i completely broke Duck Life Space.... (HYPERSONIC SPEED DUCK)

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today i've hacked duck life space so that my duck levels up extremely fast and the game is ever so slightly broken so let's see how easy it is to beat this game now as you can see our duck is literally in space now we even have our own astronaut costume so we also get to customize our dark so i'm just gonna make it the yellow duck because it is so nostalgic well i think this dog looks pretty good we're just gonna go with this one what is our name well obviously it we have we have to continue the legacy of duck here well duck has joined our team let's go let's see what the backstory is so we have a crown because we're the world champion and then a literal portal appears a spaceship comes out and an alien it looks like the alien is going to steal our crown as you can see going to the days where we just had to raise some money to build our farm now we are literally getting abducted by aliens while we are in space now you can see the graphics in this game are actually really good and if i click on the rocket you can see we're on earth right now but we can go to the moon we can go to mars and all of these other different planets but we're just gonna stick on earth for now okay well the game is telling me to get some energy so i'm just gonna get a couple of energy points and as you can see it says plus one energy but if i look at my dark you can already see it was not giving us one energy we have level 593 energy already for some reason there is someone with a surfboard on the moon and we also have a bunch of other ducks we can race but we need to go into the training first so we can actually beat these ducks so let's select our duck and let's see what we can train so it looks like we can train a running one swimming one and flying one so let's just go straight into the running one it looks like we have to run it through a gravity tunnel space to flip gravity do not run into any wars go as far as you can let's go oh this actually looks really good so you can see the score is in the top left hand corner of the screen but i've kind of hacked it so when we die you will see how far the score goes up but the mini games in duck life space are really really good i think it's the best dark life game up until dark life battle and adventure but we made it to 200 so it says the score was 99 999 and it says we got 999 coins but but we didn't get any coins and for some reason it says that we trade our intelligence so as you can see we are level 514 out of 20. the duck himself is saying that he can't teach me anymore but i can still train for fun so as you can see we did not train intelligence we trained running you can see our running is up to 514 next stop is the swimming training we have to use the arrow keys to swim we have to stay in the bubble as long as i can do not let the bubble pop okay so it looks like we just have to stay in this bubble and i believe it just gets smaller and smaller and smaller making it harder and harder to stay inside until eventually you pop the bubble and then we will get our level probably level 500 something as you can see we have a coin counter in the top right hand corner which only says 13 coins i've got 13 coins we have not got 999 coins and you can see the bubble is getting a lot harder to stay in oh no oh no we're gonna die really really soon because this bubble it's completely random how oh no okay well we popped it let's see our level and again it says we're level 999 intelligence and we got 999 coins what is happening well i'm not going to complain because as you can see our duck is really good at swimming running and the energy is really high and we only have one thing left to train well the final thing we have to train is the flying use the arrow keys to fly it left and right okay we just have to eat see this sounds easy right so let's see how high we can go you can see again our score oh no we're gonna die okay no we're good honestly these mini games are really fun oh no it looks like we weren't able to get that far but it doesn't matter we got all of these weird scores and let's see our duck now yeah we're level 519 flying is actually our best thing so i think it is time to race some dogs well we're gonna race the surfer first i'll go easy on you if you lose you are hopeless well i know we have to beat this guy now because he does not sound very nice so let's choose doc let's go and let's see how easy this is going to be to win adam what is the timer doing oh it's going so fast okay we can at least start the racing as you can see and we absolutely destroyed him look at him he looks so angry he looks like he knows we're hacking he is not happy at all and even better we stole his 150 coins on to the next race it looks like this guy's a dj think you can beat me in my own swimming pool you have no choice wow you can actually own your own swimming pool that's pretty cool well i won't feel bad about stealing the money from this guy because if he has his own swimming pool just like this on the moon or on earth he's probably really rich and as you can see we are so much faster than him already but we have a final duck it looks like he's a flyer of some kind i'll give you my ticket to the tournament if you beat me as if that will happen oh you had to add that last bit well we already know what's gonna happen here our flying is level like 500 so we're just gonna absolutely destroy him wait we can actually buy the surfboard this is perfect okay i'm buying the softboard look at this look at my doggy as a surfer now we're also gonna get the snorkel out just look at my dog he is made up for speeding so the tournament is actually in this rocket right here now let's just select myself for all three because well we don't have any ducks it gave me the name of crazy destroyers that is an absolutely terrible day we're just gonna go for the og duck we're gonna start this tournament and we're gonna absolutely destroy everybody that guy is literally copying my look he is copying my look right there but it doesn't even matter we can't see any more we are absolutely bouncing over these swimming pools and i just realized there's a boost bottom right here i can't wait to use this boost button i want to see how fast we go okay so let's use it right now and that is pretty fast wait we flew way over that are we actually going to be able to win the race but yes it's counting down perfect somehow we actually managed to trigger the checkpoint that is amazing we are on to the final race on earth until we can go to the next planet i'm really excited to see what the next planet has in store for us and it looks like yeah we're just gonna win this