I Chronicles ~ 26:1 to 26:29

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible we'd love to have you join us today we're gonna pick it up with 1st chronicles chapter 26 in chapter 24 we started with the organization of the priests and then in chapter 25 we saw the organization the courses if you will of the Levitical singers the musicians that were assigned mycourses just like the priests were if you were a priest and you were assigned to the 8th course you would be working the course of abaya if you were a Levitical singer and you were assigned to the 8th course you would be working the course of abaya and it's going to be the same with the porters and doorkeepers as we pick it up with chapter 26 verse 1 in a moment we had three of the Levitical singers were of the highest class they were they were the directors if you will of all the music in and around the temple and their names are found quite often through the the Psalms and part of the title are sub the sub the PostScript ssin subscription and the prescription to each of the Psalms many of the Psalms those three are Asaph there was a gursha night he-man a KOA theit and Jeddah 'then also called ethan and other places in the bible was of the tribe of Merari Gershon Kohath and Merari the three sons of levi the three major divisions of the Levitical families now I want to call one thing in verse 5 and we talked it talked about the sons of he-man the king seer in the words of God and that word seer is a prophet not a crystal ball seer in a circus sideshow but a prophet of God and this he-man came from good stock his grandfather was Samuel and I'm talking Samuel of the books of first and second Samuel the one who pretty much picked up the nation and brought them back to being godly after the ungodliness of Eli and his sons hophni and Phinehas and as i professed a moment ago chapter 26 we're going to be talking about another group of Levites they're not priests but they're Levites and they have responsibilities just like the other Levites and priests in and around the the sanctuary the temple after Solomon built the temple of Solomon's Temple we're going to find that there were 93 Chiefs over the doorkeepers the porters and you could think of these people as security 23 of those Chiefs are going to be named in this chapter and I'll remind you back in chapter 23 verse 5 we learned that there were 4,000 musicians Levitical singers and there were also 4,000 of the doorkeepers now many times when you think of Levites or priests you kind of think that you know the people who could read and write the people with the education they might be a little bit of a geek well I can assure you that the doorkeepers were and you might also think of the Levites is wearing linen breeches and I can guarantee you the door keepers if they have linen branches britches they were probably camouflaged these guys were trained to use weapons they carried weapons they were armed to the teeth when they were on duty why because it was dangerous work what they did protecting the temple not only from people stealing we're gonna be covering the Treasuries of the sanctuary at the last part of this chapter 26 and we're gonna see beyond today's standards that were hundreds of millions of dollars worth of precious metals contained in the Treasuries also these doorkeepers importers would protect unauthorized she from unauthorized people entering in you see it was very limited as to who could enter the Holy of Holies that was the high priest not only one day out of the year the 10th of history the day of atonement the inner court that was also very limited you had to be a priest to enter the inner court and these door keepers would be standing literally at the doors 24 hours a day seven days a week during their courses guarding the sanctuary so very important role that they had let's ask that word of wisdom in Yeshua Jesus precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day as we pick up our study with first chronicles chapter 26 verse 1 and it reads concerning the divisions or the courses we could say of the porters of the Corps heights was Michelle Amaya the son of Cori of the sons of Asaph now this verse has got holes all through it Michelle Amaya is called Shell Amaya in verse 14 and they're one in the same person I think probably just a different form or spelling of the name now Asaph if you recall in our previous chapter verse one Asaph was named as along with Jetta Thune and he-man as one of the three directors the highest class of the levitical singers so this Asaph here though if you have a reference bible my reference bible says that this person wore could be called or a bias F and a bias affe a bias South that starts with the e is in every is mentioned in chapter 6 verse 37 of chronicles also chapter 9 verse 19 and note he's of the sons of korah which if you recall the Asaph in verse 1 of chapter 25 was a gursha night so this would have to being a sons of korah Cora was the first cousin of Moses and Aaron therefore he was a KOA thight not a gursha night so and of course Cora miss must appear familiar in numbers chapter 16 Cora led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron he and a couple of Reuben Knights led a group who tried to save and Cora said to Moses and Adam who do you think you are that you lift yourself up above the people and rule over us we're holy we can take care of our own priestly work and ministering and Moses was angered of course and of course it wasn't Moses and Aaron that lifted themselves up it was God who lifted them up Moses to lead the country as the the government and Aaron the priesthood of course Moses told Cora you and have your 250 with their