THEY KNEW I CHEATED??? Duck Life Space HACKED! [Part 2]

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today we are continuing our journey in hacks duck life space so let's see how easy it is to win with these hypersonic ducks so as you can see we have duck and we also have child of dark and just look at those stats there is no way we are not going to win so we've completed earth and the moon we're mars right now i think we need to get another duck well guys i think i just found duck's girlfriend we are definitely gonna buy this egg let's call it wife of duck i think that is absolutely perfect so let's train up the newest member of our team and oh there are five different trainers we've also got jumping as well and it looks like everything is new so as you can see the max level for running is 60 but we're gonna go way beyond that so this looks kind of cool we've also got spikes on this oh no we had spikes on the moon and we did die a couple of times but this is okay let's see how many levels we can go up yeah the mini games in duck life space are so much better than all of the other games they're actually kind of enjoyable in this game well we've gone into over a score of a thousand right now i nearly died there it's not long before we're just gonna get impaled on those spikes because everything is getting faster and faster over here well we just got impaled on the spikes but as you can see it's still broken i didn't get that score i didn't get 999 coins and i certainly didn't train my intelligence but here we are well it looks like wife of duck has 588 running that is pretty good so next up we have to train the swimming and as you can see we are literally swimming through a minefield because for some reason in the dark universe there is a minefield on mars but i'm not complaining hopefully this is going to give us some really good levels and hopefully i do not explode my dog but we all know it's inevitable this duck is going to explode very very soon because it is getting faster and faster let's at least get to a score of a thousand before we blow our duck up oh well we just blew our dark up but as you can see we got all of this stuff but it doesn't even matter i believe our level is going to be yeah 558 that is amazing so this is the flying training on mars and as you can see on the right hand side it shows you where you need to go and i think i can just click yeah look at this okay we're gonna get a really good score on this one i'm not gonna be happy unless we get a score of five thousand okay i take back what i said this is going way too fast i don't like this at all there is no way we're getting to 5 000 at this rate yeah i have no idea how i'm still alive oh okay well we died so this game we just have to climb up ladders and go over these holes it's actually one of my favorite mini games this is a really big gap but hopefully we land it perfectly oh well we just fell off never mind so in this one we just have to jump on mars and for some reason the surface of mars is incredibly bouncy so we're just going to keep on bouncing we have to avoid the rocks and honestly this one is really fun too well sooner or later we're going to bag into a rock but for now it is going really well and i really enjoyed this mini game oh well never mind well we just hit a wall and i believe that is everything i think we've trained everything let's look a wife of dark and it looks like yeah look at those stats the only thing we haven't trade is the energy and the intelligence well we got our first race are you brave enough to jump across that chasm oh yes we are wife of duck is absolutely gonna crush this race her jumping is absolutely amazing as you can see it's it's still kind of broken and for some reason oh wait are we okay yeah we jump immediately look at this guy look at this noob he takes ages to jump and we stole his money i love stealing these ducks money well we have our last race before we can go to the tournament beat me if you want my ticket oh you bet i want your ticket so he looks like some kind of bad a space pirate but it doesn't even matter you okay you're getting absolutely destroyed i love how it doesn't break in this game so i'm actually gonna choose wife of duck once then we're gonna choose child of duck and we're gonna choose dark we got the whole family right here let's see if we can win and just like that we're gonna actually that was kind of a long race but we absolutely destroyed everybody everybody in this tournament is just gonna get disqualified now we don't have jumping on this dock but i'm hoping wait we didn't even need it wait it's so broken what happened there oh my god well i think we're still gonna win right yeah we're gonna fly over but i think it still counts and it looks like we're gonna disqualify everybody once again well we are on to the final race and as you can see we are suffering oh no i forgot to train the climbing hopefully it doesn't matter right i don't think it matters we haven't tried oh no he's so slow okay i'll use the boost the boost barely helps but it looks like we might not disqualify everybody but we are going to win the race well we beat all of the other teams and family of duck has come first in this tournament it looks like there's more backstory i saw how well you raced that i'm holding a tournament in the next galaxy over if you want to enter okay yes so it looks like again we are getting into a stranger spaceship deaf kids don't get into a stranger's spaceship and just like that we are on the next planet and this one really reminds me of angry birds for some reason well i think we just found duck's angry brother right here so let's bite him let's train him up and let's see how good he's gonna get well we've just created ducks angry brother let's go let's train the scarf and let's see how easy it is to beat all of these dogs okay well it looks like we can train at six different things we've got intelligence which is brand new i can't wait to try that out well it looks like we're off to an easy start all we have to do in this one is either jump or not jump it is literally that easy although i'm sure it's gonna get faster and faster and i don't know what it is about spikes oh no i'm such an idiot why did i jump well i mean it doesn't even matter we're probably going to get like level 500 so this one looks like the mini game from dark life 3 where you had to swim through the tunnel and this one honestly it controls a lot better you can go down a lot quicker that was a problem with the original dark