I Chronicles ~ 26:30 to 27:34

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we'd love to have you we're gonna pick it up today first chronicles chapter 26 verse 30 at the beginning of chapter 26 we had the divisions of the porters or doorkeepers you can think of them as security for the temple and they were assigned to the different gates how many men would be at each gate and of course that required them to be there 24 hours a day seven days a week so while they were on their course no doubt they had to have relief for sleep for taking meals Comfort breaks things of that nature so have 4,000 porters and then we were talking about the Treasuries of the temple of which there were two distinct Treasuries one of those was the dedicated things and that goes all the way back to the time of Moses that every time one of the leaders of Israel was successful in war there would be booty the spoils of war if you will and a certain amount of that was taken from the enemy was given to the Lord dedicated to the Lord and that was quite a sum by the time we got to David in a previous chapter David was going over a list of things that he had prepared for Solomon's Temple and the precious metals he had a thousand talents of gold and a thousand thousand talents a hundred thousand talents of silver so million talents of silver is what it came to which is a lot by today's standards you're talking tens and tens of millions of dollars and the just as we got finished yesterday are like we got in just barely to the officers and the judges now there were six thousand total officers and judges as we learned in chapter 23 first Chronicles and what these men's job was was to they were they weren't in Jerusalem they didn't come to Jerusalem on a course they lived in a communities throughout the land of Israel and that's where you would want it of course if you had judges you wouldn't want any time there was a conflict or a disagreement and someone wanted to get a lawyer and go to court you wouldn't want it to have to where you had to go to Jerusalem especially if it was some minor thing and but the judges then would be in the communities and would hear the less complicated cases now I'm sure it's much like our country today the more complicated cases or the cases that are appealed or appealable to a higher court they get kicked on up the ladder and eventually would end up in Jerusalem no doubt but then we talked in in verse 29 about the it's our Heights it's our was a son of Levi and he was the brother to Amram Amram many of you recognized the name as the father of Moses Aaron and their sister Miriam he was also the father of Cora and Cora without making Cora since Amram and yet SAR were brothers made Cora a first cousin to Moses Aaron and Miriam so with that let's pick it up today we're going to finish up with the officers and the judges and then we'll move into chapter 27 where we're going to be talking about the military organization also the princes of the various tribes and then we're going to be talking about the stewards that David had that watched over his personal properties and vineyards and animals etc let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day first chronicles chapter 26 verse 30 and it reads and of the Habra nights now Hebron was the the third son of Kohath Hache abaya and his brethren men of valor and out a thousand and seven hundred were officers among them of Israel on this side Jordan westward in all the business of the Lord and in the service of the king Hebron i'ts should have said he is the third son of Kohath that being that's what I said that's good alright and but you had 1700 then this seems disproportionate because what we're talking about is what was on the west side of Jordan and if you know anything about the geography of Israel at this time you had nine and a half tribes on the west side of Jordan and two and a half tribes on the east side of Jordan so hang on to that number 1700 judges and officers for the nine and a half tribes on the west side of Jordan were 31 among the Hebron i'ts was Jiraiya the chief even among the Hebrew Knights according to the generation of his fathers in the fortieth year this would be the last year of the reign of David they were sought for and there were found among them mighty men of valor at jazzer of Gilead jazzer one of the Levitical cities that's mentioned in Joshua chapter 21 verses 38 and 39 David at this time is probably becoming a bit feeble old he's he's nearing the end of his time on earth in the flesh 32 and his brother and men of valor were two thousand and seven hundred chief fathers whom King David made rulers over the rubra nights the gadites and half tribe of manasseh these being the tribes that took their inheritance of the promised land on the east side of Jordan for every matter pertaining to God and affairs of the King so you've got seventeen hundred that were over the nine and a half tribes on the west side of Jordan twenty-seven hundred over two and a half tribes that it just doesn't add up and I think we can find our answer if we back up to verse 23 where we had the Hamra meit's the it's our heights the Hebrew Knights and we're told what their responsibilities are or were in the following verses the uzi alights on the other hand it's not listed what their function or what their responsibilities were then - we learned in in chapter 23 that there were 6,000 judges and officers if you take twenty seven hundred and seventeen hundred you're short by sixteen hundred that are