sensors down at the sanctuary tomorrow and where you'll see who God selected to offer and minister at the sanctuary the tabernacle well God struck the 250 with their sensors it completely consumed them with fire it melted their little sensors and they made plates out of that metal and put it on the altar of burnt-offering to remind people that what happens when you challenge God as far as who the is going to be the priesthood and then Moses told him Moses told the people if these remainder of these men Korah and the rubra knights who supported him died by a natural cause I don't know what I'm talking about but if the earth opens up her mouth and swallows Korah and his troop then I do know what I'm talking about and they have gone against the Lord you know what happened the mouth opened up the earth opened her mouth and swallowed Korah and his group before that Moses said you get the rest of you people move away from them or else you're going to get the same thing that they get obviously some of the people of corazon family moved away from him because we have him them surviving here also some of the Levitical singers a very special group of the Levitical singers are known as the sons of Korah now the main thing to know about the porters they came from three distinct families Michela Maya and I mentioned that there were 93 chief of them of the the 93 mashaallah Maya had 18 of the chief priests obed-edom on the other hand had 62 and then last and least Xhosa had 13 but that's the three major families that the Chi of the doorkeepers the security guards if you will lead and remember they had 4,000 that stood with them in the office of doorkeepers now verses 2 through 11 it names the Chiefs 28 of the 93 Chiefs and which course of the course is 24 priests that they served in and just like the priests and the Levitical singers they would if they lived outside of Jerusalem when their course rolled around they would go to Jerusalem serve their course Sabbath to Sabbath and then go home and wait for the rest of the courses to revolve around until their course came back to the second time of the year and then they were back in Jerusalem on duty so let's skip ahead and I think we're about three skipping ahead but and I hope you'll allow me that because you you know what I could sit there and read this list of names to you but it serves no purpose you can read them yourself let's skip ahead to verse 12 and we'll pick it up there back with our chapter by chapter verse by verse verse 12 among these were the divisions of the porters even among the chief men having wards one against another this mean watches in common with their brethren to minister in the house of the Lord on guard in the temple and again you can bet that they were armed to the teeth well trained and knew how to use their weapons if needed to be verse 13 and they cast lots as well the small as the great this means is the younger with the older no preference shown to the older according to the house of their fathers for every gate oh now wait a minute the Temple of Solomon hasn't been built yet how do they even know what gates they're gonna be David is the one who's just deciding who is going to be what gate and they do it by Lots so actually God is the one deciding but how did the people know this temple this wall the south wall was going to have this many gates well you see God had already drawn the design of the temple on David much as he had drawn the design of the original mosaic Tabernacle on Moses and we'll learn that when we get to chapter 28 verses 11 12 and 13 so you could think of the design drawing on David just like a blueprint I mean it showed what wall was going to be where what gate was going to be where etcetera so what we're doing here is deciding and drawing lots to determine which door keepers are going to be assigned to what doors and it also gives us a sense of how many doorkeepers there were why they were positioned in such a way as they were verse 14 and the lot eastward that meaning on the east side of the temple fell to Shalem ayah this is the one who was called mashaallah maya and verse one then for zechariah his son a wise counselor and they cast lots and his lot came out northward now it's not known this wise counselors it's not evident what he did or what his qualities were his characteristics that made this said here that he was a wise counselor evidently it distinguished him in some manner though because he was assigned the entire northern wall verse 15 to obed-edom and that's one of the major families of the doorkeepers that we talked about michelle amaya obed-edom and HOSA to obed-edom southward he had the south side and to his sons the house of a soup-bone the next couple verses make the scholars pull their hair out a soup um if you translate it rather than transliterate it means gatherings I am in agreement with the scholars who say that this is a place not a person a soup um again means gatherings when we get to verse 17 we'll learn that a soup um had two doors which further indicates that we're talking about a place not a person for 16 to shoot them the confusion continues and Xhosa the lot came forth westward the west side of the temple with the gate shallick Ă«the by the causeway of the going up toward a ward I should say against Ward now Shubham Bollinger points out that that it that stays that that's the name of a person but Moffat on the other hand chose not to include it in the translation in his English translation from the manuscripts Moffat agreed with others who thinks that a copyist picked up the last two syllables of the previous verse I soup them and Shubham are very very close and it's thought that copyist picked up the last two