life 3 so they've actually made a big improvement on this one and there's also no spikes there is no chance of us impaling ourselves on something which is always really nice it is getting faster and faster i don't like it how we're not dead i literally hit all of the walls there but we are still alive are we going to get to 2 000 score that would be pretty impressive i have no idea how we're still alive i'm literally hitting everything we might actually get to two thousand score this is insane i have no idea how i'm alive right now but we're swimming faster and faster and it looks like we're gonna get to tooth now no we crashed into the wall but it was a good run next up we have this interesting looking flying training where i believe yeah okay so i can change these around i just have to make a safe path for doc please work oh no this is no i just killed him i just smacked him out of the air well the flying was short-lived and so was the climbing because i've already died on this one i just wanted to retry it to show you guys what to do because i used the arrow keys instead of the mouse so i died straight away but in this one you have to avoid it guess what yet again more spiky stuff we have to avoid these spiky plants and it's really easy i feel so stupid that i died this one is definitely one of the worst ones it's pretty boring but all of the other ones so far have been really really good it looks like are we going to get impaled we are going to get in pound of course he can't teach us anymore yeah we already know that i can't believe that just happened what was i doing well in this one you're meant to just swing from platform to platform and i'm pretty good at this one but for some reason i completely messed up there and i didn't know what to do but as you can see we just have to launch ourselves and it looks like there's actually wind as well and oh god no we fell off okay i'll take it back i'm terrible at that minigame so this is the intelligence training as you can see we just have to press the arrows and oh no i am really not good at stuff like this as you can see we're going pretty slowly but actually oh well i just pressed the wrong one we died but it doesn't even matter because our intelligence is finally right we did actually train intelligence well as you can see doug's angry brother does have some pretty good stats but they would be better if i wasn't absolutely terrible at these minigames well we're gonna feed at duck's angry brother and it looks like we're gonna have our first max stackdog in literally everything which is great they all want some of the food i promise you guys i don't starve them and just like that we have our first max dog this thing is going to be absolutely insane is this even a dog at this point have they like genetically mutated or something i thought that was banned in duckling 4. well we're gonna choose doc's angry bro let's see how good this guy is in these races oh he is absolutely amazing oh my god we go through the portals instantly that is insane normally it takes a couple of seconds to go through them but this dog does it instantly but we have our final race before the tournament the jungle is my home i know it inside out you've got no chance to get my ticket again i don't think this is a duck anymore but we are absolutely gonna beat you well let's see how easily we beat this guy i love going through the portals it is it is absolutely amazing because we are so fast wait what happened that we like hit an invisible wall or something but it doesn't even matter we're gonna absolutely smash him out of that race i don't like how duck's brother looks so i'm just gonna buy him a hat so we can completely cover up how he looks we are finally ready to enter the tournament let's go and who should we enter well unfortunately we can't enter the whole family but let's just enter a random selection and let's go let's see how easy it is to win this tournament well for this tournament i'm just gonna randomize it a couple of times and the name i get is the name i'm gonna have so let's see the mighty argonauts oh no that is terrible well it's too late to turn back now let's go also if you guys haven't already subscribed please consider doing so because i'm doing content like this nearly every single day and only like 20 of you guys are actually subscribed so i would really really appreciate it when we won the first race let's go straight to the second race we are absolutely crushing everybody we're going to wait no oh i've completely forgot this duck is absolutely terrible at the portals but it doesn't even matter that is the second race down it looks like we're going to the final race well we are finishing oh no we don't have jumping we don't oh wow what we just jumped so far we don't have climbing either this was probably a mistake using dark because as you can see all of the other ducks they're gonna be pretty fast and this is a really big wall but we're amazing at the flying the running and the swimming so we should be good right look at him go he's he's like a torpedo in the water wait can you not get up i don't know what is happening this duck is really cursed but it looks like we are gonna win and we're probably gonna disqualify everybody as well yeah i don't know what happened that race but i'm not gonna question it we won we are through to the next world yeah it looks like the mighty argonauts won let's go i believe there's gonna be more backstory unbelievable you just beat our strongest races wait no this is the guy that stole my crown he cheated and captured him no he's trying to turn them against me no this is terrible right so they're blowing the whistle on me did i actu i didn't cheat though actually wait no i know i did actually cheat this is the only time where this story actually makes sense because i i legitimately cheated this game well guys we have been cast into purgatory on this icy frozen world as you can see we've only got two more walls to go so i hope you guys enjoyed the video i will see you guys in the final part very very shortly have an amazing day
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 967,041
Rating: 4.9169054 out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, speedrun, eazy, speezy, world record, level 100, level 1500, duck, life, duck life, duck life 2, duck life 3, duck life 4, eazyspeezy duck life, world, record, hack, hacking, mod, hacked, hacker, game, video game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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