unaccounted for so I think that most likely that they took their responsibilities on the west side of Jordan which would put the percentage of the higher number of officers and judges with the larger number of tribes on the west side of Jordan as I mentioned earlier we're going to be talking in chap twenty-seven about the military leaders of the nation the organization of the military then we're going to be talking about the administrators the tribal princes and then the stewards and although those were important but the chronicles I like the fact that it emphasizes and puts a lot more emphasis on the role of the Levites and the priests than what you find in first and second Samuel first and second Kings I think David realized that if Solomon his son was going to be successful in ruling Israel it was going to be important for him to rely heavily on the priesthood and the Levites to make sure that the nation lived righteously when when as the King goes so usually goes the nation so David was a righteous King was he a perfect man no he wasn't there was the matter of Bathsheba the wife of Uriah the Hittite the adulterous affair and then the resulting murder of Uriah trying to cover up the adulterous affair and the resulting child chapter 27 verse 1 we're going to start talking about the military organization I started to say to you in another point that David knew that there would be attempts on the throne how did he know that because there were attempts on the throne while he was King and if David was a very very powerful King and if even his own son on one occasion Absalom rebelled and it sent David running across the east side of Jordan to prevent a civil war a large part of the nations supported Absalom a large part of the military supported Absalom so David knew that it was going to be important to have the priesthood organize the military or the administrative princes of the tribes to all be well organized and to prevent or be in good shape to handle an attempt on the throne and David was right there was an attempt on Solomon's throne soon after he assumed the throne his brother ad Anaya chapter 27 verse 1 now the children of Israel after their number to wit the chief fathers and captains of thousands and hundreds and their officers that served the king in any matter of the courses which came in and went out month by month throughout all the months of the year of every course were twenty and for thousands so we see the military right off is a different course set up than what the priests and the Levites had the priests and Levites served the Sabbath to Sabbath one week two weeks out of the year they had 24 courses they would rotate through the 24 courses and then start over with the first course through the 24 again so all in all they would serve two weeks each year but then also there's the matter of the major in gatherings passover feast of weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles where all of them served now the military on the other hand we have only 12 courses but they serve one month rather than one week and that of course would take care of the entire year so you got 24,000 that served and there were 12 courses so 24,000 times 12 who comes up to 288,000 who served but now understand this is in peacetime the the entire armies of Israel were much much more than that David had probably 1.1 million that represented the the northern tribes Israel and then Judah was on the order of 4 million 700 excuse me 470 thousand so you had probably on an order of 1.5 million that were available if needed but these served one month out of the year after that they would go home and do their farming if that was their occupation or Smith's Tanner's you name it whatever however they made their living they would do that 11 months out of the year and then serve in the military while they were on duty probably training some physical conditioning no doubt but that was the setup for the military and again David knew it needed to be strong to support Solomon now in verses 2 through 15 it's we're going to be talking about the different courses the 12 courses and which military leader was responsible for that course or the head of that course if you will and I'm not going to bore you with reading those but I'm going to point out a couple of names to you in verse 2 you won't have this on your character generator on the screen Joshua beam and verse 2 was one of David's three mightiest you may recall he killed eight hundred at one point in time of the enemy he he was with David from the time at Ziklag as were most of these men remember in a previous chapter we talked about the three mightiest of David's and then there was a second level of three mighty well the second level three mighty and let me back up joshua beam was the only one of the highest-ranking three now two of the second-ranking three are listed as leaders that being benaiah I believe and dodo in verse four it's a different form of the name do Dai do da I and that's the same as dodo in a previous chapter point out one other name and that is in verse 7 you have a Sahel the brother of Joab the son of his Araya in other words david's nephew many of the david's thirty which were under the first tier of three the second tier of three and then david's thirty mighty men as they're referred to in second samuel many of those or leaders of the military now in verses 16 through 21 or 22 it is we have lists of the administrators or the princes of the tribes what David does and I'm not going to read those to you