verses of the the last two syllables I should say of the previous verse so I think the manuscripts went to Xhosa the lot came forth westward it would be very strange to have the lot for two people come westward that this is that doesn't fit Shalit cath by the causeway of the going up now what this was there was a walkway and it was quite extravagant the causeways that david that and especially solomon built they made they went to Ophir to get very fine gold with the ships of tarshish they also got very expensive wood there I think it was probably rosewood such as guitars are made out of and other musical instruments but this causeway connected Jerusalem with went ascended up to Zion to the temple Solomon's Temple the house of God and that's what this shallow ket is then they would have guards there watching to see who was coming and who was going number 17 eastward were six Levites northward for a day southward for a day and toward a soup um two and two here again we have our word a soup um that was in verse 15 which means gathering and again I think it's a place not a person the two and two means that it had two doors on each side now this also the soup um we've covered that part so but what we're setting up here is how many Levites were assigned to every location verse eighteen at par bar westward for at the causeway and two at par bar now I meant to say when we were in verse 16 that there's a storage area that they kept valuable things and that that's that's what this gate gatherings a soup um is that's what I missed was a soup um meaning gatherings it's thought that it was on the southern Court now there are two main Treasuries that will find that had a lot of things that that maybe that needed to be guarded as well but they utilized a lot of utensils in the worship of the Lord the priests in particular did they had spoons that were used in the service bowls cups and a lot of them were pure gold and pure silver and when they weren't in use they think that they kept at this place to where I was talking about on the court the southern court alright sorry about that let's go with verse 18 and we got that now let's go with 18 at par bar which is a gate also connected to this causeway for at the causeway and two at par bar in other words six and all and we end up if you analyze this very closely with 24 total locations and you think well 4,000 people to cover 24 locations that need to be garden seems a bit excessive well let's analyze that a little bit we've got 24 locations that have to be guarded you have to have 24 courses of the priests to cover them all so these places would need to be covered 24 hours a day 7 days a week so even if you were on one course and you had all these locations that needed to be guarded people have to eat people have to sleep people have to take comfort breaks so you obviously would have to have relief you would have to guarding standing guard I don't know if any of you if you've been in the military which I have not I understand that standing guard is one of the least favorite things that military people can be assigned to do it's very tiring I would think so they would have to have relief being the point so if you divide 24 places and obviously you had multiple guards at the 24 locations at least two sometimes four verse 19 these are the divisions of the porters among the sons of quarry and that's Cora and among the sons of Merari they were all Cora thights which that is a KOA thight and marat writes now in verses 20 through 28 we have the stewards of the Treasuries and there were two main Treasuries we'll find as we work our way through the rest of this chapter verse 20 and of the Levites ohia was over the treasures of the house of God and over the treasures of the dedicated things now this verse needs some help as well if you have a companion Bible Bullinger makes a note that a hyah in the Septuagint reads the Levites their brethren which in the Hebrew is a high Kim and that's the way he thinks this should have been translated was that rather than and of the Levites ohia it should have just been and of the Levites their brethren were over the treasures noticed the plural there are two of that excuse me of the house of God and over the treasures of the dedicated things I know what the treasures of the dedicated things were we're going to learn that from the time of Moses when a people were defeated by Israel there were spoils of war and oftentimes David for example if they were successful over the David would dedicate some of the spoils of war silver gold precious stones whatever to the sight of the treasures of the house of God not only would David do the the officers often did even the plain foot soldiers oftentimes dedicated part of the booty they collected to the treasures of the house of God you can probably think of it somewhat of a bank offering that they weren't not that number one that Israel was victorious number two that the individual wasn't killed in battle verse 21 and concerning the sons of Ladin the sons of God the gershonites laid an chief father's even of laid an the Gershon I were J Eli and lay a Dan is the same as Livni in other places and he was a gursha Knight the sons of Jehiel a Zeke them and Joelle his brother which were over the treasures of the house of the Lord two distinct Treasuries of the amra mites and the it's our Heights the Habra nights and the Uzi alights now what you have in that verse are four sons of Kohath many of you probably recognize Amram as being the name of the father of moses aaron and their sister miriam now the it's our heights were going to find later in this chapter were officers and judges of which there were 6,000 and scattered out throughout