeter all right so when i'm looking for the 9 16 inch gear wrench you guys are gonna have to remind me where i put it so i can already see that the whole assembly down there all the nuts and bolts are all rusted almost out i think it's going to be a real interesting job to get all those accessories cleaned up but the nice thing is we can do it once we get it in the hanger this project is going to have to wait a little while you know after we get these things started a i'm going to have to start ordering some parts and b um you know we're really focused on getting the 401 done and um and also we need room in the hangar to put this thing this thing is like huge and really the hangar is the only place i know of you could fit a boat that's this big i mean this thing is is tall it's like 13 foot tall you know we're gonna have to move by four airplanes just to fit this in and we're not gonna be bringing it in until the 401 has the wings off and we have it on a cart so we can move it in and out and around you know that 401 project is you know is is really going to start winding down a little bit because we're going to be dependent on other companies getting work done to it so we're gonna be dropping off parts and it's really there's not gonna be a lot that we can do till we get those parts back but we have plenty of other projects like this yacht that we're gonna be working on and we'll be checking in on the 401 in other videos we'll be putting community posts and we'll be sharing stories about it the whole way let's see here the volt gauge um something we're definitely going to have to do i'm gonna have to reach out to um a marine supply company and all of these gauges this whole assembly all these buttons everything we want to replace them all the starboard engine did start now on this on um on the port side engine i did not pull the plugs i did not check the cap we didn't do anything at all just because i want to see if it's going to start all right and this key is doing some weird stuff no idea what it's doing i've never heard one do that before so it seems like this key switch is bad when i turn this key switch on it it's turning on the fuel gauge is coming up the oil pressure gauge is setting and the volts moves up a little bit so i know that you know i know that we're getting power here but as i rotate it this key is it's not acting right it's it's kind of rotating past where it would start [Music] [Applause] all right so we got the switch to kind of work but the bendix on the starter isn't coming out to engage with the flywheel [Applause] we have to pull that starter out so if you could turn that i'm going to tap on this thing and see if we can't get the bendix to come out yep all right hmm unfortunately my knee doesn't bend far enough for me to be able to actually get down in there it's one of the other reasons i i know we're going to have to wait a little bit to really dig into this one because physically i just i can't i can't move the way i need to move to really work on this the right way which is uh which is really frustrating i think i'm gonna go ahead and pull i'm gonna go ahead and pull that starter out and see what it looks like [Music] [Music] [Music] jeez i need a a quarter inch ratchet and a eight millimeter socket cool thank you we could hear that noise down in there was because this shaft that holds the starter bendix in place this starter bendix comes when you engage the starter it spins out like this and engages the flywheel this was broken and just rattling around in there which then wasn't allowing uh this to operate properly if you see this mark here so this damage probably happened um i'm thinking when it was installed at least it was probably cracked or something like that and then you know it probably worked for a while and then had the failure you can actually even see a crack right here on the main body which is which is interesting it does concern me you know i'm thinking maybe the the engine might even be have been locked up before you know we started to try to turn it over so this left engine left engine may be the bad engine i one of the guys had thought that one of the engine was bad and one of them was good yet that right one might be the good one this left one well it might be the bad one the only way we're gonna find out is throw a starter in it try to turn it over and see what it does now it may be that this sound like when this when the engine was turning over or running this may have broke and this may have been bouncing around making a sound while this was running they may have thought that was a bad crankshaft or something like that and this may be the only thing wrong with it and maybe the reason this was parked i'm not sure if there's if this is an automotive starter i'm pretty sure it is so we'll go to the auto parts store and we'll get one we'll put it in see if we can't fix it so we went to go get a starter for the engine and discovered as we were looking at the part numbers that it's actually a part number for a left-hand rotating engine i didn't even think about it but on these larger yachts you're gonna find how one of the props is a left rotating one one is a right rotating one and the engines one rotates left one rotates right that's a left rotating starter if we would have a right rotating starter it would be very bad we can't get any around here we have to order it we're going to get it ordered and then we'll see if that engine runs we're so stoked that the right engine started and it ran really good the other thing is we know pretty much what parts we need so we can get those parts ordered we can have them on hand we're not going to be able to start this project until we can clear out the hangar a little bit but we can get all the parts ordered a while you know i really appreciate you guys coming along and joining us in these adventures we really appreciate you being part of the rebuild rescue crew and part of the community make sure you like the video turn notifications on hit that subscribe button and come back and see us thank you
Channel: Rebuild Rescue
Views: 1,386,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rebuild, Repair, Build, Vehicle, fix, mechanic, truck, renovation, vanlife, Auction, copart, nomad, travel, outdoors, will the free abandoned yacht start, cruisers yacht, abandoned, yacht, free yacht, yacht rebuild, yacht restoration, fixing a free yacht, dual engine yacht, 454 yacht
Id: P0bQL7G8Z90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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