either it's just a name and the tribe that they represented but David encouraged the the princes of the tribes to support Solomon mostly in building of the temple to make sure that he had the resources and the help that he needed that was a quite an undertaking for a 19 year old to build the temple of God of course he didn't do it when he was 19 it took years and years but David encouraged these administrators of the tribes to be there for Solomon if he needed help and resources etc and we'll pick it back up with our chapter by chapter verse by verse in verse 23 and to kind of prepare you were going to back up in time a little bit now the next two verses concern David's being seduced by Satan into numbering the nation of Israel and what was wrong with David numbering well God didn't order it David just took off on his own and what it was was pride he was thinking how powerful he was and I wonder how many soldiers do I have in my army and you know when you get to this I and me and my stuff that's ego talking and Satan will use that against you if you allow him to so anytime that you start feeling pride welling up in you be careful because Satan is near verse 23 and it reads but David took not the number of them from 20 years old and under because the Lord had said he would increase Israel like to the stars of the heavens now in previous numbers numbers the book of numbers is called numbers before the reason that Israel was numbered and that was ordered by God and in numbers chapter 3 verse 40 they numbered the males from one month old and upward well why did they do that well you had to the at that point in time the firstborn male was to be given to the temple to minister that changed when God selected the Levites and if you didn't take your son to the temple you had to redeem him and there was a fee for that so that was the purpose of numbering for one year old and excuse me 20 years old and under excuse me but in Joab was dead set against this numbering the one that David was seduced by Satan you remember in that chapter Joab said you know let the king's army be a hundredfold of what they are now but don't transgress the against the Lord and bring guilt on the nation of Israel Joab got overruled by David and but he was not very enthusiastic in his numbering he wasn't going about it very fast in fact as he excluded two entire tribes he didn't number the Levites or the Benjamites verse 24 Joab the son of Zarya began to number but he finished not because there fell wrath for it against Israel neither was the number put in the account of the chronicles of King David and there's not ever a permanent record of that count made and yeah I think that's probably a reason for the differences in the counts from chapter 21 to 2nd Samuel chapter 24 was that Joab stopped the count why because that's when the angel of the Lord gave David three choices you can take three years of famine in Israel you can have three months of your enemies pursuing right on your tail referring to David personally that wouldn't be David's style at all and then or three days with the angel of the Lord with the plague on Israel David threw himself at the mercy of the Lord and the Lord from the morning until noon killed thousands and thousands of Israel but the plague was stopped when David came to the threshing floor of Ornan verses 25 through 31 we're going to be talking about the the stewards over David's personal property and his personal property as you might imagine was extensive let's go with verse 25 and over the Kings treasures was asthma Beth and the son of IDL and over the storehouses in the fields in in the cities and in the villages and in the castles was johanna 'then the son of isaiah and we're gonna have twelve managers in all but the first two divided between the treasures of David in Jerusalem and then and that of course was asthma Beth and then johanna 'then was over the items that were in the field outside of jerusalem in other words verse 26 and over them that did the work of the field for tillage of the ground was esri the son of caleb and this tillage of the ground what we're talking about is grain wheat barley etc Israel was almost always when they weren't being punished by the God by God with a famine or I mean I doubt as what I'm trying to say they always had more than what the people of Israel could consume and for that reason David and Solomon for that matter exported wheat and barley to Hiram king of Tyre for example and along with oil olive oil things of that nature trading for things that Hiram's country had that they needed such as the cedars to construct the the temple of God now these are David's stewards as who what we're talking about verse 27 and over the vineyards was shimmy I the Rhema theit ramoth of the land of Benjamin over the increase of the for the wine cellars was Zab D the ship fight and this was B the very eastern border of Israel the city of ship now this what you see the the winemaking was divided between two stewards Jimmy I was what was over first of all the pruning of the vines the caring for them and no doubt the harvest of that but then from the harvest of the grapes on the zabdiel was responsible for making the wine and and properly storing the wine and sellers so to make it the best and no doubt was skilled at that all of these were probably expert in the area that David chose them to be steward over would only make sense verse 28 and over the olive trees and the sycamore trees that were in the low Plains was Bale Han on the ghetto