the nation of Israel their function was to provide services to the people when someone needed to read or write and the the population or percentage of the Levites and priests who could read had been educated to the point they could read and write was much higher than the percentage of the average Israelite who was able to read and write also if the Jade the King made a judgment somebody would have to be responsible for communicating that to the people and that's what these officers and judges they were also responsible for in our country today if we have a judicial system and the people who are knowledgeable in God's Word at the time of this writing were the Levites and the priests and what better judge than someone who is knowledgeable in God's Word more on those in the latter verses of this chapter now the uzi alights we're gonna learn that their responsibilities are not listed and i want you to hang on to that because I think that helps explain an apparent discrepancy at toward the end of this chapter verse 24 and cheb ul the son of Gershon the son of Moses was ruler over the treasures now we've been talking about Gershon i'ts with an in as in Nancy here we have a single man named Gershon with an M as in Mary this was the firstborn son of Moses verse 25 and his brother and his brother actually blood brother Eliezer rehab I is son and Josiah his son and joram his son and Zachary his son and Sheila myth his son now a leezar the second born son of Moses you may remember Moses wife she got right in Moses his face and called him a bloody man at one point and that that's a murderer that's getting down where the rubber meets the road and she got right in his face and called him a bloody man and then she took me why because he didn't circumcise these two sons as God and instructed him to she took matters in her own hands but here we see descendants of Moses and very responsible positions for 16 which shallow myth descendant of le zur as we just saw in the previous verse and his brethren were over all the treasures of the dedicated things the word dedicated is Kadesh it's a form of the word that means holy things Kadesh means a sacred thing or place and once the the David or whoever dedicated precious metals to the Treasury of the Lord it became wholly dedicated which David the king and the chief father's the captain's over thousands and hundreds and the captains of the hosts had dedicated the military in other words and by today's standards were talking hundreds of millions of dollars in a previous chapter it states that David had dedicated a thousand talents of gold to the Treasury to the build the Solomon's Temple and a thousand thousand talents of silver that's a million talents of silver so we're talking about by today's standards millions and hundreds of millions of dollars verse 27 out of the Spoils won in battles did they dedicate this is a different word then in verse 26 this is Kadosh and it means to make clean the word dedicate to maintain the house of the Lord and the victories had been many oh and this goes all the way back to the time of Moses the first people to attack Moses when they Israel when they came out of Egypt excuse me were the Amalekites and God gave them the victory over the Amalekites David had been very successful over the the ammonites the Moabites the list goes on and on but all of these peoples they took the precious metals that these peoples had and kept part for themselves dedicated part to the Lord 28 and all that Samuel the seer that's a mule the Prophet when I mentioned the grandfather of he-man the prophet of the King as we began our lesson today Samuel a prophet of God documented in 1st Samuel Chapter 9 and sold the son of keish this is the first man king of Israel he was successful against the Philistines as long as he was paying attention to Samuel and doing things God's Way obeying God and Abner the son of nur that was Seoul's main general over his armies and Joab the son of Zarya this is David's nephew xariah David's sister who was the commander in chief over David's armies from early on had dedicated and whosoever had dedicated anything it was under the hand of Shalom a--the and his brethren all descendants of Moses and that they were sons of Elly's earth and Gershon excuse me now we come to the Ike sir heights it sir heights should be pronounced verse 29 of the it sir heights Kanaya and his sons were for the outward business over Israel for officers and judges its are a son of Kohath therefore a grandson of levi he's also the father of Korah the first cousin of Aaron and Moses now the outward business as I mentioned these people would not be assigned by courses in Jerusalem they actually resided in communities and their jobs were basically full-time as opposed to serving on various courses as the priest did as the Levitical singers did and as the porters did and I don't want to rush the end of this because it needs a little bit of explanation I'm getting that we're out of time signal so that's a good place to stop today we'll pick that back up in our next lesson and explain the apparent discrepancy in the numbers of these scribes or officers and judges the it'ser heights got a short message we'll ask you two lists in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab at arkansas 7 2 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 6 4 3 4 6 4 5 that number good throughout the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to call in to be possibly answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question I say possibly answered on the air this program goes into millions of homes around the world and we're simply not able to answer all of the questions that come in but