really really easily and i think we're gonna get another duck on the next planet i just feel like getting another one well the radioactive predators came close but doc managed to clutch the wind not really it was pretty easy almost more backstory okay so we're getting into a rocket it looks like the rocket's taking off to the well we just arrived on the moon and as you can see it kind of looks like it's made of cheese and also there is this android literally from star wars right here sewing and climbing are my favorite skills i wanted to bring oh okay so there's climbing we can actually train climbing now so we're gonna get another duck but as you can see all of these eggs have names of presidents and stuff right but this one is called doug's egg so does this mean it is the child of duck i have to buy this one we're gonna buy the kid of duck well here is the child of dark i think he looks pretty cool he looks pretty evil let's go and we're gonna name him child of dark what else would we call him well let's train the child of duck up and let's see if we can win all of these races it looks like we have new training exercises for everything so let's just go straight into the running two and it says that the max is 40 but we already know that is not the case well this got brutal quickly we are literally trying to avoid it being spiked to death by these crazy crushers what is happening no childhood i do not want you to die no this is absolutely terrible well we just got impaled by the spikes but whatever it looks like our intelligence has gone up because obviously going into spikes makes you more intelligent right yeah level 535 writing looks like it's working on this duck as well so let's do some more training so this one we're just swimming along and then for some reason there are a ton of evil boxes in the way but dead what is it with spikes on the moon why are there so many spike things but anyway we have to get them out of the way of the dark also if you haven't subscribed already please consider doing so it helps out the channel an absolute ton and if everybody subscribe right now that wasn't actually subscribed we would gain like 50 000 subscribers in one day so if you enjoy this content i'm going to do so much more and we just died already oh this one is super cool we have to launch ourselves to the next platform and please let's not miss any oh i definitely know i'm gonna miss but for now oh no we just shot ourselves into the middle of a space but i don't think it even matters we actually haven't trained any climbing at all this video so let's go into this let's see what the climbing is like and it looks like okay there are meteorites coming for us that's absolutely fine we just have to climb up this tower which for some reason this tower is endless i don't know how high it goes on the moon but it goes pretty high well we just got hit by a meteorite we fell literally a thousand feet off a tower and of course we're still alive why wouldn't we be alive well child of duck has some pretty good stats right now the only thing we need to train is the energy so let's just buy this dog a couple of the seeds and then let's race well he says swimming and climbing are his favorite skills and i mean we're hacking so they're basically our favorite skills as well i really want that costume that thing looks super awesome but anyway we're racing on literal cheese down at the climbing is so fast guys look at that we're already done i think he's gonna get disqualified from his own race like there is yeah there's no way he is finishing this race and we're gonna take the win against the android well it looks like we only have one other race beat me in a race and i'll give you my tournament ticket well let's steal the tournament ticket of course we're gonna use child of duck again because unfortunately duck i think child of duck is even better yeah this timer is really stupid at least it doesn't take too long oh wait we didn't even have to fly we did not even have to fly we just jumped right over that gap look at this guy he's flying so slowly i think he's gonna get disqualified yup he's gonna get disqualified this is amazing look at this guy he looks so stupid i definitely prefer surf dog but it's okay child of dark you will probably be redeemed well it is tournament time so let's enter duck once and then we're gonna enter child of duck twice i think that should be good there can't be too much climbing right donald hurricanes what is this well we can't just name the team duck now so let's name it dark child of duck these names are getting even more stupid well we are on to the first race and this guy is stealing a child of duck slug but it's oh no oh no look at our climbing it is so slow okay we can use the boost right we can use the boost okay that definitely made a huge difference oh no the climbing is so slow child no doc is just terrible at climbing but it's okay wait he's stuck you can literally see right there his surfboard is still there well we disqualified everyone which is always a good start to these tournaments let's go straight into the second race and we're going to be racing with child of duck yeah child of dog is just superior in every single way look at him go he's just my favorite duck now looks like the other ducks are not even gonna finish the race again completely disqualified because childhood duck is opie they're no match a child i've done i literally completed that race in under two seconds that is how good a child of duck is well we won the tournament duck child of dark be everybody else look at these lame names green leafs wild stuns the giant chiefs these are terrible duck child of duck is where it's at oh it looks like there's more backstory okay so we're taking off in the rocket it looks like yep the robot is letting us go into the rocket and he's saying absolutely nothing just a tip don't get in a strangest rocket if you don't know who he is but we got in the rocket anyway and i believe yeah we are on mars right now but i hope you guys enjoyed the video i will do part two very soon let's try to have 5 000 likes this video and of course subscribe if you haven't already so you don't miss the next parts and of course other hacking content that i do i hope you guys have an amazing day
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 1,199,526
Rating: 4.9255347 out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, speedrun, eazy, speezy, world record, level 100, level 1500, duck, life, duck life, duck life 2, duck life 3, duck life 4, eazyspeezy duck life, world, record, hack, hacking, mod, hacked, hacker, game, video game
Id: 2LLztil9XKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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