right and there was a city called Gitter and that's what that he's D he's a resident of Gitter and over the cellars of oil was joash and of course we're talking about olive oil very popular among the Israelites in many uses now the sycamore tree is not what we would think of as an American Sycamore the Hebrew word is ma and it's it's more of a fig mulberry and they grow approximately the height by a walnut trees for comparison's sake and they have a heart shaped leaf and which provides very good shade and for that reason a long major paths where people would be travelling walking or on a cart they would plant these sycamores they're called here trees and people could stop and rest and cool off from the summer heat especially in the summer in the shade but another unusual thing about this fig mulberry is that they produce fruit and they grows from the trunk of the tree coming out of the trunk you would have what I would call a sprig or a sprout coming directly out of the bark of the tree and then the fruit would be attached to that and I've never tried it but I've told that if you take it off and then eat it directly that it has a very sour taste to it but what they would do is prick the fruit with their fingernail or thumbnail or a sharp object and wait two days and then the sourness leaves and it is indeed edible verse 29 and over the herds this would be the cattle and the oxen that fed in Sharan the plain of Sharon was Riya the the shara night and over the herds that were in the valleys was shaphat the son of a Glee eye they had so many herds of cattle and oxen that they had to have two stewards they split no doubt geographically the Land of Israel and they were responsible for that verse 30 over the camels also was Obul the Ishmaelite and over the asses was jihad yaa the Murano theit now this OBO being an Ishmaelite that's he's not that's not a town called Ishmael he's a descendant of Ishmael and therefore I think probably makes him in the of the Arabic nations Ishmaelites were also nomadic peoples and very familiar with handling and writing and care for camels so again David doing a good job of picking someone who probably was raised from his youth riding camels and caring for them and was very knowledgeable in that verse 31 and over the flocks this would be the sheep and the goats was jazzy's the haggle right all these were the rulers of the substance which was King David's 12 all in all the stewards that cared for David's personal property now in verses 32 through 34 we have the chief councillors of David some of them are alive at the time of this writing some of them have deceased at the time of this writing we'll go over that as we cover them verse 32 also Jonathan David's uncle was a counselor a wise man and a scribe and G high L the son of Hackman II was with the king's sons Hackman he was with the royal princes David's sons and was an advisor to them now there is no word in the Hebrew language that identifies the relationship of uncle the the Hebrew word here for uncle is transliterated into English d-o-d dode and but it can mean nephew or uncle in fact Moffat recognized this and translated it nephew rather than uncle Jonathan was the son of David's brother Shania and that you can document easily so he was David's nephew not his uncle verse 33 and a HIPPA fell was the king's counsellor and who shy the ark guy was the King's come now a HIPAA fell was with Absalom sided with Absalom at the time of absalom's rebellion a HIPAA fell was very tight with David and close to David until that point in time of course that soured the relationship but soon after David and those who chose to stay with David as he went to the east side of Jordan at absalom's rebellion a hit though fell told Absalom give me twelve thousand men and I will run David down and I will kill him hoosh I said you know that would some at times be good advice but right now that's not good advice why because David and his men are like a bear that has lost their whelps their young in other words it's like somebody stole their young and their mattered and then a bear and you know David and his men are seasoned warriors David is smart enough that he's not going to be sleeping with the armies so if you find the army you're probably not going to find David Absalom went with who she eyes count so as a result hipa fell went home put his house in order and hung himself because his counsel was rejected by Absalom verse 34 to conclude our lesson today and after a hipa fell was joy the son of benaiah and a buyeth are and the general of the king's army was Joab abaya Thor the only surviving son of ahem elec when Saul found out that a him elect day abaya thar's father had helped David he sent Doeg the Edomite and killed 70 of the priests only a buyeth are escaped with his life and went to David and served as his high priest and even in his early years at Ziklag and at Hebron when he wasn't the king of all of Israel now we're zeroing in on the close of first Chronicles and we'll come back in our next lecture chapter 28 and David encouraging his son Solomon to be strong and to stay with God and he will be successful in chapter 29 covers the death of King David so hope you're enjoying the Chronicles as much as I'm enjoying bringing it to you we've got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab at arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout the US and Canada if you're listening by internet studying by the via the internet or some other means somewhere around the world and