if I know one thing if the Holy Spirit wants your question there it will be there please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we simply won't answer them please don't ask for a written response to your questions we simply don't have the time or staff and the only method of getting a question answered is right here by one of the passengers on the air got a prayer request we can do away with the telephone number you don't need a telephone or a number your heavenly father is there for you 24 hours a day seven days a week I encourage you to make time every day to talk with your father go to him in prayer and you don't have to go through any special rigmarole get down on your knees and buddy by your bed and close your eyes you can talk to him while you're driving down the highway don't close your eyes if you're doing that please but you can talk to your father anywhere anytime he's there for you we do have these prayer requests father we come United as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs financial difficulties marital problems you know father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these we know with you all things are possible in Jesus precious name we ask you to watch over God direct in Jesus name Amen and thank you Father all right let's go to the questions and see what's on the mind of folks Wayne from Missouri were Moses and Aaron brothers half-brothers or spiritual brothers they were full blood brothers in Exodus chapter 6 verse 20 we will document that their father they they shared the same father Amram and they also shared the same mother her name was Jacque Abed EJ from Texas what does the word whoremonger mean in the book of regulation okay now if you take your Strong's Concordance and look up the word whoremonger in the Greek the Greek word is pornos kind of make a little bit out of that yourself couldn't you and you'd be right it's a male prostitute and along they won't be along with murderers sorcerers and idolaters they'll have their place they will be all in the same place that's not in the kingdom of God in heaven they're going in the lake of fire as it states there in Revelation chapter 21 verse 8 why bond or Yvonne why Vaughn in wish it was concen could you please answer this is it a sin to go gamble at a casino to try to make ends meet I love your teaching and learning a lot but never heard teaching on gambling well we teach here at the chapel that gambling if you have entertainment money and you find gambling to be entertaining have at it but I certainly wouldn't go and gamble in our effort to make ends meet as you said sounds like ends are not meeting and you certainly don't want to be spending money at a casino if you're not making ends meet pay your bills first again though if you have entertainment money and you find that entertaining but I personally would not gamble an attempt to make ends meet Linda in Arkansas I do have a question concerning the Nicolaitans in Revelation chapter 2 verses 6 and 15 what is their doctrine dogma that displeased our Father was actually Jesus that this the heed they displeased so much that he hated it well they left their first love and that of course is our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ they're setting themselves up to be deceived and to worship the Antichrist there were only two churches that Jesus found no fault with that was Smyrna and Philadelphia and that you read about in Revelation chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 3 Larry from Illinois question do we celebrate or is there a holiday for Christ's crucifixion well we at shepherd's chapel don't celebrate his crucifixion we do celebrate his resurrection we do that at the holiday religious holiday called Passover Jesus became our Passover first Corinthians chapter 5 verses 6 and 7 sherry and Idaho what do you think about mediums that help the police find victims of murder or other crimes are they evil I believe there are people that have special sensory ESP it's called extrasensory perception and I believe they do a lot of good they they help the police often time identify or locate people who are missing I would not call someone who has ESP a median I would not consult a median to me a median that carries over the connotation that you're trying to contact someone who's on the other side someone who has passed away in other words in other words that's that's evil that is evil because trying to contact you know what they do is use a familiar spirit and evil spirits that just Saul did with the Witch of Endor trying to bring up the spirit of Samuel when he had troubles glory in North Carolina where is it faith by hearing and the Word of God in the Bible you're speaking of Romans chapter 10 verse 17 which reads faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Brian in Virginia is it possible that Satan will pretend the rapture is happening to confuse people and then who are the elect question it is possible that Satan would try to deceive the elect but we won't be fooled because we know as long as we're in the flesh that Jesus Christ has not returned and I guess your question was will he try and confuse the elect by pretending that there's a rapture because this group of elect teach that there is no rapture we're not going to be fooled by anything that Satan does why because we're sealed with the Word of God in our minds not in our forehead in our minds he can't deceive us Elizabeth in Florida when Antichrist is here and then Christ returns with his army what will the ones that didn't follow Antichrist be doing well in Zechariah chapter 14 verse 4 and 5 it states that Christ will create a valley for the elect to go through Revelation chapter 15 verses 1 in 3 it states that the elect the overcomers will be singing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb the ones who don't follow Antichrist are the overcomers James and Arkansas where is it in the Bible where it says your works will determine your clothes in heaven Revelation chapter 14 verse 13 tells us that the only thing that we can take with us when we die good bad or ugly are our works and then in Revelation chapter 19 verse 8 it states that the fine linen that makes up the robe will be the righteousness of the saints your righteous acts are what make up your robe Rick and we don't know where Rick is from is it possible the Antichrist is a computer no that's not possible that would not can confuse or deceive anyone Antichrist is going to be just exactly what you think Jesus Christ should look like and is he going to be killing a bunch of people know what Jesus Christ kill a bunch of people no he wouldn't so Antichrist will be doing the very best he can to convince the world that he is Jesus Christ and guess what he's very good at it in Revelation 13 we learned that he will deceive the whole world except those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life those are the overcomers those are God's election Teresa and Indiana if you make a promise to God and you break it will he forgive you well if you repent it's not the unforgivable sin but I I discourage people from making promises or vows to God I'm sure it hurts his feelings when we make a promise and then we don't keep it if someone your spouse made a promise to you and broke it and didn't keep it would it hurt your feelings of course it would and God has emotions and feelings just like we do we're created in His image so I can assure you he has feelings be careful what you vow or promise to the Lord Justin in Florida after Adam and Eve had their first child and Cain and Abel had their first child Cain and Abel Cain killed Abel where did everyone else come from well Adam and Eve had Abel Cain was the descendant of the serpent in the Garden Satan if you will and Eve after Cain murdered his brother Abel you can read about that in Genesis chapter 4 but what happened was God sent Cain out of the Garden of Eden and he went east of Eden into the Land of Nod and in verses 16 and 17 it states there that he took a wife now wait a minute if Adam and Eve were the first people on earth where in the world wasn't who nod how is there people there that cane could take a wife of and then all of the descendants of Cain are listed Genesis chapter 5 you find the genealogy of Adam and Cain is not listed there why because Cain was not Adam son you won't find Abel listed there either why because Cain murdered him before he was able to produce any children no children you're not in the genealogy Dave in Virginia why did God allow the Holocaust he didn't Mabel in Texas who wrote the book of Hebrews on the title and your Bible if you'll just look at it says that the Epistle which is a letter of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews what is the favorite animal of God I don't believe the Lord has a favorite animal any more than he has a favorite child he doesn't he's very fair he doesn't show favoritism one over the other Revelation chapter 4 verse 11 we read there that all things which includes animals were created for his pleasure he took pleasure in all of his children he takes pleasure in all of his animals he loves them he may or may not love what they're doing but he does love them Darrell and Tennessee in Ezekiel chapter 40 why is there from Ezekiel chapter 40 on why is their sacrifice in those chapters if there's no sacrifice in the Millennium and you're right it talks about sacrifice chapter 40 through chapter 48 which that you're correct that is in the millennial period but there won't be animals in the flesh to sacrifice but the sacrifice that God will want at that time is the same sacrifice that he wants today that is your love Hosea chapter 6 verse 6 God says I want your see which can be translated love more than I want burnt offering Robert in Louisiana John chapter 14 verse 26 please explain says the Holy Spirit comes in Jesus name does that mean the comforter is Jesus or God you can't separate the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit but you're correct there in in John chapter 14 Jesus is telling the disciples hang on and I'm gonna I'm gonna ask God to send the comforter which is and you'll note that that is with comforter with the capital C which is the Holy Spirit and what he was doing was preparing the disciples and us that he's not going to be with us of course he's inside of us and so is the Holy Spirit but physically the Son of man was crucified on the cross and his transfigured body is now in heaven William in Kentucky Matthew 24:14 States and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations that's all ethanol in other words and then shall the income what is this gospel the good news is the Gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John the the good news of God's word that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross for our sins and if we believe on him we can we receive everlasting life eternal life that's good news Jerry and Colorado what is Yahoo vagary what does it mean is it a place no it's not a place Yahoo of a jury is one of names for our heavenly father and you'll find it in Genesis chapter 22 verse 14 and what's happening there in Genesis 22 God instructs Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac you see but God's already promised him that the seed line through Isaac would be as numerous as the sands of the sea and numerous as the stars