not able to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address please don't ask questions about a specific denomination or zatia nor individual by name we try and teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it well that God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three got a prayer request we can do away with the telephone number you don't need a telephone talk with your Heavenly Father it's called prayer and you need to make time every day to talk to him I really don't think you have a lot of competition these days it seems like everybody's running around like a chicken with their head cut off in a hurry to get here in a hurry to get there and don't have time for their Heavenly Father and guess what if you don't have time for him he doesn't have time for you either so make time for him it makes his day and blessings start to flow in your life we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father we ask you to look upon these you know their needs father financial difficulties marital problems you know father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these we ask that you watch over direct guide touch and heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions and see what's on the minds of folks first up today we have Marty in Wyoming when I hear the Holy Spirit called the Holy Ghost it really bothers me that the Holy Spirit is called a ghost am i splitting hairs I also believe what the book of Revelation says that we are going through the tribulation in closing would you please tell me more about the earth ages may the Lord bless your ministry when can I expect an answer on your program right now so I hope you're watching but you know I would agree with you on the first two items for sure that the hold the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit is not a spook and in fact is when I'm teaching the New Testament most of the time when it says Holy Ghost I read Holy Spirit because that's what we're talking about you're also correct about we are going to be here during the tribulation nobody's flying off anywhere now on the three world ages that's a lengthy lengthy subject I would suggest Marty that you order it's on our list on page three of every newsletter in the monthly newsletter that you receive you'll find a list of suggested studies for new students both on CD or cassette tape whichever you prefer I would suggest that you order three world ages it's a single cassette tape or a single CD number 506 if you want the cassette tape 305 oh six if you want the CD but and the reason we have a list of suggested tapes is because we consider those to be critical studies critical for you to understand to enhance your studies of God's Word it's kind of like algebra if you don't get the basics down and then you start building on that it's not going to stand because you didn't have a good solid foundation so studying the suggested studies for new students will give you a solid foundation from which then you can take off and go wherever the Holy Spirit leads you in your studies Ronnie from Tennessee my question is what earth age was job in and thank you for your kind comments there Genesis 46 13 job that wood job was very possibly the son of Isaac our aiesec our being the patriarch of one of the twelve tribes of Israel eisah car and you find his name in Genesis 4613 bollinger places his life between 1726 BC and 1516 BC see the companion Bible introduction for the book of Job if you have a companion Bible so he definitely was alive in the Second Earth Age always remember there was no flesh man in the first earth age there were flesh being I'm speaking of the dinosaurs of Job chapter 39 and 40 the behemoth as it's called in the King James Version Bible James in Indiana do you know why the name God has been taken out of the Old Testament and replaced with the name Lord well the name God hasn't been removed from the Old Testament in fact the name God is found in each of the first twelve verses of Genesis so I don't know what you mean that God the name God has been removed the Lord has more than one name he has many names David in North Carolina my wife passed away and I was wondering do we all go to heaven till Judgment yes but you need to be aware that there are two sides to the Gulf and I'm speaking of Luke chapter 16 and on one side of the Gulf things are great life is good on the wrong side of the Gulf people live in constant agony basically if you have an apocryphal make a note of second esdras chapter 7 verse 77 and the following verses gives a better description of what it's like on the bad side of the Gulf even better than the Book of Luke Cathy in Washington my friend committed suicide does this mean she's damned or can she be forgiven well God is the judge and that's where the capital J and he one thing you can be sure of cathy is that he is fair he shows no favoritism to of his children over another in addition to that he knows what was in your friends mind and heart when this event happened does it please God when someone takes their own life somebody just killed one of his children so I don't think it pleases him excuse me but it's not the unforgivable sin there is only one unforgivable sin suicide is not it John and we don't know where John is from what can I take to heaven with me Revelation chapter 14 verse 13 reads blessed are the Dead which die in the Lord that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them whether good bad or ugly your works follow you and you know that's what you're going to be judged on is your work so repent often get rid of the sins and make sure you're not carrying around a bucketload of sins with you when you get to Judgment Day it's it's there was an awesome price paid on the cross for you to have the right to say Father forgive me with their repentant heart and to have your sins completely wiped away Jason in California Revelation 21:1 please explain well that's the third heaven age beginning God's throne descends to earth that's earth is where his where heaven is going to be in the eternity excuse me in verse 4 it states that God wipes away all the tears from all eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain what a wonderful place we should all work to get there Jack and Georgia was Luke a Gentile no I don't think so Luke was a physician and he utilized many medical terms in his writings in the New Testament you can tell Luke's thumbprint when you run across those medical terms for example the Gulf in Luke chapter 16 verse 26 is a medical term but I don't know where anyone would get the idea that Luke was a Gentile and yeah we'll leave it at that Jeannie I think that's Jenny from Washington I started to say on Luke being a Gentile in Acts chapter 10 you remember God lowered a sheet down and and said Peter rise and eat that was Peter and never mind that's why we didn't think to say that Jeannie in Washington where is the Land of Nod well it's east of the Garden of Eden in Genesis chapter 4 verse 16 it is where Cain was sent after he took the life of his brother half-brother Abel and in verse 17 of Genesis 4 it states that he took a wife there and then you have his genealogy in Genesis chapter 4 you won't find Cain in Adams genealogy in Genesis chapter 5 because Cain was not Adam son that also proves that Adam and Eve weren't the first people on earth if Cain left the Garden of Eden went east of the Land of Nod and took a wife there were other people on earth we know they were they were created in Genesis chapter 1 Charles in Pennsylvania since Jesus died for our sins why don't we go straight to heaven when we die we do but as we've been talking about we have two different sides of the the Gulf you know but you will be judged for your sins you haven't repented of your work to do go with you as we set them I'm going to go Revelation chapter 14 verse 13 beddy in florida and you know you said since jesus died for our sins that doesn't automatically qualify you to go to heaven you to have everlasting life you have to believe on him John chapter 3 verse 16 Betty in Florida what are your what do your works consist of while they can be good well the subject is prevalent today and your works can be good such as helping someone when they are in need visiting the sick I'm sure God looks upon as a good work works can be bad sins you haven't repented of enough on that subject for today Howard in Georgia is it a sin to be cremated absolutely not Saul the first man King was cremated the last chapter of the book of 1st Samuel will document that when the people from jabish Gilead came and retrieved the body of Saul and his sons they they burned the the bones they cremated them you know a lot of funeral homes will put high-pressure sales on people when they're very vulnerable when they've just lost a loved one and they want people to spend thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars to have a have a funeral and big expensive cat casket and you know the whole works and some people can't afford that some people don't want that they want their family to spend the money on something they can use because you know a funeral is for the people who are still here on earth not for the deceased again absolutely nothing wrong with being cremated scripture to document that you bet Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 6 & 7 err the silver cord parts that's a figure of speech meaning when we die the flesh returns to the earth and the spirit returns to the Father from whence it can gain Stephen in California what do the words free will mean well it means that God gave most of his children freedom to decide for themselves if they choose to serve the Lord or they choose to serve Satan God's elect on the other hand do not have free will Ephesians chapter one verse 4 they were chosen before the foundations of the world that's kept a bowl in the Greek language that's Satan's rebellion and an overthrow which brought an end to the first Earth Age Marian Louisiana am I still saved with my old baptism with the Father Son and the Holy Spirit or do I need to be rebaptised with the name of Jesus Christ Ephesians chapter four verse five states that there is only one baptism and I know people get tied up in words and wherever the father is the son is there also wherever the father and the son are the Holy Spirit is there also Hebrews chapter six verses 4 & 5 state that once you come to the knowledge of truth in other words once you're saved once you're baptized then if you backslide repent don't feel like you need to be saved again which is like recruit fiying Jesus Christ is what it states there in Hebrews chapter 6 so once I was enough on the cross for Jesus don't put him back on the cross because you messed up repent and that's the beauty of Christianity is repentance Allan from Wisconsin I'm having trouble trying to figure out what the me behind the seventh Trump is does it mean after the tribulation the elect of the first resurrection occurs but only after Antichrist takes control of earthly