of heaven and he hasn't have one child Isaac doesn't at that time but Abraham had faith he believed God would provide some way and that's what yaja vagary means the Lord will provide and in verse 13 the Lord provided a ram to sacrifice in the place of Abraham's son Isaac Peggy and Virginia when we are all in our spiritual bodies what are the people on the wrong side of the gulf doing that they need to be taught discipline for what are they doing there that is wrong the flesh is gone so should be flesh 'full there should be no flesh desires well true but it is still possible at that point in time for them to go into the lake of fire which the flesh doesn't have anything to do there is no more flesh at that time but what we're talking about is the more important death than the death of the flesh we're talking about the second death the death of the soul believe it or not Satan is going to be loosed at the end of the millennium and some people are not going to follow God they're going to follow Satan they go right into the lake of fire and what we're doing is trying to teach our brothers and sisters and pull every single one of those that we can out of the fire Katie and Alabama thank you for your kind comments let's get to your question would you please explain First Samuel chapter 28 verse 24 it sounds so unreal to have a calf in the house to kill it so fast and have it ready to eat I have so much love for your father and you thank you so much love Katy well we love you right back Katy and God is good The Witch of Endor is what she's talking about there in 1st Samuel chapter 28 verse 24 and Saul was trying to conjure up through this evil spirit the Witch of Endor that possessed the Witch of Endor the soul of Samuel so he could consult him well things didn't go well force also learned that his time was very very short and he basically just collapsed and the Witch of Endor said you know you gave me some advice now let me give you some advice you need to pick yourself up by the bootstraps you need to eat something and drink something and get back up and go and that's when she hurriedly prepared this calf and rather than she had a calf in the house if you've ever heard me teach that particular scripture I say that that more than likely was a shed near the house or possibly even attached to the house many places in Europe they live in a section over where their animals are in the very cold cold winters of Germany they bring the animals in to basically the house it's more of a barn that the people live upstairs in vitae and Colorado I like to thank you and your staff thank you so much for remembering the staff and I have a question I would like to ask do people who died still go to either side of the Gulf or did Jesus change that when he descended so do the people just go to paradise to wait until judge but I hope I worded this correct I understood your children a European but no Jesus did not change the Gulf that's still in existence at this point in time and there are two sides to the Gulf you can read about it in Luke chapter 16 verse 19 some people on the good side are in the bosom of Abraham life is good there but read Leviticus 16 verse 19 the following verses and you'll find the rich man who ended up on the wrong side of the Gulf lives basically in constant desperation for water for four and then in the Apocrypha second esdras chapter 7 verse 77 gives us even a better description of what it's like on the bad side of the Gulf the Gulf will remain in existence until the millennium Wilma from Tennessee where is the Bible where in the bible does it say where the Ark of the Covenant went another teacher I listened to said he did not know the answer to this but I know it's in the Bible somewhere so if he you could share this with me I would appreciate it I'll be happy to you'll find where the Ark is John was taken to the third heaven in the book of Revelation and in the book of Revelation chapter 11 verse 19 we learn where the Ark of the Covenant is it's called the Ark of the Testament in the King James Version Bible there but it is in heaven and I'm out of time and we have Marty in Wisconsin Marty I promise you'll be the first question in our next program I do want you all know that I love you a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth and you make time each day to read the letter that God wrote to you the Bible when you do that and he looks down and he sees you reading and studying his word it makes his day and when you make his day he's make your day blessings start to follow flow in your life we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others of our brothers and sisters who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important though it's this he stay in his word every day every day and his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus is the living word hearing god's word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying god's word here on the shepherd's chapel family bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty-four hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an arkansas 7 to 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravett Arkansas 7 to 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 965
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of 1 Chronicles, Pastor Arnold Murray, Chapel, KJV, Book of I Chronicles, Pastor Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Holy Bible, Shepherds, Murray, I Chronicles, Book of, Arnold, Pastor, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, 1 Chronicles, Bible, Shepherd's
Id: SW6OUHsbd9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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