affairs is this the case can you clarify it for me yes you understand the sequence of events correctly Antichrist is here on earth Revelation chapter 12 and 13 revelation 20 those who overcame the Antichrist take part in the first resurrection they overcame they did not worship the Antichrist and what does that mean that they participated in the first resurrection it states in Hebrews job excuse me Revelation chapter 20 verse five and six that the second death has no power over them the second death is the death of the soul so when whoever takes part in the first resurrection they're good to go into the eternity the lake of fire has no future that has no they're not the lake of fire is not in the future of those who partake of the first resurrection everyone else is spiritually dead until the end of the millennium Satan will be loosed again for a short time some will follow Satan into the lake of fire everyone else goes into the eternity Charles from Mississippi I understand about the three earth ages there was no flesh and the first Earth days no man flesh let's clarify yet history has it different how did they get that question I got a book called American West Chronicle 28,000 BC early man begins to populate the North American continent arriving from Asia via the Bering Land Bridge six thousand four hundred BC Kennewick man lives in what is now Washington state his remains will be discovered in night 96 were discovered I guess your book isn't biblical Charles and you're reading the writings of man rather than the writings of God that's the only way I can answer that question Kathy and we don't know where Kathy's from why was the man able to take more than one wife I don't know why was why were men able to take more than one wife but a woman would get stoned to death for adultery seems like men were allowed to sin more than women well now there's a difference between adultery is sleeping with someone else's wife or husband as the case may be now in Leviticus chapter 20 verse 10 if a man commits adultery with another man's wife the adulterer and the adulteress are to be stoned to death it was legal for a man to have more than one wife in the early years ancient times we are to follow a civil law so obviously it's not legal for a man to have multiple wives today but what was the purpose of a man having multiple wives Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 what was God's instruction to his creation man he said be fruitful and multiply now if a man had more than one wife they can multiply much more quickly because then you could well let's put it this way you could have more buns in the oven I guess if I could say that way in Canada is medical marijuana okay in God's eyes I would answer that if a medical doctor prescribed marijuana and you lived where medical marijuana has been legalized I think God would be okay with it Jerry and we don't have a state for Jerry does it say in the Bible what would happen if you looked at God well to start with first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 50 it states there that it's impossible for flesh and blood to enter the kingdom of God so you can see why early man would think that if you saw God's face that meant you had to die why because flesh and blood can't enter the kingdom of God now that's the reason that God chose other forms to manifest himself in how did he manifest himself to Moses in a burning bush other times he manifested himself to Moses and Israel as a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night they appeared as the angel of the Lord to David so God has many different forms he can I am that I am I am that I am and I will be what I want to be Frank in Illinois pastor Murray says Satan is held in heaven because Jesus told him get behind me Satan in mark 8 31 through 33 Jesus also told Peter to get behind me Satan Peter is not being held in heaven is he well who was Jesus talking to when he said that he wasn't talking to Peter he was talking to Satan why because he had offended by Jesus telling the disciples he would be killed and resurrected and Peter said no we're not going to let you do that you see that would have destroyed God's plan that would have allowed Satan to win and that's the reason Jesus said that to Peter Satan had taken over Peter at that moment out of time I want you all to know that I love you a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth it makes your father's day when he looks down and he sees you with the letter that he wrote to you open before you and you're seeking knowledge of him and how to be pleasing to him it makes his day blessings will follow we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you keep coming to you and to reach out to our brothers and sisters who are lost in this world of darkness most important this though you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 gravid Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that's shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravett Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 957
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Murray, 1 Chronicles, Book of, Bible, Shepherds, Arnold Murray, Arnold, Chapel, I Chronicles, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Murray, Book of 1 Chronicles, Pastor, Holy Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's, KJV, Book of I Chronicles, Pastor Arnold Murray
Id: 3lU-_n4faTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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